Chapter 20 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 20: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

With Kangxi's permission, whenever I had free time these days, I went to get a horse and found a secluded spot where a skilled cavalryman named Nimman taught me how to ride. He said he didn't dare let me address him with any honorifics. Seeing the fear on his face, I agreed to just call him by his name, Nimman. Whenever I saw him, I couldn't help but think of my sister and that person. I imagined that person would never be so respectful, fearful, and restrained. As I thought about it, I sighed while looking at Nimman. My gaze made Nimman even more nervous, and his already awkward demeanor became even more restrained. He couldn't speak very fluently, let alone teach me anything properly.

One taught with extreme caution, the other learned with little interest. In the midst of extreme boredom, I finally managed to ride the horse alone. Several times, I wanted to spur the horse on, but Nimman stopped me, saying my grip was weak and the horse wasn't accustomed to my commands yet. I had to ride slowly and cautiously.

In truth, I doubted Nimman had any intention of teaching me properly, or perhaps he was afraid of being responsible if I fell and got injured. So, he just seemed to be biding time with me until we returned to the capital, when everything would naturally be fine.

As the sun gradually set, I was still wandering on the grassland, riding my horse. Nimman urged me several times to return, but seeing that I pretended not to hear, he could only stay slightly behind me, accompanying me by the side of the horse.

As I was wandering around, I suddenly saw two magnificent horses galloping towards me from a distance. One of them looked like the big black horse that belonged to the Thirteenth Prince, so I quickly reined in my horse. Before long, they were close, and indeed, it was the Thirteenth Prince alongside the Fourth Prince. Both were dressed in tight riding gear, with leather belts cinching their waists and quivers of white-feathered arrows slung over their saddles. The Fourth Prince wore a blue-green outfit, giving him a cool, distinguished look, while the Thirteenth Prince wore white trimmed with silver, making him look even more upright and impressive.

Nimman, seeing who it was, quickly dismounted and saluted. I, however, couldn't be bothered to get off and on my horse repeatedly, so I just stayed in the saddle and bowed slightly as they approached and reined in their horses. The Thirteenth Prince waved Nimman off, saying, "You may leave."

Nimman looked at me for approval. Seeing no objection, he bowed again and slowly rode away. Once he was out of earshot, I complained, "He’s not teaching me how to ride a horse; he’s treating me like a child!"

The Thirteenth Prince laughed and said, "Don't compare yourself to children. There are plenty of children who ride better than you." 

I thought about it and realized he was right. These Mongolians and Manchurians were a people of the saddle, riding with their fathers before they could walk. I smiled, sighed, and said nothing more.

Thirteenth Prince thought for a moment and said, "I’m hungry now and need to go back for a meal, but I'll have time this evening. If you're free, I can teach you." 

Hearing this, I was delighted. I clapped my hands in excitement and was about to shout "great" when I accidentally loosened the reins. The horse started turning in circles, making me close my eyes and scream in fright. When I felt the horse stop, I opened my eyes to see Thirteenth Prince holding the reins for me. He handed them back and looked at me before sighing to the Fourth Prince, "It seems I have a long and arduous task ahead of me!" The Fourth Prince glanced at me with a slight smirk, his expression a mix of amusement and sympathy towards the Thirteenth Prince.

In the evening, I quickly ate something and rinsed my mouth, then gave some instructions to Yun Xiang and Yu Tan before hurrying to the appointed place. When I arrived, I found it empty and realized I had rushed over so quickly that I was far too early. I laid my cloak on the ground, lay down, and looked up at the starry sky, patiently waiting.

I was starting to get drowsy when I felt someone watching me. I quickly opened my eyes and saw the Fourth Prince. Hastily, I picked up my cloak and stood up, bowing in greeting while instinctively looking around. 

The Fourth Prince said, "The Crown Prince had something urgent and called Thirteenth Prince away. He asked me to come instead." 

I quickly replied, "Then I’ll go back. We can reschedule the lesson." He calmly asked, "Do you think I can't teach you?" 

I shook my head and said, "No, that's not it." 

He said indifferently, "Then get on the horse." 

As I mounted the horse, I couldn't help but wonder why the Fourth Prince had this sudden interest. Was it just because of Thirteenth Prince's request? I glanced at the two horses he had brought. 

He pointed to the smaller horse and said, "Thirteenth Prince specifically chose this gentle horse for you. I'll ride the mare, and it will follow." With that, he mounted the larger horse. I quickly got on the smaller horse, and he began to ride slowly in front of me. "We'll start with a slow walk so you can get familiar with the horse," he said. "In the meantime, I'll explain what you need to pay attention to when we start running." 

I promptly agreed.


Actually, the Fourth Prince taught me very well. I made rapid progress and by the end of the evening, I could ride the small horse at a slow trot alongside the mare. However, I always felt uneasy around him. Just thinking about his future as Emperor Yongzheng and his ruthless methods filled me with a sense of oppression.

It was at this moment that I realized I was no longer Zhang Xiaowen. Zhang Xiaowen admired Yongzheng, appreciating his decisive nature. She believed that in the struggle for the throne, it was a matter of life or death—showing mercy to one's enemies was cruel to oneself. Moreover, since the Eighth and Ninth Princes harbored intentions to eliminate Yongzheng, his subsequent actions to imprison them seemed justified. But now, I resisted that conclusion. It dawned on me that I had truly become Maertai Ruoxi. When did this transformation happen? Unbeknownst to me, time had changed me.

I had considered using this opportunity to strengthen my relationship with the Fourth Prince, to secure a better future. Yet, whenever I had flattering words ready to say, I would look at his unreadable expression and swallow them back down. All night, my mind was occupied with these thoughts while I was learning to ride. Luckily, Thirteenth Prince had chosen a good horse, and thanks to the lessons I had received, I managed not only to ride but also to avoid falling.

That night, I lay on the bed, tossing and turning, feeling utterly inadequate. I had thought that my three years of office politics and three years of strict palace life had made me a master of navigating complex relationships. Yet, faced with a truly formidable figure, I immediately lost my composure.

After much contemplation, I comforted myself by deciding that it was enough not to offend him. Trying to curry favor would require more years of practice. With this in mind, I resolved to stop learning horseback riding from the Fourth Prince. Having an unpredictable time bomb beside me was too torturous.


But such is the way of the world; the heavens always seem to delight in tormenting people. Despite Thirteenth Prince’s firm promise that he wouldn't back out, it was the Fourth Prince who appeared before me once again. I sighed deeply in my heart, resolving to have a serious talk with Thirteenth Prince about this.

Forcing a smile, I looked at the Fourth Prince and said, "I just finished my duty during the day and am quite tired, so I won't be learning tonight." After hearing this, his expression remained cold and indifferent, his eyes just staring at me. I mustered up some more courage and bowed, saying, "If there's nothing else, Your Highness, I'll take my leave." After squatting for a moment, seeing no reaction from him, I straightened up and, holding my breath, cautiously began to walk past him. Once I had walked past and realized he still hadn't reacted, I exhaled a breath of relief and hastened my steps to leave quickly.

However, after walking for a while, I heard the sound of hoofbeats behind me. Before I could turn to look, the Fourth Prince leaped from his horse and grabbed me. Staring at his face, now incredibly close to mine, I couldn’t help but gasp in shock.

I cried out, but he remained calm, looking at me with an indifferent expression, as if our close position was entirely normal. I struggled a few times but couldn't break free; instead, he pulled me even closer. I stilled, eyes wide, wondering if he intended to toy with me.

Before I could finish that thought, his cold lips pressed against mine. I tried to tilt my head back and push him away, but the strength difference between us rendered my efforts futile. After several attempts, he realized I was keeping my lips tightly closed, refusing to let him in. He lifted his head, and instinctively, I did what women on TV often do when they're harassed—I swung my hand to slap him. Unfortunately, he wasn't someone who could be slapped easily; he caught my hand and twisted it behind my back.

With a hint of mockery in his eyes, he pressed his lips lightly to my face and said, "You've put in so much effort over the years to win me over, and now you're playing hard to get?" His cold lips brushed my cheek as he added, "Congratulations, your plan has worked."

I glared at him, wanting to retort, but I was overwhelmed with thoughts and couldn't find the right words. Finally, I could only shout angrily, "Let go of me!" 

He leaned in closer, teasing me softly at my ear as he whispered, "If you want to be with me, I will ask Father for you." I felt weak all over, my limbs turning to jelly, my body growing hotter as my heart grew colder. I took a deep breath to steady myself and began to laugh softly.

Hearing my laughter, he slowed his movements. I turned my head, my mouth close to his ear, and gently exhaled before whispering, "Are you in need of a woman, Fourth Prince? Is that why you're forcing yourself on me?"

His body stiffened. I paused, then continued with a light laugh, "If you like using force, I have no right to oppose you. If you wish to indulge yourself in this wilderness, then so be it."

He straightened up slowly, staring at my face. I wore a cold smile, my chin slightly lifted, looking at him with a provocative gaze. Suddenly, he smiled back at me, a slow, deliberate smile that sent a chill through me. My cold smile froze on my face. He leaned down again, pressing his lips to mine. I leaned back, unable to escape, feeling the coldness of his lips seep into my heart. I closed my eyes, my entire body cold as I thought, It's over. It's really over. It turns out that fighting fire with fire doesn't work.

Just as my heart was freezing over, feeling like I had fallen into an icy abyss, he suddenly pulled away from my lips and let go of me, then turned and mounted his horse. I was momentarily unable to react, and his abrupt release caused me to fall to the ground.

He sat coldly on his horse, looking down at me. "Get on the horse!" he commanded. It was then that I realized I had narrowly escaped a terrible fate. Silently thanking every deity I could think of, I struggled with shaky legs to climb onto my horse. Noticing he was riding in the opposite direction of the camp, my heart, which had just begun to calm, started racing again. He glanced at me and said in a cold tone, "Relax, you're not exactly irresistible." Only then did I feel a bit more at ease.

He rode beside me, gradually increasing the speed, while correcting my mistakes. I no longer had the courage to protest and could only obediently focus on learning, forcing myself to pay attention.

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