9 Ye Cheng Fu


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Ye Cheng Fu

 Chapter 9: 


“Let go of me…” I felt embarrassed, my anger boiling over. “If I regain my strength, do you believe I’d hit you so hard your mother wouldn’t recognize you?”

Hearing me mention his mother, he hesitated for a moment. Then, with a trace of bitterness in his tone, he said, “If you could really do that, it might not be too bad.”

“You…” My anger made me want to curse him, but as I looked up, my lips brushed against his cheek. He was momentarily stunned, then, without hesitation, he pulled my head towards him and kissed me, pressing me firmly against the wall.

My mind went blank. It was only then that I realized, perhaps, at his core, Shen Ye was a person of extreme dominance. At least in this matter, he was overwhelmingly so.

I didn’t have time to think about anything. My strength seemed to drain away. After a while, I suddenly heard a furious shout, spoken in a genuine, rounded Chu dialect, full of exasperation: “In broad daylight, what on earth are you two doing?”

I snapped back to reality. Shen Ye pulled away slightly, lifted his hand to gently wipe his lips, and, ignoring the newcomer, said in a husky voice, “The reason I told you what I was thinking earlier was actually because of another reason. Shu Cheng,” he said solemnly, “I think I’ve started to like you.

“I don’t like lying to the person I like. Although my life requires countless lies to cover up, I want to show her what a true Shen Ye is like as much as I can.”

Shen Ye suddenly admitting his feelings left me stunned, unable to regain my senses for quite a while.

Although Shen Ye had previously said he liked me, the feeling at that moment was entirely different from now. Not only did he confess his feelings, but he also acted on them—he had taken my first kiss!

With mixed emotions, I covered my mouth in the corner, and slapped him hard. Shen Ye took the hit with a stunned expression, bewildered. 

“Why did you hit me?” Shen Ye asked, looking incredulous. “I kissed you, and you didn’t lose anything. Why hit me?”

In my moment of emotional chaos, I completely forgot all the etiquette I had learned and nearly burst into tears. “That was my first kiss! I wanted to save it for someone I truly liked! Do you understand?”

The rough voice from earlier seemed unable to contain itself any longer. It burst into the cell, standing beside us and shouting angrily, “Can you two stop flirting at a time like this? Do you know you're about to die?!”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Shen Ye yelled back, “Didn’t you see I was kissing a woman? Are you blind?! Either get me out of here or get lost. I’m trying to get things done here!”

“I refuse to rescue you! I’m here to rescue her!” The person extended a hand to pull me out. Shen Ye’s small fan flashed swiftly and struck the person’s wrist. He grumbled, “If you’re going to rescue someone, do it properly, and don’t think about taking advantage!”

“You... you shameless scoundrel…” The person’s voice was filled with pain.

“Enough!” I interrupted them, bowing respectfully to the newcomer. “May I ask who you are, sir?”

“Shu Cheng,” the person grabbed my hand, their face filled with excitement. “It’s Bai Shaotang!”

“Bai Shaotang?!” Both Shen Ye and I exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the border of Huazhou?”

“I’ve been here for several years now, and no one else knows. The Empress sent me.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked, puzzled. Bai Shaotang unlocked our chains and gave each of us a pill. After taking it, I felt my inner strength gradually returning. Bai Shaotang didn’t answer my question immediately. Instead, he turned to me and said, “You know very well why you were captured, as for him, he was taken for the Tianji ritual. The Moza tribe conducts the Tianji ritual every year, sacrificing a person to appease their gods. I’m not entirely sure what their selection criteria are, but this year, it’s you. The current guard is me, so you can’t escape just yet. You’ll have to wait until someone comes to relieve me. Only then can you leave. I still need to stay with this tribe for a while.”

“Then how do we escape?” Shen Ye asked the crucial question. Bai Shaotang produced two maps and said, “There are two routes. One is above ground, but right now the Moza tribe is on high alert, so you probably won’t get far. The other is an underground passage. I discovered this passage by accident; it connects directly to this dungeon. Once you get out, you’ll be in the Qiniang tribe territory. The Qiniang are kind-hearted and their customs are more aligned with the outside world. They speak a dialect close to Chu capital's language and have a formal military and priesthood. The Moza tribe doesn’t dare to make trouble there. I’ve prepared clothes for you. After you get out, change into them and stay put with the money.”

“So easy?” 

I was a bit surprised. Bai Shaotang looked embarrassed and hesitantly asked, “Do either of you have good martial skills?”

“I’m good at lightness skill,” I replied earnestly. Shen Ye gave me a meaningful look, playing with his fan and remaining silent. Bai Shaotang nodded, “That’s good... Anyway, if you encounter anything strange in the passage, just run if you can’t fight. I’ve noted down the traps, so there shouldn’t be any major problems.”

“What might be inside?” Shen Ye asked, pressing his lips with his fan, his expression serious. Bai Shaotang shrugged, “I don’t know. I heard there are monsters, but I didn’t see any when I explored the passage. However, considering it’s such an important route, it would be strange if there was nothing in there. There must be something, but it depends on luck. Good luck to you.”

“Thanks.” Shen Ye nodded, seemingly calculating something. I patted Shen Ye’s shoulder and tried to sound reassuring, “Don’t worry. If we encounter any monsters, I’ll protect you.”

“With your lightness skill?” Shen Ye raised an eyebrow. I nodded seriously, “I run very fast. Most people can’t catch up, really.”

Shen Ye didn't say anything, but he laughed in a particularly strange manner. Bai Shaotang glanced at me, then at Shen Ye, and suddenly said, “Shu Cheng, I heard you’re being forced into marriage?”

“How do you know about that in this place?” I couldn’t help but be surprised.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Bai Shaotang grinned slyly, “Because I’ve been keeping an eye on you—constantly. You know, from the time I lost my first tooth when you hit me at eight, I’ve been deeply in love with you…”

“Loving someone who hits you,” Shen Ye interrupted his confession with a cold laugh, “Seems like you have a pretty unusual taste!”

“None of your business, I like it!” Bai Shaotang shot back and continued, “We don’t have much time. I won’t waste time talking nonsense. After this, I’m going back to Chu capital. Let’s get engaged first, and I’ll marry you when I get back?”

Saying this, he suddenly handed me a jade pendant and tore off a sachet from me, saying, “This is our token of exchange. I’ll find you when I’m back in Chu. Don’t worry, I’m not afraid of the Empress. Let her try to kill me.”

“She doesn’t have the guts…” I replied instinctively.

“That’s not the point!” Bai Shaotang shook his head and pointed at Shen Ye, “If you run into any strange beasts, just push this guy over and run yourself. Remember to run fast. I’ll see you in Chu capital.”

He leaned in towards me, “Come on…”

With a “slap,” Shen Ye’s fan swiftly opened between me and Bai Shaotang, and he expertly slapped Bai Shaotang's face with rapid precision, landing dozens of slaps in a row. After finishing, Shen Ye neatly closed his fan.

This series of actions was so fluid that Bai Shaotang was slapped straight out of the cell and continued to shake his head in disbelief, still in a daze. He looked at us standing in the cell, unable to believe what had just happened as he touched his face.

“Don’t come looking for us when you get back to Chu,” Shen Ye took a step forward, blocking me, and said loudly, “Shu Cheng is already engaged.”

“That’s impossible!” Bai Shaotang exclaimed in anger, “Who else would dare marry her besides me!”

“I would!” Shen Ye immediately responded. Bai Shaotang looked stunned and asked, “And who are you?”

“Shen Ye of Phoenix Tower,” Shen Ye swiftly opened his folding fan and bowed to Bai Shaotang, “Nice to meet you, General Bai.”

Bai Shaotang was momentarily stunned. Suddenly, there was the sound of shuffling footsteps above. His expression changed, and he quickly said, “Tell Chu capital that Shu Cheng—” He looked at me with a serious expression, “I can’t tell you much, but this matter is related to a blood contract. Be careful and take care.”

With that, he spun around and disappeared from the dungeon. Shen Ye stepped forward, placed the shackles at the door to make it look untouched, and sat back down with me. The murmur of voices from above continued, and Shen Ye and I remained silent, both feeling awkward.

I felt like I should say something but didn’t know how. After a moment, Shen Ye broke the silence, “Don’t you think you should explain who Bai Shaotang is?”

“What’s there to explain?” I responded in surprise, then thought for a moment, “Wait, why should I explain it to you?”

Shen Ye sneered and then asked, “Did you know each other since you were kids?”

His expression was strange, like he was interrogating a criminal, and I felt a bit uneasy for some reason, so I nodded woodenly. He sneered and said with realization, “I see, childhood friends. Did he confess to you?”


“Did you reject him?”


He looked slightly more relaxed and asked, “Why did you reject him?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

“He was ugly when he was young…”

“And now?”

“I… I haven’t really looked,” I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed. Shen Ye scoffed and said, “Well, he’s not as good-looking as me anyway.”

I didn’t dare to retort and nodded vigorously. Shen Ye leaned against the wall, pulled out a small mirror from his pocket, and gazed at his own reflection with infatuation. After a while, two guards came down from above, carrying long spears, and we both moved to the cell door at the same time, instinctively starting to shout, “Sir, we’re so hungry, can you give us some food?” We performed convincingly, and since the guards were close, they didn’t notice anything unusual.

Until they noticed the chains had been undone, Shen Ye suddenly made his move. With a slight flick of his fan, the two guards fell motionless. Moments later, blood gushed from their necks, and they collapsed.

Shen Ye pulled out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve and gently wiped the blood from his fan. I stood there, stunned, and after a while, I managed to stammer, “You… you know martial arts…”

“Did I ever say I didn’t?” He looked up with a smile that crinkled his eyes. “Did you think Sanlang only knows how to be pampered?”

I was too shocked to reply and swallowed hard. He took out the map from White Shaotang and studied it for a moment before putting it back in his pocket. He then reached out and pulled me along, saying, “Let’s go.”

I followed him as he led the way into the depths of the dungeon. He tapped and prodded around until he found a loose brick. With two fingers, he pried it out, and a loud “clunk” resonated as a deep, dark passage revealed itself. The tunnel was twisted and seemingly endless, evoking a sense of dread. I couldn’t help but think that if there were really monsters down there, it would be like delivering ourselves straight into their jaws.

I voiced my concerns to Shen Ye. He laughed and said, “You should write some supernatural stories with that imagination of yours.”

“These things are too scary for me to think about,” I replied. “I have other pursuits; I don’t need them to make my life more exciting.”

“Stop talking,” he said, coming closer and pulling me with him. “Let’s jump.”

“No, no,” I shook my head. “We should take the route above. At least there are people up there. We don’t know what’s down below.”

“I’ve seen my share of monsters,” Shen Ye sneered. “If you’re not afraid of me, what’s there to fear from monsters? Hurry up and get down!”

Before I could protest further, he shoved me into the tunnel and jumped in after me. As I fell down the passage, which indeed turned out to be a winding tunnel, I was scraping against the sides, and the pain made me cry out, “Ouch, ouch, ouch!”

Seeing my distress, Shen Ye couldn’t bear it. He quickly grabbed me and, turning, held me in his arms as we continued to fall through the tunnel. I had no idea how long we slid, but the sensation was so overwhelming that I nearly vomited. Just as I was feeling the worst, we finally reached the bottom. The sight that greeted me was terrifying: “There really is a monster!”

As expected, a monstrous beast was indeed waiting at the bottom of the tunnel with its mouth wide open!

Shen Ye snorted coldly. His fan flew out sharply and struck the monster right in its mouth. The beast instinctively snapped its jaws shut, then let out a howling cry as it collapsed to the ground. As we landed, I saw the fan pierce through the monster’s skull, splattering blood everywhere. Shen Ye leaped into action, wielding his bloodied fan with precision.

His speed was so blinding that I could barely keep up. The fan moved in graceful arcs, like a ceremonial dance, and the beast’s howls created a strange sense of exhilaration. In no time, he leaped back to my side. The monster lay motionless, and with a loud crash, its body was sliced into large chunks, blood spraying everywhere. Shen Ye, already in a corner, pulled out a handkerchief to clean his fan before walking over to me with a calm smile. “It’s a fire qilin, a rare type of beast. It’s quite delicious when roasted.”

I was too stunned to speak. Shen Ye’s words rang true. If I wasn’t afraid of him, why should I fear the beast?

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Noticing my silence, Shen Ye grew concerned. He supported me and asked with genuine worry, “Are you… alright?”

“I’m fine…” I snapped back to reality, mumbling, “I just wanted to ask where you bought this fan…”

Before I could finish, I vomited. Shen Ye jumped back in alarm but quickly returned, offering support. “Let’s rest here for a bit and then continue.”

“You don’t need to,” I said, still feeling unsteady. I tried to stand up, feeling embarrassed about the situation. It wasn’t easy for me to admit that the bloody scene of Shen Ye killing the fire qilin had made me vomit. I was a woman and he was a brothel entertainer; him killing monsters was something I couldn't help with, and adding to it that I was puking on the side seemed too weak. So, with him supporting me, I straightened my back and tried to appear calm. “It was just that the descent was too steep and winding, and I felt unwell. Now that I’ve thrown up, I’m ready to move on.”

“If it’s the slide that’s the issue,” he said with a hint of delight, “then that’s good news. Let me pack up the fire qilin so we can eat it on the way…”

Before he could finish, I vomited again. He sighed as he supported me. “Just accept it; there’s no need to put on a brave front.”

“You don’t understand…” I managed to choke out between heaves, “I am a woman… I’m still the young master of the Shu family… I…”

“Alright, alright,” he said with a resigned tone. “I get it. You’re a formidable woman, the perfect young master of the Shu family. So, may I carry you on my back to speed things up?”

He knelt in front of me, and given my weakness and his skill, it wasn’t hard for him to carry me. I climbed onto his back, feeling somewhat reassured.

He navigated the tunnel with ease, dodging traps and mechanisms effortlessly. Bai Shaotang’s map was detailed, and with Shen Ye’s proficiency, he executed the intricate steps flawlessly.

As we passed through three traps, I felt more relaxed, nearly drifting off to sleep. But sleeping seemed inappropriate in such a tense situation, so I struck up a conversation with Shen Ye. “With your high level of skill, why did you get captured by Yan Zhuang? You could have just killed him then.”

“In public, I didn’t want to reveal my abilities,” he explained.

“Then you could have dealt with him on the way,” I suggested.

“I wanted to find out what they were up to.”

“Why bother knowing so much?” I advised him, “It’s better to know less. While I encourage men to be self-reliant, being too ambitious isn’t ideal, especially since you’re supposed to marry.”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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