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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 68: 

Nearly Ambushed on the Road 

Once aboard the carriage and on the road, Ouyang Nuan couldn't shake off a lingering sense of unease. She felt as though something was about to happen, her mind drifting until she was lightly nudged, snapping her back to reality. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Ouyang Jue's face was filled with concern. "Sister, what's going on with you? You've been off ever since we got on the carriage."

"I'm just..." Ouyang Nuan didn't finish her sentence. Hearing Lin Yuanxin's words, she couldn't shake off her suspicions. The Lin family had attempted to trap them several times before. 

Although Grandmother didn't mention it, she had tightened her control over the Ouyang family, especially the Nuan's Pavilion and Ouyang Jue's, Songzhu Courtyard, which were heavily guarded. By all accounts, the Lin family shouldn't have had the opportunity to strike in these two places. So where would they strike?

Ouyang Jue chuckled. "Sister, are you just too tired today? It's still early before we reach the city. You can rest your eyes for a moment, and I'll wake you up when we arrive."

Ouyang Nuan's heart softened at his words. Just as she was about to respond, she heard Hongyu suddenly interject, "Miss, the carriage has stopped."

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but furrow her brow. "What's happening outside?"

"The road ahead has been blocked," Hongyu replied.

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Ouyang Nuan was taken aback. As she pondered the situation, the carriage curtain rustled, and it was Cangpu, who had been following in the carriage behind, entering. "Miss, I just went ahead to inquire. They said Princess Rong's carriage broke down halfway, so our carriage couldn't move forward either."

"Oh?" Ouyang Nuan pondered for a moment, noticing a hint of hesitation on Ouyang Jue's face. "If we don't take this road, we'll have to backtrack and take a longer route. By the time we return home, it might be completely dark. Sister, what do you think we should do?"

"Let's get off and take a look," Ouyang Nuan whispered. Ouyang Jue nodded and disembarked from the carriage first, helping Ouyang Nuan down.

Several carriages were already blocked ahead. Ouyang Nuan draped a cloak over herself, partially concealing her appearance. After walking a few steps, she saw Princess Rong and Chen Lanxin standing anxiously by the roadside. The coachmen had set up a makeshift shelter for the two noble ladies and stationed guards around, afraid of any potential offense.

"Princess Rong, is there any problem?" Ouyang Nuan nodded at Ouyang Jue, who then stepped aside. She adjusted her dress slightly and approached them.

Princess Rong looked surprised to see her, her expression momentarily taken aback. Before she could speak, Chen Lanxin pointed to the direction of the carriage and said, "Miss, the carriage has broken down. The coachmen are trying to fix it, but we're not sure how long it will take."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Princess Rong's carriage. The curtains of the carriage were made of Shu brocade, adorned with jewels, exuding unparalleled luxury. The horses pulling the carriage were sturdy and powerful, showcasing opulence and extravagance at every turn. Unfortunately, the carriage wheel seemed to be stuck in a crevice in the nearby rock, and some people were nervously trying to pull it out, sweating profusely with increasing urgency.

Princess Rong suppressed her anxiety and smiled, "I've inconvenienced you both by making you wait with me."

Ouyang Nuan gazed at Princess Rong, her beauty accentuated by the twilight, radiating flawless elegance like flawless jade, exuding a noble aura akin to moonlight. Especially her eyes, misty and enchanting, each glance casting a dreamlike spell that Ouyang Nuan had never seen in anyone else. 

Before she could speak, she heard Chen Lanxin chuckle, "Nonsense. Once we return home, we'll be restricted from stepping out anyway. Today, it's not that the princess's carriage broke down, but rather, we wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to you. You can't expose our intentions." Chen Lanxin, who had been confrontational earlier, seemed like a different person now, speaking with a coquettish and naive tone, charming and adorable. She then turned to Ouyang Nuan with a smile and asked, "Isn't that right, Miss Ouyang?"

"Yes, Miss Lanxin," Ouyang Nuan replied with a smile, as if she genuinely admired her cheerful and lively demeanor.

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Princess Rong chuckled, covering her lips. "You're quite the talker!" There was a rare intimacy in her words.

They had only met briefly in the flower hall earlier, yet they seemed to have grown familiar so quickly. Ouyang Nuan realized that Miss Chen Lanxin must have put in considerable effort to achieve this level of rapport.

With a smile, Chen Lanxin turned to Ouyang Nuan and asked, "The princess says I know how to talk. What do you think, Miss Ouyang?"

Ouyang Nuan didn't reply but simply chuckled behind her sleeve.

Princess Rong's smile deepened. "Lanxin, Miss Ouyang is new acquaintance, don't tease her too much."

Chen Lanxin's smile softened further. "Princess Rong, you're so biased, always worried that Miss Ouyang might feel the slightest grievance. But what about me? I can't bear even a bit of injustice!"

Princess Rong was amused by her childishness but turned to Ouyang Nuan and asked, "I heard Miss Ouyang sent a piece of embroidery to the Grand Princess?"

Although the gift had just been delivered, Princess Rong already knew about it. The news spread remarkably fast. Ouyang Nuan smiled, "It was at the grandmother's behest to express gratitude to the princess for helping my younger brother out of a predicament."

Princess Rong nodded thoughtfully, "Speaking of which, the Empress Dowager's birthday is on the thirteenth of May. I've been thinking of embroidering a screen to present to her as a birthday gift. Do you have any suggestions, Miss Ouyang?"

The Empress Dowager's birthday? Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat, but she hesitated before responding, "Although I occasionally dabble in needlework, my skills are not refined. There are many talented individuals in the palace, and I dare not overestimate myself."

Before she could finish her sentence, Chen Lanxin interjected with a smile, "Miss Ouyang is being too modest. I've heard that you excel in various arts, especially calligraphy and embroidery. I wonder how your embroidery skills compare to those of the palace embroiderers?"

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The palace embroiderers are indeed carefully selected, but they are still servants to others. Chen Lanxin's words carried a sharp edge, with implications hidden beneath. Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, "Miss Chen, you have quite the sense of humor. When it comes to exquisite skills, who can surpass the palace embroiderers? What Princess Rong mentioned was merely a gesture of goodwill. Why take it so seriously?" With that said, she let Chen Linxin speak without further interference.

Princess Rong seemed oblivious to the undercurrents at play, her eyes occasionally fixed on the stalled carriage with a hint of urgency. Given the strict palace regulations, her outing this time must have been more challenging than theirs. Ouyang Nuan understood what was on her mind but chose to remain silent, as if unaware.

Chen Lanxin, being astute herself, guessed that Princess Rong was anxious to return to the palace. She smiled and said, "Princess, you've been out for the day, and I'm sure the Empress Dowager must be anxious to see you. I have a suggestion. Would you agree?" Princess Rong and Ouyang Nuan both turned to her, curious. Chen continued with a smile, "We can have our servants work together to move the princess's carriage to the side of the road. Then, you, Princess, can ride back in my carriage. Tomorrow, I'll send someone to return your carriage. How does that sound?"

If Chen Lanxin genuinely wanted to offer her carriage, why wait until Ouyang Nuan arrived to propose it? Ouyang Nuan noticed Chen's shifting gaze and subtle glances toward the Ouyang family's lotus-marked carriage, indicating she had ulterior motives. However, she chose to feign ignorance and lowered her eyes.

Princess Rong hesitated, showing reluctance. "This... might not be appropriate."

Chen Lanxin smiled and said, "What does it matter? Is it harder to enter the Duke of Wu's residence than the imperial palace? Moreover, my Grandmother has always doted on me. This time, I am here to attend the Grand Princess's flower-viewing banquet. Even if I return late, I won't be excessively scolded. Princess Rong, please rest assured."

Princess Rong glanced at the twilight glow, hesitated for a moment, and then accepted the other party's kindness with gratitude. Seeing Princess Rong boarding the carriage of the Duke of Wu's residence, Chen Lanxin glanced at Ouyang Nuan and smiled, "I wonder if Miss Ouyang would be willing to let me have the carriage?"

It turned out she had this idea. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Miss Lanxin, didn't you say you weren't in a hurry to go home?"

Chen Lanxin looked aggrieved and said, "Miss Ouyang, why do you have to tease me? As a young lady from a noble family, I've been out all day. How could my grandmother and parents not be worried? Just now, I was only trying to reassure Princess Rong."

Ouyang Nuan smiled, but there was a hint of embarrassment on her face, "But grandmother should also be waiting for me and my brother to return home. This... might not be quite appropriate."

"That's different. The Ouyang Residence is closer than the Duke of Wu's residence. Besides—" Chen Lanxin glanced at Ouyang Jue nearby and continued, "Besides, you have someone by your side to protect you, while I'm out here alone." 

Chen Lanxin initially offered the carriage to Princess Rong, but in the end, she insisted on taking someone else's carriage. On one hand, she wanted Princess Rong to feel her gratitude, but on the other hand, she refused to be at a disadvantage at all, truly showing her petulance and rudeness. 

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This is what they call a noblewoman from a prestigious family, a laughable notion indeed." Ouyang Nuan shook her head slightly and smiled, "Miss Lanxin, I'll give you the carriage. But how will my brother and I get back?"

Chen Lanxin smiled, "Princess Rong's carriage is already out. It's just that the wheel got stuck on a stone. It won't take long to fix, so why don't you, Miss Ouyang, take Princess Rong's carriage back?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the luxurious carriage, her expression becoming more troubled. Chen Lanxin seemed to understand what she was thinking and spoke softly, "Princess Rong only used a regular carriage today. It wouldn't be exceeding your status if you were to ride in it. You don't need to worry about this."

Ouyang Nuan looked deeply at Chen Lanxin and said lightly, "Miss Lanxin, do you really want the carriage from the Ouyang family?"

Her gaze was calm and composed, but Chen Lanxin felt as though there was a hidden meaning behind it, which made her inexplicably uneasy. After all, what she was doing was quite ungracious, but... thinking of Ouyang Nuan's prominence at the banquet, her heart turned cold, and she put on a smile, saying, "Sister, even if I ask you this once, I'm really in a hurry to go back. If you accommodate me today, I will definitely come to thank you in person another day." With a slight tremble in her body, she continued, "The spring chill is biting. Standing outside for too long, I feel quite chilly. My health isn't good, and too much wind makes me dizzy..."

If Ouyang Nuan adamantly refused, this Miss Chen Lanxin would go around spreading rumors about her being heartless and selfish, preferring to let her get sick from the wind rather than giving up the carriage. It seemed she was determined to force her to agree. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, looking at the lotus-shaped emblem on the carriage. Her emotions were as fleeting as the clouds over Mount Yan, ethereal and insubstantial. With a gentle breath, she said, "Since Miss insists, Ouyang Nuan naturally must yield."

Chen Lanxin couldn't help but blush, her voice as soft as a whisper, "Then, I thank you, sister." With that, she beckoned her maidservant, and with their assistance, boarded the Ouyang family's carriage. As she got on the carriage, she even remembered to pull back the curtains and said with a smile, "Sister, tomorrow morning, I'll send someone to pick up Princess Rong's carriage."

This statement implied that in front of Princess Rong, Chen Lanxin was determined to be seen as a good person. Hongyu couldn't restrain her temper and sneered, "Since it's my mistress's wish, Miss Chen, you should enjoy it. Hurry back, or the wind might give you a headache."

Chen Lanxin's face darkened, she waved the curtain, and her maidservant beside her loudly scolded, "Why aren't you leaving yet!"

Changpu watched the carriage disappear into the distance, her face filled with anger. "Miss, they even took away the small covered carriage our servants were going to use."

Hongyu sighed as well, saying, "Miss, forgive my boldness. Even if she is the young lady of the Duke of Wu's family, you don't need to give up everything, including our carriage. We don't owe her anything!"

Ouyang Jue glanced at Ouyang Nuan but said nothing. He turned to instruct all the stable hands to quickly repair the carriage. Ouyang Nuan looked at his departing figure, a faint hint of a smile appearing on her face.

In truth, Chen Lanxin was too impatient. Since the carriage was already nearby, it would only take the time to clear whatever was stuck in the wheel, a task that could be completed in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. But she couldn't wait. It was all just her pride at play. She wanted to find an excuse to pressure Ouyang Nuan a little.

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After the carriage was repaired, they quickly resumed their journey. Ouyang Nuan, Hongyu, Changpu, and the others could only share one carriage. As they got on, the maidservants exclaimed in surprise. The structure inside the carriage was no different from other carriages, except that there were armrests on each side, covered with colorful satin and silk, specifically designed for the convenience of nobles resting their arms. In addition to these armrests, there was also a small door, similarly wrapped in silk, very soft and smooth, providing comfortable support.

Changpu studied the small door for a while, her expression becoming increasingly astonished. "Miss, this carriage is so strange. What is it used for?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and gently lifted the small door. "This is a box."

Upon opening the small door, inside were placed a handkerchief, powder, rouge, comb, and various other items needed for a woman's makeup. This box cover was especially exquisite; when folded down, it served as an armrest, but when lifted, it immediately transformed into a narrow, elongated mirror.

Ouyang Jue chuckled, "It's evident how much Princess Rong values her appearance. Even while traveling, she can still dress up to her heart's content without worrying about being seen."

Ouyang Nuan raised an eyebrow indifferently and said, "In all things, there are gains and losses. Princess Rong's most important assets are her beauty, talent, and the Empress Dowager's favor. Apart from these, she has no other reliance, so naturally, she has to put in extra effort."

Ouyang Jue was taken aback by her words and sighed after a moment, "Even with her noble background, Princess Rong still has to strive. It shows that no one is completely free. Sister, by giving the carriage to Chen Lanxin today, you also wanted to avoid a direct confrontation with her, right?"

Ouyang Nuan responded calmly, "Not only that, but I also have a feeling that today's atmosphere is unusual."

Ouyang Jue's face showed a puzzled expression, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Unusual? Does that mean..."

"After being together for ten years, you should know the nature of our stepmother. Ever since Ouyang Ke rose to prominence, she must have harbored deep hatred towards me. But until now, she has endured it without showing any signs. Just before getting on the carriage, Cousin Xin specifically reminded me that recently, Madam Lin and Uncle Lin have been exchanging frequent letters, their correspondence very intimate."

"Sister, they are siblings, and they have colluded with each other many times in the past, so it's natural for them to communicate regularly. Aren't you overthinking it?"

Ouyang Nuan pondered silently for a moment. Her well-trimmed nails lightly brushed over the colored satin on the box as she said, "Normally, I wouldn't have any suspicions, but with the Grand Princess inviting the Madam and Second Miss from the Ouyang family, yet Grandmother detaining them, according to Lin's character, would she just sit back and accept it? But even after we left the house, there was no disturbance at all, not even someone sent to inquire. Don't you find it strange?"

"Sister, are you suggesting that she has been plotting something all along?" Ouyang Jue looked into Ouyang Nuan's eyes and suddenly felt a moment of realization.

"If Lin Wanru is a jackal, then Lin Wenyuan is a tiger. This man hides his sharp claws in plain sight, with a deep and terrifying cunning. He is even more formidable than Lin. Uncle Lin has narrowly avoided his schemes several times in the past."

Ouyang Jue chuckled lightly, "Sister, it's not as terrifying as you make it sound. Madam Lin is indeed formidable, but in the end, she hasn't gained much advantage over you, has she?"

Ouyang Nuan's smile disappeared instantly, and she spoke seriously, "With regards to Madam Lin, I've always been cautious and prudent, so I've had the upper hand. She couldn't take advantage of me. But you should know, her previous actions were only because of the confusion caused by Ouyang Ke's matter. Now, she may have regained her senses. Once she turns her schemes from overt to covert, we will be defenseless."

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Ouyang Jue asked, "In your opinion, what kind of strategy will she employ this time?"

Ouyang Nuan sighed, "I've thought it over carefully. On this journey back to the capital, we will pass through several villages such as Shanghu, Zhadou, Houshan, Daibian, Zhuhu, Youlin, Kengtian, Dongdu, Yutian, Guanyinting, Jiaoling, Sanshan, and Donglin, all of which are on the official road and have frequent traffic of people and goods, making them relatively safe. However, after half an hour, we will reach a junction where the newly built post road, Meijiangpu, is located. Strictly speaking, it hasn't been incorporated into the official road network yet. If she chooses to act there, I'm afraid we—"

"Act? Sister, are you saying she will target us on our way back? How could a woman like her have such capability?" Ouyang Jue widened his eyes in disbelief, a thin layer of cold sweat appearing on his forehead. 

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "You're right. Although Lin Wanru is the wife of the Minister of Personnel, she's ultimately a woman of the inner household and has her limitations in taking action. But Lin Wenyuan is the Minister of War, which makes a big difference."

Ouyang Jue shook his head repeatedly, showing an incredulous expression. "No, I don't believe he would be so audacious as to mobilize the Bureau of Military Affairs..."

Ouyang Nuan sighed lightly and said, "Who said he would use the Bureau of Military Affairs? Without the emperor's permission, how could a Minister of War have the authority to freely mobilize troops and horses? You should think carefully. Does he need to take such a big risk to deal with us? It's completely unnecessary. If I were him, I would simply have some thugs or disguised bandits rob our carriage, kill some people, and take the valuables. Others would think it's just an accident and wouldn't suspect him at all. Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone?"

"Sister, this is outside the capital, under the Emperor's jurisdiction. I just can't believe they would have the audacity," Ouyang Jue insisted.

"Throughout history, people have died for wealth, and birds perish for food. Once they have money in hand, there will naturally be people willing to risk their lives. As long as they find the right people, they can certainly accomplish their goals. Moreover..." Ouyang Nuan trailed off, staring blankly at the carved patterns on the carriage's hidden compartments, before softly continuing, "Even if they're caught later, what guarantee do you have that they'll live to tell the tale?"

"Isn't he afraid that we might guess in advance and catch someone to interrogate them about the mastermind behind the scenes?" Ouyang Jue pondered carefully, finding Ouyang Nuan's reasoning quite logical, but still finding it hard to believe.

Ouyang Nuan's features remained serene, her smile as gentle as smoke, as she replied, "Silly child, he won't do anything personally. There will naturally be someone to handle everything for him. Even if you do manage to catch someone, what can you really find out?"

Hongyu was in the midst of extinguishing the blackened wick of a candle with a small silver pair of scissors on the table. Upon hearing this, her hand trembled, feeling truly afraid, and she turned back, asking, "Then Miss, what should we do?"

Ouyang Nuan reached out her cool hand and patted Hongyu's shoulder gently, saying slowly, "That's why I agreed to exchange carriages with Chen Lanxin."

Hongyu's eyes brightened slightly. "The carriage has the Ouyang family's conspicuous mark on it. If they really send someone to ambush us, they might think that whoever is inside that carriage is the Miss."

Ouyang Nuan sighed softly. "I originally didn't want to involve others, but Chen Lanxin pushed too far. Today, she insisted on taking this carriage from us. It wasn't intentional for me to give it to her. I even tried to make her think twice, but she didn't hesitate at all."

Ouyang Jue gasped, feeling his palm growing cold, and said in a trembling voice, "Doesn't that mean we're letting others die for us..."

Ouyang Nuan gave a gentle smile and lightly tapped his forehead, saying, "Silly boy. Sister wouldn't intentionally harm anyone. Have you seen the thirty guards from the Duke of Wu's family? They are all top-notch experts, completely different from our guards. Considering both sides, who do you think she is at a disadvantage? Chen Lanxin insisted on taking that carriage for herself. I'm just using her as a shield."

"Use her as a shield?" Ouyang Jue looked at Ouyang Nuan, still trying to grasp the situation.

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A faint smile played at the corners of Ouyang Nuan's lips as she spoke calmly, "This time, there might be people among them who recognize us. As soon as Chen Lanxin shows her face, she'll be spotted. Besides, our delay with the horses was brief, just a matter of moments before and after Chen Lanxin. They might not hesitate to kill a thousand to ensure they don't let one slip through..."

"Sister, should we take a detour?" Ouyang Jue asked urgently.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Since they're prepared, they will block all your paths. There will likely be ambushes on other routes as well. Do you think they're just playing games with you?" Seeing Ouyang Jue's serious expression, her voice turned as cold as water from an icy spring, "Jue, they want your life, not mine. Do you understand?"

Ouyang Jue's gaze was intense, with a hint of confusion. Ouyang Nuan sighed softly and whispered, "If they truly ambush us, their main objective will be to kill you, not me. Do you know why?"

Ouyang Jue pondered for a moment, quickly realizing the crucial point. His heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't stop himself from paling. "Because... Lin Wanru hates you far more than she hates me."

"Exactly. As a young lady from a noble family, encountering bandits on the way home would completely ruin my reputation. She would leave me with this life, to endure a lifetime of torment." Ouyang Nuan spoke as if discussing the most ordinary matter. There was no hint of fear in her voice, only a calm indifference.

Ouyang Jue suppressed the choking sensation and sorrow in his throat, quietly saying, "She must never have expected that the person who understands her best in this world would be you."

Understands? Ouyang Nuan felt a piercing ache in her heart, like a wildfire burning within. She looked at her pair of pristine white hands, hands that might not be clean. Ever since her rebirth, she was no longer the gentle and kind-hearted Ouyang Nuan of before. She had already made a vow to the heavens that she would protect Jue, even if it meant stepping on the blood of others, she would live well.

"If we can safely return this time, I will definitely tell Grandmother!" Ouyang Jue said bitterly.

"Tell her? She will just pretend not to know anything. If we really have a falling out with Lin Wanru, I can't suppress her arbitrarily. Otherwise, if it spreads to outsiders, they might think I'm being disobedient and unfilial." Ouyang Nuan nodded thoughtfully. "Jue, with Lin Wanru at home, we have to tread carefully and be extra cautious. Besides, her backing is someone I currently lack complete assurance in refuting."

Ouyang Jue lifted his head to look at Ouyang Nuan, then quickly lowered his gaze in silence. He whispered softly, "I understand." 

"So even though we've changed the carriage, we must still be extremely careful," she added.

Ouyang Jue nodded firmly, his gaze hiding deep resentment, sharp as a hidden blade. "But we can't let those who plot against us off lightly."

Ouyang Nuan silently suppressed the sharp resentment in her heart, leaving only a faint smile on her face. "Take your time," she said.

After a while, as the carriage continued on its way, they heard a commotion from outside. The coachman suddenly pulled the reins, and the horses neighed loudly, abruptly stopping. At that moment, they heard a sharp command from outside.

Hongyu recognized the piercing scream of Chen Lanxin and almost instinctively lifted the carriage curtain. Outside, chaos reigned, accompanied by the sound of a terrifying crash, as if a heavy object had fallen to the ground. This was followed by a violent shout and a series of cries. Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw flashes of cold light.

Hongyu's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed the scene. Several figures wielding blades were heading straight for the carriage ahead of them. The horses pulling that carriage had already been killed by the attackers' steel blades, collapsing with a thud, blood pooling beneath them. 

The guards on either side of the carriage were just waking up to the danger, engaging in fierce combat with the assailants. While ordinary bandits relied on brute force, the guards might have been able to handle them individually, but with the attackers coordinated and well-prepared, the guards found themselves surprised and struggling. They fought desperately, but the situation quickly reached a stalemate.

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Hongyu looked outside, her voice trembling with fear. "Miss... they've really come..."

"Older Sister..." Ouyang Jue's voice trembled as well, unable to find words to express the shock of witnessing such a scene firsthand, despite being mentally prepared.

Ouyang Nuan's gaze was cold and unfaltering as she observed the situation. She spoke softly, her voice carrying an air of authority. "No one is to act rashly, do you hear me?"

"But Older Sister, shouldn't we go help?" Ouyang Jue's heart skipped a beat, almost coming to a standstill.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the situation and shook her head gently. "The guards from the Duke of Wu's residence can hold out for at least half an hour, and they're guarding the carriage well. Miss Chen Lanxin should be unharmed. If we send someone over now, we'll only attract the attention of the assailants. We only have ten guards here, and you have no idea how many enemies we're facing! Do you really want to risk your life here and now?"

"Are we just going to stand by and watch?!" Ouyang Jue bit his lip, his eyes flickering uncertainly. Morally, he couldn't bear to do nothing, but he dared not disobey his sister's words. He could only look at Ouyang Nuan, waiting for her final decision.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at him and asked, "Did you bring your bow and arrows?"

Ouyang Jue paused, saying, "I did bring them today, intending to seek guidance from my cousin, but he didn't come... But what use are bow and arrows now?"

"They will realize their mistake sooner or later. We cannot sit idly by. Get your bow and arrows out immediately, Hongyu. You'll listen to my orders!" 

Although still trembling, Hongyu looked at Ouyang Nuan with trust, waiting for her instructions.

Meanwhile, the sounds of battle continued unabated. Unnoticed by the combatants, a column of fire shot up into the sky not far away. From a distance, the scattered flames seemed to mock the chaos below.

“Sister, what do we do now?" Ouyang Jue put down his bow and arrows, realizing his palms were damp, and his back was already soaked with sweat.

Ouyang Nuan's dark eyes gathered a glint of clarity amidst the gloom. "We wait."

All they could do was wait, hoping someone would notice. But would anyone really notice? In this situation, at this moment, Ouyang Nuan didn't know if Chen Lanxin in the carriage ahead was regretting her actions. 

All she knew was that there was no turning back for her; she couldn't afford to regret. If it weren't for Jue being in the carriage, she wouldn't have yielded to Chen Lanxin's demands, regardless of how harsh she was. Everything had to be borne by herself. But with Jue here, she had to steel herself and let Chen Lanxin take the brunt for them!

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Just then, Ouyang Jue suddenly exclaimed, "Sister, look!"

Ouyang Nuan focused her gaze and couldn't help but inhale sharply. First, a person suddenly climbed onto the roof of the carriage. The guards pursued and struck them down with a knife. Then, two maids supported a young lady adorned with pearls and radiance down from the carriage, desperately fleeing. If it wasn't Chen Lanxin, then who could it be? Was she losing her mind? She should stay inside the carriage at a time like this. How could she come out?! Ouyang Nuan bit her lip, watching the three of them screaming in the crowd as if they had encountered a huge shock. She said coldly, "Have all our guards go help!"

"Sister—" Ouyang Jue looked at Ouyang Nuan, his eyelids twitching as if scorched by flames. He instinctively bit his lip.

"Miss, we can't! These people are here to protect you," Hongyu said, feeling a chilling sensation creeping over her heart.

"Quickly go!" Ouyang Nuan's tone carried a restrained solemnity, with an unstoppable determination.

"Yes!" Ouyang Jue swiftly disembarked and ordered all the guards behind to go help.

The sudden arrival of ten people, although not a significant force, was still a help. Furthermore, with the lead guard shouting loudly that reinforcements were on their way at the command of the young miss, the opponents were thrown into disarray for a while. However, in just a moment, more and more people surged out from the darkness...

Chen Lanxin, with sharp eyes, spotted the carriage on this side and hurried over. Suddenly, someone fell at her feet, covered in blood. This sight terrified her, eliciting a string of screams as she scrambled to evade in all directions. Unexpectedly, she collided with someone rushing towards her. Although the maidservant was trembling with fear, she still shouted loudly, "Get away, get away!"

The person grabbed Chen Lanxin, forcibly snatched the jade belt from her waist, then took advantage of the chaos to crouch and sneak away.

The guards from the Wu State Duke's residence saw this and shouted, "Catch him!" They rushed over with people, but the person still managed to escape. The guards struggled to protect and escort Chen Lanxin towards the carriage where Ouyang Nuan was. Ouyang Jue quickly went up to assist, and several people clumsily helped Chen Lanxin onto the carriage. She was already trembling with fear, her hairpins scattered, collapsing at Ouyang Nuan's feet, shaking all over.

Ouyang Nuan quickly helped Chen Lanxin up. "Miss Lanxin, are you alright?"

Chen Lanxin was so frightened that she couldn't speak a word, her lips trembling, her face devoid of color, and she could only shake her head repeatedly.

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Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly, then removed her cloak and wrapped it around Chen Lanxin, trying to comfort her. She glanced out of the carriage window again. Originally, everything was fine, but after Chen Lanxin's outburst, those people had already noticed their carriage and were heading straight towards them! Although the guards were fighting desperately to hold them off, it seemed they couldn't delay them for even the time it takes to drink a cup of tea!

Suddenly, they heard Hongyu shouting, "Miss, there are people coming from behind!" Ouyang Jue tightened his grip on the bow and arrow in his hand, ready to rush out. But Ouyang Nuan grabbed him and sternly commanded, "No rash actions! If there are enemies behind us, I will only suffer even greater humiliation than myself...". Ouyang Jue looked at his sister, tears shimmering in his eyes. After a fierce struggle in his heart, he finally broke free and jumped out of the carriage, heading straight towards the rear...

"Older Sister!" Ouyang Nuan felt anxious, but Hongyu, who was guarding the front, suddenly exclaimed, "Young Miss!" When Ouyang Nuan turned around, she saw a cold blade coming down towards her. The door of the carriage was almost completely chopped open, and the curtain was slashed into a mess, allowing the cold wind to rush in unimpeded. Hongyu tried to block in front, but was violently pulled away, crying out in alarm. Suddenly, chaos ensued!

Chen Lanxin screamed, reacting incredibly quickly to forcefully shove Ouyang Nuan aside, just as it seemed she would collide with the steel blade. Ouyang Nuan dodged to the side, hitting the window sill, narrowly avoiding the blade. The assailant, with eyes burning with fury, attempted another strike. 

In a split second, a rush of hot blood spurted out, staining the ground. Astonishingly, an arrow was lodged in the assailant's throat, rendering them powerless as they collapsed to the ground.

Ouyang Jue's worried face appeared at the side of the carriage, and he urgently grabbed Ouyang Nuan's hand, asking, "Older Sister, are you okay?"

Ouyang Nuan's arm throbbed with a dull pain, but she masked her concern and casually replied, "Luckily you arrived in time. I'm fine."

"We're saved! The people coming from behind are..." 

The voice of Prince Ming rang out from the side of the carriage, "Release the arrows!"

The sound of arrows piercing through the air was deafening as about a dozen arrows flew. Each of the assailants attempting to climb onto the carriage was hit by two or three arrows. Prince Ming's cavalry, even on horseback, could shoot with such precision. 

While some of the assailants were hit by arrows, they did not immediately die and continued to charge forward. The black-clad cavalrymen threw out ropes, which looped around the heads of those people. The captured assailants let out sharp cries as they were dragged straight along the ground.

At this moment, the individuals who had been entangled with the guards began to run over. There were still many of them. Leading them was Jin Liang, who pulled out a black spherical object from his pocket and hurled it towards the approaching crowd. These people had never seen such a thing before and didn't react in time. 

With a loud "boom," the sphere exploded amidst the charging crowd, sending dirt and grass flying. The people seemed stunned, frozen in place. Jin Liang then threw another sphere, resulting in another deafening explosion.

“Hongyu!" Ouyang Jue whispered, "That's a Fire Thunder Bomb from the forces of Prince Ming. They say that in the current war with the Southern Barbarian army, these bombs have played a crucial role in our victories. This one should be the smallest in terms of power, used only for intimidation."

In just a moment, those bandits who hadn't been killed before outright were either dead or unable to move. Prince Ming dismounted and approached. Seeing Ouyang Nuan sitting in Princess Rong's carriage, he didn't show any surprise. He simply asked in a solemn tone, "Are you alright?"

Ouyang Nuan could have shown a warmer smile to her savior or displayed gratitude after being rescued. However, upon seeing his narrow, upturned eyes, long eyelashes, and finely chiseled nose, along with his overly cold demeanor, she hesitated.

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"Thank you, Prince Ming, for lending a helping hand. Fortunately, none of us are seriously injured," Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, even though sharp pain throbbed in her shoulder, threatening to bring tears to her eyes. She forced the tears back, her voice steady.

"That's good to hear..." Prince Ming nodded. He had stayed behind after the banquet today because the Grand Princess had specifically asked him to discuss some matters. It was on his way back that he saw the rocket shooting up into the sky, prompting him to ride over. He hadn't expected to encounter this scene here.

Thinking about it now, those people didn't seem like ordinary bandits. In the Emperor's territory, where would bandits come from? Moreover, today this official road was filled with carriages of nobles. Ordinary bandits wouldn't dare to cause trouble here.

Her arm was now numb from the pain, a sharp, piercing sensation that felt like tiny blades. Sweat trickled down Ouyang Nuan's face, matting her hair against her temples. Despite this, she maintained a faint smile on her face as she said, "Indeed, we are not sure about their identity. It seems we may need to trouble the prince with this matter."

Prince Ming looked at her smile and sensed the lingering scent of blood in the air, his expression turning ambiguous. "Are you suggesting, Miss Ouyang, that I should escort these people back?"

Ouyang Nuan furrowed her brow lightly and replied, "Or perhaps we could take them to the yamen, though I fear the Magistrate may hesitate to accept..."

Prince Ming nodded, about to speak, but then he saw Chen Lanxin grab onto his sleeve in a panic, the long tassels of her cat-eye silver earrings lightly brushing against his hand, sending a slight chill down his spine. "Prince, save me!"

Prince Ming glanced coldly at her, brushing away her grasp. "Support your mistress," he said icily. The maid beside her had been in a daze but suddenly snapped out of it, rushing over to support Chen Lanxin.

Ouyang Nuan looked at him, but she noticed a darkness creeping into his eyes, tainted with the melancholy of the night.

"I will escort you all back to the mansion and ensure that everything is explained," Prince Ming said indifferently, turning away to issue orders without casting another glance at them.

The implication was clear: Prince Ming was willing to shoulder the responsibility of this rescue. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. This was the best outcome. After all, the incident involved the Ouyang family's carriage. With Prince Ming's protection, her escape would be perfectly justified. Yet, it would likely invite more jealousy. Nevertheless, this outcome was far better than she had anticipated.

As she turned around, she saw Chen Lanxin staring coldly at her, her gaze filled with suspicion and complexity.

Time passed in silence, the atmosphere serene, devoid of any sound save for the quietness of the surroundings.

Chen Lanxin's expression was a mix of jealousy, resentment, and doubt. In an instant, she seemed to experience a whirlwind of emotions. She murmured, "Did you already know about today's events?"

Ouyang Nuan remained composed, her indifference evident in every corner of her expression. She replied calmly, "Sister, don't forget, it was you who insisted on taking the Ouyang family carriage."

Chen Lanxin was stunned for a moment, her expression filled with confusion and despair. She stared at Ouyang Nuan, almost overwhelmed with sorrow, before finally collapsing to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

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