Chapter 23 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 23: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli... 

Although Kangxi had privately summoned Yinreng, there was no subsequent action, and Yinreng remained imprisoned. The entire court was filled with anxiety, unable to fathom Kangxi's intentions. Factional struggles intensified, with some advocating for Yinreng's protection while others listed his wrongdoings. Amidst the chaos, various factions clashed, with shifting alliances and endless drama.

The attitudes of the princes varied greatly. Since returning from the frontier, Yinzhen's visits to the palace noticeably decreased, and I rarely saw him. Yinzhu claimed illness and remained secluded at home, while Yinsi never appeared in Qianqing Palace. Yinti and Yinzhi occasionally visited, but they always left hastily, lacking the opportunity for conversation.

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Kangxi watched all of this with indifference, saying nothing. Sometimes during breaks, he would even chat with me about tea-related matters—discussing the quality of water from different places, the most poetic names for tea leaves, or whose poetry best captured the essence of tea. He appeared relaxed, and Li Dequan and I served him as usual, as if nothing had happened.

I quietly watched all this, admiring Kangxi deeply. Though turmoil churned within him, not a hint of it showed on his face. Yet, beneath his calm exterior, he saw through everyone's actions.

So the days passed, and it was New Year's Eve. Prince Yinreng remained imprisoned, as did Prince Yinti. Within the court, everyone was preoccupied with the undecided matter of the crown prince. Despite the festive decorations of the New Year's banquet, there was an undeniable undercurrent of tension. I had no desire to witness the superficial joy, and it happened to be my turn to stand watch in the hall that night. So when Yu Tan offered to swap shifts, I declined, urging her to enjoy herself instead. Alone, I quietly tended to the candles and incense, welcoming Kangxi's forty-eighth year.


On the morning of New Year's Day, just as the sky was beginning to brighten, I sat quietly at the table, gazing out the window. Yu Tan passed by and noticed me lost in thought. She asked, puzzled, "Jie Jie, you stayed up all night yesterday. Aren't you going to get some rest now?" 

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It was then that I snapped out of my reverie and replied with a smile, "I will sleep now!" With that, I closed the window shutters. Yu Tan chuckled and left the courtyard.

I remained seated quietly at the table, feeling the sun outside grow stronger. The room gradually brightened, but my heart grew heavier. I wondered, why? Why hasn't he come yet? Did he forget this year? Or is something else delaying him? Or perhaps there will never be another visit?

From morning until noon, and even when the young eunuch brought lunch, still no one came. I had no appetite whatsoever, too disinterested to even look at the food. I set the lunchbox aside and walked to the bed, still wearing my shoes, and lay down. I always thought I was prepared to accept that "he could let go at any time, and he could fade from my life at any moment." After all, how much patience could one man have for one woman? But it turned out that I was only "assuming." When it came down to it, I couldn't remain calm. I realized I was feeling disappointed and hurt.

Feeling a chill in my heart, I hastily sat up at the sound of knocking, rushing to the door in a flurry. To my surprise, standing before me was a young eunuch I didn't recognize. He looked at me with a puzzled expression as he bowed and said with a smile, "I'm Xiao Shunzi. I don't usually serve in the Qianqing Palace, so you may not recognize me." I listened silently, watching him closely. After glancing around, he pulled out a small red silk pouch from his robes and handed it to me. Though I was bewildered by the unexpected package, I reached out to accept it. With a smile on his face, he bowed again and hurriedly departed. I quickly closed the door and returned to my seat at the table, settling my nerves before opening the pouch. Inside was a delicate necklace.

I examined it closely, marveling at the intricate strands of silver threads woven together like flowing water, with a pendant crafted in the likeness of a translucent jade magnolia flower. It was so finely detailed that it seemed like a miniature replica of a real blossom, exuding a faint fragrance of distant blossoms. A sudden realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, sending shivers down my spine. It wasn't a gift from "him," but rather from "him"! The cool touch of the white magnolia in my hand felt like his lips, sending a chill from my palm straight to my heart. In a rush of emotions, I tossed the necklace back onto the table with a clatter, where it landed atop the silk I had just opened.

Spread out on the crimson silk was a meandering pattern of silver waves, with a pristine white magnolia resting serenely between them. I stared at it blankly for a moment, feeling as though I could hear a faint whisper and sense a cold touch on my lips. My body grew cold, yet my heart burned with an inexplicable warmth. Suddenly, I leaped from my chair, hastily wrapping the silk around the necklace before stashing it away in the bottom of a chest.

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My fingers gently traced over the three letters that I had buried at the bottom, and after a silent pause, I couldn't resist retrieving them. Placing the letters on the table, I stared at them in silence, even though their contents were already deeply ingrained in my memory. The strokes of ink and the darkness of the characters were imprinted vividly in my mind. During the long, lonely nights in the palace, I had recited them countless times to while away the sleepless hours.

A bitter smile, more grimace than laughter, tugged at the corners of my mouth as I whispered to myself, "Never again!" With a deep breath, I slowly opened the bottommost letter and began to read: "To the eastern gate, Ruru is awaiting."

The second letter received on the early morning of the first day of the lunar new year in the forty-fourth year of Kangxi's reign reads:

"Emerging from the eastern gate, there's a woman as ethereal as clouds.

Though she resembles clouds, my thoughts do not dwell upon her.

Clad in white silk and dark headwear, she brings me some joy.

Venturing through the side gate, there's a woman akin to tea.

Though she resembles tea, my mind does not linger on her.

Clad in white silk, her demeanor is pleasing enough for my amusement."

As I silently recited the contents of the letter, I suddenly heard a few knocks at the door. Startled, I hastily gathered up the letters and, while asking "Who is it?", quickly looked around, scrambling to hide the letters under the blanket.

A voice from outside replied, "It's Fanghe!" My heart felt like a potpourri of mixed emotions, a jumble of sourness, joy, bitterness, and surprise, leaving me momentarily stunned in place.

After a moment, Fanghe, sensing no response from inside the room, tentatively knocked on the door again and softly called out, "Miss!" That's when I snapped out of my daze and hurried to open the door.

Looking at Fanghe, I couldn't help but ask, "Why did you come so late this year?" Fanghe, with a conciliatory smile, replied softly, "Eighth Prince specifically instructed not to come too early, as Miss was on duty in the palace last night and needed rest." Hearing this, my heart was even more overwhelmed with various emotions, feeling like I couldn't swallow or speak, stuck in place. After glancing around, Fanghe handed me a sealed letter, then respectfully departed.

Clutching the letter in my hand, I sat at the table, motionless for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, I slowly opened the envelope. Inside was the familiar scent of lilies, delicately perfumed signature paper, adorned with the elegant yet forceful strokes of fine calligraphy.

"Decline, decline! Why not return?

For the sake of decline, why remain exposed to the elements?

Decline, decline! Why not return?

For the sake of your decline, why remain mired in the mud?"

A sharp pain pierced my heart, as if a dagger had plunged into my chest. I couldn't help but clutch at my chest, slumping over the table. Countless thoughts surged through my mind like turbulent waves, crashing against my heart. There was nowhere to escape, so I found myself silently asking over and over again, "Why not return? For what reason?"

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