Chapter 11: Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"


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Shou Ta Yi Bing "A Tale of Love and Loyalty"

 Chapter 11: 


The sky had grown darker, and the cold wind outside had become even more biting.

Inside Han Ning Palace, however, it was incredibly warm, even to the point of being stifling and making one sweat.

Pei Qing stood beside the steaming bath, feeling uneasy. She had never attended to Xiao Jing in this manner. When he came to the palace, she would only accompany him for a game of chess, engage in conversation, or serve him food and drink.

His temperament had always been gentle. Despite his imperial authority and control over the empire, he never used it to overstep boundaries with her in private.

But the man before her was different—he was sarcastic, disdainful, and impatient.

"How long are you going to stand there? Can’t you undress me?" 

He frowned and urged her. Only then did Pei Qing begin to move. Her slender hands touched Xiao Yuan’s waist, causing his eyes to darken momentarily. Pei Qing, however, remained oblivious, her head lowered.

The belt was relatively easy to untie, but the buttons from the collar to the chest proved to be more challenging. Although there didn’t seem to be any visible difference, she struggled to unfasten them. Pei Qing had to lean in closer to inspect the garment, trying to figure out what made it so difficult to open.

The scent of the woman suddenly drew near, and Xiao Yuan could even hear her soft breathing. The edge of her long-sleeved gown brushed against his fingertips, sending a tingling sensation deep into his heart.

In the next moment, Xiao Yuan took hold of Pei Qing's hand.

Her hand was still so small and always cool, needing his warmth to warm it up.

Pei Qing was startled and looked up at him.

In the moment their eyes met, Xiao Yuan hesitated for a moment, but he quickly reacted, his eyes filled with undisguised disdain as he gripped Pei Qing’s hand painfully and roughly guided her on how to undo his clothing.

"Like this. Have you learned?"

When he released her hand, it bore several marks from his fingers. Pei Qing nodded and continued to remove his clothes in silence. Xiao Yuan said nothing more, and the room was very quiet.

Once the man’s undergarments were removed, Pei Qing’s face was flushed red, and Xiao Yuan spoke again.

"Your Majesty certainly knows how to put on an act."

It must be this delicate and shy demeanor that made Xiao Jing no longer visit other consorts after marrying her. She was given the eldest son to raise and could choose from countless rewards. If she were to bear another child, that sickly man would probably give her everything in the world.

The man soaked in the warm water, eyes closed, saying nothing. Yet, Pei Qing felt an inexplicable anger in the air.

She thought perhaps she wasn’t serving him correctly. After some consideration, she slowly approached and tentatively reached out.

Xiao Yuan opened his eyes at that moment. He didn’t move or show any unusual reaction, just remained with his back to her.

Her somewhat cool hands rested on his shoulders, applying gentle pressure and kneading.

From behind came her soft voice, “I heard today that the prince executed the remaining followers of Prince Yu's faction. After swinging the sword multiple times, I imagine you must feel some fatigue.”

Her hands slowly moved to his firm arms, carefully kneading, “I remember... it helps to bathe in warm water and use kneading techniques to relieve the soreness the next day.”

This method was taught to her by a spirited young man who used to be active all day. At that time, Pei Qing didn’t know he was also of royal blood and held a prestigious position, having grown up fighting in the military.

That was when she had spoken those words to him.

“He is the emperor, the most respected man under heaven. Marrying him means I have everything in the world. But with you, it’s just plain food, and life at home was better. You’re a commoner without power or influence, so why should I suffer with you?”

Pei Qing still remembered his disbelief then.

Just like how she was equally stunned when she later discovered that the ruler of the Southern Lands was not an old man but a handsome young man named Xiao Yuan.

There was endless silence.

Was her "I remember" intentional or accidental... was she trying to exchange old feelings for his sympathy?

Xiao Yuan arrogantly curled his lips and pushed her hand away. Pei Qing looked at him in confusion.

Under the candlelight, his profile was so handsome that it was hard to look away. His voice, too, was captivating, like an enchantment: “Go, have Chu Li bring in some wine.”

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