Chapter 19 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 19: 

 (Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

Among the princes accompanying the entourage were the Crown Prince, the First Prince, the Fourth Prince, and the Thirteenth Prince. They were all skilled horsemen and archers, and on the rugged plains, they truly resembled their nomadic ancestors. Watching them ride freely across the rough terrain, I felt that this was their true home. Deep down, they all possessed a wild and untamed nature, but it was often confined by the walls of the Forbidden City.

Lost in fascination, Yu Tan approached and asked, "Does Jie Jie enjoy horseback riding?" 

Still gazing into the distance, I replied, "Yes! I love it. It feels like flying in the wind." Then, with a sigh, I added, "But unfortunately, I don't know how to ride!" 

Yu Tan chuckled and said, "Neither do I! It's a shame that even though we're surrounded by horses all day, we never get the chance to learn."

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Thinking 'where there's a will, there's a way,' I half-turned with a smile and asked, "Are all the preparations done?" 

She assured me, "Don't worry! Everything's ready and packed." 

Then I inquired further, "Have the ice blocks been brought over?" 

Yu Tan replied, "I just sent a eunuch to remind them."

Satisfied, I glanced once more at the galloping figures against the blue sky and rugged landscape, then turned and headed towards the tea room.

Inside the tea room, the eunuchs paused their work to greet me respectfully. As I surveyed the assortment of fruits on the table, I instructed them to continue their tasks.

Observing the pickled plums on the table, Yu Tan asked with a smile, "Are we making chilled plum soup?" 

With a suppressed smile, I replied, "Yes and no."

The two of us rolled up our sleeves, washed our hands, and just as the ice blocks arrived. I instructed the eunuchs to use a scraper to shave the ice into thin flakes. Then, we took out various prepared containers and filled them with the ice flakes, placing them on the ice block to keep them cold. Next, we poured the assorted fruit juices, which had been previously squeezed through fine muslin cloth, into the containers according to the pre-planned color scheme. Finally, we carefully arranged the soaked dried flower petals in the containers.

As I busied myself with the task, Wang Xi rushed in, announcing, "His Majesty and the princes have returned!" Without lifting my head, I replied, "I'll be there in a moment!"

Once everything was prepared, and Yu Tan had brewed the tea, she came over to take a look and exclaimed, "It looks so exquisite and refreshing! Just looking at it makes me feel cooler." I smiled and instructed the eunuchs to carry the trays, while Yutan held the tea, and we walked together towards the main tent.

Even before we arrived, we could hear laughter coming from inside, indicating that Kangxi was in a good mood today. Upon entering the main tent, Kangxi sat in the center with the princes seated beside him. I first greeted Kangxi and then served the tea. 

With a smile, I said, "Seeing that Your Majesty must be feeling a bit hot from riding, I have prepared some chilled fruit juices. Would Your Majesty like to try my handiwork?" 

Kangxi chuckled and replied, "Bring it over and let's have a taste! If it's good, there will be rewards, but if it's not, there will be punishment." Seeing Kangxi in such good spirits, Li Dequan hurriedly stepped forward and gently placed the set of dishes and bowls that I handed him onto the table.

The plate was adorned with green chrysanthemum leaves, while the bowl featured a vibrant yellow chrysanthemum in full bloom, resting on top of the leaves. Inside the bowl was translucent pear juice, with ice flakes floating within, topped with a few pieces of yellow chrysanthemum petals. Kangxi glanced at it and remarked, "It's well thought out!" I handed two silver spoons to Li Dequan, who first took a sip before handing the plate to Kangxi. After Kangxi took a sip, he nodded and said, "I haven't tasted this method before." Then, he turned to Li Dequan and said, "Taking her out this time seems to be the right decision." Li Dequan nodded in agreement.

Seeing Kangxi's satisfaction, I turned to serve the princes. For the Fourth Prince, I prepared a set of dishes and bowls featuring azure water dishes and white magnolia flower bowls. The plate resembled transparent rippling water, while the bowl showcased a pure white magnolia floating atop it. The juice inside was a jade green grape juice, adorned with a few white jasmine petals on top. As he saw the plates and bowls on the table, his expression remained calm, but there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. He glanced at me and then picked up the silver spoon.

Kangxi observed the different sets of dishes on each table, featuring peonies for the Crown Prince, roses for the First Prince, and magnolias for the Fourth Prince. This sparked his interest, and he glanced over to where Thirteen was seated, asking with a smile, "Let's see what else you have in store?" I curtsied slightly and replied with a smile, "As long as Your Majesty is pleased, even if there isn't anything, we'll come up with something."

Then, I fetched a set of white snow-red plum dishes for the Thirteenth Prince. The plate was shaped like glistening snowflakes, while the bowl depicted a red plum standing proudly in the frost and snow. Inside was pear juice, with a few red plum petals floating on top. Thirteen nodded and smiled at me, then picked up the silver spoon.

Kangxi chuckled and asked, "Why haven't I seen these plates and bowls before?" I glanced at Li Dequan, about to answer, but he bowed and replied, "After Ruoxi drew the patterns last year, this servant found them interesting and novel, so I had the eunuchs purchase them and had the official kiln replicate them."

Emperor Kangxi asked, "How many different patterns were fired in total?" 

I replied, "A total of thirty-six patterns! But for this outing, only these few sets were brought along." 

Kangxi chuckled and said, "I'll have to see what other patterns are left when I have the chance." Then he nodded slightly and asked, "Given your thoughtful effort, what do you wish to be rewarded with?" 

I quickly bowed and replied, "While these ideas were mine, others also contributed significantly. I dare not claim sole credit." 

Kangxi said, "Then they shall all be rewarded." I promptly knelt down to express gratitude, with Yutan and the eunuchs behind me also kneeling and expressing their thanks with joy.

Kangxi then asked, "Now, what reward do you desire for yourself?" 

After pondering for a moment, I replied, "I greatly admire Your Majesty's vigorous and graceful riding skills. Therefore, I wish to learn horseback riding as well. While I dare not aspire to match Your Majesty's proficiency, merely acquiring the skill would fulfill my heart's desire, and it wouldn't be in vain for a daughter of the Manchu people to do so." After speaking, I internally berated myself, and even the princes seated beside me chuckled. Even Fourth Prince, who typically wore a calm expression, couldn't help but twitch his lips. 

Kangxi laughed and said, "You've spoken so eloquently; I cannot refuse. It's granted!" I bowed and expressed my gratitude, then led Yu Tan and the eunuch carrying the tray out.

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As we walked, both of them kept thanking me incessantly, saying, "The silver doesn't matter much; the important thing is the face. This is a reward personally given by His Majesty." 

The eunuch chuckled, "In all my years serving in the palace, this is the first time I've received a reward from His Majesty." After saying this, they continued to express their gratitude. 

I thought to myself, if I didn't give them some benefits, how could they serve me wholeheartedly? I learned this principle during the struggle of class struggle in the office, and here, I had to continue to uphold it. Although I couldn't guarantee that everyone would be a friend, reducing enemies was certainly not wrong.


Sitting outside to enjoy the cool breeze, I saw Wang Xi and Yu Tan approaching with joyful expressions on their faces. I looked at them and asked, "What reward did you receive to make you so happy?" 

They smiled and came over to pay their respects, saying, "No matter what rewards we receive, we dare not be arrogant in front of Sister. Prince Mongol came to pay homage to His Majesty and presented two precious horses, which made His Majesty very happy. He ordered a banquet for tonight!" 

Upon hearing this, I stood up and said with a smile, "That's something to be happy about. People from the grasslands are known for their generosity and passion for celebrations. Tonight will be a joyous occasion!" 

Yu Tan clapped her hands and said, "I knew Sister would be delighted."

As the bonfire was lit and fine wine was served, the air was filled with laughter, songs, and conversations. The aroma of grilled meat mingled with the fragrance of wine, drifting under the starry night sky. Both Yu Tan and I were brimming with joy. After all, such a banquet was much more enjoyable than the rigid formalities of the Forbidden City.

Tonight, His Majesty focused on drinking, so only a young eunuch stood by with a wind furnace, ready to provide hot water at any time. Yun Xiang prepared the tea set, and when His Majesty wanted to drink, it would be presented. As for other matters, Li Dequan would handle them, leaving me feeling relaxed.

A beautiful woman dressed in a splendid Mongolian robe, adorned with precious stones, was holding a bowl of wine, half kneeling in front of the Crown Prince's table, singing a toast song. I couldn't understand the lyrics, but I felt the indescribable warmth and enthusiasm. The Crown Prince listened attentively, with a hint of embarrassment and joy. As soon as the song ended, he took the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, eliciting laughter and applause from the surrounding crowd. Sitting at the head, Kangxi smiled and said a few words to the Mongolian prince sitting beside him. The Mongolian prince immediately stood up with the bowl and bowed to Kangxi in the Mongolian manner, then raised his head and emptied the bowl.

At this moment, the beautiful Mongolian woman had already walked to Fourth Prince's table and started singing a melodious song while lightly swaying her hips and dancing simple steps in front of his table. I found it amusing and wanted to see how this usually cold-faced person would respond to such fiery passion. While keeping an eye on him, I whispered to Yu Tan, "Go find out who this girl is."

To my surprise, Fourth Prince's facial expression remained as immovable as the snowy mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, calm and composed. He listened to the song for a while and then stood up to take the bowl, drinking it all amidst the music. There was no trace of any unusual expression?! I shook my head, thinking to myself, 'I'm impressed by your composure!'

As he handed the bowl back to the young woman, he caught sight of me shaking my head with a playful smile. His eyes sparkled with amusement, and he glanced at me before taking his seat.

Watching her move on to the table of the thirteenth prince, still singing, holding the wine bowl gracefully, with a smile that carried both confidence and pride, I listened as my attendant, Yu Tan, hurried back to me, whispering in my ear, "She's the daughter of the Mongolian prince, Su Wan Gua Er Jia. Min Min, renowned for her beauty on the grasslands." I nodded, understanding why she could offer toasts to each prince. Just then, I saw the thirteenth prince stand up, a smile on his face, lifting the wine bowl and downing its contents.

After finishing, he didn't return the bowl to Min Min, like the other princes did. Instead, he beckoned for a servant nearby to refill it with wine. Then, to everyone's surprise, he held the bowl aloft, his face still bearing a slight smile, and began to sing a toast to Min Min in a clear, resonant voice. This unexpected move immediately captured the attention of the whole room, silencing them. I couldn't understand whether the thirteenth prince sang in Mongolian or Manchu, but it didn't matter; his singing charmed everyone regardless.

The thirteenth prince stood tall and noble, his features exuding a heroic charm, his warm smile carrying a hint of carefree spirit. His singing voice was profound and resonant, echoing through the quiet night like the only sound that ever graced the vast grasslands. He resembled the legendary celestial horse of the grasslands, captivating the audience with just a few simple notes.

Everyone had been paying close attention to Min Min as she offered her toasts, but now, all eyes were fixed on her, and ears perked up to catch every sound. I couldn't help but smile brightly, feeling elated. I thought to myself, "Thirteenth Prince, well done!" Min Min's face flushed slightly, a hint of surprise flickering in her eyes, but she quickly composed herself, smiling as she listened to the song. Then, with a graceful smile, she reached out to accept the bowl and, in one swift motion, emptied it. The thirteenth prince laughed heartily and applauded.

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Amidst the thirteenth prince's carefree laughter and applause, laughter spread throughout the room, mingling with the clapping and cheers. I joined in, clapping my hands and remarking, "Truly the daughter of the great grasslands!"

After finishing her drink, Min Min handed the bowl to a servant standing nearby. Then, she turned to face Kangxi, kneeling before him and saying aloud, "May Your Majesty allow Min Min to offer a dance." Kangxi smiled and granted her request.

She slowly rose from the ground, bowing slightly, and assumed a posture as if riding a horse, remaining still. The entire crowd watched her in silence. Then, she clapped her hands, and with a few crisp claps, the lively and cheerful Mongolian dance music immediately filled the air. She began to move, transitioning from stillness to motion. Bending down, arching up, spinning sideways, twirling around, kicking, swaying her waist—she displayed the vibrant and free-spirited dance of the Mongolian people. They were eagles, they were steeds, they were the children of this vast land. Mongolian attendees began to clap along with the rhythm, some even started to hum along with the song. Gradually, the applause and singing grew louder, and all the Mongolian people were thrilled by the dancing red flame in the center of the room. 

As she spun past the table of the crown prince, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, then he began to tap along with the rhythm. As she spun past another table, she ignited another flame. Only when she spun past the table of the fourth prince, although he tapped along with a few beats, his expression remained indifferent.

The dance came to an end, and the entire crowd erupted in cheers. Min Min smiled as she scanned the room, her gaze pausing momentarily on the thirteenth prince, then focusing on Kangxi as she bowed to him. Kangxi gestured for her to rise, nodding and smiling as he said something to the Mongolian king. 

Seeing this, I couldn't help but sigh deeply and instructed Yu Tan, "I'm feeling a bit tired, I'll head back first. Although Yun Xiang is serving ahead, keep an eye out." 

Yu Tan quickly smiled and replied, "Don't worry, Jie Jie! I'll make sure nothing goes wrong." I nodded and squeezed my way out of the crowd.

Walking away, the laughter gradually faded behind me. Along the way, the patrolling soldiers all stepped aside to make way for me, but I paid them no mind, silently continuing on my way.

I too once had an experience of captivating an audience with a dance. Growing up in Xinjiang, I was no less skilled in the traditional dances of the Uighur people than the most talented Uighur girls. There were many dancers in Xinjiang, so it was nothing remarkable. However, when I moved to Beijing with my family after my father secured a teaching position there, I had the opportunity to showcase my skills at a campfire event during high school. Donning traditional Uighur attire, my performance was met with applause and acclaim from the entire audience. It was perhaps then that he truly took notice of me, although before that, he would occasionally glance at me when I managed to outshine him academically. Our teachers and parents were furious about our early romance, unable to understand how two top students could behave so boldly, openly holding hands on campus and even continuing to do so while eating in the cafeteria. He quickly learned to eat with his left hand to accommodate our affection. But despite the brilliance of our connection, what did it all amount to? In the end, he left for distant shores, and I could only choose to leave Beijing in an attempt to forget!

Now lying on the rough slope, gazing at the starry sky above, I realize that I still remember it all. Just when I thought it was all in the past, tonight, because of a single dance, it all comes rushing back to me. Clutching the rough ground tightly with my hands, tears slowly roll down my cheeks. If only I had known how things would turn out, I would never have left my parents. If I had been able to stay by their side for those three years, perhaps my current regrets would be a little lighter. Yet here I am, causing pain to those who deeply love me because of my own wounds.

After crying for a while, my heart gradually calmed down. I took a deep breath and got up, kneeling on the ground, silently praying in my heart, "Dear God, no matter how you treat me, please be kind to my parents. It's all up to you now, my brother and sister-in-law!" After finishing my silent prayer, I bowed down and knocked my head on the ground three times. Then I remained kneeling for a while before slowly standing up.

As I turned around, I noticed Fourth Prince and Thirteenth Prince standing quietly not far away. In the darkness of the night, I couldn't see their expressions clearly, and I felt a bit embarrassed. I bowed to greet them, and for a moment, the three of us stood there quietly.

Thirteenth Prince quickly walked a few steps closer to me and softly asked, "Is there anything troubling you?" Fourth Prince also approached slowly, standing beside Thirteenth Prince. 

I forced a smile and replied, "Just thinking about my parents, feeling a bit overwhelmed." Thirteenth Prince listened to my words and his expression dimmed slightly, becoming silent. Fourth Prince glanced at him and lightly patted Thirteenth Prince's back.

I quickly changed the subject and asked, "How come you guys are out here?" 

Thirteenth Prince adjusted his expression and replied, "We drank too much wine and needed some fresh air to sober up." 

I exclaimed, "Even those Mongolian wine barrels were willing to let you go?" 

Thirteenth Prince chuckled, "When nature calls, they have no choice but to let us go!" I suppressed a smile and said nothing.

After a brief silence, I said, "We've been out for a while, it's time to go back." Thirteenth Prince glanced at Fourth Prince and said, "Yes, we should head back." So the three of us walked back to the camp together.

As we walked, Thirteenth Prince suddenly asked, "Why did you choose red plum blossoms for me that day?" 

In my heart, I thought it was because you would be confined for ten years, but afterward, you would enjoy great honor. Isn't that what the plum blossom symbolizes—fragrance emerging from bitterness and coldness? But I replied, "Plum blossoms are known as the four gentlemen among flowers. Don't you like them?" 

Thirteenth Prince chuckled, "I just asked casually because I noticed you gave Fourth Brother his favorite magnolia."

He shouldn't have mentioned it, but now that he did, I felt anger rising within me. I blurted out, "When I asked you before, you didn't say anything. Now suddenly you know everything." After saying that, I muttered under my breath, "You're not reliable at all." 

He looked at me awkwardly, then at Fourth Prince, and said with a forced smile, "I was just trying my best to help you find out, and that's how Fourth Brother noticed." I coldly snorted and remained silent. 

He continued with a smile, "Since we're in front of Fourth Brother now, why don't you tell us why you wanted to inquire about those... those..." He seemed to struggle to find the right word, so he stopped and just glanced at me with his eyes. 

I looked around at the surrounding tents and said, "Alright, I'm going back to rest in my tent. You should continue drinking. I'll take my leave!" Without waiting for his response, I bowed to Fourth Prince and quickly turned right to leave. I could hear him chuckling softly and saying something to Fourth Prince as I walked away.

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