Chapter 101 ROTNDOAHRF


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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 101: 

 Promoted to a high position.

"She is—"

Ouyang Jue muttered, but after that sentence, he couldn't say anything else. Because he quickly realized. The people in the box, one was the courtesan, and the other was his half-sister.

Dead! They died like this in front of him!

Who on earth... who killed them?

And who, actually sent this box to the Ouyang Mansion?

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"Let's go back!" Ouyang Jue heard Ouyang Nuan say. When she spoke, her strange expression made Ouyang Jue dare not even look at her.

Ouyang Nuan walked faster and faster, passing through the corner gate, bypassing the her own Pavilion, and only turning south through the connecting corridor towards the Moonlit Pavilion. Ouyang Jue's face changed, and he quickly followed behind her. Several times he almost lost her, feeling a chill in his heart.

The Moonlit Pavilion was once the residence of Lin Wanqing. When Lin Wanru married into the family, Ouyang Zhi once wanted to allocate it exclusively for her residence. However, she expressed her respect and willingly chose to live in the Furui Courtyard. 

At that time, Ouyang Nuan and others were deeply moved by her gesture. However, looking back now, it seemed like a move to gain fame and reputation. It spared her from living in the old courtyard while also earning the admiration of others. Truly, it was a shrewd calculation.

Although the Moonlit Pavilion had been uninhabited for a long time, it was still cleaned very thoroughly. When the maidservants saw the arrival of the young miss, their faces changed instantly, and they followed behind with fear and trepidation.

Ouyang Nuan stared at the closed door for a while before faintly instructing the people behind her, "You all may leave now."

The onlookers stole glances at her expression, not daring to speak again, and quietly exited the Moonlit Pavilion.

Once everyone had left, Ouyang Nuan's smile finally faded, and her face calmed down. She slowly pushed open the door but didn't enter the inner room. Instead, she sat down on the chair where Lin Wanqing used to sit. In that moment when she witnessed the scene, her heart was pierced by some sharp object, causing intense pain.

The afternoon sunlight streamed in through the intricately carved window, casting its warm glow on Ouyang Nuan. After a long while, she suddenly realized that her whole body was stiff and cold, terrifyingly so. She wanted to laugh but couldn't, only suppressing the choking sensation, murmuring to herself, "It's him..." She knew that today's incident must have been orchestrated by Xiao Tianye. Despite her reluctance for him to know about it, he still found out.

Xiao Tianye, a man known for his capriciousness and cruelty, harbored murderous intentions at the slightest provocation. Initially, she kept this matter hidden from him because of a premonition that if he got involved, there would be no good outcome. But today, she couldn't say he was wrong.

As long as those two individuals remained alive in the world, they would pose countless potential threats. There was always the possibility that someone would use them as leverage to threaten her. The best solution was for those two to quietly disappear from this world. Even though she never laid a hand on them, she couldn't deny that deep down, she wished those two had never existed.

Call her naive or foolish, but she had always believed that if she could hide them in a place where no one could find them, perhaps things could be resolved. Although she knew that this was only a temporary solution and didn't address the root of the problem.

She gradually bent down, her head resting on the cool surface of the table, the fine purple sandalwood warmed by the heat of her skin at first, then remaining as cold as ever. It seemed that no matter how long passed, it couldn't become warm. Tears slowly moistened the tabletop, almost spreading out. She didn't know how long had passed. 

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Faintly, she heard the sound of fabric rustling nearby, but Ouyang Nuan remained unaware, still lying there. After a moment, a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, the chest behind her not broad, but very warm. After a long time, Ouyang Jue finally said, "Sister, don't be sad."

His voice was very strong. Ouyang Nuan almost felt bewildered. When had her younger brother become capable of comforting her? Or perhaps, was it that men's minds were naturally more rational?

Ouyang Jue gently held his sister, slowly saying, "When I was young, and even now, I would often think, how wonderful it would be if mother were still alive, able to be by my side? Though her shoulders weren't strong, she would shield her children from all the storms outside, shielding them from all the filth outside. Even if she did nothing, I would still feel reliant on her... How blessed would that be?" He sighed. "But later, I realized mother could never come back. I only have you, sister. You're the most important person. Similarly, in your heart, I will also be the most important person, right?"

Ouyang Nuan looked into her little brother's eyes and slowly nodded her head in agreement.

"If that's the case, don't be sad for unrelated people. That mother and daughter have nothing to do with us, and their existence even poses a threat to us! Don't be upset for them, not even a bit!"

Ouyang Jue's words sounded ruthless, but a hot tear rolled into Ouyang Nuan's collar. She sighed gently. "Jue, sister understands."


On July 24th, the birthday of the Crown Princess, the prince's mansion in the outskirts of the capital was early prepared. They specially arranged pleasure boats, and the ladies dressed in bright clothes followed the Crown Princess onto the boat to enjoy the birthday celebration.

This villa was named Misty Rain Mountain Villa. It was said to have been built by theGrand Prince Yan with great investment. During the rainy season, a light drizzle enveloped the villa's back courtyard, and when one climbed to the top of the small building, it felt like distant mountains and nearby waters were all shrouded in light mist and thin fog, as if entering a fairyland. 

What was most peculiar was that the villa had ingeniously created a lively water feature, planting lotus flowers everywhere, floating them on the crimson lake, adding a lot of fun. The water source flowed directly from the largest lake in the outskirts of the capital, and the sound of water could be heard everywhere in the villa. Such a beautiful villa must have consumed a lot of effort and resources. However, after the Grand Prince of Yan built it, for some reason, he gave it to the Crown Prince. So now, it was used as a summer retreat for the ladies of the Crown Prince's mansion.

The male guests were all participating in the feast within the villa, while the ladies boarded the boats to escape the heat. The weather was slightly hot, and as they walked under the bright sunshine, most of the ladies' faces were covered in sweat. They took out their delicate handkerchiefs to wipe away the sweat, fearing it would ruin their makeup. Lin Yuanxin leaned against Ouyang Nuan and felt her body was pleasantly cool. She couldn't help but touch Ouyang Nuan's hand and exclaimed, "Nuan'er, why aren't you afraid of the heat at all?"

Ouyang Nuan was wearing a pale green silk gown, with delicate white petals embroidered on the shoulders. The color started off almost transparent at the top, gradually deepening as it went down. By the sleeves, it had become pure white. The scattered petals embroidered on the thin fabric were charming and graceful. At this moment, a layer of golden sunlight fell on her eyelashes, resembling a light butterfly resting in her eyes, exuding tranquility. 

She smiled slightly and said, "I'm not afraid of the heat. It's actually the cold in winter that I fear."

Hongyu chimed in, "Princess Lin, you don't know. Miss is very afraid of the cold. If it were winter right now, Miss would definitely hide inside and refuse to come out."

Lin Yuanxin was dressed in a luxurious purple robe, with her carefully arranged hair adorned with emerald threads and golden phoenixes, shimmering like moonlight. Her face was as beautiful as colorful clouds, and the once dim complexion had gradually regained its radiance without her realizing it. However, such beauty had little to do with Crown Prince Yan anymore. It was simply because she had already come to terms with it. 

Hearing Hongyu's words, she genuinely laughed. Since marrying into the prince's mansion, only when she saw her family could she truly smile. "In that case, wouldn't Ink Lotus Pavilion be able to use Nuan'er as an ice block?"

At this point, the two of them had entered the partially open cabin. Most of the ladies were already inside. The floor was covered with cool-colored mats, adorned with intricate and eye-catching patterns. In the center of the room was a purple sandalwood table, with a complete piece of jade embedded on the tabletop. The smooth surface was adorned with elaborate golden decorations, and on the tabletop was a golden incense burner carved with open-mouthed gluttonous patterns, with delicate peony carvings on the lid. The wooden windows of the entire cabin were inlaid with rare colorful glass, and the sunlight shining through them almost gave people a dazzling feeling. On a hexagonal stand next to the window was a tripod water basin containing beautiful orchids. Upon closer inspection, the various furnishings in the cabin were all exceptionally luxurious, truly breathtaking.

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The opulence seemed somewhat inappropriate to Ouyang Nuan's eyes, and she glanced at Lin Yuanxin beside her. However, Lin Yuanxin merely smiled slightly and remarked, "Isn't it extravagant? But this wasn't built by the Prince's Mansion; it was the work of His Royal Highness Yan, the Prince's uncle. Back then, even His Majesty remarked that he was usually frugal, so it was rare for him to indulge in such luxury... I wonder what got into him..." Strangely enough, shortly after the completion of the Misty Rain Villa and this ship, he gave all of it to the Crown Prince. Over the years, the ship had undergone continuous maintenance and improvement, but each time, it was overseen personally by the Prince's uncle, never delegated to others..."

Ouyang Nuan nodded. Indeed, it was quite strange. Once a gift was given, it usually became the recipient's responsibility. But he personally oversaw the maintenance every time... It seemed a bit too attentive.

After escorting them into the cabin, the maidservants brought by each person were led away by others. There were naturally people inside the cabin to attend to their needs.

The Crown Princess sat in the central position, wearing a robe embroidered with elaborate golden motifs, with wide sleeves and a hint of red chiffon peeking out from the neckline. Her sleeves were intricately embroidered with twisted gold threads, and the white silk garment with apricot-colored auspicious patterns draped silently to the ground, enhancing her dignified and serene demeanor. Sitting beside her was the equally elegantly attired Grand Princess, who greeted Ouyang Nuan with a slight smile upon seeing her.

Zhou Zhijun, who was already seven months pregnant, sat below the Crown Princess. She wore a silver-white robe adorned with peony patterns, draped with a translucent light pink crepe fabric. A delicate golden and jade phoenix hairpin adorned her head, adorned with intricate gold and silver flowers. Long strands of pearls hung on both sides of her cheeks, and she lightly fanned herself with a colorful silk fan, her face not swollen due to pregnancy but instead radiating a charming allure, making her particularly eye-catching. Other female guests sat around, chatting and sipping tea.

Lin Yuanxin led Ouyang Nuan forward to pay their respects, and the Crown Princess smiled warmly and said, "No need for formalities, please have a seat." Ouyang Nuan raised her head only to see the Grand Princess wink at her, causing her to pause momentarily before being led to her seat by Lin Yuanxin.

As they took their seats, a young woman greeted them. She was dressed in a peach-red robe embroidered with golden butterflies, with a jeweled hairpin adorning her temple, adorned with delicate tassels. Though not exceptionally beautiful, her gentle demeanor made her quite approachable. Lin Yuanxin's smile deepened upon seeing her. "Eldest sister-in-law."

The woman was none other than Zheng Ronghua, the wife of Lin Zhiran, the Marquis of Zhenguo. She nodded and smiled, saying, "Greetings to Imperial Consort Lin. My mother-in-law intended to come today, but Xiao Zhao kept her busy, so she couldn't make it. She asked me to convey her apologies to the Crown Princess and you."

Lin Huazhao, Lin Zhiran's eldest son, who was not yet a year old, was born with delicate features, making him incredibly adorable. Lin Yuanxin smiled and replied, "Every time Mother comes, she brings little Zhao with her. I heard he's quite lively. Eldest sister-in-law, please bring him along next time so I can see him."

At the mention of her son, Zheng Ronghua's face lit up with joy. After exchanging a few more words, she suddenly lowered her voice and said to Ouyang Nuan, "By the way, your cousin asked me to bring you a piece of warm jade. It will be very comforting in winter. I'll give it to you later."

Zheng Ronghua had a cheerful disposition, and her demeanor exuded elegance and grace, displaying the demeanor of a noblewoman. She was well aware of her husband's special affection for this young cousin, but she had never harbored any jealousy. She believed that even if he had feelings for Ouyang Nuan, she would never marry him. Therefore, why should she worry? 

Besides, everyone has a secret affection in their youth, and since it was all in the past, why dwell on it and make her husband unhappy? Moreover, after marrying into the Marquis of Zhenguo's residence, although their relationship was not overly sweet, they treated each other with respect and mutual understanding, which was sufficient for her. Therefore, when she spoke those words, it was entirely heartfelt, without any trace of displeasure or ulterior motive.

Ouyang Nuan could sense this sincerity, so she paused for a moment and then smiled, saying, "Thank you, cousin-in-law, for your kindness." 

Just then, Zhou Zhijun on the other side held her abdomen and exclaimed softly, "Oh my!"

The Crown Princess asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Zhijun smiled shyly, seeming a bit embarrassed, and said, "Nothing, just the mischievousness of the child in my belly."

Madam Zhou on the side immediately burst into laughter, saying, "This time it must be a boy!" Even the usually reserved Old Madam Zhou couldn't hide her joy, and she said, "Yes, from the looks of it, it's indeed a boy!"

Although the Crown Princess didn't particularly like Zhou Zhijun, she still looked forward to the child in her belly. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but smile and said, "I hope to be blessed by your words."

Zheng Ronghua couldn't help but glance at Lin Yuanxin, but she saw Lin Yuanxin turning her face slightly to talk to Ouyang Nuan, as if she hadn't noticed the situation at all, which made Zheng Ronghua breathe a sigh of relief.

The Grand Princess's smiling eyes glanced lightly at Ouyang Nuan.

At this moment, Ouyang Nuan held a teacup, her dense eyelashes drooping quietly, her demeanor as calm as ice and snow carved, with a hint of a graceful charm. She noticed the gaze of the Grand Princess, slightly raised her eyes, but the other party had already looked away, which made her feel curious.

The sunlight outside the window had already become intense, with tens of thousands of lotus flowers planted in the lake, the lake shimmering, and the lotus flowers dewy and fragrant, presenting a beautiful scene. Just then, the Grand Princess stood up casually and said, "It's stuffy inside the cabin. I'm going out for a walk."

Immediately, several young misses offered to accompany her, but the Grand Princess waved her hand, saying, "No need. Miss Ouyang will accompany me."

The Grand Princess's fondness for Ouyang Nuan was already well-known to all, and she never bothered to conceal such favoritism in any situation because she cared little about others' opinions. Indeed, with her status, she had no need to care. As jealous or envious gazes fell upon Ouyang Nuan, she smiled and stood up, accompanying the Grand Princess outside.

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The cabin fell into an eerie silence for a moment, until the Crown Princess smiled and asked Old Madam Zhou about other matters. The other women began to drink tea and chat again, as if the scene just now had never happened.

On the deck, the Grand Princess stood with Ouyang Nuan, gazing at the scenery outside. The fragrance of lotus flowers permeated the air, and the palaces and pavilions by the lake were shrouded in mist, making the lake shimmer like flowing light. The Grand Princess remained silent for a long time, until Ouyang Nuan began to feel puzzled. Slowly, the Grand Princess spoke, "My Chengjun, her eyes are just like yours, clear and lovely."

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, but the Grand Princess continued, "However, if you were truly my daughter, you wouldn't have turned out like this."

Tao Mama stood quietly nearby, her face calm but her heart sighing. If Ouyang Nuan were truly the Grand Princess's daughter, why would she live so cautiously and timidly? How could the Princess let her suffer even the slightest grievance?

Ouyang Nuan felt perplexed but decided to remain silent. However, she didn't expect the Grand Princess to suddenly reach out her hand and grasp hers tightly.

"Princess... Your Highness."

"The matters of the Wu Duke's Manor, you've never mentioned them to me. Is it because they are sensitive and you don't want to attract attention, or is there some other reason?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced awkwardly at Tao Mama, who remained silent. She decided to speak frankly, "Your Highness, to have gained your favor is a stroke of luck for me. I didn't mention those matters because I didn't want you to think that my closeness to you was for personal gain, nor did I want to bring trouble to you."

"Are you trying to avoid trouble for me?" The Grand Princess's smile deepened, and she chuckled softly. "Just now, I said you resembled Chengjun, but now it seems you resemble me the most. I don't like to depend on others, and I refuse to live at the mercy of someone else's mood. Being able to live better by one's own abilities is the right way. Nuan'er, I like your personality!"

As the Grand Princess spoke, her eyes filled with affection, and Ouyang Nuan, thinking of her own circumstances and the Grand Princess's daughter, couldn't help but feel more sympathy towards her, fostering a genuine closeness.

The Grand Princess seemed to recall something, patting her hand before releasing it. She then walked a few steps forward, gazing into the distance where the vast sky extended endlessly. Her voice came from afar, "Nuan'er, have you heard that the Emperor has arranged a marriage for Prince Yun?"

Ouyang Nuan had heard about the Emperor's arrangement of marriage between Prince Yun of the Zhou Prince's Manor and Miss Zhu Ningbi from the Zhu family of Xuancheng. So, she nodded gently, but in her mind, the image of the bright-eyed young prince emerged involuntarily.

Xiao Qinghan once pursued her for two full years. Now, it seems he might be entangled by that capricious little girl, Zhu Ningbi. Thinking of this matter, a smile crept onto Ouyang Nuan's lips.

"But this boy Qinghan really doesn't know how to appreciate what's good. Not only did he defy the imperial decree and refuse the marriage, he even caused trouble at the Zhu family, demanding to annul the engagement. Zhu Ningbi couldn't bear the humiliation and even threatened to hang herself... Do you know about these matters?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, then stunned.

"Later, this lad was forcibly taken into the bridal chamber by his father. It's said that even until today, he and Zhu Ningbi sleep in separate rooms, with their relationship very strained... Do you know who he did all this for?"

After hearing these words, Ouyang Nuan was truly at a loss for words. The boy with the bright eyes, whom she thought merely expressed a passing fancy, turned out to be so serious... Serious enough to defy even the emperor's decree.

In the end, she had underestimated his feelings... Ouyang Nuan's heart shook, but she couldn't reveal the slightest hint on her face. Instead, she just smiled lightly, as if completely oblivious. "Regardless of whom Prince Yun is doing this for, he will come to understand in the future."

Understanding their impossibility, understanding that fate cannot be defied.

The Grand Princess smiled. "I know you don't think highly of that child, but he truly does have a sincere heart." Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned. While she had underestimated Xiao Qinghan's feelings, she had never looked down upon him. She had always been planning her own life, and Xiao Qinghan was never her chosen one. Because she knew very well that their lives were completely different. Her fate was to seek revenge, then protect her brother and live a good life, but his... His life was too bright, like a splendid scroll just beginning to unfurl, with too much unknown and potential. She couldn't interrupt it like this.

Most importantly, every time she sees Xiao Qinghan, she can't help but think of Jue'er, a bright and clear-eyed young man who resembles a younger brother. His admiration for her is merely a pleasant surprise, but it's too dangerous, so she prefers to keep her distance.

Ouyang Nuan lightly said, "I am well aware of my status and would never entertain improper thoughts, let alone look down upon Prince Yun."

The sweet fragrance of lotus flowers fell like rain, silently drifting around her temples and nose, intoxicating.

The Grand Princess looked towards the lotus leaves that covered the sky, her gaze slightly moved, but she suddenly changed the topic: "Nuan'er, this Misty Rain Villa was built by the Yan Prince but given to the Crown Prince. Do you know why?"

Ouyang Nuan's heart stirred slightly, but her expression remained blank, and she could only shake her head gently.

The Grand Princess sighed, and a layer of dark clouds seemed to shroud her delicate face: "Because they both fell in love with the same woman. When His Majesty found out, he was extremely angry. To avoid the situation of brothers fighting over her, the woman quickly married someone else while both Prince Yan and the Crown Prince were away, one on a military campaign and the other handling water management. When the Yan Prince returned, he gave this carefully constructed villa to the Crown Prince." 

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The Grand Princess shook her head in reverie. "This villa was presumably a gift to his beloved. However, this matter happened many years ago, it's very secretive, and even I didn't know about it before. Now, thinking back, that woman was very clever. If she had continued like that, she might have been executed by His Majesty, or even implicated the entire family." The Grand Princess paused, then suddenly looked at Ouyang Nuan and smiled, "Nuan'er, you are so beautiful. In the future, you may also attract endless competition. Why don't you just tell me who you like? I'll decide to marry you to him. This way, you can avoid the struggles of others."

Ouyang Nuan looked at the Grand Princess in astonishment, feeling that the words she said today were all strange. Why, out of nowhere, did she bring up her marriage? What is the meaning behind this?

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's surprised expression, a hint of warmth appeared in the Grand Princess's eyes, seemingly to reassure her: "Beauty and talent may bring not only admiration from others but also endless troubles. Nuan'er, I hope you understand this."

Ouyang Nuan trembled slightly and smiled as she lowered her head, saying softly, "Yes."

In her heart, there was now a complex feeling that she couldn't quite articulate. What did the Grand Princess mean by everything she said today? Was she reminding her not to behave too much like Princess Rong, or was there something else behind it? 

The Grand Princess looked at her with a faint pity in her eyes and smiled, "Regardless, I will always protect you. Now, I'm going to rest in the guest room. Would you like to come with me?"

The second floor of the ship was reserved for the rest of distinguished guests. Ouyang Nuan shook her head, "I won't disturb Your Highness's rest."

The Grand Princess nodded with a smile. Despite being in her prime, wrinkles at the corners of her eyes seemed to spread like fish tails. Perhaps it was Ouyang Nuan's imagination, but she felt a hint of inexplicable sadness and weariness in that smile, making it hard to bear.

Accompanied by Tao Mama, the Grand Princess departed. Ouyang Nuan didn't want to return to the cabin filled with chirping birds and lively conversations. Instead, she absentmindedly strolled to the stern of the ship.

The scenery before her was almost breathtaking, with clusters of lotus leaves in the lake as large as full moons, casting a lush green hue over the entire water surface. Suddenly, a small boat broke through the water, creating ripples as it moved. Standing on the boat was a man, which caught Ouyang Nuan off guard. He swiftly jumped onto the boat, smiling brightly at her.

Ouyang Nuan stared at the man before her, unsure whether she felt anger or surprise.

"Why... aren't you happy to see me?" There was a hint of starlight in Xiao Tianye's eyes as he smiled. He took out a lotus flower from his pocket and tossed it to her. Ouyang Nuan caught it hastily, only to be splashed with water, filling the air with fragrance.

She looked at him, but remained silent, gazing at him with an unfamiliar look in her eyes.

"Why aren't you speaking?" Xiao Tianye's eyes shimmered with emotions he couldn't contain. "You already know?" 

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "With the way the Prince acted so ostentatiously, it's hard not to know." 

Xiao Tianye raised an eyebrow. "Are you angry?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head gently and whispered, "The Prince did this for me. I have no right to be angry." 

Xiao Tianye sneered, "But you are angry. Why? Because I killed someone? Do you know, if those two were left alive, they would have posed a perpetual threat. Only the dead keep secrets in this world."

His tone was so matter-of-fact, devoid of any trace of guilt. Indeed, whether it was him or other imperial princes, their education had ingrained this belief - to eradicate the roots rather than just cutting the branches. Ouyang Nuan nodded with a sigh. "Yes, only the dead keep secrets. But I didn't ask for the Prince's help. Why did you involve yourself in this matter?"

He stared at her, his eyes gliding over her face like gentle flowing light. "Because if I leave you alone, you will inevitably show mercy and keep this trouble alive."

Ouyang Nuan remained silent for a moment before returning to her usual smile. "Then I thank the Prince."

Xiao Tianye's expression remained calm and indifferent, as if he were discussing something unrelated to himself. "Keeping them alive would only stir up endless troubles. I cannot take such risks, nor can I afford to lose you."

Ouyang Nuan heard his words and was moved inwardly, but on the surface, she could only respond lightly, "The Prince exaggerates." How could she repay him for what he had done for her? With a barely audible sigh, she forced herself to say, "Anyway, I still have to thank you."

Xiao Tianye thought to himself, 'What I have done for you is far more than just this one thing.' He had caused the deaths of countless people to silence witnesses, truly resolving the matter. But he knew Ouyang Nuan wouldn't be pleased to hear about it. Lowering his eyes, the hem of his garment was dampened by the lake water, giving it an almost transparent quality. His voice lowered gradually, as if it too had been soaked by the water. "I did all this willingly. There's no need for you to thank me."

Despite not agreeing with his actions, Ouyang Nuan felt an inexplicable sense of gratitude in her heart. Just as she was about to say something, she saw the tall figure slowly approaching, almost blocking out all the light in front of her, leaving her unable to move a muscle.

His breath was close, the faint scent of lotus flowers lingering in the air, yet there was an unimaginable heat. And she, she trembled, unable to stop the subtle shivers.

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He froze, his voice carrying a layer of frost, a mix of surprise and anger, "Are you afraid of me?"

Before Ouyang Nuan could reply, she suddenly heard someone approaching. In panic, she hastily urged him to leave, but in her haste, she didn't notice the soft ground beneath her feet. Suddenly slipping, she inadvertently stumbled into a warm embrace. Startled, she could hardly make a sound, her heart pounding in her throat as she quickly stepped back. 

He, however, looked astonished at first, then his eyes sparkled like stars as he smiled faintly, "So, you're not afraid of me, you're throwing yourself into my arms." Ouyang Nuan blushed crimson, almost infuriated by his shameless expression. But at that moment, a voice came from the distance, "Nuan'er, are you there?"

It was Lin Yuanxin's voice! A surge of anxiety rushed through Ouyang Nuan's chest. She closed her eyes and muttered inwardly, secretly lamenting—what if someone found out about her and Xiao Tianye? How would she face her cousins then?

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Tianye had already jumped off the boat and disappeared. Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned. Just then, Lin Yuanxin turned around and pleasantly discovered her, "There you are! Hurry back! The emperor has sent a messenger to announce a decree!"

Ouyang Nuan was practically dragged away by Lin Yuanxin. She instinctively glanced back, but she couldn't spot the Prince of Qin anywhere. Whether he was hiding outside the boat or concealed among the thick lotus leaves, she couldn't discern.

"Those lotus flowers..." Lin Yuanxin asked curiously.

Ouyang Nuan discreetly hid the lotus flowers behind her and smiled, "I saw a maid picking them just now, so I brought them along."

Lin Yuanxin nodded, not overly suspicious, and pulled Ouyang Nuan into the cabin.

Inside the cabin, the eunuch Zhou Kang from the Ministry of Rites had arrived, but surprisingly, standing beside him was the distinguished Prince of Ming, his demeanor regal and his face like jade, smiling as he looked at Ouyang Nuan.

The small cabin suddenly brightened with the appearance of the Prince of Ming.

With solemn expressions, Zhou Kang held the imperial decree. The arrival of the Prince of Ming illuminated the cabin even more.

Accompanied by Zhou Kang, who held the decree, the Prince of Ming wore a dignified expression as he looked at Ouyang Nuan, his gaze filled with smiles.

At this moment, the Grand Princess had also arrived. She smiled at Ouyang Nuan, her expression seeming to hold deeper meaning.

Certainly, Zhou Kang had brought a reward from the emperor for the Princess Consort, but he also carried an imperial edict.

After everyone prostrated themselves, Zhou Kang's voice, with its ups and downs, resounded from the front.

"The Grand Princess's goddaughter, Ouyang Nuan, nurtured by the spiritual essence of the Han River, embodies the virtues of heaven and humanity. Her grace and elegance, gentle and virtuous demeanor, merit reward and favor. Thus, she shall be honored with the title of Princess of Yong'an."

As the decree was read, everyone kneeling on the ground froze in astonishment. Even Ouyang Nuan herself was stunned. The emperor's conferment of a title, in such a dramatic manner and at such a moment, was unprecedented.

In the Dali Dynasty's customs, even the biological daughters of princesses were not bestowed with titles unless granted by the emperor. The title of "Princess of Yong'an" bestowed upon her by the emperor was a tremendous honor. It was not as simple as the Grand Princess had suggested, merely adopting a goddaughter. This decree, conferred by the emperor, was akin to a formal adoption. From this moment forward, neither the Lin family nor the Ouyang family had the right to intervene in her marriage affairs.

After expressing her gratitude with bowed heads, Ouyang Nuan glanced towards the Grand Princess, only to find her smiling faintly, offering no explanation. 

Amidst the stunned onlookers, it was Lin Yuanxin who reacted more swiftly. Excitedly, she grabbed Ouyang Nuan's hand and whispered, "Nuan'er, this time you've truly become a branch of gold and a leaf of jade."

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**A Note From the Author**

Children, don't argue over the male lead. Let's harmonize...

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