Chapter 29 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 29: 

(Qing dynasty) by artist "anime", Anime Key Visual, Japanese Manga, Pixiv, Zerochan, Anime art, Fantia Masterpiece, Best... 

My feelings were a tangled mess as I stared at the bottles for a long while, but eventually, I slowly placed them back into the wooden box. I took the box and went inside to store it away safely. When I came back out, I began to clean up the tea set and table. Yu Tan came out to help, her earlier surprise no longer evident. Seeing her calm expression, I decided not to mention it further. We quietly tidied everything up together.

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During dinner, I told Yu Tan, "Today is my eighteenth birthday. The thirteenth prince came by to give me a little gift." 

Yu Tan was silent for a moment before forcing a smile and saying, "It seems Jie Jie and I are truly fated; I didn't expect that we would share the same birthday!" Then she stood up and bowed to me, saying, "Congratulations on your birthday, Jie!" 

I smiled and sighed, "It really is quite a coincidence!"

After dinner, I mentioned that I wanted to take a walk outside. Yu Tan laughed and said she also felt a bit too full, so we went out together.

Since it was the end of the month, only a sliver of the moon hung in the sky, but the moonlight was still clear and bright. We strolled quietly, brushing past flowers and willows, without saying a word.

After a while, I asked, "Yu Tan, what are you thinking about?" 

Yu Tan remained silent for a moment before whispering, "I'm thinking about my mother and siblings back home." 

I replied, "No wonder you're so mature and responsible; you're the eldest daughter at home." I had noticed her maturity beyond her years when she first arrived. Despite her young age, she seemed more capable and experienced than others, with nimble hands and a thoughtful mind. She was also reserved and never participated in gossip like other palace maids, which is why I decided to keep her by my side.

Upon hearing my words, Yu Tan humbly responded, "Jie, you're too kind. I suppose it's just a case of 'the children of poor families growing up early.' Losing our father at a young age and facing hardships have given me a bit more experience and understanding of the world." 

I glanced at her sideways, realizing that despite her year-long tenure with me, I knew very little about her personal life. I had always maintained the habit of not prying into others' affairs, so although Yu Tan had been with me for a year, I only knew she was Manchu and from a lower-class background known as 'Bao Yi.' 

Although 'Bao Yi' were of low status, some notable figures also came from this background, such as the birth mother of the Eighth Prince, Consort Liang, and the renowned statesman Nian Gengyao. Even the author of "Dream of the Red Chamber," Cao Xueqin, had ancestors from the Bao Yi class. It wasn't until she mentioned her family that I learned she came from poverty. Regardless of whether it was in modern times or ancient times, the concept of poverty seemed distant to me. Unsure of how to console her, I simply walked beside her in silence.

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Yu Tan looked at me silently, then quickly forced a smile and said, "Today is your special day, Jie Jie. I shouldn't be talking about unrelated matters. I really should be punished." 

I looked at her and smiled gently, saying, "I actually feel closer to you when we share these things. If you don't mind, you can consider me your older sister!" After a brief sigh, I thought to myself that although she may have difficulty seeing her parents now, she would have the opportunity to reunite with them once she left the palace. For me, however, that reunion seemed impossible, and I couldn't help but express, "I miss my parents too." 

Yu Tan sighed in agreement, saying, "Yes, ever since entering the palace, it's rare for anyone to see their parents or siblings." She paused for a moment before adding, "I'll be honest, Jie Jie, without fear of angering you. You're much better off than us. Eighth Prince is your brother-in-law, and his brothers treat you well. They remember your birthday." She fell silent for a while before softly sighing, "In this palace, we're all servants. Who would remember the birthday of a servant like us?" 

I listened in silence.

I looked up at the moon and said, "We and our parents are under the same moon!" Then, I silently asked myself, "Can my parents see the same moon as I do?"

Yu Tan also looked up at the moon with me. After a while, she said, "Jie Jie, I want to kowtow to the moon as if I'm kowtowing to my parents." I nodded, and both of us knelt down and kowtowed three times.

As we were kowtowing, we suddenly heard a rustling sound behind us. We turned around and saw Li Dequan carrying a lantern with Kangxi following behind him. Both Yu Tan and I were startled and quickly stepped aside, kneeling on the ground. Kangxi approached, stopped, and looked down at both of us with a gentle expression. He said, "Rise. I wanted some peace and quiet, so I didn't have anyone clear the way ahead. It's not your fault for being surprised." 

Yu Tan and I then stood up after kowtowing.

Kangxi asked, "What were you two bowing to just now?" 

I quickly replied, "We suddenly thought of our parents, imagining that we were all under the same moonlight. So, we bowed towards the moon, as if we were bowing to our parents." After hearing my response, Kangxi looked up at the moon for a while without saying a word. I sighed inwardly, knowing that my words might make Kangxi uncomfortable, but I couldn't come up with a better lie. Besides, Yu Tan was beside me, and even if I wanted to lie, I couldn't commit the crime of deceiving the emperor.

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Kangxi silently gazed at the moon for a moment before instructing Li Dequan to continue carrying the lantern. Then, the two of them slowly departed. Yu Tan and I remained half-kneeling until Kangxi was far enough away, then we stood up and turned back. I couldn't help but glance back, but the light from the lantern was already out of sight. It saddened me to think that while ordinary people might have their sons or grandsons accompany them on a walk, for someone like him, a eunuch was his only companion. The dragon throne, like the jade hairpin of the Empress Dowager, had effortlessly separated him and his twenty-some sons on opposite banks of the river.

Back in the room, I opened the jewelry box. Some of the jewelry was prepared by Maertai for Ruoxi, while others were gifts from my sister over the years. After rummaging through them, I selected a jade hairpin with carved flowers and a matching set of earrings, all meticulously crafted with fine jade. After wrapping them up, I left the room.

Yu Tan was in the midst of removing her makeup, her hair loose around her shoulders. I smiled and handed her the gift, saying, "A belated birthday gift! Please don't mind, Mei Mei." 

Yu Tan hurriedly said she couldn't accept it, pushing it back with her hand. I put on a stern face and said, "Since you call me 'Jie Jie,' how can you not accept my gift?" 

Only then did Yu Tan reluctantly take it, not opening it, but saying, "I haven't given you anything for your birthday yet." I laughed and said, "I can't embroider, but I can draw some patterns for you tomorrow. You'd better put all your effort into embroidering a few handkerchiefs for me. I've been wanting some!" 

Yu Tan quickly agreed.

I laughed as I left her room. Yu Tan walked me to the door and wanted to escort me further, but I stopped her with a smile, saying, "Our doors are right next to each other. Are you thinking of sitting in my room for a while? I'm going to bed!" She finally stood still and watched me return to my room.


In the 48th year of Kangxi's reign, in June, at Rehe.

During this trip to the hunting grounds outside the Great Wall, Kangxi brought only the Crown Prince, Yinreng, and the Eighth Prince, Yinsi. However, the reason behind this had nothing to do with favoritism.

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On one hand, although the Eighth Prince, Yinsi, had been reprimanded for forming factions after the first dethroning of the Crown Prince, he remained the strongest contender for the throne. Ministers who privately supported the Eighth Prince often submitted memorials criticizing the Crown Prince's lack of proper conduct. Key officials in the court, such as Li Guangdi, did not approve of Yinreng, believing that he lacked the virtues and talents to command respect. Therefore, they all sided with the Eighth Prince, who had the reputation of "Eight Virtuous Prince" in the court. 

Additionally, Yinsi was not only close to other noble families but also held in high regard by scholars in Jiangnan. His tutor, He Zhuo, was a renowned scholar, bibliophile, and calligrapher, having studied under Qian Qianyi and Fang Bao. He Zhuo frequently purchased books and treated scholars on behalf of Yinsi, earning the Eighth Prince a reputation as a "virtuous prince" among the literati of Jiangnan. All this made Kangxi, a ruler who believed that "everything must be decided by me," unwilling and uneasy to leave the Eighth Prince in the capital. Thus, he ordered the Eighth Prince to accompany him on this trip and commanded that the Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Princes, who were close to Yinsi, stay in the capital, forbidding them from communicating with Yinsi to prevent any incidents during his absence from the capital.

On the other hand, since regaining his position, Crown Prince Yinreng, whose power had been weakened, started to actively associate with other court officials with the help of loyal ministers, often holding discussions in his residence. This also made Kangxi uneasy, fearing a possible coup to force his abdication. Therefore, he decided to keep the Crown Prince by his side as well.

On this trip beyond the Great Wall, Kangxi planned to stay from the end of April until the end of September, a full five months. How could he feel at ease leaving the Crown Prince and the Eighth Prince in the capital?

All matters within the court were reported daily by fast horse, and Kangxi personally made the decisions. The Fourth Prince, who had been promoted to Prince earlier in the year for his steady conduct during the "Crown Prince Incident," was trusted by Kangxi and tasked with issuing orders in the capital on Kangxi's behalf.

Yinreng, the Crown Prince, harbored deep resentment towards the Eighth Prince, Yinsi. Unintentionally, his face would often darken as he looked at Yinsi, his eyes flashing with hostility. Once he realized it, he would frequently cover it up with a warm smile, addressing Yinsi as "Eighth Brother" and chatting enthusiastically. Yinsi, however, remained as courteous as ever, smiling gracefully and treating everyone with humility and kindness. His respect and deference towards the Crown Prince seemed genuine, as if he hadn't noticed the Crown Prince's hostility at all. Observing the two of them and thinking about Kangxi, I couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It was too exhausting—fathers not being fathers, sons not being sons, brothers not being brothers. Not wanting to see more, I lowered my head and stood quietly.

One day, Kangxi returned from riding and was chatting leisurely with the various princes and ministers. I happened to come in to serve tea. After taking a sip, Kangxi suddenly remarked with a smile, "I rather miss the iced fruit juices you made during last year's hunt!" He then turned to the Crown Prince and said, "I remember you served me chrysanthemum, while Yinreng had peony." 

The Crown Prince quickly responded with a smile, "Indeed, mine was peony. I still fondly recall it—it was beautifully presented and wonderfully refreshing."

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I quickly smiled and bowed, saying, "Since Your Majesty wishes for it, I shall prepare it tomorrow." Kangxi nodded slightly. He then asked, "I remember you asked to learn horseback riding last year. Have you learned it well?" 

I replied, "I can manage it a little." 

Kangxi laughed, "I grant you permission to continue learning until you master it!" 

Not wanting to dampen Kangxi's good mood, I put on an eager expression and cheerfully replied, "Thank you, Your Majesty!" 

Kangxi laughed at my seemingly fragile enthusiasm, and the ministers sitting below also laughed along. After finishing my service, I quietly retreated, noting that the Eighth Prince had been watching me with a slight smile throughout my exchange with Kangxi and the Crown Prince. I dared not look back, pretending not to notice.

This time, I still shared a tent with Yu Tan. Ever since that night under the moon when she confided in me, I had grown even more fond of her, truly treating her as a younger sister. She, in turn, became increasingly considerate and caring towards me, and our relationship deepened.

Noticing that I hadn't gone to ask for a horse despite the imperial decree, she asked curiously, "Jie Jie, don't you love riding? Why haven't you gone to learn?" 

I sighed inwardly, thinking that the soldiers assigned to teach me would likely be as dismissive as Nimman was. Their goal would be not to teach me well but to ensure I didn't have any accidents. It was better not to learn under such conditions. Unless someone like the Fourth Prince could teach me—someone who wouldn’t worry about my status and would just focus on teaching. I suddenly remembered how seriously and attentively he had taught me to ride. Realizing how vividly I recalled his every move and word, I was startled. Why was he so clear in my mind? Quickly shifting my thoughts, I forced a smile and said, "I've been feeling a bit tired these past few days. I'll start learning once I've rested."

This time, not many princes accompanied the expedition, and the two who did come did not get along. The ministers who came along were also full of tension with each other. The centrists, unwilling to stand out, navigated the situation cautiously, afraid of offending anyone and ending up in a precarious position. Additionally, though the Mongols came to pay their respects, they seemed displeased at the sight of the Crown Prince. Yet, in front of Kangxi, everyone put on a show of harmony, creating a somewhat eerie atmosphere. Kangxi had long noticed this but chose to feign ignorance. I thought to myself, this is indeed a wise approach—'ignorance is bliss.'

One afternoon, while wandering outside, I suddenly saw Princess Minmin, still as beautiful as ever. I quickly stepped aside to let her pass, but she stopped beside me, looking at me and saying, "I've seen you before!" 

I hadn't noticed it last time, but this time I realized her Mandarin was not very fluent. Listening carefully, I deliberately slowed my speech and said, "Yes, Your Highness, I accompanied the expedition last time as well." 

She laughed as she heard me speaking slowly, "Though my speaking isn't very good, I can understand perfectly. Just speak normally." I quickly nodded.

She looked away thoughtfully for a moment, then said, "If you have time, would you walk with me for a while?" I thought, since I was free anyway, I would be happy to chat with this straightforward Princess Minmin. Moreover, she seemed to have something on her mind, something she wanted to say but hesitated. If it concerned Thirteenth Prince, I certainly couldn't ignore it. So, we began to stroll together.

I smiled and asked, "Why isn't the Princess riding today?" 

She replied, "We can ride anytime, unlike those of you who live in the Forbidden City and need to find special opportunities to ride." I smiled without responding. She then asked, "Are you good at riding?" 

Laughing, I said, "That's the wrong question. You should ask me, 'Can you ride at all?'" 

She looked at me in great surprise and said, "It's said that Han girls can't ride. Are you Han?" 

I replied, "I'm Manchu, but I really don't know how to ride well. Though I'd love to learn." 

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Hearing this, she became interested and said, "Then I'll teach you! I've never taught anyone to ride before, but I guarantee I can teach you well." I was delighted at this and eagerly agreed.

Princess Minmin was indeed an impatient person. She immediately pulled me towards the stables to start the lesson. After walking for a while, we hadn't yet arrived when we encountered several men riding slowly, some Mongolian and some Manchu. Seeing Princess Minmin and me, they all dismounted. The Mongolians hurried to greet Princess Minmin, while the Manchus greeted her first and then paid their respects to me.

Princess Minmin smiled at me and said, "That saves us a lot of trouble!" With that, she casually picked two horses, and the Mongolians readily agreed. We each mounted a horse and rode slowly. Princess Minmin looked at me and asked, "You're not an ordinary palace maid, are you?" 

I smiled and replied, "It's just that I serve before His Majesty, so they give me some respect." 

Princess Minmin asked, "With your beauty, why are you just a palace maid? Even my father's concubines don't compare to you." 

I thought to myself, this Princess Minmin is quite straightforward. After encountering so many cautious and reserved people in the palace, I found myself liking her directness. I smiled at her but didn't respond.

Minmin taught me earnestly, but unfortunately, the horse was quite large and robust, and since it was my first time riding it, I was scared and trembling. Princess Minmin kept encouraging me from the side, telling me to be bold and not to worry. She said that no one learns to ride without falling and that she had fallen many times when she was learning as a child. I found her words very reasonable, responding with "mm-hmm," but in my heart, I firmly refused to comply. I kept a tight grip on the reins, only letting the horse trot slowly.

Suddenly, I heard Princess Minmin laugh and shout, "Hold on tight!" Before I could react, she whipped my horse's backside. The next moment, I felt the horse bolt forward. I leaned back, screaming in shock, while Princess Minmin laughed behind me, calling out, "Don't be afraid! Hold steady!"

The horse ran faster and faster. At some point, I had let go of the reins, my body tightly pressed against the horse, my hands clutching the mane on either side of its neck. The horse, feeling the pain and no longer restrained by the reins, ran wildly, trying to shake off the person causing it discomfort.

I had no strength left to scream, my eyes tightly shut, using all my might to stay on the horse. The wind whistled in my ears, mingling with Princess Minmin's shouts.

The horse continued its wild run, bucking to throw me off. I felt myself losing grip, my hands slipping slowly from the slick mane. I thought despairingly, did I travel through time to die from a fall off a horse? Just as I was about to give in to despair, a familiar voice whispered in my ear, "Ruoxi, hold on just a bit longer."

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