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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 88: 

Practice Meditation

In front and behind the main hall were two opposing doors. The door behind Lin Yunwan was closed, while the other door was slightly ajar.

Qi Lingshang entered through that partially opened door.

Lian Yunwan assumed Qu Lingshang was a visitor for today, so she greeted him with a gesture of respect, "Your Highness."

Since he was an outsider and it wasn't appropriate to engage in private conversation with a male guest, Lin Yunwan took a step back.

Internally, she couldn't help but blame the abbot of the Chi Xiang Si. How could he arrange things like this? How did he let her bump into a man?

Qi Lingheng nodded slightly and said to her, "I just came from the abbot's place. There was a young boy who seemed to be from your residence."

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It seems like he was trying to strike up a conversation with her, but his tone had a bit of distance. However, this distance wasn't due to his status; on the contrary, because of his noble status, his appearance had a gentle and profound demeanor like that of a young master. 

The sense of detachment stemmed from his personality. No matter how amiable he spoke, he was not someone one could easily befriend.

Lin Yunwan nodded and said, "That's my eldest son."

Qi Lingheng uttered a brief "Hmm" and didn't inquire further.

Lin Yunwan should have taken this opportunity to express her gratitude. However, Qi Lingheng had already turned his gaze towards the Buddha statue in the main hall. 

Lin Yunwan had been kneeling in front of this Buddha statue, praying, even before his arrival. She guessed that Prince Huan had come to offer incense as well.

Lin Yunwan wanted to make space for Qi Lingheng and stepped aside.

However, before she could voice her intention about leaving, Qi Lingheng said, "I just participated in meditation with the abbot of Chi Xiang Si. I heard a very interesting story, and the abbot and I have different opinions."

He continued, looking into her eyes, "I remember that my teacher, your father, was also interested in Buddhism for a period before. If I recall correctly."

When he mentioned her father studying Buddhist scriptures, Lin Yunwan's eyes lost their luster. Her father did not die suddenly but endured years of suffering before gradually passing away.

"Your Highness remembers correctly. In the last few years before my father's death, he was immersed in studying Buddhist scriptures."

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Lin Yunwan said with a touch of sorrow, "My father suffered so much that he hoped to find a way to relieve his pain within Buddhism."

"But it was all in vain."

She clenched the handkerchief in her sleeve and said, "May the Buddha bless all beings in the next life, freeing them from earthly suffering. However, it couldn't alleviate the physical pain my father endured in this life."

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Her heart was already dulled with pain. Lin Yunwan didn't want to show her distress in front of Prince Huan. After composing herself, she took the initiative to inquire, "I wonder what interesting story Your Highness heard from the abbot?"

Prince Huan withdrew his assessing gaze and said, "Madam possesses wisdom similar to the teacher's. I was hoping to seek advice from Madam."

Lin Yunwan expressed her willingness to listen attentively.

Qi Lingheng looked at the Buddha statue and told a little story, "Before Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, he practiced near the Nairañjana River. One day, while meditating under a tree, he opened his eyes and saw a large spider and a gecko side by side on the tree."

"As it turned out, both the spider and the gecko were eyeing a plump insect on the tree."

"However, neither of them could catch the fat insect on their own, so they decided to collaborate."

"But the spider was much larger in size, and the gecko was not even half its size. The big spider could weave a web and, around the gecko, spun a vast net to prevent it from falling."

"Halfway up the tree, the spider was almost exhausted, so the gecko voluntarily severed its own tail and fed it to the spider."

Lin Yunwan laughed and questioned, "Is there really such a thing? Why can't the lizard catch the fat insect alone? Why does it have to work together with the spider? And how did the spider weave a web around the lizard?"

She couldn't imagine that scene. Qi Lingheng also smiled faintly, saying, "That's why Gautama Buddha woke up."

It turns out he fell asleep during meditation! Lin Yunwan smiled gently, remarking, "Even the Buddha fell asleep before attaining enlightenment."

Qi Lingheng continued, "Although it was just a dream, after he woke up, he still pondered over that dream. Why did the gecko sever its tail?"

For what reason?

Lin Yunwan frowned and said, "At first glance, this story seems like the gecko sacrificed its tail in order to capture the plump insect, enduring the pain for the sake of future benefits shared with the spider."

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Qi Linguan nodded, "That's exactly how the abbot explained it to me. Madam, what are your thoughts?"

Lin Yunwan's expression grew more serious.

Her eyes were somewhat cold, but her tone remained calm. "The gecko, relying on itself, may not necessarily be unable to find enough food to satisfy its hunger. Moreover, if it truly wanted to coexist fairly with the spider, why would the spider need to use a complex web to restrict it?"

"The gecko didn't sacrifice its tail for the sake of capturing some plump insect; it did so only because it was afraid that the spider might eat it as well. It had no choice but to sever its tail!"

Just like she wanted to compete with Lu Zhenliu and leave, it wasn't about driving away Ge Bao'er or sending away Qing Ge'er; she genuinely wanted to escape from the Marquis's residence!

It's just that the final result is not as satisfactory as one might hope.

During this period, she has also heard rumors outside, claiming that she is quite ruthless, using all means to deal with concubines and illegitimate sons.

However, her cutting off the tail was only to seek survival, not to secure her position as the main wife of the Lu family!

"Your Highness, do you think the gecko severed its tail to catch a plump insect?"

Originally, they were discussing the story of the Buddha, but how did she get distracted and start thinking about herself?

Lin Yunwan quickly redirected the conversation back to the matter of meditation.

Qi Lingheng stared directly into her eyes and said, "I think she wanted to leave, not to obtain a plump insect."

He knew she had no attachment to the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence.

She genuinely wanted to leave.

Lin Yunwan felt a sense of making a friend, but she knew she couldn't be friends with a man. She smiled, bid her farewell respectfully, and opened the door to leave.

The little monk wasn't outside, and Tao Ye had followed Lu Chang Gong. Although Ping Ye was supposed to stay outside, she was also nowhere to be seen.

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Lin Yunwan had some guesses about what might be happening.

Walking in the direction of her chamber, Lin Yunwan had only taken a few steps when she saw Pingye hurrying towards her, carrying something. 

Anxiously, Ping Ye said, "Madam, why did you come out so soon? This servant thought you would continue praying. The little monk asked this servant to bring you a cup of hot soup to warm your body, saying it's a special nourishing soup for this winter."

"This servant thought of bringing it for you to taste, so I went along." 

What a silly girl! She didn't even realize she got sent away by the little monk. Helplessly, Lin Yunwan had to ask her, "What kind of soup?"

Smiling proudly, Ping Ye opened the porcelain bowl and said, "Take a whiff, it's a fantastic thing! Once you drink it, you'll feel warmth in your limbs. This servant has tried it."

Lian Yunwan leaned over, catching a faint medicinal fragrance, indicating that it wasn't an ordinary nourishing soup.

Pingye covered the soup and said, "Wait until you return to drink it."

Glancing at the door of the temple, she asked, "Did you finish talking to the Buddha so quickly?"

Lin Yunwan also turned her head to look, but Qu Lingheng was no longer inside. "Finished," she replied.

Lin Yunwan, along with Ping Ye, went to find Chang Gong. Passing by the place where she had encountered Qu Lingheng last time, she thought about the fragrance on him and suddenly guessed what kind of incense he was using.

Emperor Jingshun favored Prince Huan, and Empress Zhao also liked using incense. The dragon's saliva incense that the emperor used was given to Prince Huan, so it was not surprising at all. 

The fragrance she smelled on him that day was the elegant and mild dragon's saliva incense.

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  1. Monks playing cupid? Tsk, tsk.
    Thank yiu for the chapter.


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