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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 91: 

Get It 

"The pawnshop owner?"

Lin Yunwan looked surprised, wondering why the pawnshop owner would come to their doorstep. Ping Ye explained, "They said that we pawned something extremely valuable in their shop, but they dare not keep it. So, they returned the item along with the pawn ticket. They even mentioned not wanting our money; they just hope our residence takes back this jade pendant."

It's quite peculiar that the family heirloom pawned in the new pawnshop in Zhongzhou turns out to be so crucial. Lin Yunwan could only respond, "Go and inform the people in the front courtyard to retrieve the jade pendant."

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Ping Ye went out for a moment and quickly returned. However, the jade pendant that was sent back was not the one Lin Yunwan had instructed the Lin family steward to pawn. What on earth could be happening?

Frowning, Lin Yunwan asked, "Did the pawnshop owner send the wrong item?"

Ping Ye had no idea, shook her head, and inquired, "Madam, why don't you personally ask?"

"Has the person left?"

Without further words, Lin Yunwan took the jade pendant, intending to inquire in person. Ping Ye immediately responded, "Even if they've left, I'll have someone bring them back."

She turned and hurried out. With her fast pace, she managed to catch up with the pawnshop owner, who had indeed left, and brought him back.

Lin Yunwan went to a corridor near the second gate and spoke to the pawnshop owner from behind a screen, as he was a man from outside. 

"Do you say this is an item pawned from the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence?"

The pawnshop owner nodded, "Madam, I personally saw a servant from your residence board the Marquis of Wu Ding's carriage. She had a strong build, likely a servant tasked with heavy work from your residence."

This became even more puzzling. How could a servant tasked with laborious duties possibly pawn such a valuable jade pendant?

Without delving into the details of the person's identity, Lin Yunwan first inquired about the crucial matter, "You mentioned this jade pendant is extraordinary; what exactly is its origin?"

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment before saying, "Madam, I'm just a person who does hard labor for others. If I tell you, please treat it as if you never heard it! There's a leopard's tail carved on this jade pendant; do you see it?"

Lin Yunwan glanced at it and replied, "I see it."

The shopkeeper continued, "This is the kind of jade pendant that only the masters of the Duke of Xingguo's residence possess."

How could a maid from the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence have the jade pendant of the Duke of Xingguo's masters?

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Lin Yunwan was genuinely surprised. However, she had heard that some prominent families had unique carvings, and children would wear specially crafted accessories from birth. It seemed that the Duke of Xingguo's residence used a jade pendant with a carved leopard's tail as a symbol of their master's identity.

Frowning, she asked, "Such jade pendants are usually kept secret, known only to their family members. How did you come to know about it?"

Especially since the shopkeeper had deliberately come to inform her.

The shopkeeper lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, madam. There was an incident in the Duke of Xingguo's residence where a young master, in a drunken state, gambled away his personal jade pendant. It ended up in my shop, and the next day, the Duke's household came with people to redeem it."

The young master narrowly escaped getting his legs broken.

He pleaded helplessly, "Madam, please don't spread this story outside. Otherwise, my shop won't survive. The jade pendant did indeed come from your residence. I heard you are a kind-hearted person; please let me go! Thank you, madam!"

If it was genuinely pawned from the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence, she had no reason to detain him.

Lin Yunwan instructed, "Escort the guest out."

With the jade pendant in hand, she returned to Yu Shou Tang. Planning to investigate the recent activities of the maids who had gone out, when she reached the gate of Yuxing Pavilion, she suddenly remembered something.


Lin Yunwan went in to check on Zhuqing, and the jade pendant was still in her sleeve.

Zhuqing had just woken up from a short nap and was feeling a bit lazy, but as soon as she saw Lin Yunwan, she perked up, smiling as she instructed Tongliu, "Make the cushion softer."

Xiliu had already brought a thick woolen felt, saying, "Big Madam, please have a seat here."

Lin Yunwan glanced at her; her complexion looked quite good.

"Are you happy serving by Zhuqing's side?"

Xiliu nodded and said, "Madam Zhuqing is easy to get along with."

Zhuqing also praised her two maids, saying, "They've been taking good care of me since they came to my side."

Lin Yunwan smiled.

If this were a few years ago, Zhuqing wouldn't have been so easygoing, and these two maids were fortunate to be serving her at a good time.

Zhuqing also took a seat beside Lin Yunwan and asked, "Big Madam, did you come to check on me, or do you have something to instruct?"

Feeling that there were too many people in the room, Lin Yunwan instructed Ping Ye, "Everyone, leave."

Ping Ye led several maids out.

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Zhuqing didn't know what was happening and became serious, refraining from smiling.

Lin Yunwan placed the jade pendant in front of Zhuqing and asked, "Have you seen this before?"

Zhuqing shook her head and asked, "Did someone lose it?"

She touched the jade pendant and commented, "Such fine mutton-fat jade, could it be from Old Madam's room or Marquis?"

"Neither," Lin Yunwan said. "Someone in the mansion pawned this jade pendant. The pawnbroker dared not accept it, so it was returned to me. They claimed it was pawned by a servant."

Zhuqing furrowed her brows, bit her lip, and grabbed a handkerchief.

She turned pale and said, "This is bad!"

Recalling the day they sent away Ge Baor, she anxiously explained, "It's Concubine Ge's! The servant we sent for her claimed to have pawned this jade pendant for her. I thought it was a trivial matter, so I didn't inform you."

Zhuqing became extremely nervous, "Madam, did I cause trouble?"

"It really is hers," Lin Yunwan said. Originally just a casual guess, now that it was confirmed, Lin Yunwan couldn't describe the emotions she felt.

Zhuqing became increasingly anxious. "Madam, what is the origin of this jade pendant?"

Lin Yunwan pondered for a moment and said, "Don't ask for now. Take good care of yourself and the baby." She emphasized, "Don't mention this matter to anyone, understand?"

Zhuqing was obedient and nodded solemnly, saying, "I won't utter a word about it to anyone."

Concerned about potential misunderstandings, Lin Yunwan found the servant who had been responsible for pawning the item that day and directly asked her, "Take a look, the day you pawned something for Concubine Ge, was it this jade pendant?"

The servant was frightened and her legs went weak. Lin Yunwan spoke in a reassuring tone, "You just need to answer. I'm not accusing you. Look carefully. If you made a mistake, then I might have to hold you accountable."

Afraid of punishment, the servant nodded, saying, "Yes! It's indeed the one! I pawned it myself, no mistake."

Lin Yunwan didn't say much and silently returned to the Chui Si Tang. Ping Ye and Tao Ye closed the doors tightly.

Linyun Wan didn't say much and silently returned to the Hanging Silk Pavilion. Pengye and Taoye closed the doors tightly.

Ping Ye was very curious, "Madam, what's the origin of this jade pendant?"

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Lin Yunwan shared the truth with the two maids, "It belongs to the Duke of Xingguo."

"Duke of Xingguo?"

Ping Ye's head felt like it had been hit hard. In the entire dynasty, there were only three Dukes, and the Duke of Xingguo was one of them. Although both were noble households, there was a world of difference between the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence and the Duke of Xingguo's. 

Ping Ye asked anxiously, "So, what connection does Concubine Ge have with this jade pendant? How could a jade pendant from the Duke of Xingguo's residence end up with her?" 

Lin Yunwan said she didn't know. However, she remembered hearing about the Duke of Xingguo's residence when she was a child.

"When I was three years old, the Duke of Xingguo's residence lost a legitimate daughter. After that, my parents never allowed me to go out on the Lantern Festival every year."

When the girl was young, gender segregation wasn't strictly followed. Unfortunately, due to the incidents of the Duke of Xingguo's residence losing a legitimate daughter, a chilling wind blew through the capital, and many noble families forbade their daughters from going out.

Ping Ye was stunned, "Madam, you mean... you mean... could Concubine Ge be the legitimate daughter who went missing from the Duke of Xingguo's residence?"

Lin Yunwan shook her head slowly. This was something she truly didn't know.

"Regardless of whether she is or not, she must become one!"

Lin Yunwan went to Yu Shou Tang.

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I trust our Lin Yunwan.... however.... I cannot imagine what she hopes to gain by giving Boa'er this identity of a very prominent young miss! All I can imagine is Ge Boa'er coming into her new identity and then immediately trying to have Yunwan killed. I am so nervous!!

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  1. As Prince Huan said, this pendant returning is a test for Lu Zhangliu sincerity- which he fail, I have no doubt. Plus he mentioned Yunwan could use this matter to separate from the Lus. Risky move, true, but given the Lu family disposition, they would want the dukes daughter more, than Yunwan. I think.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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