Chapter 9 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 9: 


Time flew, and soon it was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. The mansion was filled with joy and excitement. As we were going to attend a banquet in the palace, my sister repeated the etiquette rules to me daily. She instructed me on where to change clothes, where to sit, where to receive guests, where the banquet would be held, and where to rest afterward, making me memorize it all to avoid any improper behavior on the day.

On the afternoon of the fifteenth, the Prince and my sister were all dressed up, and I was ready as well. We each took our sedan chairs and headed to the Forbidden City. During my university years, I took a course on the history of scroll paintings and often visited the Forbidden City for art exhibitions. However, I was only familiar with the areas near the painting galleries. The palace is so vast that I had never explored it fully. Today, I was about to witness the palace in all its grandeur, and I couldn't help but feel excited.

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As we passed through gate after gate, following one ceremony after another and with rows of guards lining our way, I was completely overwhelmed. My nerves were on edge, fearing I might make a wrong move. I barely had a chance to look at my surroundings. I silently thanked my sister for her rigorous training. Finally, we were seated, and I felt my legs go weak. I took a moment to steady myself and looked around: thousands of lanterns illuminated the space as bright as day, silver light glimmered like snow waves, jewels sparkled, the air was filled with the fragrance of incense burning in bronze censers, and vases were adorned with evergreen branches. I marveled to myself, thinking this grand royal atmosphere could never be fully captured by modern TV dramas.

Gradually, the various consorts, princes, wives, and ladies arrived and took their seats. After a while, a group of eunuchs came briskly forward and stood in their designated places. A voice announced from afar, "The Emperor is coming!" Everyone stood up. After a few moments, I saw a middle-aged man of medium height, wearing a yellow robe, with a jade-adorned hat, an ancient-looking face, and a smile, walking in slowly. Everyone fell to their knees in unison. I thought to myself, the Emperor of the ages, Kangxi!

Despite everyone kneeling, not a single breath was heard. Once Kangxi was seated, the eunuch beside him called out loudly, "Rise!" Only then did everyone stand up. Kangxi looked around at the people before him and said with a smile, "Everyone, sit down! It’s a rare festival, so feel free to relax!" Everyone responded in unison, "Yes, Your Majesty!" and took their seats. Though he spoke of relaxation, it was clear that everyone was meticulous about maintaining proper etiquette. I thought to myself, this is the majesty of a ruler who truly owns everything under the heavens.

After several rounds of drinks, the atmosphere at the banquet began to liven up. The young princes started joking with each other and exchanging toasts. Among them, the Tenth Prince's loud voice stood out the most. The Crown Prince, the Fourth Prince, and the Eighth Prince were also chatting and drinking with laughter. As I glanced around, my eyes met those of Mingyu Gege, who was glaring at me with intense hatred. I immediately responded with an incredibly bright smile, thinking to myself, "This will really annoy you!" She glared even more fiercely, but then seemed to realize something, pursed her lips, and gave me a coquettish smile before turning away. A chill ran down my spine, and I shivered slightly. I sighed inwardly, thinking, "Truly, the most dangerous is the one who hides behind a smile."

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I continued to eat and drink, enjoying myself quietly despite no one paying me any attention. How could I not fully enjoy such a grand event? I was smiling to myself when suddenly the room became very quiet. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. Then I heard the eunuch announce, "Maertai Ruoxi, step forward for an audience with the Emperor!"

I was startled and didn't react immediately. Suddenly, a jolt of realization hit me, and I quickly stood up, left my seat, stepped forward, and knelt down. With my head lowered, I said clearly, "Greetings, Your Majesty!" 

Kangxi said, "Stand up and speak!" As I stood up, I wondered what this was about. Kangxi smiled and said, "So this is the famous 'Desperate Thirteen'?" A nearby consort chuckled and said, "I never expected her to be such a delicate young lady!"

With everyone's eyes on me, I felt extremely nervous. Kangxi looked at me with amusement and asked, "Are you nervous to see me?" 

I felt I had to respond, so I said, "Yes!" 

Kangxi seemed to find this quite entertaining and continued to ask, "Why?" 

I thought for a moment and replied, "It is my first time seeing Your Majesty's visage, and I feel an immense sense of awe, which makes me nervous." 

Kangxi nodded and asked again, "Do you think I am very awe-inspiring?" I thought to myself, "Oh no, when will this end?" I carefully considered how to respond, knowing that one wrong answer could spell trouble.

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Kangxi saw that I didn't answer immediately and continued smiling as he asked, "Are you afraid of me?" I thought to myself, only a tyrant would want everyone to fear him. A wise ruler seeks to win hearts and minds. Not daring to delay further, I quickly replied, "No, Your Majesty, how could a servant be afraid of a sage ruler like yourself? It's just that this is my first time in the palace, and the grandeur of the imperial court is overwhelming, making me a bit nervous." Kangxi smiled and asked, "A sage ruler? Why do you think I am a sage ruler?" I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. Why? History has already made that judgment. But I couldn't just recite the achievements of his reign like the eight-year-old ascension, capturing Oboi, suppressing the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, reclaiming Taiwan, or quelling the Dzungar rebellion. Those were his self-evaluations in his later years, and I didn't dare to preempt his lines. I had to think quickly, and suddenly, what came to mind was the poem "Snow" by Mao Zedong from my high school textbooks. It felt quite fitting, so I boldly recited:

"Regrettably, the splendor of Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wu of Han is somewhat dimmed by their lack of literary talent;

The grandeur of Tang Taizong and Song Taizu is slightly overshadowed by their lack of elegance.

The great Genghis Khan, revered by all, knew only how to shoot eagles with his bow.

All these figures of the past are now gone; if we wish to see truly great men, we need only look to the present."

Kangxi listened, nodded, and with a smile said, "I've heard praises of Yao, Shun, Yu, and Tang so often, but this is something new!" 

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I sighed inwardly, thinking how I'd forgotten about Yao, Shun, Yu, and Tang. But it seemed I had made a good impression, as the flattery had been effective! Kangxi added, "It seems you are not just about 'fighting desperately'!" Then he told the nearby eunuch, "Reward her!" 

I quickly knelt down again. After receiving the reward, I withdrew and returned to my seat, noticing that my palms were sweaty. When I looked up, I saw the Crown Prince and the Fourth Prince scrutinizing me closely, which made me hastily lower my head again.

This little commotion seemed to put Kangxi in a great mood. The accompanying consorts and concubines also followed suit, engaging in lively conversation. The princes took turns stepping forward to toast Kangxi and offer auspicious words. 

After Ninth Prince returned to his seat, Tenth Prince approached, holding his cup, and said, "Father, all the auspicious words have already been said by my elder brothers. I have nothing new to add, so I simply wish you good health." With that, he downed his drink in one go. 

Kangxi shook his head, saying, "You can't remember any literary phrases and can only say common words." 

A beautiful consort beside Kangxi laughed, "Although it's common, it's sincere!" Kangxi nodded in agreement. 

Looking at the Tenth Prince, he thought for a moment and said, "You're already seventeen!" 

The consort smiled and said, "At this age, Ninth Prince already had a wife. It's time to find a consort for Tenth Prince as well!"

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