Chapter 4 Tale of Two Phoenixes


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Tale of Two Phoenixes 

 Chapter 4: 

A Path Untraceable

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Retracting his thoughts, Rong Zhi refocused his slightly distracted gaze on the door in front of him.

These past days, he couldn't deny the strangeness he felt; the princess's abnormal behavior was more deeply and keenly observed by him than by anyone else. His mind was calm and resolute, his composure well-practiced, so unlike Liu Se and the others, he didn't display any signs of surprise or anxiety.

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Today, Liu Se's visit reminded Rong Zhi of a crucial fact: within the entire residence, if even he did not investigate what had happened to Princess Shanyin, then no one else would dare to take the first step.

With a sigh, Rong Zhi raised his hand and pushed open the door.

Inside, it was dark, cold, and silent. No lights were lit, and even the incense the princess usually favored had been removed.

Rong Zhi couldn't help but frown.

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As the outside light accompanied by the creaking sound of the door penetrated the room, he heard a low voice coming from behind the large screen: "Who is it?"

The voice was familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time.

The low, soft, slightly hoarse tone was something he had heard many times before, but never like this. It now sounded as if it came from a place far away, carrying a calmness, determination, and restraint, along with a sense of liberation as if emerging anew from a cocoon.

For a moment, Rong Zhi felt as if he had entered another world, facing another person.

"Who?" The voice behind the screen repeated the question, perhaps due to the prolonged silence.

Standing at the entrance, Rong Zhi reached out and pushed the screen that blocked his way. He only managed to open it a small fraction before his strength seemed to leave him. A ray of sunlight poured in through the small gap. He gazed down at his slender hand and sighed softly, "It's me, Princess. I am Rong Zhi."

He walked slowly towards the inner chamber. After rounding another screen, he found himself in the princess's bedroom. It was not entirely unexpected, yet there was still a trace of surprise in seeing Chu Yu sitting on the bed.

Chu Yu looked different. There was a quiet resolve in her demeanor that had not been there before. She appeared calm and collected, quite unlike the person he had known. This newfound tranquility only deepened the mystery that surrounded her recent change in behavior.

Rong Zhi observed her silently for a moment before speaking, "Princess, you have not summoned anyone for days. Is there something troubling you?" His tone was gentle, almost cautious, as if he were addressing a fragile being that could shatter at any moment.

Although she was already married and had taken many male concubines, Princess Shanyin still looked like a young girl. When Rong Zhi entered, he saw a beautiful young girl dressed in a dark robe, her black hair flowing like silk as she sat on the edge of the bed.

In the darkness, the girl's face still exuded a deceptive elegance and gentleness, but her eyes were now cold and clear, so different from the familiar dreamy smile Rong Zhi used to know.

Rong Zhi also noticed that in the few days he hadn't seen her, the princess's refined cheeks had become noticeably thinner. He wondered silently, "What on earth happened to Princess Shanyin?"

"It's you." Chu Yu glanced at Rong Zhi. The youth's elegance and noble bearing were just as refined and serene as when she first saw him. He wore no hat, his jet-black hair simply tied up in a bun, secured with a tortoiseshell hairpin.

But now, unlike a few days ago, Chu Yu was no longer in panic. She could calmly scrutinize the young man, observe his appearance, and ponder his identity.

Despite being somewhat frustrated by Princess Shanyin's habits, Chu Yu had to admit that the woman's aesthetic taste was quite good. If she didn't know Rong Zhi was a male concubine, she might have mistaken this noble-looking youth for a child of some prestigious family.

"How did you get in?" Chu Yu raised her eyebrows. If she remembered correctly, she had ordered the guards to keep everyone out. Had the guards slacked off?

Rong Zhi did not immediately respond. He took a few steps forward, stopping three steps in front of Chu Yu. Gently, he said, "Princess, you haven't left your room for several days, and we're all worried..."

Chu Yu calmly replied, "Worried about what?"

Rong Zhi smiled, serene and tranquil like moonlight on water. His tone was relaxed and casual, "Worried about missing the springtime beauty. In a few more days, when summer arrives, it won't be as interesting."

Chu Yu had expected him to express concern about her health, so his response surprised her, eliciting a smile, "You're right. Time passes quickly, and I can't keep myself locked up like this forever."

Rong Zhi's eyes gleamed slightly as he continued, "Actually, Rong Zhi is also curious. What has the princess been thinking about during these days in her room?"

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"What have I been thinking?" Chu Yu lifted her chin slightly, forming a graceful curve from her jaw to her neck. She smiled easily, "I've been thinking about a lot—about the past, the present, bidding farewell to what's irretrievable, giving up what I can never have in this lifetime, accepting what has already happened, and facing what is not a dream." As a woman from the 21st century, Chu Yu had lost everything she had the moment she opened her eyes.

Her family, friends, familiar environment, and her life.

If you get lost, the first priority is to stay calm, not to run around like a headless fly. Calmly observe the surrounding environment, make the best judgment for yourself, and take decisive action.

Even though she had traversed time and space, losing her way in history, it should have been the same.

But this lost path had cost her too much. It took her a full five days to sort out her thoughts.

Confusion, shock, pain, bewilderment, clarity, calmness, abandonment, decisiveness, contemplation.

Death, then life.

Unable to return, what should she do?

Confront herself, face the present.

Piece by piece, she uncovered the numbed wounds, allowing the surgical precision of her rational mind to slowly dissect.

From being at a loss to sorting out her thoughts clearly, Chu Yu's soul had undergone a trial almost akin to a baptism of fire. This process couldn't be said to be painless, but fortunately, it was over.

Yet, despite being prepared to face it all, and having made many psychological preparations, out of instinctive inertia and fear of the unknown, Chu Yu was still unwilling to push open the door and step out into the world.

Until Rong Zhi entered the room.

He pushed open the door, letting sunlight in, as if he had also opened the tightly closed door in her heart that she was unwilling to open.

Chu Yu stood up.

She walked barefoot, her hair flowing freely, stepping on the smooth and cool floor. The refreshing chill seeped into her body from the soles of her feet, but it made Chu Yu even more alert and determined.

Approaching the door, she bypassed the slanted screen and was greeted by a large expanse of spring light. The newly sprouted tender greenery reflected in her eyes, and the gentle, clear sunlight suddenly illuminated the dark corners of her heart, sweeping away the oppressive atmosphere. Chu Yu felt her chest suddenly clear.

What a beautiful sight! These past few days, she had shut herself indoors, also locking this splendid scene outside.

She turned to look at Rong Zhi, and sincerely said, "Thank you." The translucent sunlight fell on her beautiful face like white jade, making her snowy skin appear almost translucent.

If it weren't for his intrusion, she didn't know how much longer she would have lingered.

The one expressing gratitude wasn't Princess Shanyin, Liu Chu Yu, but another Chu Yu from over a thousand years later, who had traversed the watery currents of time, overcome insurmountable obstacles, and arrived at this place.

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