Chapter 12: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 12: 

Strong Liquor

As a trusted aide, Chu Li was used to the late-night drinking habits of Prince Nan Chuan, but he also knew that excessive strong liquor was harmful to one's health.

"Your Majesty, our Prince can't sleep without drinking, but this liquor is strong. You should advise him to drink less," Chu Li said in a low voice as he handed the wine to Pei Qing.

This gesture took Pei Qing by surprise. Chu Li smiled, "The prince doesn't heed our advice. Speaking too much may anger him, and that won't end well."

Pei Qing nodded; she could see this for herself. Some people's anger only becomes apparent when it erupts, but others' anger can be silent and make one’s legs weak with fear.

She gently closed the door and returned to the chamber with the wine. The man inside was casually dressed in an inner robe, which was loosely tied, exposing his well-toned chest.

He was sitting on the soft couch, fiddling with something in his hands. Even with the wine in her hand, she could drag her feet and make him wait. Xiao Yuan glanced at her with displeasure: “What did you discuss with him outside?”

Within just two days, Pei Qing had somewhat gotten used to his current temper. She approached with the wine jug and placed it on the small table by the couch, saying, "Chu Li said this wine is strong and asked me to advise you to drink less."

Xiao Yuan glanced at her and replied, "The Empress really embodies the role of a mother to the nation, even a mere servant knows what to say."

Pei Qing was confused by his sudden displeasure. She squatted down, poured a cup of wine, and handed it to him. Her gaze fell upon the object in his hand.

It was a small red silk pouch with tassels, much smaller than usual and a bit worn, but it carried the same fragrance as the one on her own clothes.

Xiao Yuan did not take the cup of wine. Instead, he followed her gaze to the item in his hand and said disdainfully, "Is this thing a gift from that sickly man? Hidden under your pillow, something you look at every day?"

Pei Qing shook her head and replied softly, "This... is a talisman my sister asked for when she was alive. Having it with me brings me a sense of security."

Xiao Yuan glanced again at the talisman in his hand, "You rely on this thing for protection? Can it block knives or arrows? Hmph."

Pei Qing was unfazed by his scorn. Seeing that he was still holding it, she tentatively asked, "Do you like it, Prince? If you do, I can give it to you."

"You want to give me this?"

Pei Qing nodded, "I am in the palace every day, so I am unlikely to encounter danger. But... you and the South River army face real perils, and perhaps this talisman can provide some protection."

Her words were sincere, as if she truly cared for him.

Xiao Yuan laughed. Of course, she had a motive now.

"The Empress is quite calculating. Just by casually giving away this worthless thing, she thinks she can make me and my soldiers risk our lives."

Pei Qing lowered her gaze, "That is not my intention. I... truly appreciate your help."

Xiao Yuan placed the talisman beside the wine jug. As he leaned closer, he could smell the fragrance from her hair and looked at the cup of wine she held.

"You've held this wine for a long time. Since you are grateful, there should be a show of gratitude."

Pei Qing looked up and saw the mocking and teasing in his eyes.

She had no choice but to hold the wine and slowly bring it closer to his lips.

The proximity allowed Pei Qing to clearly smell the fragrance of his bath and feel the heat of his body and the aggression in his gaze... She dared not meet his eyes any longer.

What Pei Qing didn’t realize was that being alone with a man in the dead of night was extremely dangerous. Her nervousness and shyness wouldn’t evoke sympathy but would rather incite his rough and sadistic desires.

Xiao Yuan would not deny himself.

His hand had somehow found its way to Pei Qing’s slender waist, carelessly attempting to undo her belt.

Pei Qing was startled. The wine cup fell from her hand, and the strong liquor splashed onto Xiao Yuan's lower abdomen, wetting the surrounding clothes.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." She couldn't bear to look at him and, in a panic, took out a silk handkerchief to wipe him.

The next moment, his large hand grasped her wrist. "What’s this? You said you were grateful. Is even touching not allowed?"

"No... no..." Her voice was barely audible.

Xiao Yuan roughly squeezed Pei Qing’s face to force her to look up.

"Then use your tongue to lick it."

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