35 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 35: 

(Qing dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli... 

Seeing Fourteen again, he still had that fake beard on his face. I really wonder how he managed to wash his face these past few days.

Princess Minmin smiled at me, then glanced at Fourteen, and finally said smugly, "You two take your time to talk. I'll leave first." After speaking, she even winked at me before turning and leaving the tent.

Fourteen looked at me in silence for a while before saying, "Thanks a lot for this time." 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I smiled and said, "How long have we known each other? We've had a friendship for over four years. You've also taken care of me a lot over these years. Saying thanks seems too formal, doesn't it? Besides, even without me, your people wouldn't let anything happen to you. I just happened to be around."

He chuckled and then asked with a hint of seriousness, "I heard Eighth Brother burned his arm?" 

I suppressed a smile and sighed softly, saying, "He'll come to see you later. You can ask him yourself." 

He paused for a moment, then asked, "Where should I meet him?" 

I replied, "He'll come over in a while. You'll meet him at the Mongolian camp."

After hearing this, Fourteen laughed and sighed, "Good idea. The Mongolians were already unhappy with the Crown Prince. This time, the Crown Prince searched their camp but found no thieves as he claimed. The Mongolians must be furious! He should stay away from them now."


Minmin asked me curiously, "Where did he go?" 

I replied, "Because he's returning to the capital in a few days, so he went to bid farewell to his close friends. I thanked them for their care for me during ordinary days." This lie of mine couldn't stand much scrutiny. But Minmin, being only fourteen or fifteen years old, and having been pampered by her mother, was still inexperienced in the world. She didn't think too much about it and sat down beside me, asking, "Can you teach me how to sing opera when you have time?" 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I was taken aback, not understanding why she suddenly brought up this topic, and looked at her in confusion.

Minmin smiled and said, "He already told me. It was because he heard the song you sang for him that he started to have feelings for you." 

I smiled helplessly, wondering what nonsense Fourteen had made up to fool the young girl. I could only go along with her and said, "Sure."

She hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Does Thirteenth Prince like listening to opera?" 

I smiled and said, "He does. Thirteenth Prince is skilled in music and is especially proficient in playing the zither and flute. He's quite famous among the young gentlemen in the capital." 

After hearing this, Minmin fell silent, staring ahead with a dreamy look. After a while, she softly said, "I really want to hear him play the zither and flute. It must be very beautiful."

Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and asked, "Have you ever heard it? Tell me, what was it like at that time? What expression did he have? What piece did he play? What color clothes was he wearing? Who was he playing for?" 

Her series of questions left me wanting to speak several times but then closing my mouth again. It wasn't until she finished asking that I apologized with a regretful expression, "I haven't heard it either!"

She looked disappointed all of a sudden, and I quickly said, "If next year's trip to the border happens, and you and Thirteenth Prince are both there, I'll make sure he plays for you!" 

Her face lit up with joy, but then she looked puzzled and asked, "Are you close with Thirteenth Prince?" 

I hurriedly smiled and said, "We've been playing together since I was thirteen. We're quite close indeed." In my mind, I thanked my lucky stars for having Fourteen as a shield, or Minmin might have gotten the wrong idea. After hearing this, Minmin couldn't hide her envy, and I sighed deeply, feeling extremely tender towards her as I said, "I will make sure you hear the song Thirteenth Prince plays especially for you."

Minmin smiled gratefully at me but then lowered her head with a melancholy expression. She muttered to herself, "His consort must be able to hear him play often." 

I didn't know how to respond. Even the ancient people, who fully accepted polygamy, couldn't escape jealousy and discomfort. Did Eighth Brother understand my feelings? He wasn't the only one suffering for this relationship; my resistance, helplessness, grievances, and struggles—could he understand all that? Then I thought of Eighth Consort, the granddaughter of Prince An, with her noble status. Yet, she couldn't retain her husband's heart. If she knew me, wouldn't she also feel heartbroken? After all, from the modern perspective, I was the one who disrupted their marriage as the third party. Even if Eighth Brother could fulfill all my wishes, this cross would still be borne for a lifetime!

Both of us were filled with emotions, lost in our own thoughts. Fourteen entered the tent, and Minmin quickly stood up, saying, "I'll leave." Then she hurriedly exited.

Fourteen walked over with a smile, respectfully greeting me. I was startled and quickly stepped aside, asking, "What are you doing?" 

He chuckled and said, "Good sister-in-law! From now on, it's my turn to greet you." My face instantly flushed. I wanted to scold him, but I couldn't find the words. I could only stand there awkwardly.

Fourteen looked at me like that, but he didn't tease me further, just kept his gaze on me. After a while, he sighed, "Eighth Brother finally gets what he's been wishing for all these years!" 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

I scolded, "I'm leaving! I won't listen to your nonsense!"

Fourteen didn't stop me, but as I took a few steps away, I suddenly stopped and turned back to ask, "When are you leaving?" 

Fourteen replied, "Tomorrow night!" 

I nodded and said, "Don't make up those baseless stories to fool Minmin anymore! I won't be able to cover for you. She's even learning opera from me now!" 

Fourteen chuckled and said, "Then teach her the opera you sang for Tenth Brother back then!" 

I shook my head, sighing, "I don't even know how to explain things to Minmin in the future. I wonder if she'll forgive me?"

With that said, I turned and left the tent, feeling a bit lost in my heart. Back then, we didn't have so many worries, did we? But now, we have to be careful every step of the way. Days filled with lies, deception, and bloodshed. I used to think that because I knew history, I could avoid danger. But in the end, I was still inexorably drawn into it, step by step, with no way out.


Afternoon came, and Minmin sent for me, saying we were leaving in the evening and wouldn't see each other for another three months. She wanted us to make the most of our time together. I looked at Minmin, smiling lightly on the surface but feeling bitter inside. She was so innocent and kind-hearted. What would happen when she found out I had used her? Would she lose trust in others from then on?

Under the starry sky and across the vast plains, the wind gently danced. Minmin escorted Fourteen and me out of the camp. Each of us pretended to lead a horse. As we walked in silence, footsteps hurried behind us. I sensed something and turned around to see Eighth Brother, who had stopped in his tracks to wait for us. Minmin was startled and swiftly positioned herself in front of Fourteen.

I hurriedly reassured Minmin, saying, "Minmin, it's okay. Eighth Brother knows about us!" Her expression softened at my words. 

She turned her head slightly to look at Fourteen and said, "You've got quite the face. Eighth Brother and I are seeing you off together!" 

Fourteen chuckled and said, "I dare not! I dare not!"

Eighth Brother casually took the reins from my hand and walked beside me, while Fourteen walked ahead. I hurried a few steps to walk alongside Fourteen, leaving Minmin and Eighth Brother behind.

Minmin, seeing both Fourteen and me silent, thought we were saddened by the farewell. She quickened her pace, grabbed my arm, and looked at Fourteen, saying, "If you truly care, go back and find a way to ask the Emperor for Ruoxi. Seeing her so troubled breaks my heart!"

I hastily tried to change the subject, and Fourteen chimed in, "Let's not delay any longer. I must leave!" He looked back at Eighth Brother standing behind us, who nodded with a smile. Then, he glanced at Minmin and said, "I'll remember this favor, and I'll repay it in the future!" 

Minmin rolled her eyes and replied, "I'm doing this for Ruoxi. If you really want to repay me, just treat Ruoxi well in the future!"

Fourteen awkwardly smiled, not daring to say more. He nodded at me, mounted his horse, and rode off swiftly. I watched his figure disappear into the distance, feeling relieved now that he was gone. Now it's time to carefully consider the situation between Eighth Brother and me.

Minmin gently shook my arm as I continued to gaze at where Fourteen had disappeared. She softly urged, "Let's go back." I turned my gaze away and looked at her, feeling guilty. I couldn't help but ask, "Minmin, if one day you found out I did something wrong, would you forgive me? Would you still treat me the same as you do now?" 

Minmin was puzzled by my sudden question but seeing my earnest expression, she thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know. It depends on what you did wrong. What could you possibly do to hurt me?"

I shook my head quickly and forced a smile, "Just asking! Your status is so noble, I'm afraid of inadvertently offending you someday. So, I'm just seeking reassurance." 

Minmin pouted and said, "And here I thought of you as a close friend? You could say something like that?" With that, she let go of my arm and started walking back.

I quickly grabbed her hand and spoke as we walked, "It's because I do consider you a close friend that I'm afraid!" 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

She slowed her pace, turning to hold my hand in return, and said, "Friends like us, who've been through thick and thin, won't easily give up on each other." I nodded in agreement as we shared a smile. But while hers was confident and open, mine carried a hint of unease.

Eighth Brother had been silently trailing behind us. When we reached the camp, Minmin went her own way, returning to her tent. As I watched her leave, I also thought to go back. But Eighth Brother softly suggested, "Why don't you come to my tent for a while?" After a moment's consideration, I nodded slightly. He walked ahead, and I followed.

We entered the tent, and he instructed Li Fu to guard the entrance. Standing face to face in silence, he reached out and pulled me into his embrace. I nestled against his chest, my head resting on his shoulder, inhaling the scent of medicine from his body. After hesitating for a while, I slowly extended my arms and encircled his waist. His body tensed slightly, and he held me tighter.

We stood embraced for a while in silence. He whispered softly in my ear, "When we return to the capital in September, I will ask His Majesty for permission to marry you." I leaned against his shoulder, not saying anything, just tightening my grip around his waist.

After a while, he released me and led me to sit on the bed. I asked, "Is your arm feeling better now?" 

He nodded, smiling, "The burn wasn't too serious to begin with. It was just exaggerated by the imperial physician's nervousness about the prince's injury. With the medicine Ninth Brother purchased for the arrow wound, it has healed quickly. After another month or so of rest, riding should not be a problem. I will make sure to teach you how to ride before we return to the capital."

I smiled and asked, "Do you want me to read to you?" 

He shook his head, saying, "Before entering the palace, I couldn't even recognize a single verse of Song poetry. But now, I've even read through 'The Book of Rites'. There really aren't many women like you who love reading so much." 

As I thought about how much of it was to please Kangxi, I replied with a smile, "There's nothing else to do in the palace, so I just read whatever I can get my hands on." 

He chuckled and glanced at me, saying, "I heard from Fourteenth Brother that you once sang a play for Tenth Brother. I wonder if I have the honor of listening to a tune from you?"

I smiled and replied, "That's a bit too spontaneous for today's mood!" Lowering my head with a smile, I stood up, walked to the table, and casually picked up the bottle containing a rhododendron flower. 

Bringing it to my nose, I glanced at the Eighth Prince and began to sing, "What a beautiful jasmine flower, what a beautiful jasmine flower. In a garden full of flowers, its fragrance surpasses them all. I want to pick one to wear, but I'm afraid of being scolded by those who admire flowers."

Continuing the song, I immersed myself in the joy of discovering the jasmine flower among the garden of flowers, my expressions alternating between happiness and concern, portraying my love for the flower yet my hesitation to pluck it. As I finished the song, I glanced sideways at the Eighth Prince, who looked at me with a slightly bewildered expression. With a light laugh, I tossed the rhododendron flower in my hand towards him, and he instinctively caught it. Without looking at him again, I walked out of the tent.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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Thank You For Reading <3


  1. Having watched Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty before this I came into it routing for the 4th Prince or 13th because they have a special place in my heart


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