Chapter 102 ROTNDOAHRF


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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 102: 

You do the first day of the month, I'll do the fifteenth.

The sudden imperial decree left everyone stunned.

Qian Xiangyu, who had been quietly drinking tea, changed her expression upon seeing Prince Ming. She glanced at Ouyang Nuan, her face illuminated by the light, hiding a hint of darkness in her features.

While everyone congratulated the Grand Princess and Ouyang Nuan with sincere expressions, their underlying emotions varied. Ouyang Nuan, originally just the daughter of a Ministry of Personnel official, had suddenly become the Grand Princess's cherished jewel, with the emperor granting her the title of Yong'an Princess, instantly elevating her status.

"Being appointed as a princess by His Majesty is indeed a stroke of good fortune, Miss Ouyang," Qian Xiangyu said, her gaze cold as she leaned in closer to Ouyang Nuan, as if sharing a secret. "Oh, by the way, Miss Ouyang, now that you've climbed up the social ladder—," she blinked mischievously, her words carrying a hint of coldness that couldn't be ignored, "are you perhaps considering marrying into the imperial family?"

After the glory comes jealousy; it's unavoidable. Ouyang Nuan took a deep breath, smiling warmly at the young lady from the Prime Minister's household. "Miss Qian, I've never entertained such thoughts. I'm afraid those thoughts belong to you."

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"You?!" Qian Xiangyu seemed incredulous that Ouyang Nuan dared to refute her. She moved her mouth as if she wanted to continue speaking, but at that moment, someone entered the cabin. With a smiling face, he announced loudly, "Imperial Sister, I heard you have gained another daughter. I've come to offer my congratulations."

Everyone bowed respectfully as he entered, and in unison, they said, "Greetings, Your Highness, the Crown Prince."

Ouyang Nuan also bowed, but she discreetly lifted her eyes to glance at the man. She saw that the once acclaimed handsome young man had aged, but his facial features still retained the handsome charm of his youth. His physique remained robust and well-maintained, with a moderate build and vigorous strength. He was dressed in slightly worn court attire, with no extravagant adornments except for a jade belt around his waist, yet he exuded a dignified aura that couldn't be ignored.

"Please rise," the Crown Prince gestured with his hand, his gaze falling on Xiao Zhonghua. He chuckled, "Your father is always lazy. I extended an invitation, but he didn't come! I'll have to make a special trip to invite him another day."

"My father promised to come, but he was summoned to the palace by His Majesty early this morning," Xiao Chonghua explained with a smile.

The Crown Prince nodded and looked at the girls in the cabin. He then asked, "Which one is recognized as the princess's daughter?" Lin Yuanxin gestured towards Ouyang Nuan, and Ouyang Nuan hesitated for a moment before smiling gracefully and approaching the Crown Prince with a curtsy. The hem of her sleeves cascaded elegantly, complementing her porcelain-like skin and adding to her charm.

As the Crown Prince laid eyes on her delicate and pristine face, with her pointed chin, large almond-shaped eyes, and arched eyebrows, he felt a sense of familiarity wash over him... He paused for a moment and couldn't help but ask, "Whose daughter are you?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "My father is Ouyang Zhi, a supervisor in the Ministry of Personnel." From the Crown Prince's response alone, she could tell that even he was unaware of the imperial decree. If he had known earlier, he would have likely dispatched people to thoroughly investigate her family background long before asking directly. The Crown Prince's expression shifted momentarily, but soon he regained his composure. "So it's him," he said. He then turned his gaze to the Grand Princess, who wore a smile that betrayed no hint of suspicion. His emotions became complex in an instant.

He asked Ouyang Nuan, "Why haven't I seen you before?" 

Ouyang Nuan thought to herself, the Crown Prince's residence is so large, and even if she visited frequently, as a female relative, how could she easily encounter the Crown Prince? However, she couldn't use that excuse to reply to the Crown Prince directly. So, she smiled and said, "Your Highness must be very busy with affairs, that's why you haven't had the chance to see me." 

Xiao Zhonghua chuckled. He had been observing Ouyang Nuan while she spoke. He noticed that whenever she uttered flattering words, her eyes would blink. It was evident that her words weren't sincere. The Crown Prince indeed hadn't seen Ouyang Nuan before; if he had, he surely wouldn't have forgotten. Fortunately, she didn't say, "You must have been too busy to notice me," for that would have been a blatant lie. 

Xiao Zhonghua had indeed pushed for Ouyang Nuan's appointment as a princess. He had considered dealing with the leverage against Ouyang Zhi. However, resorting to forceful measures would be too bloody and difficult to conceal. A peaceful resolution would be preferable. If Ouyang Nuan became the daughter of the Grand Princess, Ouyang Zhi's position as a supervisor in the Ministry of Personnel would be undermined. With a princess as her mother, it wouldn't be difficult to protect Ouyang Jue. 

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Sitting leisurely beside them, Xiao Zhonghua sipped his tea. He no longer focused his gaze on Ouyang Nuan but remained attentive to the proceedings. By now, everyone had taken their seats. The Crown Princess relinquished her seat to the Crown Prince. Ouyang Nuan stood beside them, engaging in conversation, while the others smiled outwardly but harbored hidden intentions as they listened.

Ultimately, the royal family is the master, and everyone else, no matter how noble their lineage, is just a servant. Seeing Ouyang Nuan transition from being one of them to a member of the royal family undoubtedly stirred feelings of envy, jealousy, and resentment among them. However, who would dare to show such emotions on their faces? It's not like they were asking for trouble.

The Crown Prince listened attentively as Ouyang Nuan spoke, asking numerous questions. Some of these questions were ones he had previously asked Lin Wanqing. Unconsciously, he found himself asking Ouyang Nuan the same questions. To his surprise, Ouyang Nuan's answers were different. He had assumed that since she was Wanqing's daughter, she would resemble her both in appearance and temperament. However, he quickly realized that Ouyang Nuan was quite different from the aloof Wanqing. Back then, he had only asked Wanqing a few questions before she turned cold and ignored him. Now, Ouyang Nuan not only spoke wisely but also had a gentle demeanor, completely different from Lin Wanqing.

Actually, it's not hard to understand. Lin Wanqing was the apple of the old marquis's eye, raised in a privileged environment where she didn't have to be constantly cautious. With her beauty and talent, she naturally didn't need to be on guard all the time. On the other hand, Ouyang Nuan grew up in a cutthroat environment where one wrong move could lead to disaster. With wolves lurking everywhere, there's no room for airs and graces. The Crown Prince didn't know about the past, he just watched Ouyang Nuan and thought that this girl was quite unpredictable. When she refused him, she did it so firmly, but then she would turn around and chat amiably, as if nothing had happened. It seems she really doesn't take his words to heart.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhonghua's lips curl into a smile, and he raises an eyebrow. 'This girl seems to hold her ground well. She treats the Crown Prince Consort as if he's invisible. Then, he smiles even more happily. She's starting to sweat now. With so many people watching her, she must be feeling overwhelmed. It's only natural. The meaning behind their gazes is too complicated; she can't handle it.'

The Crown Prince Consort's consort had also noticed the Crown Prince's unusual kindness towards Ouyang Nuan, but she did not dwell on it. After all, Ouyang Nuan was indeed very likable. So, she spoke up to ease the situation for her: "Your Highness, don't scare the poor girl. Let her go quickly. Haven't you noticed the Empress glaring at you?"

The Grand Princess smiled and said, "From now on, we're all one family. Why rush things? There will be plenty of opportunities to talk in the future."

Upon hearing this, everyone was taken aback once again, realizing the truth in her words. Once the royal family truly acknowledged this county princess, Ouyang Nuan would no longer be just an ordinary official's daughter. A beautiful and talented scion of a prestigious family would be completely different from a princess valued by the imperial family. In an instant, people's gazes towards Ouyang Nuan gained a few more layers of consideration and evaluation.

Qian Xiangyu, full of jealousy, looked at Ouyang Nuan being surrounded by everyone and muttered, "What's there to be proud of? She's just an adopted daughter!" 

Xu Mingxi, who was standing close by, overheard her and couldn't help but chuckle softly while fanning herself, "There are many types of adopted daughters. Those who receive an imperial decree like this are equivalent to princesses of the imperial family, on par with Princess Rong. No, perhaps even better."

The Crown Prince couldn't help but smile as he noticed the peculiar gazes from some people behind him. "Today's banquet is truly lively. If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have known. It seems like all the beautiful young ladies in the capital have been invited." He said this as if he had just realized the presence of a bunch of charming young girls.

The Crown Princess smiled and replied, "Yes, all the young ladies from various families are here, pleasing to the eye indeed. I feel happy just watching them. It's also good for my heart." The Crown Prince knew that it wasn't a good idea to overly focus on Ouyang Nuan in front of everyone, especially since she was currently under scrutiny. So, he waved his hand, releasing Ouyang Nuan, and began to ask a few words to the other young ladies one by one. When he came to Xu Mingxi, he asked several more questions, and his tone became even gentler. "Are you from the Nan'an Duke's family? How is your grandfather's health lately?"

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Xu Mingxi smiled and replied, "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. My grandfather is still in good health." 

"Your brothers are all doing well. Has your uncle finished his tenure in Mingzhou? Has he sent any letters back?"

Among the group of young ladies, the Crown Prince treated them all equally, except for Xu Mingxi, to whom he asked several more questions. This was enough to attract the attention of others.

Zhou Zhijun looked at Xu Mingxi's barely concealed smile and sneered inwardly. The Xu family was the maternal family of Imperial Consort Xu, who was at odds with the Crown Prince's faction. This kind of attention seemed deliberate on the part of the Crown Prince.

Just then, a maid came to report that the boat had reached the shore and invited everyone to disembark. The crowd rose one after another, accompanying the Crown Prince and others as they left.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Lin Yuanxin quietly said to Ouyang Nuan, "Nuan'er, this time you can hold your head up high."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and replied, "Cousin, it's not that easy. I'm just the adopted daughter of the Grand Princess."

Lin Yuanxin scolded, "You silly girl, are you truly naive or just pretending? Being the adopted daughter of a princess changes your future drastically. It's something that ordinary families can only dream of."

Ouyang Nuan sighed and said, "I understand the principle, but there are pros and cons to everything." 

Lin Yuanxin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right. In the future, your marriage will likely be arranged by His Majesty. But there are advantages to this. Now, as the daughter of the Grand Princess, you carry a prestigious honor wherever you go. No matter which family you marry into, they won't easily mistreat you. If the Ouyang family arranged your marriage themselves, you wouldn't have such glory." Ouyang Nuan pondered these words carefully and felt a sense of relief in her heart. This time, perhaps, she had gained a blessing in disguise.

"Whispering secrets?" A male voice interrupted their conversation.

Ouyang Nuan saw it was Xiao Yan and lowered her eyes, remaining silent. Lin Yuanxin smiled and said, "Your Highness, why are you not accompanying the Crown Prince at the front? How did you end up here?"

The Crown Prince glanced at the Crown Prince, who was surrounded by people in front, and sighed, "I wanted to go, but they pushed me out."

Lin Yuanxin smiled gently, "Then you should go and assist Princess Zhou."

The Crown Prince chuckled, "She has plenty of attendants by her side. I'll stay here with you all." Then, he turned to Ouyang Nuan and asked, "The Guanyin painting in Lady Lin's quarters, was it your creation?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "It was just a spontaneous doodle of mine, nothing worthy of admiration. Please don't blame me, Your Highness." She had replaced the poisonous Guanyin painting with a new one she had painted herself. "No wonder it looks different from the original," Xiao Yan smiled gently. "I heard you are best at landscape paintings. My study lacks a painting. Do you have the time to create one?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback and whispered, "Your Highness, my paintings are not suitable for display. I heard that your Crown Princess is skilled in painting. Perhaps..."

Xiao Yan didn't agree, but just smiled and said, "Her paintings tend to favor bright and vibrant colors. The study is a quiet place, and her paintings may not be suitable."

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "I am the daughter of an outsider. If I were to give you a painting, it might attract gossip."

Xiao Yan was momentarily stunned, then smiled as he looked at her. "What nonsense is this? You are now the daughter of my aunt, my cousin. Even if you were to give me a painting, who could say anything about it? Are you just making excuses because you don't want to give one?"

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Lin Yuanxin, fearing Xiao Yan's anger towards Ouyang Nuan, quickly interjected, "She's not unwilling. She just worries that Your Highness might not like it." She nudged Ouyang Nuan gently. "Your Highness, if you are willing to appreciate it, she can bring a painting next time. I'll compose a poem to accompany it. That way, no one can say anything."

Ouyang Nuan bowed slightly, maintaining her composure. "It has been a long time since I painted. I fear I might tarnish Your Highness's eyes."

Xiao Yan's expression gradually darkened.

Lin Yuanxin was about to interrupt, but at that moment, the Princess Consort sent someone to summon her. She felt worried, but she couldn't show it on her face, so she just gave a subtle look to Ouyang Nuan, indicating her to be careful, and then hurried away.

Unconsciously, Ouyang Nuan and Xiao Yan had fallen behind the others. Ouyang Nuan frowned and involuntarily quickened her pace.

"Ouyang Nuan, are you avoiding me?" Xiao Yan seemed nonchalant, but beneath his eyelashes, there was a hint of brightness in his deep eyes, an unnamed undercurrent quietly surging through his heart, causing ripples: "It seems that you are seeking a higher branch."

Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat and her thoughts became chaotic.

"Your Highness, I'm not sure what you mean," Ouyang Nuan replied, her surprise evident in her voice, but she had to lower her tone and mask her expression, pretending not to understand.

"I've told you before, I like you. I want to marry you. But you clearly refused me last time. At that time, you said you didn't want to hurt your cousin. But now, it seems there might be another reason," Xiao Yan's tone was serious. Ouyang Nuan's face was covered with a layer of frost, but she remained silent. Xiao Yan's smile from before disappeared, replaced by a cold one: "This time, the appointment of the Princess... came from Prince Ming."

"Why did he help you so much?" 

"Your Highness, it wasn't me that Prince Ming helped, it was just the Grand Princess. It's a complete misunderstanding on your part."

"Oh? It's my misunderstanding?" Xiao Yan's smile turned cold, "Zhonghua rarely interferes in trivial matters."

"I met Prince Ming by chance. He had no reason to go to such lengths for me. It's truly a misunderstanding on your part, Your Highness." With each word, Ouyang Nuan spoke heavily.

"Tell me, what kind of spouse do you actually want?" Xiao Yan obviously didn't believe her, but he didn't pursue the previous topic any further. Instead, he gently asked, as if in intimate conversation, with an inexplicable ambiguity. By now, they had disembarked from the ship, and the crowd ahead was getting closer. The wind tousled Ouyang Nuan's hair, and Xiao Yan's clear eyes suddenly carried a hint of intense emotion, yet also an utterly emotionless color, captivating: "... You are now the daughter of my aunt. Naturally, I, as your cousin, have to care about your lifelong affairs. You might as well answer honestly."

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and said slowly, "If possible, I hope to marry someone suitable." 

"Someone suitable?" Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a complex expression that was difficult to decipher. He concealed the vortex in his eyes with a downward gaze, furrowing his brows lightly before speaking again. 

"Yes," Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "To marry someone agreeable, receive blessings from family and friends, and lead a peaceful life. Isn't that what every woman desires?" In her past life, she thought that marrying Su Yu could bring her a stable and happy life, but it turned out to be nothing but a joke. In this life, she naturally had to be careful and choose a marriage that was truly beneficial to both parties.

"The so-called suitability is the most difficult thing in the world." Xiao Yan's clear brows suddenly furrowed with doubt, and his expression turned somber. Stepping back for a moment, his face quickly returned to calmness. "I will keep a close eye out for you." With that, he walked away.

At that moment, Ouyang Nuan suddenly noticed that Xiao Zhonghua had appeared nearby, seemingly unnoticed by them until now. His extremely handsome face wore a serene expression. In the sunlight, he exuded an aura of calmness and stability, like a piece of high-quality antique jade, gleaming with a warm luster. It was captivating yet not dazzling, subtle yet impossible to ignore, silently radiating a unique brilliance.

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Judging by his expression, he must have heard your misunderstanding with Crown Prince just now.

Ouyang Nuan looked bewildered, while Xiao Zhonghua looked at her calmly, as if he had some hidden meaning. Then, he smiled and waited for her to approach.

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart. If it weren't for the Crown Prince's arrival today, she would have been surrounded by Crown Prince and Xiao Zhonghua, and they wouldn't have come to bother her one after another.

"Thank you for the Prince's help." Ouyang Nuan couldn't avoid it, so she walked straight to him with a smile.

Xiao Zhonghua's expression remained calm and composed, and his dark eyes gazed into the distance. "No need for excessive courtesy. You should be grateful to your Godmother. As soon as she heard you were in trouble, she rushed into the palace. Many things, I cannot speak about openly, but she handled them all for you. Including the marriage matters of the Marquis of Wu and today's conferment by His Majesty."

Ouyang Nuan naturally understood the goodwill of the Grand Princess, but Xiao Zhonghua also extended his helping hand, so she simply said, "Regardless, the kindness of both of you, Ouyang Nuan will remember in her heart."

"Aunt said you want to rely on yourself for everything." Xiao Zhonghua walked forward casually, but he turned back to look at her with a meaningful glance, furrowing his brows slightly. Then, he composed himself and continued walking forward without any change in expression. "However, relying on oneself doesn't mean being stubborn."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly. She didn't refuse to rely on others, but when it came to crucial moments, she only trusted herself.

"This crisis has indeed been resolved, but I didn't resolve it alone." Xiao Zhonghua glanced at her, and his dark eyes flashed with a profound light, making it difficult for others to discern his emotions. "Or rather, while it may appear that I resolved it, in reality, another person played an indispensable role."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat, her palms sweating, and she involuntarily shrank back slightly. "What are you saying, Your Highness? I'm a bit confused."

"Now that you are a county princess, if any of Ouyang's affairs are exposed, it may not cause substantial harm to you, but it will undoubtedly attract some criticism." Watching Ouyang Nuan's expression, Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly. "Someone spent a great deal of effort to remove the thorns planted by Minister Ouyang. What I did was simply to clear away the remaining poison."

Ouyang Nuan understood that the "someone" referred to Xiao Tianye, but Xiao Zhonghua only smiled faintly, showing no intention of pursuing the matter further. She was somewhat stunned, not immediately understanding why he brought up this issue. Considering his character, even if he knew something, he would likely pretend not to know.

"Now that you are aunt's daughter, everyone knows about the close relationship between the Grand Princess and the Crown Prince. As a result, all eyes will be on you, regardless of whether the person is sincere or not. It's best for you to remain reserved and cautious." Xiao Zhonghua sighed softly, his serene black eyes harboring restrained elegance. "Moreover, if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can always seek help from aunt. She is now your mother, not an outsider anymore."

Ouyang Nuan nodded in a daze, looking at the depth of his eyes, suddenly understanding all his intentions.

He knew what Xiao Tianye had done, guessed that she must have had some dealings with him, but did not reveal it. On one hand, he was leaving her some leeway, and on the other hand, he was indirectly reminding her not to get too close to the Prince of Qin to avoid trouble. He also told her that if there were any troubles in the future, she didn't need to rely on Xiao Tianye, as the Grand Princess alone could solve them. It was as if he knew every thought in her mind, making her feel exposed in his presence. Xiao Zhonghua... he understood human weaknesses so well, making him a truly formidable man.

In a sense, he shared some similarities with Xiao Tianye. For example, they were both individuals she couldn't control. That's why she had never considered either of them as important candidates. In this life, what she needed was a man she could control in the palm of her hand.

Clearly, neither of these two men were the best choice.

Xiao Tianye sought her heart, sparing no effort and thinking exhaustively. As for Xiao Zhonghua, she had no idea what he wanted from her. In this regard, he was even more terrifying than Xiao Tianye. With these thoughts in mind, Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes slightly, her tassel earrings swaying gracefully, her voice veiled in a light mist, "I understand."

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Xiao Zhonghua chuckled, "I don't mean anything else by this, you needn't worry. Among the numerous young ladies in the capital, no one can match your astuteness. But remember, a tall tree catches the wind; you must be cautious in everything you do, especially during this period when you're attracting so much attention. It's easy to invite jealousy."

Ouyang Nuan's heart shook, and she lowered her head to ponder his words carefully. The sense of estrangement in her heart gradually faded, replaced by a ripple of warmth. She softly replied, "Thank you for the reminder, Your Highness."


In the Biyu Pavilion of the courtyard, Xiao Tianye and Xiao Lingfeng were sitting inside, drinking.

"Enough, stop drinking," Xiao Lingfeng restrained Xiao Tianye's hand from reaching for the wine. "There are still so many people at the banquet. Do you want to become the subject of gossip?"

Xiao Tianye still poured himself a drink and took a sip.

Finally seeing her, she didn't seem the least bit happy. He knew she was blaming him for being cold and heartless. Even when he touched her, he noticed her body tremble slightly. This realization struck him: Was she afraid of him? For the first time, he tirelessly pursued a woman, thinking he might have some place in her heart. But she firmly rejected him with just one gesture, leaving no room for negotiation. Despite his disbelief, it was true. Although he later masked his true feelings with a smile, he couldn't deceive himself. The feeling of being hurt in his heart at that moment was undeniable.

She was actually afraid of him! Even without a word of reproach, without a hint of anger, just the fact that she was afraid of him made him feel a mix of anger and frustration.

Xiao Tianye pressed his hand against his chest, feeling a dull ache inside. He wanted to tell her that he was only trying to keep her safe. Even if he had to do it all over again, he would still eliminate those people. Xiao Tianye raised his head and drained his cup.

Xiao Lingfeng stared at him, his gaze filled with incomprehension. "I don't understand. Are you just unwilling to accept this defeat, or have you really fallen for her? What's so special about this woman apart from her appearance? There are plenty of talented and beautiful women in the capital. Why do you have to choose someone like her?"

Xiao Tianye put down his cup, his expression filled with a hint of distress. "I don't understand it either. How did I end up liking her?" He had asked himself that question many times, but he could never find the answer. He couldn't understand it, couldn't find a reason, couldn't find an explanation. He could only attribute it to being bewitched by her.

"Walk the night road too often, and you'll run into ghosts," Xiao Lingfeng chuckled. "She's quite a stubborn ghost."

Xiao Tianye nodded. "I think so too."

He was a ruthless man. If he had known what would happen today, back when they were on the hunting grounds, he would have killed her without hesitation. It would have eliminated this potential threat and prevented him from ending up in this situation today.

After finishing the wine, he leaned on the stone table and smiled, a hint of sadness shimmering in his eyes. 'I'm a little afraid of Xiao Tianye. He may appear elegant and somewhat capricious, but his methods are extremely ruthless. Every step he takes is calculated, and his eccentric temperament makes it difficult for people to gauge his depth. Even the Grand Prince of Qin is somewhat wary of him. I've never seen him so despondent before.' Xiao Lingfeng was taken aback, at a loss for words.

"I'm afraid that no matter how hard I try, she won't belong to me," Xiao Tianye said, his expression melancholic.

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Xiao Lingfeng felt a sudden shock. He realized that his childhood companion, who used to kill without hesitation, had undergone a change unnoticed. In the past, he wouldn't bat an eye at killing, but now he was here, despondent over the slightest resistance from Ouyang Nuan... He was no longer the Prince Qin who lacked emotion. His heart was completely lost, no longer his own.

"Uncle Qin has already begun to make moves. Sooner or later, he will pressure you to settle down," Xiao Lingfeng said slowly. "Think it through. Given Ouyang Nuan's stance, you two can never be together."

Xiao Tianye threw the wine jug aside and suddenly stood up, staring at him with a cold smile. "I refuse to believe that. Nothing in this world is impossible. As long as she nods, what can't be done?"


The birthday banquet of the Crown Princess had passed without incident. When Ouyang Nuan returned home, she informed Old Madam Li of the news.

"What did you say?" Old Madam Li was stunned for a moment. After a long time, she managed to say, "You mean His Majesty conferred upon you the title of Princess Yong'an?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded, feeling uncertain about Old Madam Li's reaction. Old Madam Li's expression had completely changed, showing shock and disbelief that were difficult to describe.

Although Ouyang Ke was trying hard to suppress it, she couldn't control herself, and her face twisted with jealousy. 

Old Madam Li's smile suddenly became profound. "Thank Heavens! This is truly a great blessing. With the title of Princess from now on, what need do you have to worry about your future? My dear, you are truly blessed. Not only can you help the family in times of trouble, but you can also support your father and your younger brother in the future. It's wonderful! Truly wonderful!"

Old Madam Li's joyous expression caught Ouyang Nuan off guard for a moment, but soon she understood. Perhaps her grandmother saw this title of princess as a stepping stone for further advancement in the future. Perhaps she was so overjoyed that she momentarily forgot about her marriage, which was no longer in their control.

Without revealing her thoughts, as usual, Ouyang Nuan exchanged a few words with Old Madam Li before returning to her chamber in the Listening Warm Pavilion. After dealing with various people throughout the day, she was already very tired.

Ouyang Jue was waiting for her in the Listening Warm Pavilion and shared with her some unexpected yet somewhat anticipated news.

Su Yulou had encountered trouble.

After the imperial examination, Su Yulou had gained considerable prestige in the capital, becoming a frequent guest in the mansions of the wealthy and influential families. Many regarded him as having the appearance of a top scholar. During the palace examination, the Emperor personally tested the talents of various scholars and indeed praised Su Yulou highly, appointing him as the top scorer.

However, unexpectedly, at this time, the censor Zhang Jiuyan submitted a memorial accusing the chief examiner of the imperial examination, Zhang Siwei, of accepting bribes and engaging in corruption.

The court was stunned by this revelation.

During the Dali Dynasty, the triennial provincial examination followed the Mi Records Teng Sealing system, where all examination papers were sealed with Mi seals and handed over to the scribes. The scribes would then distribute the papers to the copyists, who would transcribe them faithfully. After transcription, the papers were handed over to the proofreaders, who were responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the transcriptions. Finally, the papers were submitted to the examiners for reading, grading, and other related processes. In theory, it was difficult for cheating to occur under this system. 

However, a scholar named Luo Tong from Jiangnan managed to bribe the chief examiner, Zhang Siwei. They made an agreement that in the first essay of the examination, the last word should end with "fu" (夫); in the second essay, it should end with "yi" (矣); in the third essay, it should end with "ba" (罢); and in the poetry section, it should end with "moye" (莫邪). 

As a result, Zhang Siwei indeed selected this candidate, Luo Tong, as a tribute student. At the time of the incident, Luo Tong had even been selected as a Jinshi during the palace examination and was feeling extremely proud. However, he was suddenly condemned to hell by the memorial of the censor.

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The Emperor immediately summoned the cabinet ministers and the heads of various departments to discuss the matter. After investigation, the truth of the matter was confirmed. The Emperor was furious and sentenced Zhang Siwei and Luo Tong to immediate execution. Additionally, the examiners who had graded the papers were dismissed from their positions. 

Su Yulou was originally unrelated to this incident. Unfortunately, he was from the same hometown as Luo Tong and had a close relationship with him. Suddenly, his status as the top scholar became highly suspicious. Although there was no evidence to prove that he had bribed the examiners like Luo Tong, the enraged Emperor still stripped him of his honors and forbade him from participating in any future examinations. 

With this, Su Yulou's dreams of entering officialdom were completely shattered.

Ouyang Nuan listened to the news, seeming momentarily stunned, but then a faint smile slowly appeared on her lips. In this world, there was only one person who could be so ruthless in handling things, and he always seemed to find his opponent's weaknesses. Should she say he was cunning or sharp?

For Su Yulou to be barred from participating in examinations for life was more painful than losing his life itself. And this was just the beginning. Knowing Xiao Tianye's character, Su Yulou would not have an easy time ahead. While others might have finished their initial moves, she still had her own moves to make to truly shine. 

Ouyang Nuan stood up and smiled, saying, "Hongyu, let's go to the Pear Fragrance Courtyard and check on my sister."

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