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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Maquis Manor

 Chapter 54: 

Sit Back and Watch the Play

"At the end of tomorrow's morning hour, your maternal uncle from the Xia family will come to check your eyes. Wait for him in the front hall ahead of time, don't keep your uncle waiting and miss the appointed time."

"Your son, will remember."

Lu Chang Gong rubbed his eyes.

"Still can't see clearly?"

Lin Yunwan advised him not to rub and instructed Ping Ye to dampen a cloth with warm water to wipe his eyes.

Lu Chang Gong declined Ping Ye's assistance, took the cloth, and said, "Thank you, sister. I can do it myself."

After wiping, he felt much more comfortable, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Lin Yunwan sighed, "It seems that your eye weakness is not something recent. We really need to pay attention to it. In the future, I won't allow you to sit in front of the drawing table for even half an hour."

She instructed Ping Ye to call Lu Chang Gong's servant over tomorrow, and she wanted to give the orders personally.

Lu Chang Gong listened on the side and said, "Mother, rest assured, your son will remember on his own."

Zhuqing arrived again, and Lin Yunwan said to Liu Chang Gong, "It's getting late, go back and rest early."

"Your son takes his leave."

As Lu Chang Gong left, Zhuqing lifted the curtain and entered. When passing by him, she politely addressed him as "Eldest Young Master."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yunwan asked.

Zhuqing approached Lin Yunwan and said, "Eldest Sister-in-law inquired about Cousin's affairs in the evening. Young Master Qing Ge'er went to Cousin's place again tonight. Someone saw him coming out with writing materials, but why would it take half an hour to fetch something?"

"I don't know what they talked about inside."

Tao Ye came over with tea, and Zhuqing took the tea, holding it in her hands, contemplating what Ge Bao'er might be up to.

Lin Yunwan probably guessed it; it was nothing more than using Young Master Qing Ge'er to stir up trouble. It was simply walking into a trap!

Dealing with the people from the Lu family was more of a headache for Lin Yunwan, so she said, "Let her be."

Zhuqing took a sip of tea and said, "We can't just let her be."

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yunwan asked.

Zhuqing smiled, "If she can flirt with the heir, who knows if she has flirted with other men too?"

Lin Yunwan twitched her mouth, not saying anything.

Ge Bao'er really shouldn't have offended Zhuqing.

"I'll take my leave," Zhuqing said with a smile.

She left gracefully.

The things they said were not hidden from the maids. Ping Ye approached hesitantly and said, "It's surprising how well-behaved Lady Zhuqing is in front of you, but she's not so polite to Cousin."

Lin Yunwan sat down at the dressing table, took off her earrings, and Ping Ye and Tao Ye began to remove the rest of her jewelry.

She said calmly, "During those years at the country estate, she must have been mistreated quite severely, holding all the resentment in all that time."

Tao Ye whispered, "Mistress Zhuqing has finally returned to come get her, but Cousin is still undermining her behind her back. Mistress Zhuqing is probably taking this opportunity to vent."


Front courtyard.

After Liu Chang Gong returned, Young Master Qing Ge'er surprisingly hadn't gone to sleep yet. He was in the yard strolling around, although it was quite late, not the best time for a leisurely walk after a meal.

Young Master Qing Ge'er walked over and asked Lu Chang Gong, "Is it true that Uncle Xia will check your eyes tomorrow? What time?"

Lu Chang Gong, being cautious, didn't want to answer him.

Young Master Qing Ge'er pouted and said, "With so many guests at home tomorrow, I'm scared. I'm not like you, able to face my mother. Let's go together. You're the older brother; take care of me a bit."

The request seemed reasonable.

Lu Chang Gong was already starting to soften. He thought if the brothers got along well, it would ease his mother's worries. Young Master Qing Ge'er even came over and tugged at his sleeve, saying, "Let's go together. I heard people from the Xia family say today that mother favors you. If we go together, they won't misunderstand her."

"...At the end of the morning hour, Uncle Xia will come."

Lu Chang Gong finally spoke. Young Master Qing Ge'er nodded happily, saying, "After you're done with the eye check, we'll go meet the guests together."


The next day.

Lin Yunwan woke up very early.

Yuan Mama was even earlier; she was waiting outside.

During Lin Yunwan's meal, she said, "The stage and the flower hall are all set up. In a little while, the maids will lead the guests to stroll around the garden first. You can accompany the old madams to watch a few plays, chat in the flower hall, and by then, it'll be almost time to serve the meals."

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

Lin Yunwan nodded and instructed someone to check if Chang Gong had risen. Although he was always punctual, she wanted to ensure that everything was foolproof.

Ping Ye went personally and returned to report to Lin Yunwan, "He got up early and is practicing calligraphy in the front yard, waiting for Master Li."

LinYunwan, dressed in her finest attire, went to the garden to inspect the stage.

The actors were already in their costumes, warming up their voices under the stage. There were several double-seated guest tables near the stage, each with a booklet containing the names of the excerpted plays.

As the sun rose, both Old Madam Lu and the Xia family arrived.

Madam Wei also attended, dressed in her finest.

With more people, the noise level increased, especially as the young children from the Xia family joined in. There were older children and some toddlers, making the garden lively.

Old Madam Lu and Old Madam Xia politely insisted, "You go first, you choose the first play."

In the end, due to Old Madam Lu's seniority and age, she took the lead and selected a play portraying loyal ministers and virtuous generals.

Being of the noble Lu family lineage, she favored such performances.

Old Madam Xia, on the other hand, chose a play depicting a loving and filial relationship between mother and son.

The younger daughters-in-law opted for emotional love stories with intricate and tear-inducing plots.

After several plays, it was Lin Yunwan's turn. She casually pointed to one, not even remembering which one it was. Seeing that time was running out, she asked Ping Ye, "What time is it?"

"It's already the end of the morning hour," Ping Ye whispered.

Lin Yunwan murmured to her, "Master Li should have arrived by now." She couldn't concentrate on the plays, her mind preoccupied with her mother and Lu Chang Gong's eyes. How could she focus on enjoying the performances?

Ping Ye suggested, "Young Master Chang Gong will come to watch the play after his examination. You can personally inquire about his condition then."

Lin Yunwan nodded slightly and focused on the performance.


In the front courtyard, Master Li had indeed finished examining Lu Chang Gong's eyes. 

He said, "Young Master, you've been growing rapidly lately, affecting your eyesight, but it's not too severe. Since you're still young, I'll prescribe some medicine and write down some things you need to pay attention to. Just remember them well."

Aware of the elder's status, Lu Chang Gong showed great respect, saying, "I will remember your advice, Uncle."

Master Li sat down to write the prescription. Though he was a doctor, he worked swiftly, his pen moving like the wind. While writing, he asked, "Has the heir not arrived yet?" He was in a hurry to go to the Lin family.

Lu Chang Gong was momentarily stunned and looked outside.

Why hasn't his father arrived yet?

The person in charge of reception here responded, "I'll send someone to remind him immediately."

They quickly dispatched someone to remind him again, but for some reason, the heir had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Young Master Qing Ge'er sat next to Liu Chang Gong, looking extremely nervous.

Lu Chang Gong felt uneasy, turned to look at Young Master Qing Ge'er, who quickly averted his gaze, refusing to meet his eyes.

Lu Chang Gong pursed his lips.

Not sure if he was overthinking, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Young Master Qing Ge'er today.

After waiting for nearly two quarter-hours and with Lu Zhengliu still not arriving, Master Li lost his patience. He stood up, slung the medicine box over his shoulder, and said, "I won't wait any longer." He lifted his leg to leave.

The person in charge was shocked. "You can't leave!" but he couldn't stop him.

Master Li turned and left.

The person in charge chased after him, "Master Li! Master Li!"

This was not good; Madam Lin's eyes had yet to be examined!

Lu Chang Gong felt a knot in his heart and looked at Young Master Qing Ge'er, asking, "Where did my father go?"

Young Master Qing Ge'er casually replied, "How would I know? Come on, let's go to the garden to watch the play."

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  1. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! Thank you for the chapter.


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