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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 90: 

Get To Work

"Thanks to the recommendation of Minister Zhang, my father's eyesight has improved significantly," Qi Lingheng expressed his gratitude to Zhang Cifu.

Old Physician Li is indeed remarkable. Last time he entered the palace, he didn't even have to stand in front of the Emperor; the Emperor could already see him clearly.

And Madam Lin's eyesight is said to be improving as well.

"Your Highness, I dare not take credit. It's all thanks to the physician's skill. Besides, this person was recommended by one of my subordinates. I didn't go through much trouble to find someone for you," Zhang Cifu, a generous man, replied.

"If Your Highness wishes to reward, you can reward them," he added.

Qi Lingheng accepted it gracefully, saying with a faint smile, "I still need to thank you."

As the dishes and wine arrived, they ordered a pot of yellow wine. They enjoyed pickled goose feet and stir-fried wood ear mushrooms that had been served earlier, discussing matters over the meal.

Various other specialty dishes were served one after another.

When it came to rewards, the conversation shifted to the Xia family, specifically Xia Lianyi, the husband of Madam Xia.

He was a disciple of Zhang Cifu.

This time, Zhang Cifu intended to recommend Xia Lianyi to Qi Lingheng.

However, Qi Lingheng was selective about the people he accepted.

Qi Lingheng asked, "What is your opinion of this person's character, Minister Zhang?"

Zhang Cifu then shared information about Xia Lianyi's background, stating, "When I served as an official in Kaifeng, I recognized the talent of this student and provided guidance to him discreetly."

"He is a person with a calm temperament. He passed the imperial examination and became a Jinshi[1]. After being stationed elsewhere, he served as a county official in Kaifeng. He has never publicly acknowledged me as his teacher."

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"It wasn't until this year when he achieved notable success in Runing that he was transferred to the capital."

Qi Lingheng nodded slightly, "I have heard something about it."

Working in the Ministry of Personnel, he was naturally well-versed in the personnel changes within the court. Xia Lianyi, who had demonstrated outstanding achievements after being transferred to Runing, was one of the officials transferred this year.

Qi Lingheng inquired, "Minister Zhang, what are your impressions of his character?"

He is different from the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince prefers officials who obey him, handling everything according to his wishes. He, on the other hand, dislikes dealing with those who are too obedient. Perhaps it's a bias, as he has always felt that overly obedient individuals tend not to perform well. However, those who are too disobedient might be a bit foolish.

Zhang Cifu remarked, "Master Xia appears to be very kind based on his appearance, but in reality, he is quite decisive in his actions." He smiled and added, "Your Highness, you will understand when you observe how he handles things in the future."

Qi Lingheng formed a rough impression in his mind.

Suddenly, Zhang Cifu said, "There is one aspect where Xia Lianyi isn't quite good."

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Qi Lingheng placed his wine cup down, asking, "What's not good about him?"

Zhang Cifu shook his head and sighed, "The Xia family and the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence are related by marriage, and the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence..." It was something that the Prince of Huan would likely disapprove of. Qi Lingheng... well, he didn't know if His Highness would avoid using people from the Xia family because of this.

Qi Lingheng believed in judging individuals independently, "That's not a problem."

Once a daughter is married off, it's like water being thrown out. Since she is now a part of the Xia family, she can't control matters in the Lu family.

Zhang Cifu smiled after hearing this and casually mentioned Grand Tutor Lin, "If the Grand Tutor were still around, the Lin family wouldn't have encountered such a significant issue."

He didn't actually have much interaction with Lady Lin. His words of concern for the Lin family were said out of consideration for Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng had indeed thought about it; if his teacher were still alive, the matter concerning his daughter's separation wouldn't have been so difficult. He couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with Madam Lin in the Temple.

A gecko sheds its tail to survive.

And she, too, desires separation.

Qi Lingheng tightened his grip on the wine cup, his gaze deepening.

There was suddenly a commotion outside, accompanied by the sounds of tables and chairs being knocked over.

"What's happening?" Qi Lingheng asked one of the attendants at the door. The attendant went out, took a quick look, and replied, "Your Highness, there's a fight among some guests outside."

Zhang Cifu was surprised, "A fight?"

Although Jialing Tower was operated by merchants, it was supervised by the court, and there were official connections behind it. Ordinary people wouldn't engage in physical altercations here.

Qi Lingheng calmly instructed, "Make it quiet outside."

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The attendant went out again, but when he returned, the disturbance outside hadn't ceased.

"Your Highness... It's the Marquis of Wu Ding and a group of people from his residence who are involved in the fight."

Both sides had non-trivial backgrounds, and with a large number of people involved, the fight was intense. The innkeeper at Jialing Tower couldn't stop them, and fearing to get involved himself, he had already gone to call the soldiers patrolling the streets outside to come and break up the fight.

Qi Lingheng went out to take a look.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard the innkeeper outside losing his temper, "If you don't stop now, I'll have you all taken to the Prefect of Shuntian's office. You gentlemen will lose all face!"

Just as Lu Zhengliu was distracted, he received a punch. However, he quickly retaliated.

The group of people assaulting him were all scholars from wealthy families, relatively delicate in physique.

Lu Zhengliu had been drinking and was already drunk. He wasn't gentle with his attacks, causing two or three of them to yelp and cry out.

While scholars might not physically engage in violence, they excelled at verbal abuse. Several of them, not caring much, cursed Lu Zhengliu for indulging in concubines and harming his wife. 

"I didn't harm my wife!"

Lu Zhengliu smashed a table with a punch, then, in a drunken stupor, grabbed the collar of one person, saying, "You tell me, which man in the world doesn't take concubines? I, I just made a mistake that any man in the world could make..." 

He simply couldn't let go of the childhood sweetheart he loved, wanting to break free from the control of his elders. That's why he ended up making a mistake.

Is forgiveness not possible at all?

Lin Yunwan wouldn't forgive him, and now these scholars were provoking him too!

Fueled by the effects of alcohol, he roared, "I am sincere! I am sincere to her!"

He had already realized... he hadn't done well before, and he wanted to start anew.

"Let go of me!"

Who cared about your sincerity or insincerity?

Allowing a concubine to climb onto the position of the legitimate wife was a disruption of moral order!

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The scholars pushed Lu Zhengliu away, wiped the blood from their noses, and looked down upon him, cursing, "Shame on you for defying culture and education!"

Not wanting to let Lu Zhengliu be entangled in this situation any longer, the servants from the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence quickly came over, supporting Lu Zhengliu and advising him in a low voice, "Master, let's go back."

Lu Zhengliu was still muttering to himself, "I will make things right with her in the future..."

The innkeeper approached with a dark expression and said, "You've damaged my property. You can't just leave without compensating me. Pay for the damages before you leave!"

The servant retorted, "Our master was a guest in your inn, yet he was unjustly beaten. Do you still have the audacity to ask for money!"

The patrolling soldiers arrived, and both sides, including the innkeeper, became quiet.

In the private room of Qi Linqi and Zhang Cifu, several people arrived one after another. After more than an hour, they each went back on their own.



Back at the mansion, Qi Lingheng felt a bit tipsy. A'Fu came over and asked, "Master, would you like some sobering soup? The kitchen is preparing it, and it will be ready soon."

Qi Lingheng rubbed his temples and said, "Return the jade pendant from Duke Xingguo's residence to the pawnshop owner."

A'Fu didn't understand: "Send it back?"

With closed eyes, Qi Lingpeng said, "Send it to the Marquis of Wuding's residence."

Lu Zhengliu claimed he was sincere, wanting to reconcile with Lin Yunwan. 

When he receives the jade pendant from the Duke of Xingguo's residence, will he choose a distant concubine in the countryside and use the identity of the Duke of Xingguo's daughter to curry favor for the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence?

Lin Yunwan is intelligent; she knows how to use this jade pendant.

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[1] Jinshi (进士): an advanced degree in the imperial examination system of ancient China. The highest degree a scholar could attain through this system. Those who successfully passed the highest level of the imperial examinations were conferred the title of Jinshi, which qualified them for high-ranking positions in the government. It was a significant achievement and marked the pinnacle of a scholar's academic career.

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  1. You did harm your wife, repeatedly. Your sincerity too little, too late, moreover, who would trust you after all this?

    Thank you for the chapter.


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