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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Family 

 Chapter 53: 

 Encounter From A High Place

Lin Zhiran replied lightly, "Nuan cousin, you're overthinking. I was just joking with you."Everything he said was far from a jest. It was merely an opportunity for him to test her intentions. 

Ouyang Nuan knew her cousin was exceptionally astute, with eyes that tolerated no deception. However, she didn't expose his intentions and smiled, saying, "There's always a critical point in everything. I am the legitimate niece of Uncle Lin. Naturally, I hope for his longevity, and in the future, it's only proper for you, Cousin Zhiran, to inherit the title. But there are always those treacherous individuals in the world. Cousin Zhiran is outstanding in appearance and harbors great ambitions. How could he be willing to let those villains scheme to take away his rightful title? Your assistance yesterday is deeply appreciated, and I understand the principle of reciprocity. Who's to say I won't be able to help you in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhiran's heart churned like a raging river, but he maintained a smile on his face as he said, "Nuan cousin, I can't help but feel that you're different from before!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "One learns from setbacks. Even if I'm not very capable, I still have to look out for Jue'er. How can I continue to be so weak and let others manipulate me? After all, I am the granddaughter of Old Madam Ning, the legitimate daughter of a noble family, and the cousin of Brother Ran. I can't be so spineless all my life, can I?"

Lin Zhiran looked at Ouyang Nuan, feeling as if he didn't know her at all. He thought that something had changed about her, which was why he deliberately tried to test her. However, he didn't expect her to speak one after another, seemingly pouring out her heart, but in reality, she didn't say anything concrete. Yet, he found her words very reasonable, each sentence striking a chord within him. Especially hearing that gentle voice, his heart beat fiercely, as if it was being enchanted by something.

He couldn't help but ask, "Are you going to deal with the Lin family alone? Aren't you afraid?"

Ouyang Nuan's expression was cold, but her eyes were filled with determination. "Afraid? For the sake of protecting Jue'er, I'm not afraid of anything. Just like Brother Ran, you would also do anything to protect Uncle and Aunt, wouldn't you?"

Lin Zhiran remained silent, the light in his eyes flickering uncertainly. Finally, he nodded. "Nuan, you have indeed changed. You've become so different that even I feel unfamiliar with you."

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "You're right. It's my fault for being blind and naive in the past. I remember when I was eight years old, my grandmother told me a story. She said there was a wealthy family in Jiangnan with seven brothers. They fought ruthlessly over a piece of auspicious land, and in the end, one hundred and sixty people, men and women, died. The family line was completely wiped out! I never understood why she told me that story until I realized it was about life and death for Jue'er! People have been in conflict since birth. Where there is conflict, there is bloodshed. I am already a daughter of the Ouyang family, Jue'er's sister. I should embrace this role! In the past, I always thought of enduring, of not caring. But now I understand. Others come to fight with me because they envy everything I have! If they are willing to fight to the death over a piece of so-called auspicious land, what about families like ours? To avoid being eliminated by others, I have to fight back and protect myself! Anyone who dares to stand in my way is my mortal enemy!"

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Her face remained calm and serene, but her words were incredibly ruthless, carrying an aura of meeting demons and killing demons, meeting Buddhas and slaying Buddhas. Even Lin Zhiran was shaken by her words, unable to believe what he was seeing from his young and beautiful cousin. For a moment, he was speechless.

After a long while, he finally spoke slowly, "But how long can you keep guarding against them like this? Why not come up with a permanent solution?"

A hint of a smile appeared on Ouyang Nuan's petal-like lips. "Is there such a thing as a permanent solution in this world?"

A cold smile flickered across Lin Zhiran's handsome face. "Of course there is. It all depends on whether Cousin can be ruthless enough."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "If Cousin's solution requires taking lives, I am not incapable of being ruthless. However, after my brother and I have suffered losses for so many years, we must reclaim some interest from that person. It would be too easy to let them die like that."

Lin Zhiran gazed deeply at her and asked, "Then, Cousin, what do you propose?"

Ouyang Nuan said calmly, "Let her watch helplessly as everything she holds dear is slowly taken away, bit by bit, until all hope is destroyed. Let her feel as if she's cutting her own heart out with a knife every day. Let her witness her most beloved person fall into hell..."

Lin Zhiran smiled with a hint of irony. "Cousin Ouyang, you have quite the endurance."

At that moment, Ouyang Jue excitedly ran out from the courtyard. "Sister! Oh, Big Cousin is here too!"

Ouyang Jue glanced at the two of them, his small face showing a strange expression. He felt that the atmosphere between the two was very odd.

When Lin Zhiran took out the exquisite horn bow, Ouyang Jue cheered and hurriedly took the bow back to the courtyard. Ouyang Nuan and Lin Zhiran then entered the Pine and Bamboo Courtyard. The maids set up small tables in the corridor. Lin Zhiran sat down, drinking hot tea, while Ouyang Nuan stood quietly by the corridor, watching Ouyang Jue's excitement.

Lin Zhiran fiddled with the teacup lid, expressionless. "Cousin is plotting alone, but Jue is too young and may not be able to help you."

Ouyang Nuan watched Ouyang Jue shoot an arrow, waving happily at herself, and smiled. "Jue may not be skilled in intrigue, but that's okay. I'm here for everything. I'll shield him from all the darkness and bloodshed."

Lin Zhiran's hand paused. He lifted his head to gaze at Ouyang Nuan and said, "Is Cousin really this confident?"

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"When a person's suffering has once surpassed everything, falling into hell, enduring to this extent is nothing," Ouyang Nuan's gaze was deep. Her eyes were still fixed on the courtyard, but her focus seemed lost.

Her words were cold and merciless, yet they carried an undeniable sense of sadness and resentment. Lin Zhiran stared at her profile in a daze, suddenly feeling a surge of complex emotions he could hardly bear. This young girl seemed to have endured unimaginable pain, shaping her into the resilient and unperturbed person she was now. But why? When did this Ouyang Manor's young lady quietly transform into this? He couldn't help but say, "My second aunt is not so easy to deal with."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "To deal with someone like her, one must be ruthless, merciless, and willing to use any means necessary. Any sign of weakness, and it will be irreversible. This, no one understands better than I do."

Lin Zhiran furrowed his brows, knowing these words were not empty. But he couldn't understand why, coming from someone who appeared delicate and gentle like Ouyang Nuan, he felt a heaviness in his chest. He said, "I don't wish to see your hands stained with blood. I believe Grandmother would feel the same. She would rather see you live a peaceful and joyful life."

With the mention of Grandmother Ning, a hint of warmth flickered in Ouyang Nuan's eyes, but it lasted only a moment before she regained her composure. "I understand your meaning, and I also understand Grandmother's expectations, but I have my own methods and ways of doing things."

Lin Zhiran tilted his head back, took a deep breath, and fell silent for a while with closed eyes. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes and turned his gaze to Ouyang Nuan. "I understand. Since you've been so open with me, I might as well be honest with you. When it comes to someone like Lin Wenyuan, I also won't hesitate to use any means necessary to win."

"It seems we are of the same kind," Ouyang Nuan said with a faint smile on her face.

Lin Zhiran looked at her steadily. After a long while, he nodded slowly and said clearly, "Our goals are aligned. Just remember that."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, knowing that today's conversation had come to an end. She stepped back slightly and nodded in return. Lin Zhiran didn't say anything more, turning around and striding out. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, turned back to Ouyang Jue, and exclaimed loudly, "Practice well! I'll see your progress next time!"

As he left, Ouyang Jue stopped his movements, tossed the bow and arrows to a nearby maid, and hurried over in three quick steps. "Sister, what were you two talking about just now?"

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Ouyang Jue was not just an ordinary ten-year-old child; he was more perceptive than most. Perhaps from the beginning, he knew they had something to discuss and deliberately gave them space. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Aren't you going to continue practicing?"

"I'm just not in the mood..."

"What's wrong? Weren't you fine just now?"

"Big cousin," Ouyang Jue blinked his eyes, saying, "He was staring at you intently. I think he didn't come for me today. Clearly, he came to see you."

"He doesn't have any malicious intentions..." Ouyang Nuan reached out and tousled his hair, "If he had ill intentions, he wouldn't have talked to me for so long. He is the legitimate eldest son of our uncle, he wouldn't harm us."

Ouyang Jue looked at her carefully and nodded.

"Actually, I'm very happy now," Ouyang Nuan pinched Ouyang Jue's face and smiled, "Jue, you care so much about your sister, I'm really happy."

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Ouyang Jue still wasn't convinced. Ouyang Nuan nodded earnestly. Only then did Ouyang Jue relax and run out again, shouting loudly, "Then I'll continue practicing!"

Ouyang Nuan stood in the corridor, quietly watching Ouyang Jue shoot arrows time and time again. Whenever the arrow approached the bullseye, Ouyang Jue's eyes would light up with excitement, and he would run back to Ouyang Nuan to show off. Ouyang Nuan smiled, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and watched him run off again.

"Sister..." Ouyang Jue blinked his clear eyes, turning back happily, "I hit the bullseye!"

Ouyang Nuan stayed in the Song Zhu Courtyard until the afternoon. She felt that this afternoon was particularly quiet and peaceful. She cherished this peaceful time and hoped that this kind of life would continue. To protect her innocent and lovely little brother, she was willing to sacrifice everything, even if it meant descending into hell.

Zhang Mama hurriedly ran to the Song Zhu Courtyard. When she saw Ouyang Nuan, she showed a surprised expression and said, "Miss, the old servant has been looking for you everywhere! Come with me to Shou'an Hall quickly!"

Ouyang Jue stopped his archery and looked at Zhang Mama with surprise, noticing her sweaty and flustered appearance. He was puzzled about what had happened. Ouyang Nuan, however, smiled slightly at him and said, "Let's stop here for today. I'll go see Grandmother."


Shou'an Hall

Old Madam Li's hair bun was messy, her face pale, sitting alone on the kang muttering to herself. The maid Yurong brought a cup of tea, but Old Madam Li knocked it over with a chop of her hand, scalding Yurong's hand immediately. "Go away, useless things! I told you to fetch Eldest Miss, why hasn't she come yet!"

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Yurong withdrew her hand and exchanged a worried glance with Yumei. Yumei gathered her courage and consoled, "Madam, please don't worry. Zhang Mama has gone to find her, Miss will be here soon."

Just as they were talking, Ouyang Nuan lifted the curtain and walked in. Seeing the scene inside, she couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on her face. She said, "Grandmother, what's wrong?"

Old Madam Li looked up and immediately exclaimed, "Nuan'er! Nuan'er!" Ouyang Nuan quickly walked over and grabbed her hand, feeling the coldness in her palm. "Grandmother, I'm here. What's wrong with you?" Zhang Mama whispered, "Miss, at noon, Old Madam suddenly woke up from a nightmare. When we asked her what she dreamed about, she didn't say anything, just asked us to fetch you."

Ouyang Nuan nodded and said to Zhang Mama, "Let everyone else leave. I'll stay here with Grandmother." Zhang Mama nodded and instructed the other maids to leave, leaving herself to wait nearby.

Ouyang Nuan watched as everyone else exited the room. Suddenly, she heard Old Madam Li say, "Nuan'er, I had a terrible dream." Ouyang Nuan turned back calmly, looking at Old Madam Li's weary face, and gave a comforting smile. "What kind of dream was it?"

"...She... She gave birth to a baby boy. I was so happy, went to hold my grandson, but from the swaddle, a poisonous snake emerged!" Old Madam Li's expression was filled with terror, her usual calm and composure nowhere to be found.

Ouyang Nuan understood in her heart. She gently tidied Old Madam Li's disheveled hair and softly said, "Grandmother, what's wrong? It was just a dream, not real. How could Mother give birth to a poisonous snake?" The fear in Old Madam Li's eyes dissipated slightly, but a lingering unease remained in the depths of her eyes. Ouyang Nuan personally poured her some tea, helped her drink it, and waited until she seemed calmer before continuing, "Are you feeling better now?"

Old Madam Li nodded, but her face still bore a heavy and melancholic expression. Clearly, Ouyang's actions from the previous night had turned the words "Heavenly Star of Calamity" into a dreadful curse, deeply planted in Old Madam Li's heart.

Ouyang Nuan gently comforted, "Grandmother, please rest assured, nothing will happen."

"There's less than seven months left, and the child will be born. Nuan'er, do you think it will bring a great disaster to our family?" Old Madam Li became more and more frightened, gripping Ouyang Nuan's hand tightly, almost leaving a bloody scratch. 

However, Ouyang Nuan seemed unaffected by the pain. She gently patted the back of Old Madam Li's hand, saying, "No, Grandmother. You are blessed, and those malicious things cannot harm you. Zhang Mama, don't you agree?"

Zhang Mama hurried over, forcefully prying apart Old Madam Li's grip on Ouyang Nuan's hand, saying, "Madam, you're just tired. Why don't you rest for a while?"

When Old Madam Li came to her senses, she saw the red mark on Ouyang Nuan's hand from her own grasp, yet Ouyang Nuan's face remained calm, showing no signs of pain. Old Madam Li was stunned for a moment, then finally fully awake. She quickly released her grip and asked, "Nuan'er, are you okay?"

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Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and let her sleeve fall to cover the marks, saying softly, "It's nothing."

Seeing that Old Madam Li had calmed down, Zhang Mama went out and brought in a basin of steaming hot water. Ouyang Nuan walked over and carefully soaked a cloth in the water, wrung it dry, and used the warm cloth to wipe the cold sweat from Old Madam Li's forehead. "Grandmother, you can tell Nuan'er anything. Let me share your worries."

A hint of guilt flashed in Old Madam Li's eyes, eventually turning into a sigh. "Ah, I've troubled you, child."

Just as Ouyang Nuan was about to speak, they heard Yumei's report from outside: "Old Madam, the Madam has arrived." Before Old Madam Li could respond, the curtain was abruptly lifted, and Madam Lin stepped in and knelt down in front of Old Madam Li with a thud! The maidservants followed, all wearing bewildered and fearful expressions.

Ouyang Nuan hurried forward to support her, saying repeatedly, "Mother, what's wrong? The floor is cold. Please get up and speak!"

Madam Lin suddenly pushed her hand away and lifted her face to stare at Old Madam Li, tears welling in her eyes, looking determined. "Madam, what has Ke'er done wrong to deserve being locked up? I sent food and drink, but none of it was allowed to be delivered. Are you trying to kill Ke'er? Or is it because you dislike me and take it out on Ke'er? I beg you, if you have any grievances, take them out on me, but Ke'er is still so young. Denying her food and drink like this, are you trying to starve her to death? Old Madam, please release Ke'er immediately. If you don't agree today, I and this child in my belly might as well die here!"

Old Madam Li already had a strong aversion to her, and seeing her attitude now, she knew she had come to pick a fight deliberately. She couldn't help but raise her voice. "Get up, you don't need to kneel! Kneeling won't help. It's just because I'm very angry." Her voice sounded weaker than usual, lacking its usual authority.

Madam Lin noticed Old Madam Li's deteriorating condition and felt a twinge of joy in her heart. She became even more determined to ensure that Ouyang Ke would be released today. She continued forcefully, "Old Madam, you are a devout Buddhist. You wouldn't want to see us suffer like this! Even if Ke'er has truly done something wrong, you can punish her, but you can't keep her locked up like this! You are compassionate at heart, please forgive my poor daughter."

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and replied, "Mother, you're mistaken. Grandmother only stationed someone to guard my sister's courtyard. She didn't withhold food or drink. Your words might give others the wrong impression, making them think Grandmother intentionally mistreated my sister."

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Madam Lin's expression turned cold, abandoning her previous look of innocence. She stood up abruptly and sternly said, "Nuan'er, why are you instigating Old Madam to punish your sister like this? I've always treated you like my own daughter, and your sister has always respected you. Is this how you repay us?"

Ouyang Nuan sighed and replied, "Mother, Nuan'er can never forget your kindness throughout her life. I has always been grateful. But this time, Sister's mistake has angered Grandmother. Nuan'er tried to console her in every possible way. But Sister has indeed made a serious mistake this time. Otherwise, Grandmother, who is usually gentle, wouldn't have been so angry as to lock her up."

Madam Lin sneered, "Oh, I'd love to hear what unforgivable sin Ke'er has committed!"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Old Madam Li and saw her nodding. She couldn't help but appear hesitant, looking at Zhang Mama. Seeing that Miss Ouyang was reluctant to speak, Zhang Mama stepped forward and said, "Madam, last night, Second Miss suddenly burst into Miss Ouyang's room. For some reason, she went berserk, wreaking havoc in the room and even wielding broken pieces of porcelain, threatening to slash Miss Ouyang's face. Old Madam was present at the scene and witnessed it with her own eyes. If Madam doubts it, you can ask all the maids and servants; they can testify too."

Madam Lin's eyebrows furrowed, and a scornful expression appeared on her face. She said, "So, you mean to say that Nuan'er did nothing wrong, and it was Ke'er who suddenly barged in without any reason?"

Ouyang Nuan showed a slight expression of guilt and slowly said, "No, it's my fault. I didn't know that my sister disliked Qiu Yue so much and even pleaded for her. It's only natural for her to be angry with me. She has a naive and impulsive temperament, and I should have realized that earlier. If I had explained the misunderstanding clearly, this wouldn't have happened. As the saying goes, harmony within the family is crucial to avoid disaster. Moreover, as daughters of a prestigious family, it's even more important for us to get along well. If I, as her elder sister, had disciplined her earlier, grandmother wouldn't have been so angry." 

Her words sounded logical and reasonable, but in reality, she was subtly expressing dissatisfaction with herself for pleading for Qiu Yue. The maids and servants in the room recalled the way Second Miss Ouyang had treated Qiu Yue yesterday, as if she couldn't wait to make her the scapegoat, and most of them believed this explanation.

Madam Lin was momentarily stunned. Ouyang Nuan then instructed Yumei in a low voice, "Madam is pregnant; she should take care of herself." Yumei immediately fetched a soft cushion, and Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Mother, please have a seat and talk."

Madam Lin's complexion looked grim, and she insisted on not sitting down, only saying lightly, "Even if Ke'er has done wrong, she's just been spoiled. She's still a child. Why bother arguing with her, Nuan'er? Since you also said she was just confused for a moment, please help persuade grandmother to release Ke'er sooner." 

Ouyang Nuan asked gently, "Mother, did you send someone to check on my sister's courtyard?" Madam Lin was taken aback and nodded.

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Ouyang Nuan chuckled inwardly and asked again, "Oh, then you should know that grandmother only stationed people to watch over, without stopping the maids from sending in Ke'er's usual necessities, right?" Madam Lin frowned. She had sent someone to check on Ke'er as soon as she heard she was confined, but they were blocked by the grandmother's people outside, so she didn't know the actual situation in the courtyard. Now, hearing Ouyang Nuan's question, she was momentarily at a loss for how to answer.

"Since my sister's needs are being met, why worry about sending things in?" Ouyang Nuan said calmly. "Besides, grandmother was only angry for a moment yesterday and ordered Ke'er to be sent back, fearing she might do something foolish. That's why she had someone watch over. As for your suggestion to release my sister, you shouldn't come to grandmother for that; you should talk to father instead. Haven't you forgotten? Yesterday, father personally said Ke'er should be confined for a hundred days. Although grandmother is the elder, she shouldn't interfere with father's decision. Why make things difficult for grandmother, Mother?"

Madam Lin's face suddenly turned purple. The punishment of a hundred days' confinement seemed like an empty threat to her. As long as Ke'er didn't cause any more trouble, Ouyang Zhi wouldn't enforce it. But the way Ouyang Nuan put it made the punishment seem real! "You—"

"How... do you think Father's punishment is inappropriate?" Ouyang Nuan pressed, her gaze fixed on Madam Lin. The maids and servants around them all widened their eyes, waiting for Madam Lin's response.

"I... I didn't mean it that way," Madam Lin's voice was barely audible.

Ouyang Nuan looked visibly troubled. "Originally, it was Father's decision to confine my sister. Mother insists on asking grandmother to release her, sigh, this is difficult! Grandmother probably can't make a decision right now. Why don't you go talk to Father yourself?"

Madam Lin thought to herself that this girl's mouth was getting sharper. If Ke'er were really confined for a hundred days, wouldn't she go crazy? No, it couldn't be! With that in mind, she went straight to Old Madam Li and knelt down with a bang, tears streaming down her face as she kowtowed repeatedly. "Yesterday, Master was just momentarily angry. He didn't really mean to punish Ke'er. He loves his daughter so much. How could he bear to punish her like this? Please, Old Madam, have mercy. Spare your granddaughter. Please release her quickly. Ke'er is almost a grown woman now. You have to save her some face!"

"Oh, Mother, you misunderstood grandmother," Ouyang Nuan whispered softly, her expression hesitant.

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Thinking of Ouyang Ke's madness at that moment, Old Madam Li's heart trembled. She stared coldly at Madam Lin and said, "Master only intended to confine her to her quarters for copying scriptures, but you're making it sound like a catastrophe. From what I see, she's not just willful, it seems like she's gone mad. Perhaps a hundred days of confinement won't bring her back to her senses. Starting today, let her enter the family temple and reflect on her actions!"

Madam Lin was horrified at the prospect. She cried out, "Old Madam, are you planning to tear us apart? What kind of place is the family temple? Ke'er is like a delicate flower. How could you send her there? If I lose Ke'er, I... I'd rather die..."

With that, Madam Lin kowtowed heavily on the ground, showing a determined attitude. Old Madam Li glared at her furiously, too angry to speak. Ouyang Nuan frowned slightly and scolded, "Why aren't you stopping Madam?" The servants nearby hurried to restrain her.

Old Madam Li sneered inwardly but maintained a firm tone, "You're quite cunning. Knowing that Master won't release her, you come to me for help. You haven't even given birth to a son yet, and you're already defying your elders!"

Madam Lin's expression changed dramatically, her eyes flashing with uncertainty. She then bowed her head sorrowfully and pleaded, "Old Madam, I beg you, spare Ke'er! From now on, I will serve you diligently and ensure Ke'er obeys you. Whatever you say, I won't utter a second word..."

"Where are you going with this? The family temple is a sacred place dedicated to our ancestors. It's where we show the utmost respect and tranquility. Grandmother only wants Ke'er to reflect and cultivate herself, without any other intentions. By saying such things, aren't you distorting Grandmother's good intentions?" Ouyang Nuan gently tried to console her.

Madam Lin abruptly turned to Ouyang Nuan, her voice icy, "What good intentions? If it's such a wonderful place, why aren't you willing to go? Why does Master want to send that erring maid, Qiu Yue, instead?"

Ouyang Nuan's eyes shimmered with tears, as if feeling aggrieved but reluctant to show it. She softly replied, "Mother is right. Nuan'er is willing to take Ke'er's place in reflection, and she requests Grandmother's approval."

Old Madam Li erupted in anger, lashing out at Madam Lin, "You shameless creature! You dare to be so audacious in front of me! In this world, it's you bullies who play the victim! Despite enduring great injustice last night, Nuan'er wholeheartedly pleaded for Ke'er. As a mother, you fail to discipline your own daughter and yet have the audacity to criticize Nuan'er! Have you forgotten your position? Are you truly blinded by the inauspicious star and unable to discern reality? Do you even remember your own identity?"

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Upon hearing the phrase 'inauspicious star' Madam Lin froze. She hadn't expected Old Madam Li to erupt in such a terrifying manner. The mention of the inauspicious star sent a shiver down her spine. Feeling the scrutiny of the surrounding maids and servants, she mustered up her courage and exclaimed loudly, "Inauspicious star? The child in my womb is the legitimate blood of the Ouyang family, the son of Master. How could he be associated with any inauspicious star? Old Madam, please don't believe the slanderous rumors spread by those petty people!"

"Slander?" Old Madam Li scoffed as if she heard the biggest joke, her voice icy. "Who is Master Huian? What grievances does she have with you? Why would she falsely accuse you? Do you think I'm so senile as to be deceived? Let me tell you, I see through the true nature of the thing inside your belly! Since you got pregnant, our household has never been peaceful. Look at the chaos you've caused in this family! Zhou Yiniang was perfectly fine until you interfered. She was also carrying my grandson in her womb. Why didn't you show mercy? Ke'er was such a well-behaved child, but you've influenced her negatively. She's always stirring up trouble with men. Yesterday, she ran out of your courtyard like a madwoman and dared to speak loudly to me. If it weren't for being haunted by this inauspicious star, what else could it be? Let me tell you, I was planning to let her stay in her room for a few days and then release her. But you had to come here and stir up trouble. Fine, from today onwards, she'll reflect in the family temple. When she realizes her mistake and is willing to apologize to Nuan'er, then I'll let her out. If she doesn't realize her mistake, she'll stay in there for the rest of her life!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Lin was thunderstruck, her face turning pale as a sheet. Despite Wang Mama rushing to her aid, she forcefully shrugged off the assistance, determination evident in her eyes as she spoke sharply, "Old Madam... Are you implying that this child is an ill omen, that Ke'er is afflicted by it? Are you trying to force your daughter-in-law to end her life along with this unborn child at the doorstep of Shou'an Hall?"

Old Madam Li was momentarily stunned by this accusation. Madam Lin coldly smirked, turning to leave. However, with a gentle wave of her hand, Ouyang Nuan'er signaled for the maids and servants to stop her. Despite Wang Mama's rebuke, everyone's eyes were fixed on Old Madam Li, unwilling to act without her command. Madam Lin chuckled coldly, a hint of mockery in her gaze, and asked, "So, Old Madam, have you changed your mind?"

Ouyang Nuan'er looked at her coldly, her voice clear and deliberate, "Mother, some words should not be spoken by a junior like me, but given your actions today, which have exceeded all bounds, I must speak up even at the risk of being unfilial. You stood up for Ke'er today, initially displaying a motherly heart, but you knew well that Ke'er's confinement was ordered by Father. Yet you brought this matter to Grandmother, demanding forgiveness. When Grandmother refused and you resorted to threats of suicide, you essentially accused Grandmother of pushing you to death. Have you ever heard Grandmother say a word about wanting you dead since you entered this family? You are Ke'er's mother, it's natural for you to love her, but isn't Ke'er also Grandmother's granddaughter? Does Grandmother have no affection for her? Everything she does is for Ke'er's sake! Your words have deeply hurt her. You show no understanding of Grandmother's painstaking efforts, coming to Shou'an Hall to cause a scene, making her appear heartless; you refuse to seek Father's forgiveness for Ke'er but would rather throw yourself at Shou'an Hall, bringing shame upon Grandmother and yourself. You blame me for not pleading for Ke'er, leaving me at a loss for words, making me unfilial. Mother, what exactly do you want? Do you want me to kneel here and beg for forgiveness before you'll spare our elderly Grandmother?"

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With those words spoken, everyone cast strange glances at Madam Lin. Her face displayed a mix of pallor and blush. Originally, she did indeed resort to threatening Old Madam Li with her own life. However, with Ouyang Nuan'er's words, she realized that her actions would indeed amount to unjust behavior if she followed through with the threat of suicide. Before she could utter a word, Ouyang Nuan'er spoke again, preempting her, "Mother, Nuan'er advises you to stop this agitation. Father will come to pay respects to Grandmother soon. If he sees you in this state, he'll be angry again, and he might even think Ke'er instigated this. Originally, Grandmother only intended for Ke'er to reflect in the ancestral hall. If Father gets angry, will Ke'er ever be allowed to come out in the future?"

Madam Lin was taken aback, immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation. Her face went through several shades before she finally softened her tone and turned to Old Madam Li, saying, "Old Madam, I didn't mean it like that..."

Old Madam Li coldly interjected, "I don't care what you meant. I don't want to see you. Leave!"

Ouyang Nuan calmly suggested, "Mother, please go rest first."

Madam Lin stared at Ouyang Nuan, her gaze filled with resentment. Ouyang Nuan remained calm and composed throughout, showing no signs of anger or resentment. Their eyes met for a long moment until Madam Lin finally felt powerless and drained. She felt her body go weak as Wang Mama helped her out.

Ouyang Nuan turned back and saw Old Madam Li lying askew on the couch, looking exhausted. She walked over gently and asked, "Grandmother, would you like to rest for a while?"

Old Madam Li shook her head, her expression growing more somber, her gaze darkly fixed on the direction Madam Lin had left. She turned to Ouyang Nuan and said, "Since it has come to this, I can only go to the Ningguo Temple again. Nuan, you and Jue'er will come with me."

"Yes," Ouyang Nuan obediently nodded in agreement.

After settling Old Madam Li back to rest, Zhang Mama escorted Ouyang Nuan out of the Shou'an Hall. Ouyang Nuan looked at Zhang Mama with concern and said, "Grandmother's spirits seem to be not quite right..."

"Yes, Miss, ever since Master Huian mentioned that... after that, Old Madam hasn't been sleeping well at night. She talks about dreaming of vast floods every day. Especially after seeing Miss Nuan's appearance last night, it seemed like Old Madam was greatly frightened," Zhang Mama sighed and observed Ouyang Nuan's expression carefully, speaking cautiously.

Ouyang Nuan nodded gently and said, "Hopefully Master Huian can help relieve Grandmother's anxiety."

With this knot firmly tied by her own hand, no one could unravel it. Unless that child disappeared from this world forever. With these thoughts, Ouyang Nuan slowly descended the steps.

Old Madam Li did as she promised and indeed had Ouyang Ke confined to the temple. It was said that on the day Ke was locked away, Madam Lin cried her heart out. Ouyang Zhi merely glanced at her with a dismissive remark: "She will be released when she becomes sensible." Upon hearing this, Madam Lin fainted.

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Upon hearing this news, Old Madam Li felt that her son and herself were of one mind. Her mood lightened considerably, and she instructed Li Yiniang to prepare for a pilgrimage, specifically selecting an auspicious day to visit the Ningguo Temple.

Accompanied by her siblings, Ouyang Nuan sat in the carriage with Old Madam Li as they left the mansion, heading towards the city gate. However, upon reaching the street, they found it congested with a throng of people, making it impassable. Everyone craned their necks to see what was happening. Old Madam Li instructed the carriage to be parked in a nearby alley, while someone was sent ahead to inquire about the situation.

Before long, the servant returned with a message. Zhang Mama listened to the report from the little maid and truthfully relayed, "Old Madam, it's the southern barbarian tribes causing trouble. The Emperor has issued an edict, commanding Prince Ming to go out and quell the unrest! Today happens to be the day the army leaves the city. Many people on the street are eager to witness the prowess of the prince, hence the congestion!"

Ouyang Jue displayed a curious expression, while Old Madam Li furrowed her brow and asked, "How much longer?" 

Zhang Mama looked troubled as she replied, "It may take quite a while. I'm afraid our carriage won't be able to move for some time. In my opinion, it's better to go to the teahouse and reserve a private room. Old Madam and Miss can rest for a while, and we'll leave when the situation improves."

Old Madam Li nodded and turned to Ouyang Nuan, saying, "You see, even going out has become so troublesome."

Ouyang Nuan nodded thoughtfully. Wasn't Prince Ming the one who sent the white wolf tail last time? Old Madam Li seemed to sense something, sighing suddenly and saying, "This Prince Ming... I heard that some time ago, there were talks of a marriage alliance. But a month ago, his mother, Princess Yan, suddenly passed away. Originally, he was going to observe mourning for three years, but now he's being sent out to fight. Truly, he is unfortunate!"

It was said that when the Prince was fifteen years old, the Emperor was supposed to decree a marriage for him. However, various factions in the court were eyeing this marriage, and the Empress Dowager was overly fond of her great-grandson. After countless deliberations, the matter had been delayed until now, and now the prospect of marriage seemed distant. However, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but shake her head secretly when she saw Old Madam Li trying to relate everything to feng shui and fortune-telling. It was indeed fortunate for her to be so superstitious to believe in what Master Huian said.

Feeling fatigued, Old Madam Li couldn't stand the noisy crowd. After ordering the room to be prepared, she had already retired behind the screen to rest. Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan stood with Ouyang Jue on the balcony, quietly watching the scene below.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people crowded the sides of the road leading out of the city. Every building with a view of the city gate was already packed with people. Fortunately, most of the onlookers were commoners, and there were not many who could afford to pay a high price. This allowed Ouyang Nuan to observe from a high vantage point and clearly see the grand spectacle of the army leaving the city.

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Just as a deep, solemn horn sounded, the chaotic crowd suddenly quieted down. The once lively atmosphere became solemn, and even the winter sunlight seemed to carry a hint of chill.

Ouyang Nuan watched as a seemingly endless tide of armor appeared before her, shimmering with the cold gleam of metal in the sunlight.

A black flag with golden edges fluttered proudly in the wind, bearing the magnificent character "Yan" in the center, representing the Prince Ming's residence.

Ouyang Nuan's gaze lingered on that character "Yan," lost in thought. With the Crown Prince gravely ill, the Emperor had entrusted the duties of the Crown Prince to the Crown Prince's son, sparking dissatisfaction from Prince Qin. There had been much discussion and debate across the court and the people. In this campaign to suppress the rebellion in the south, the appointment of the commander had been fiercely contested. Instead of selecting the willing Prince Qin or the capable Prince Ming, the Emperor had handed the responsibility to this young prince. The intentions behind this decision were perplexing, leaving many to ponder whether Prince Ming could truly shoulder this burden.

Suddenly, the melodious sound of bells rang out from the Chao Feng Tower, with nine long and five short chimes, announcing the arrival of the imperial envoy. Down below, the atmosphere turned reverent, with not a single sound from the birds and only the authoritative voice of the master of ceremonies, directing everyone to bow and pay respects to the approaching envoy.

A general on a black horse with a white bridle suddenly pulled the reins, bringing his steed to a halt at the forefront of the procession. Others could only see his upright figure, robust and vigorous, standing tall like a flourishing pine tree. He was so far away from Ouyang Nuan that his features were indistinct, yet even from a distance and from a high vantage point, he exuded a palpable sense of pressure and dominance.

Ouyang Jue's voice sounded from behind, tinged with nervousness. "Sister, is that Prince Ming?" The last time they saw Prince Ming, he was inside a carriage, and they couldn't see his face. This time, he was on horseback, and they were high above in the tower. All they could see was his black armor gleaming in the sunlight, radiating a fierce and formidable aura that seemed to penetrate through everything.

The envoy loudly read out the imperial decree, and Prince Ming received the yellow silk decree with both hands, raising it high above his head. In that moment, the iron cavalry surged like a tide, erupting into thunderous cheers that echoed throughout the capital, shaking the entire city to its core.

"Long live His Majesty!"

"The army will surely return victorious!"

"Long live the Great Dynasty!"

Such resounding cheers carried an aura of majesty and strength. Ouyang Jue found himself forgetting to breathe, his palms sweating profusely. Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan remained silent, her gaze steady, exuding an unusual sense of composure.

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