Chapter 5 Tale of Two Phoenixes


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Tale of Two Phoenixes 

 Chapter 5:  

Fearful of missing the spring light

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"Yue Jiefei, accompany me for a walk," Chu Yu said to the young man dressed in a tight blue warrior's suit beside her, then without waiting for his response, she walked along the winding stone path herself.

The young man named Yue Jiefei had a tall and heroic figure. The snugly tailored clothes showed off his handsome long legs, narrow waist, and broad shoulders. Although his face was not exceptionally handsome, it had a unique and spirited charm.

Chu Yu still remembered that a few days after arriving in this world, when she walked out of the house for the first time, Yue Jiefei seemed to appear beside her like a ghost, startling her almost to the point of a heart attack. Later, she learned that Yue Jiefei was her personal bodyguard, which somewhat eased her mind, understanding that this was probably the legendary lightness technique.

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As long as she stepped out of the living room, Yue Jiefei would immediately appear by her side, regardless of day or night, regardless of the time. And whenever Chu Yu returned to her room, Yue Jiefei would automatically disappear, never wasting a second. Chu Yu once tried to suddenly run out of the house early in the morning. As soon as she stepped out the door and looked beside her, she saw the unmistakable broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs, making Chu Yu have to admit that Yue Jiefei's protection was truly twenty-four hours a day, without taking any breaks.

Chu Yu had privately speculated where Yue Jiefei rested while being so close for protection. Did he sleep on her roof every day? What if it rained? Unfortunately, since Chu Yu crossed over, it had rained a few times, always in the middle of the night when she was sound asleep. How could she get up just to confirm her suspicions?

After adjusting her mindset, Chu Yu opened her arms and enjoyed everything that originally belonged to the Shanyin Princess. The Princess's residence was vast, as if land were free. In her previous life, in the modern city, land was worth its weight in gold, extremely expensive. Some people worked their whole lives just to afford a house. But now, looking around at the pavilions, towers, and gardens, all belonging to her domain, Chu Yu couldn't help but feel elated every time she thought about it.

The princess's lifestyle was beyond imagination, with three or four dozen dishes served for the simplest breakfast or late-night snack, and at least over a hundred dishes for the main meals. And that was just when Chu Yu dined alone. As for clothing, she changed styles every day, with brand new fabrics, never wearing the same outfit twice. Chu Yu once asked You Lan about the many exquisite clothes, only to find out that the Shanyin Princess typically wore them only once before they were sent to the warehouse to collect dust, which made Chu Yu's heart ache a little.

After adapting to a life without modern amenities, especially without a computer, Chu Yu lived in extreme luxury.

"Extravagance, truly extravagant, decadent, too decadent," Chu Yu marveled while enjoying the perks of her rebirth, everything her new identity afforded her, except for one thing—men.

Although she ventured out of the house, Chu Yu didn't go far. Forgetting to lift the restriction, she unintentionally kept her male consorts from visiting her, just as they were blocked a few days prior. Up to now, Chu Yu still hadn't seen any of the Shanyin Princess's male consorts besides Rong Zhi. Although she saw four others on the day she woke up, their faces remained blurred in Chu Yu's mind.

Indulging in delicious food and drink, Chu Yu devoted all her energy to savoring the natural, uncontaminated food of ancient times. The surplus of nutrients quickly replenished her previously lean frame. However, after indulging for a few days, Chu Yu's cheeks regained their soft and radiant glow. If she continued to indulge like this, she suspected her figure might start expanding sideways.

So, Chu Yu stopped. Not only to maintain her figure but also to move her body and meet the other people in the princess's residence.

A significant part of this was the male consorts.

The night before, there had been a rain shower. Although a day had passed since then, a lingering coolness still clung to the stones paving the paths. The newly sprouted green leaves of the trees in the courtyard draped a captivating layer of verdant beauty. Such fresh and pleasant shades of greenery could only be found during the spring days of Jiangnan.

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After walking just a few steps, Chu Yu suddenly remembered her status as a princess. It seemed rather peculiar for her to eagerly seek out her male consorts. She paused in her tracks and called for Yu Lan to convey a message on her behalf, saying that she wanted to organize a spring festival banquet within the residence.

Yu Lan asked cautiously, "Should I still assign this matter to Lord Rong, as before?" As far as she knew, many important matters within the princess's residence were handled by Rong Zhi.

Chu Yu hesitated briefly, then smiled and nodded, "Yes, assign it to him." She was still relatively unfamiliar with everything, and delegating tasks to someone experienced would be more efficient. However, Chu Yu also speculated in her mind whether Princess Shanyin had granted Rong Zhi too much authority. Not only could he disregard her orders and move around the residence freely, but he also often handled affairs delegated by Princess Shanyin. Among the many male consorts, this young man must be somewhat different.

However, Chu Yu currently had no plans to take action. She believed in planning before acting in all matters, and she planned to consider things first.

After Chu Yu issued the command, Rong Zhi went to execute it. He was efficient, and within a short span of time, a banquet was set up in a grove of apricot blossoms. Between the colorful flowering trees, tables were arranged with delicious food and fine wines. The various handsome young men and beautiful youths took their seats one after another.

Chu Yu sat quietly at the head of the table. As a princess, she didn't need to arrive so early, but she had other considerations in mind. She let Yu Lan lead the way, and she was almost the first to take her seat. Sitting on the brocade cushion behind the long table, she silently watched the entrance of the courtyard, observing each person who arrived and judging them with her own eyes.

At this time, although chairs had been introduced from the nomadic tribes, they were not yet popular. People did everything—conversations, work, eating, and so on—while kneeling. They knelt with their legs together, heels against their buttocks.

Therefore, even the princess herself had to kneel when hosting a gathering.

As Chu Yu secretly shifted her stiff legs to alleviate the numbness, she silently cursed the era where chairs had not yet become popular. Although there were soft cushions beneath her legs, being pressed by the weight of her body for too long caused poor blood circulation, making it a very painful experience.

After kneeling for a while, Chu Yu began to feel uncomfortable. However, she glanced at Rong Zhi, who was sitting calmly at the right-hand seat of honor after delegating all the trivial matters. There was no sign of discomfort on his face. She couldn't help but roll her eyes discreetly: Did the people of ancient times who knelt all the time never experience numb legs? Or did they just get used to it after a while?

Chu Yu only pondered this for a moment before someone else entered the gathering, shifting her attention.

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