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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Family 

 Chapter 54: 

 You Can't Stop Worshipping Buddha

The army had long passed, yet Ouyang Jue remained lost in a daze. Ouyang Nuan observed his unusual demeanor and took a tea cup from the table, handing it to him.

Contrary to his usual self, Ouyang Jue remained silent, his gaze fixed emptily at the now deserted city gates. Although holding the tea cup, his grip was tight, and his knuckles seemed to pale.

A strange sensation filled his heart, a mix of melancholy and excitement, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Ouyang Nuan softly called out, "Jue? Jue?" After several calls, Ouyang Jue suddenly snapped out of his reverie, asking, "What's wrong, sister?"

"What's wrong? You seemed completely lost in thought," Ouyang Nuan chuckled and shook her head. Ouyang Jue blushed sheepishly in embarrassment.

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"What are you talking about?" Zhang Mama supported Old Madam Li as they walked out from behind the screen. Ouyang Nuan smiled and went up to hold her arm. "Grandmother, are you awake?"

"With all the noise outside, how could I sleep? I just closed my eyes to rest. Jue, how was it just now, was it interesting?" Old Madam Li showed a keen interest. It seemed she was teasing Ouyang Jue, treating him like a child who enjoys spectacles.

"Grandmother, it was my first time seeing such a spectacle. The massive army resembled a tide, with armor shining brightly and swords sharp as ever. And the Prince Ming leading them truly exudes extraordinary bearing. Such a majestic sight! A real man should aspire to be like him!" Ouyang Jue exclaimed excitedly, his face full of enthusiasm. "I wish I could join the battlefield too, to be a valiant vanguard!"

Old Madam Li paused for a moment, then chuckled. "You, my child, going to war in the south, that's not something fun."

"I didn't say it's fun! I just feel that, as a man, if I can't go to the battlefield like him to fight for the country and the people, then it's meaningless!" Ouyang Jue argued.

"But risking your life like that, where's the good in it? You really are—" Old Madam Li murmured, staring at Ouyang Jue. Ouyang Jue, however, unusually stood his ground. "Grandmother, if living a mediocre life means nothing, then dying gloriously on the battlefield is better than anything!"

As Ouyang Nuan listened to her brother speak, her smile gradually froze. She quietly observed her brother, hoping to find evidence of a fleeting impulse on his face. However, she knew Ouyang Jue too well. This child often harbored a burning zeal, a passion that no one could stop. She hadn't expected that just the sight of the army leaving the city would stir up so many thoughts in him!

"Young Master, don't scare us. I heard the barbarians in the south kill without mercy," Zhang Mama said, pressing her hand against her chest, her expression filled with disgust and fear. 

Old Madam Li shook her head. "It's not just killing without mercy. Those barbarians are extremely terrifying. I heard they are eight zhang[1] tall, covered in fur, and they roam around kidnapping people and setting fires. They even have a taste for human blood! Prince Ming may not necessarily return victorious from this trip. It's uncertain if he'll return safely."

"What does it matter! Grandmother, men should die on the battlefield. Even if they end up wrapped in horsehide, it's better than dying in bed surrounded by wives and servants!" Ouyang Jue interrupted Old Madam Li's words abruptly, his eyes gleaming with a radiance Ouyang Nuan had never seen before.

Old Madam Li furrowed her brow. "Amitabha. Children really don't understand. The slaughter on the battlefield goes against the principles of benevolence and righteousness. If one's hands are stained with blood, they will end up in hell."

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Ouyang Jue remained defiant. "What is benevolence and righteousness? The barbarians in the south are causing chaos, killing so many innocent civilians. Do you think just saying Amitabha will make them drop their swords? Only when the iron cavalry of the Dali Dynasty enters the south, driving out these barbarians and completely conquering them, can the flames of war be extinguished, and the people can live in peace!"

Old Madam Li was taken aback. She said, "Jue'er, what's gotten into you? You're talking nonsense! What do you know about national affairs? You're just a child. How can you talk about killing people all the time?"

Ouyang Jue's white jade-like face flushed red. "What I said is not nonsense! Grandmother, you simply don't understand. Even if we have to kill a thousand or ten thousand people, as long as it's for the country and the people, it's a matter of merit for the nation! The soldiers in the front line fight with their lives, staining the border with blood. Only then can we enjoy peace here. Otherwise, grandmother, can you still go to worship calmly?"

"Jue'er! How can you speak to your grandmother like this?" Ouyang Nuan frowned, her voice soft but extremely stern.

Ouyang Jue lowered his head in silence. Although he was stubborn by nature, he never showed a hint of defiance in front of his sister.

"You're still so young. Focus on your studies! Peace is a blessing. What battlefield, what glory for the country, none of these concern you." Seeing him bow his head, thinking he realized his mistake, Old Madam Li showed slight satisfaction and continued slowly.

Ouyang Nuan saw Old Madam Li's expression soften and quickly smiled, "Little brother is just joking, grandmother, don't mind him. He's just a child, what does he know!"

Ouyang Jue hesitated, wanting to say something, but Ouyang Nuan gave him a cold glance, and all the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, unable to utter a single one.

Zhang Mama helped Old Madam Li onto the carriage first. The steward went to settle the accounts. Ouyang Nuan sat in the elegant compartment, and Ouyang Jue took the opportunity to hold her hand and look at her. "Sister...”

“What were you saying just now? Did you forget everything I told you? Do you think life is too comfortable now, so you dare to openly defy grandmother!" Ouyang Nuan said coldly, her expression unusually indifferent.

“Sister, are you angry with Jue'er? It's my fault. I shouldn't have spoken to grandmother in that tone, making you worry as well,” Ouyang Jue, who always respected Ouyang Nuan the most, didn't care about anyone else's anger or frustration, but was terrified at the thought of Ouyang Nuan being even slightly unhappy. He looked at Ouyang Nuan timidly, full of fear.

Ouyang Nuan sighed, looking at her brother who was gradually growing taller and revealing a handsome young face. She said, "Sister will never be angry with you. It's just that you know grandmother believes in Buddhism and doesn't like to hear these things. Why do you still argue with her? Even if you win, what can you change? It just makes her think you're immature!"

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Ouyang Jue was taken aback, a look of grievance flashing in his eyes. He pursed his lips and stubbornly said, "Sister said she wants me to be an upright person. Can't I speak the truth? Grandmother's ways are simply wrong. If everyone is afraid of death and seeks only pleasure, who will protect the people? Who will defend the country? When I grow up, I want to be like Prince Ming, to shed blood on the front lines and bring glory to our country!"

Ouyang Nuan remained silent, looking straight at him with a strange expression that made Ouyang Jue feel a little uneasy. "Sister, you don't like hearing me say these things, do you?"

"No. Sister has always seen you as a child, but unknowingly you already have your own thoughts." Ouyang Nuan's lips curved into a gentle smile, her voice soft. She gazed at him deeply, her eyes seeming a bit lost and melancholic. "Before Mother passed away, she couldn't bear to part with you the most. If only she could hear you say these words with her own ears, how wonderful it would be. But, Jue,..." She hesitated, her expression sorrowful, closing her eyes in silence. If Ouyang Jue had to choose, he would rather hear Ouyang Nuan scold him than see his sister saddened.

Before he could think of how to comfort her, Ouyang Nuan suddenly spoke again. "From childhood to now, you've always been an obedient child, rarely arguing with others, let alone bravely expressing your own opinions. Just for that, Sister will support you."

"Thank you, sister!" Ouyang Jue instinctively felt that Ouyang Nuan didn't actually agree with his views, but he forced a smile, trying to appear relaxed as he looked at her.

Sure enough, Ouyang Nuan quickly suppressed her smile, her gaze becoming deep and complex. Amidst her affection, there was a hint of subtle pain. "Supporting you is one thing, but you must understand, just like Grandmother, Sister only wishes for your safety and happiness. Even if you have no achievements, no fame, no status, it doesn't matter, as long as you are healthy and safe."

Ouyang Jue stared blankly at Ouyang Nuan, unable to utter a word.

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and smiled sadly. "I would rather you never know worry, to remain as carefree and innocent as a child... However, one day, you will have to grow up, spread your own wings, and completely leave my protection."

Ouyang Jue was speechless, his heart tightening with each passing moment.

Ouyang Nuan looked directly into his eyes, her voice carrying a chill. "If there comes a day when you want to do something that Sister disagrees with, and I try my best to stop you, will you still do it?"

'How could I? How could I do something that would make Sister unhappy?' His heart raced with shock. He couldn't fathom how he could knowingly do something that his sister disliked. Countless thoughts raced through his mind, leaving it in a tangled mess.

“Answer me,” Ouyang Nuan demanded without allowing him to hesitate.

Ouyang Jue looked at her, solemnly stating, "No, I will never let Sister down."

Ouyang Nuan's gaze turned as cold as water. "If Sister asks you to swear to stay away from danger for your entire life, to give up those thoughts of making achievements, and to live honestly by her side, what would you do?"

Ouyang Jue was stunned for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Why did Sister show such a desolate expression? Why...?

Because of the recent unpleasantness, Ouyang Jue worried that Old Madam Li might nag again, so he decided to sit in the back of the carriage. Only Ouyang Nuan remained in the front carriage with Old Madam Li.

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Zhang Mama watched Old Madam Li, who seemed to have lost her sleepiness and was in good spirits. With a cheerful tone, she said, "Young Master is truly amazing now. He is the most respected disciple of Master Kong in the academy, with excellent literary and martial talents. Lately, he has been learning archery, and it's said that he has made great progress. Even the master praised him. He is sure to have a bright future. Old Madam will be delighted when the time comes!"

Old Madam Li nodded, a faint smile appearing on her face. "The Ouyang family only has this one seedling. If he is diligent and ambitious, naturally, I am pleased. If he can earn his own achievements in the future without relying on his father, he can establish himself in the capital and bring glory to the Ouyang family. Even if I die, I can close my eyes in peace."

Ouyang Nuan listened quietly. It seemed that Old Madam Li wanted Ouyang Jue to take the imperial examination route, which was originally her plan as well. By studying diligently and gradually gaining achievements, with the support of the Zhenguo Marquis Mansion, he could stand firm in society. 

However, hearing Ouyang Jue's words, did he really want to live his life like this? Every step he took seemed to be designed by others for him. Was this what Ouyang Jue wanted? For the first time, Ouyang Nuan felt that perhaps everything she had done was not what her brother desired.

“Once Jue achieves success in the future, Nuan will also have someone to rely on…” Old Madam Li continued, but Ouyang Nuan smiled and interjected, “Grandmother is right.”

The carriage arrived at the foot of the Ningguo Temple mountain, where they saw several splendid carriages gathered. Hongyu, pulling aside the curtain, softly reported, “Old Madam, Miss, the Marquis of Zhenguo's Mansion, the Duke of Dingyuan's Mansion, the Duke of Xuancheng's Mansion, and several other prominent families have sent their ladies and misses to pay respects. Their carriages are still parked at the foot of the mountain, and they haven't ascended yet.”

“Grandmother, with so many ladies present, perhaps it's best for Jue to avoid this,” Ouyang Nuan knew that Ouyang Jue didn't enjoy such occasions and whispered. Seeing Old Madam Li nod in agreement, she waved for Hongyu to inform Ouyang Jue to stay in the carriage. She then disembarked with Zhang Mama's assistance, supporting Old Madam Li out of the carriage. Ouyang Nuan quietly asked the maid beside her, “Do you know who from the Marquis of Zhenguo's Mansion has come?”

“In response to Miss, it's the Second Madam and Miss Rou,” the maid Yumei had already gathered the information and promptly replied.

The maid answered softly.

Since it wasn't Old Lady Ning herself coming, there was no need to go and greet them. After some thought, Old Madam Li personally led Ouyang Nuan to the carriage of the Duke of Dingyuan's Mansion. Madam Zhou had already received the news and was standing by the carriage. Upon seeing Old Madam Li approaching, a smile appeared on her face. Madam Zhou appeared to be two or three years older than Old Madam Li, dressed in a goldenrod embroidered collar cloak with red gold floral patterns, a goldenrod satin horse-face skirt with red gold floral patterns covering the knees, her fair skin radiant. Her slightly plump figure and round, bright face featured a pair of very gentle eyes.

"Old Madam Li, it's been a while since we last met..."

"Madam Zhou, you're too polite," Old Madam Li smiled as she approached, a hint of joy on her face.

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"Who is this young lady? She's truly beautiful!" Madam Zhou seemed somewhat surprised upon seeing Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan gracefully curtsied, showing respect. "Madam Zhou, Ouyang Nuan pays her respects to you."

Old Madam Li smirked, "Madam Zhou, have you forgotten? This is my granddaughter, whom you met two years ago."

Madam Zhou seemed even more surprised, examining Ouyang Nuan from head to toe with a look of sudden realization. Unable to contain herself, she remarked, "She's quite different from last time. Back then, she was so small, always clinging to her mother and afraid to meet people. Now she's grown so big..."

Ouyang Nuan's eyes sparkled like precious gems. "It's been two years. Madam Zhou, you're still as robust as ever."

"What a charming child you are. Last time when I met your grandmother for tea, she mentioned you, and I expressed my desire to meet you. What a coincidence that it happened today," Madam Zhou smiled warmly at Ouyang Nuan, then turned to Old Madam Li, saying, "You are truly fortunate. Your granddaughter becomes more beautiful with each passing year."

Old Madam Li couldn't hide her pride, though she modestly replied, "Oh, you flatter her. This child just doesn't like to come out and meet people. She's quite shy!"

Madam Zhou, like Old Madam Ning from the Marquis of Zhen's residence, held a high rank in the imperial court. With such esteemed figures present, Old Madam Li dared not be presumptuous. After exchanging a few respectful words, she couldn't help but inquire, "Madam Zhou, why haven't you gone up the mountain and instead left your carriage here?"

Madam Zhou glanced up the hill thoughtfully and replied, "There are dignitaries up there. We all need to give way."

"Dignitaries? What kind of dignitaries would even require the Duke of Dingguo's residence to give way?" 

Ouyang Nuan's gaze wandered over all the carriages before finally settling on another group of people at the foot of the mountain.

At that moment, a beautiful woman dressed in a large red coat embroidered with colorful patterns approached, escorted by maidservants and old attendants. She greeted the two old ladies with a smile, bowing slightly. Madam Zhou nodded in return and gestured towards her, saying to Old Madam Li, "This is the Third Lady of the Duke of Xuan's residence."

Madam Zhu, as the Third Lady of the Duke of Xuan City's residence, was likely the legitimate wife of the Third Master, who had three branches of sons. Old Madam Li quickly greeted her, and they exchanged pleasantries. 

Ouyang Nuan stood by Old Madam Li's side with a smile. Madam Zhu approached her, took her hand, and carefully examined her, her eyes shimmering with a faint light. 

However, she sighed and said, "Looking at you now, you bear a striking resemblance to your mother when she was young, both equally elegant. Nuan'er, your mother and I were good friends even before she got married. However, after she married and became frail and unwilling to go out, we grew apart. You shouldn't follow her example. We are all family. In the future, you must be active and engaged."

Good friends? Ouyang Nuan discreetly glanced at Fang Mama, who was standing nearby serving, and noticed her lowering her head with a hint of displeasure in her eyes. Suddenly, Ouyang Nuan had a realization. If Madam Zhu was truly her mother's good friend, why had Fang Mama never mentioned it to her? Seeing Fang Mama's expression, Ouyang Nuan suspected that Madam Zhu's real good friend might not be her own mother, Lin Wanqing, but rather her stepmother, Lin Wanru. 

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With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Ouyang Nuan smiled politely and humbly responded, "Yes."

Sure enough, Madam Zhu seemed casually interested as she remarked, "I heard Madam hasn't been feeling well. I was planning to visit her in the next few days."

"There's nothing serious," Old Madam Li replied with a faint smile. "It's just that she got tired from helping prepare for the birthday banquet a few days ago. I've assigned someone to look after her these days and not let her overexert herself."

Madam Zhu smiled and said, "Wanru is indeed a filial daughter-in-law. Old Madam is truly blessed. Last time during the birthday banquet, we received news and only sent gifts. We were also considering going to congratulate Old Madam, but unfortunately, my elder sister-in-law fell ill. We were afraid of transmitting the illness to Old Madam, so we didn't dare to visit. It's a pity we missed such a splendid event. I heard that the young lady presented a longevity painting at the banquet. Could we have the pleasure of admiring it next time?" 

Before Old Madam Li could respond, Madam Zhu continued, "The longevity painting you mentioned is said to have amazed everyone and even spread to the palace. Even the Empress praised the young lady of the Ouyang family for her virtue and filial piety!"

Since Old Madam Li cherished the longevity painting that Ouyang Nuan had presented at the birthday banquet, Ouyang Zhi had begged to have it, displaying it proudly whenever esteemed guests visited. Initially, it might not have been a big deal, but the ladies who attended the banquet spread the news far and wide. Noble families and even commoners began to imitate it, with many bookstores commissioning copies to sell at high prices. It was said that the filial piety and talent of the Ouyang family's young lady had become famous throughout the capital. However, the praise from the Empress was news even Old Madam Li hadn't heard of. She expressed her surprise, saying, "How... is that possible?"

Old Madam Zhu chuckled and said, "The Empress has always enjoyed hearing fresh news. Anything happening in the capital catches her interest. With the fame of the longevity painting spreading far and wide, it's natural that the Empress would know about it. It's a great honor for Nuan'er to receive praise from the Empress. Old Madam should be pleased."

Old Madam Li's eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and delight. She replied modestly, "It's truly unexpected. Nuan'er has always enjoyed reading and writing, more diligent than ordinary girls. With her calm and gentle nature, she can produce a few pieces of fine calligraphy." Though she spoke modestly, a hint of pride was evident in her tone.

Ouyang Nuan's smile remained gentle, devoid of any trace of pride. Old Madam Zhu nodded inwardly, noting that this young lady seemed even more composed than her grandmother.

Madam Zhu flashed a smile, but it seemed to carry a hidden meaning as she said, "I don't have such good fortune. If my daughter, Bier, had the talent of Miss Ouyang, perhaps she could also make a name for herself in front of the nobility."

Her words, sour and pointed, carried a sting that left an unpleasant feeling. Yet Madam Zhu's face maintained a charming smile, giving no hint of sarcasm. Old Madam Li's smile faded, her expression turning somber as she remained silent.

Ouyang Nuan, without revealing her true feelings, smiled calmly at Madam Zhu, noticing the subtle hint of mockery in her beautiful eyes.

Just then, Madam Jiang had already brought Lin Yuanrou over to greet them, asking, "Old Madam, are you also here to pay respects today?"

Due to Madam Lin's presence, Old Madam Li didn't particularly favor the wife of the Minister of War. Upon seeing her, she merely nodded faintly, "Indeed, what a coincidence to meet Madam Jiang."

Madam Jiang smiled and glanced at Ouyang Nuan, her words carrying a hidden meaning, "Why is it only Nuan here? Shouldn't Ke'er be accompanying Old Madam as well?"

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Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, politely replying, "Aunt, Ke'er caught a cold. Grandmother is worried about her catching a chill outside, so she asked her to stay home and rest."

Madam Jiang nodded and smirked, "Nuan is truly considerate, always by Old Madam's side, unwilling to relax at all!"

Ouyang Nuan showed an even more modest expression, as if she hadn't understood the implication of Madam Jiang's words, "Aunt, you're too kind. It's just what a granddaughter should do."

Lin Yuanrou was dressed in a crimson robe, adorned with a cascading horse bun and a comb studded with red gemstones. Two crimson and blue gemstone flower pins were diagonally inserted, and on her ears dangled lantern-shaped golden pendants. Despite her usual charming appearance, there was a hint of disdain on her face as she spoke, "It's a pity you've come all this way for nothing. Today, the Grand Princess is visiting Ningguo Temple to offer incense, and they aren't receiving any outside guests!"

Indeed, Ouyang Nuan had already noticed the procession at the forefront. The people there were clearly guards, and their horses were of the finest breed, adorned with precious jewels on the saddles and stirrups. With around forty to fifty of these horses gathered together, illuminated by the sunlight, it was truly a spectacular sight! However, what caught her attention the most was not these horses but a golden radiant eight-person sedan chair positioned about twenty steps away from the guard team. The sedan chair was adorned with dazzling gemstones on its top, shining brilliantly and captivating the hearts of onlookers. Without a doubt, this sedan chair belonged to the current Grand Princess.

Indeed, the current emperor has numerous sons but very few daughters. Among them, the most renowned is the eldest princess born to the late empress. As the emperor's legitimate eldest daughter, she was greatly cherished. 

However, her fate has not been favorable. At the age of fourteen, she was married off by the emperor to a scion of the Chen family, the Duke of Wuguo. However, her husband passed away from a sudden illness just five years into their marriage. Since then, the Grand Princess has remained a widow and has not remarried. Perhaps due to her young widowhood, both the emperor and the empress dowager have shown her immense sympathy and affection, which has somewhat spoiled her. 

Over the years, her temperament has become increasingly capricious, and even at royal gatherings, she often unleashes her temper without reason. Members of the imperial family and nobility are all apprehensive of her, fearing her unpredictable behavior. It can be said that she is a formidable figure in the capital whom everyone avoids at all costs.

Lin Yuanroudeliberately walked to the side of Ouyang Nuan and whispered, "Little sister Nuan, you've really done well this time. Not only did you completely suppress Ke'er's cousin, but you've also made a name for yourself in the capital!"

Ouyang Nuan noticed the jealousy in her tone, and a flicker of fire seemed to burn in her dark eyes. She couldn't help but smile faintly. This second daughter of the Marquis's family had always been adored and pampered, forgetting that not everyone in this world revolved around her. Even at such a moment, she didn't forget to provoke her. 

Ouyang Nuan had no intention of showing weakness or backing down. Dealing with someone like Lin Yuanrou, the more you yielded, the more she would take advantage. Ouyang Nuan calmly replied, "I'm just doing my best. If Cousin Rou likes it, perhaps she could also present one at the next grandmother's birthday banquet?"

Lin Yuanrou was taken aback, then immediately became angry. "Do you think everyone likes to stand out like you?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Sister, you're exaggerating. Last time at the banquet, I had already presented the longevity painting to grandmother three days prior. I didn't plan to bring it out, but both you and Ke'er insisted on seeing it, so I had no choice but to comply. Speaking of which, this opportunity to make a name for myself came from sister's own hands!"

Lin Yuanrou's breath caught for a moment, and she couldn't help but sneer. "You're sharp-tongued indeed. It's a pity that your sister worked so hard to prepare a gift, only for it to end up being used as someone else's wedding dress!"

Ouyang Nuan's face was full of smiles as she softly replied, "In this regard, Nuan is far inferior to sister. I'm just planning for myself, while sister is worrying about others on my behalf. If others were to hear, they might think you're the daughter of the Ouyang family instead of me. Could it be that cousin has forgotten her own surname? That wouldn't be good. You're still so young; how can you be so forgetful?"

Lin Yuanrou's face flushed with anger, but because there were so many people around, she didn't dare to speak loudly. She lowered her voice and said, "Ouyang Nuan, don't be so smug. One day I'll expose your mask and let everyone know that you're a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and suddenly raised her voice, "Sister, the wind was strong just now. What did you say? Nuan didn't hear!"

Everyone turned to look at Lin Yuanrou, and her anger was instantly extinguished like pouring cold water over flames. All that remained was a faint smoke. She quickly raised her voice and said, "It's nothing. I just said the weather is cold. Little sister should wear more clothes!"

Ouyang Nuan's face showed a gentle smile as if bathed in spring breeze. She approached and took Lin Yuanrou's hand, her face affectionate, but her words were filled with coldness: "Thank you for your concern, sister. It's windy, be careful not to catch a cold!"

Lin Yuanrou felt like a steel knife had been thrown onto cotton. She pulled her hand away, unable to utter a word out of anger.

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"With the presence of the Grand Princess, I'm afraid Master Huian might not have time to receive us," Madam Jiang said casually. Lin Yuanrou, unwilling to talk to Ouyang Nuan anymore, had already moved aside to talk to Zhu Ningbi, the third daughter of the Zhu family from Xuan City. Ouyang Nuan returned to Old Madam Li's side and whispered, "Grandmother, should we go back first and come another day?"

Old Madam Li hesitated for a moment and said, "We don't know how long the Grand Princess's carriage will stay. Let's wait a little longer."

Regardless of how long the Grand Princess stayed here, with so many people queuing up to see Master Huian today, they were sure not to get a chance to see her. Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly, feeling that Old Madam Li's insistence was a bit too deep, as if she were superstitious to an extreme degree. But evidently, others were also unwilling to leave like this. 

After all, the day for offering incense was carefully chosen by each family, fearing to miss such an auspicious occasion. At this moment, they heard Zhu Ningbi, dressed in rose-red brocade with gold trim, wearing a golden hairpin, and earrings with cat's eye gems, looking like a beautiful peacock, disdainfully saying, "This Grand Princess is too domineering. Just because she's offering incense here, does she not allow us to go up the mountain?"

The Duke of Xuan was the maternal family of the Empress Dowager Zhu. After the Empress Dowager's passing, their influence and power waned significantly. The Chen family, from the Duke of Wu Mansion, became prominent after the Empress Dowager had passed, are they are the husband's family of the Grand Princess, making them extremely influential. 

It's no surprise that Zhu Ningbi would speak such words, given the historical animosity between the Duke of Xuan and the Duke of Wu. However, with so many people coming and going, every action and word could be noticed by those with ill intentions. Ouyang Nuan found Zhu Ningbi's words slightly jarring to hear.

"Do you know? Whenever the princess travels, there's always a grand procession, and everyone is required to make way. Even my family's carriage has to stop and give way. Her guards often drive away all the horse riders on the road into the alleys. Once, her procession encountered the convoy of the Minister of Revenue. One of the minister's horses lost control and offended her procession. But instead of giving any face, the Grand Princess immediately ordered everyone to be arrested! It was only after the Crown Prince personally interceded and made the Minister of Revenue kowtow to beg for forgiveness in front of the princess that they were released. You can imagine how overbearing she is..."

As more and more ladies and young women around her became interested in what she was saying, Zhu Ningbi couldn't help but become more enthusiastic as she spoke. However, at this moment, she heard Ouyang Nuan's calm voice saying, "The Grand Princess is the eldest princess born to the former Empress, with a revered and exceptional status. The collision of the carriage convoy with hers was already a grave act of disrespect and an offense against the princess. Such an offense should rightfully be punished! If the Grand Princess were truly as overbearing as you claim, those responsible would have been imprisoned long ago, or even subjected to severe punishment. Yet, they were released merely upon the plea of the Crown Prince. This shows that the princess does not enjoy unjustly punishing others. Isn't this a display of her magnanimity? Miss Zhu, are you speaking here so casually in order to let the attendants around the Grand Princess hear and have us all arrested together for punishment?"

As Ouyang Nuan spoke, initially, the crowd hadn't noticed much. However, upon hearing her words, they realized that even the attendants from the other side had turned their heads to look in their direction. They immediately became aware that Zhu Ningbi's brazen discussion had alerted those individuals. Feeling apprehensive, they all lowered their heads and dared not speak any further.

The attendants' attention to this side lasted only a moment. Soon enough, they turned back around. Everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Looking at Zhu Ningbi again, they couldn't help but feel that she was indeed audacious and lacked manners, daring to speak in a way that offended the Grand Princess. 

She nearly caused trouble for the others standing with her. Fortunately, there was this young lady... This reminder from Miss Ouyang prevented a disaster. Many of the ladies and young misses glanced secretly at Ouyang Nuan, only to see her looking no more than eleven or twelve years old, with fair skin, bright eyes, and rosy lips. Her smile was gentle and serene, standing quietly beside Old Madam Li, like a delicate flower about to bloom. No one would have expected that the words of caution came from such a quiet young girl's mouth, causing a moment of astonishment for everyone.

Zhu Ningbi was interrupted and her face showed a mix of anger and embarrassment for a while. But in front of so many people, she didn't dare to say anything more. She just asked Lin Yuanrou softly, "Who is she?" 

Lin Yuanrou sneered, "Her? Don't you even recognize her? She's the favorite granddaughter of my grandmother, the daughter of the Assistant Minister of Personnel, Ouyang Nuan. How about that? Have you seen how formidable she is? Last time, even I was left speechless by her. I suggest you stay away from her." 

However, Zhu Ningbi coldly chuckled and said, "She's so outstanding, but that might not be a good thing. Not every noble likes such a temperament. Take the Grand Princess, for example. She despises young, beautiful, attention-seeking girls the most. If your cousin Nuan runs into her, she definitely won't have a good time!"

Lin Yuanrou covered her lips and chuckled. The previous gloominess vanished in an instant. She whispered, "You're right. What's so special about her being able to write a few calligraphy strokes? Even the Empress Dowager just casually praised her, and she's acting all proud as if she's something. There are plenty of talented calligraphers in the world, and there are many young ladies who receive praise from the Empress Dowager regularly. Ouyang Nuan is truly like a frog at the bottom of a well."

Zhu Ningbi's younger sister, Zhu Ningyu, stood not far from them. She overheard the conversation between Lin Yuanrou and Zhu Ningbi but shook her head in disagreement. 

Although she was not familiar with Ouyang Nuan, she noticed that the latter had been standing quietly next to the Old Madam from the Ouyang family. Despite the presence of many distinguished ladies from the capital, Ouyang Nuan showed no intention of flaunting or seeking attention. She hadn't even spoken loudly. Yet, these two young ladies were accusing the other of seeking attention; due to personal grievances.

In Zhu Ningyu's opinion, it was actually Zhu Ningbi who loved to attract attention. She had heard that Ouyang Nuan had gained fame in the capital due to a painting and even received praise from the Empress Dowager. 

Naturally, Zhu Ningbi felt resentful. She was eager to make a splash in front of everyone during this incense offering ceremony, but she didn't realize that those who fear being overlooked tend to chatter endlessly. 

On the other hand, people like Ouyang Nuan, who are gentle, polite, and magnanimous, remain silent most of the time but speak up when it matters. Others are highly impressed by them, proving that they are the ones who truly know how to communicate.

The ladies and others had waited for half an hour, many of them preparing to return home, when suddenly a monk hurried down from the mountain. He bowed to the crowd and said, "The Grand Princess only wishes to pray on this trip and does not want to disturb others. The mountain gate is open now. You may all go up to offer incense."

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This unexpected turn of events brought joy to everyone's faces. Old Madam Li smiled and said, "Fortunately, we didn't leave earlier. Today's trip wasn't in vain after all." Ouyang Nuan nodded and whispered, "Grandmother, since the Grand Princess is on the mountain today, perhaps Jue should not accompany us. Just in case..."

Everyone understood the potential consequences of inadvertently offending the attendants around the Grand Princess. Old Madam Li nodded solemnly. At that moment, a servant came over to relay a message from Ouyang Jue. Hongyu hurriedly approached and said, "Madam, Miss, Master Jue says there are too many ladies here, so he won't go up the mountain. He wants the servants to accompany him for a walk in the fields, and they'll return together after you finish offering incense."

Old Madam Li nodded, and Ouyang Nuan smiled. Her younger brother's actions were indeed in line with her expectations. Old Madam Li instructed, "Make sure to keep a close eye on the young master. If he gets into any trouble or gets hurt, there will be no leniency."

They proceeded up the gentle, smooth green stone steps into the mountain gate. Above the gate were three large golden characters, "Ningguo An," personally inscribed by the emperor himself. The eaves of the gate flew high and the layers were stacked. Upon entering the gate, they arrived at the main hall. It was Ouyang Nuan's first visit to Ningguo Temple, and she felt a sense of solemnity and reverence.

Inside the main hall, three Buddhas were enshrined. On the enormous walls to the side were murals commissioned by the emperor, gathered from skilled artisans nationwide, specifically for the celebration of the Empress Dowager's birthday. Ouyang Nuan gazed at the murals, seeing the central figure of Buddha, with Manjushri Bodhisattva riding a lion on the left and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva riding a white elephant on the right. There were also the Four Heavenly Kings and numerous Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and more. Before the lotus throne of the Buddha, there were representations of Sudhana, the Great Peng, Garuda birds singing, and melodious sounds, joyfully listening to the truth spoken by the Buddha.

Lost in her thoughts as she gazed, Ouyang Nuan was unaware. Old Madam Li gently tapped her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

“It's nothing, just admiring the solemnity of the Buddha's image,” Ouyang Nuan said lightly. She suddenly thought about how in her past life, she was a lonely soul wandering along the riverbanks, but now in this life, she boldly entered the temple. If others were to discover the truth, would they mistake her for a ghost and burn her alive?

Unfortunately, this was a secret that would never be revealed. Ouyang Nuan maintained her smile, her expression as calm as water, as she accompanied Old Madam Li and the other ladies to offer incense and light the perpetual lamps.

Old Madam Li, still unwilling to give up, asked one of the junior monks in the hall, "Is Master Huian not available to see us today?"

The junior monk nodded and clasped his hands together, saying, "The master is currently giving a sermon for the Grand Princess. Please come back another day, benefactors."

Old Madam Li's face fell with disappointment. Suddenly, she lost all interest. She hastily bid farewell to Madam Zhou and the others, intending to leave. However, they were surprised to see a young woman in palace attire entering. She addressed everyone in the hall, "The Grand Princess has heard that the ladies have come to Ningguo An to offer incense. She kindly requests that you all stay and join her for a meal."

"The Grand Princess?" Old Madam Li was startled. "She wants us to dine with her?"

"Yes, indeed. The Grand Princess heard that several of you were here and asked you all to stay for a chat."

"All of us?"

"Yes, several elderly ladies and young ladies. Everyone." The group looked at each other in disbelief.

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[1] Zhang: 丈 traditional Chinese unit of length. It was approximately equal to 10 Chinese feet, or roughly 3.58 meters (about 11.75 feet) in modern measurements. Therefore, when someone says "over 8 zhang tall," it suggests an extraordinary height, as it would be over 28.6 meters or about 94 feet tall in modern terms.

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