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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Maquis Manor

Chapter 53: 

Powerful Officials

"Grandmother, in the old days when I was under your guidance, I wore gold and silver, and my living quarters were so well-maintained that you could find gold in the seams of the floor. Look at where I live now!"

"Our Lu family is not incapable of producing good things. I can't understand why my younger sister treats me so poorly!"

Of course, it's because the Lu family truly couldn't afford such luxuries.

Ever since the Marquis suffered a stroke and the old Lord passed away, the Lu family has become nothing more than a facade, far from the thriving estate it used to be. The items in the warehouse, both overtly and covertly, have been sold off, and the wealth of the Lu family has dwindled significantly.

During Lu Jia's time in the Lu family was the heyday of the Marquisate, with the old Master enjoying great prestige, and the Maquis being a distinguished figure on the battlefield. Despite his young age, even Lu Zhengliu was a standout among the offspring of the Marquis. 

When she got married, her dowry was not inferior to that of the legitimate daughters.

Unlike now.

However, it was impossible for the Old Madam to admit in front of her married granddaughter that the Lu family was not doing well. She calmly said, "After you got married, there were some changes in the rules of the mansion. Yunwan also followed the rules of the mansion to entertain you. She didn't target you."

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Lu Jia sneered, "Why change the rules when everything was fine? I should have the chance to experience the finest utensils with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law."

"Little sister only sent me a  single Qilin tea set, not even one for my mother-in-law. How could I dare to use it!" 

"Her maid even deliberately let my mother-in-law catch us, causing me to be scolded."

Yan Mama shook her head silently on the side. The Eldest Granddaughter really didn't know how to empathize. With only a single set Qilin cups left, how could there be extras for her whole family to use?

"Old Madam, the Young Madam has arrived."

The maid came in to deliver the message, and the Old Madam was startled.

"Let her in."

Lin Yunwan walked in. After having having the criticisms about her sister-in-law overheard, Lu Jia initially looked guilty, but soon regained her high-spirited demeanor. After suppressing her true nature for so many years in her in-laws' home, she finally returned to her maiden home—why wouldn't she make the most of it and release her pent-up emotions while at her maiden home?

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"Old Madam, Eldest Sister-in-law." Lin Yunwan greeted them respectfully.

Old Madam Lu was afraid that she might have overheard the earlier conversation, so her tone was very gentle: "Why are you coming over at this late hour?"

Lin Yunwan was concerned: "I heard that Uncle Xia sent a message today? I wonder what he said."

Old Madam smiled and said, "Old Madam Xia's brother said he could spare half a day tomorrow. He'll first come to check Chang Gong's eyes and then go to your mother's house to examine her eyes."

"Your uncle also mentioned that after dealing with the matters of the Gu noblewoman and the Lu family, he will leave the capital and go to the remote mountains in the north to collect herbs that only grow in winter. He told us not to bother with hospitality; a quick look and departure would be sufficient."

Lin Yunwan naturally thought this kind of reception was not sufficient.

However, people with capabilities also have their own personalities. It's better to comply with Uncle's request.

"I'll have Chang Gong rise early tomorrow to wait, not delaying Uncle's matters."

Old Madam Lu nodded and informed her of the time when your Uncle would come over tomorrow. She also added, "Zhengliu will personally escort your uncle to the Lin family when the time comes, so you don't have to worry about it."

This implied an attempt to present Lin Yunwan in a positive light at her maiden home.

Lin Yunwan lightly expressed her gratitude. 

Old Madam Lu smiled and said, "Within a family, there's no need for thanks; it's natural." She continued, "Zhengliu is very concerned about your maternal family, truly showing affection for the whole family."

Lin Yunwan remained composed, but Lu Jia couldn't sit still.

After criticizing Lin Yunwan for so long, the Old Madam hadn't taken any of it to heart! She continued to appease Lin Yunwan wholeheartedly.

"It's getting late, Grandmother. I'll go back to attend to my mother-in-law's rest." Lu Jia's tone was very icy.

Old Madam Lu didn't seem to notice the tone and said, "You should have gone back earlier. Go ahead."

Lu Jia inwardly snorted. Should have gone back earlier? Did she dislike her criticizing Lin Yunwan? It seemed she was completely treated as an outsider.

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Before leaving, she gave Lin Yunwan a disdainful look. Lin Yunwan didn't pay much attention to it.

Old Madam Lu said, "Your eldest sister-in-law has always been like this. She was spoiled by us at home. She won't stay for long; you don't have to bother with her."

Lin Yunwan agreed.

Lu Zhengliu arrived. "Grandmother."

He came in, not expecting to see Lin Yunwan. He greeted and looked at her sideways.

Lin Yunwan stood up and said, "Young Master." Then, she informed Old Madam Lu, "I'll take my leave." 

Old Madam had something private to discuss with Lu Zhengliu, so she didn't want her to overhear. After Lin Yunwan left, Yan Mama closed the door.

Old Madam happily held Lu Zhengliu's hand and said, as if turning adversity into fortune, "I managed to extract some crucial information from your sister. Do you know whose trusted aide the old master of the Xia family is?"

"Whose?" Lian Zhengliu raised an eyebrow.

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Old Madam Lu smiled, "He is the right-hand man of Assistant Minister Zhang!"

Lian Zhengliu's eyes gleamed with excitement. This was a connection with someone who had considerable influence, and moreover—

"I heard that Assistant Minister Zhang has quite a relationship with Prince Huan."

Old Madam seemed to have already envisioned the day when the Lu family would regain their prominence. With joy in her eyes, she said, "Although a crown prince has been established in the court, the prince is ultimately incapable of producing heirs and is a frail and sickly lad."

Lu Zhengliu continued, "Emperor has not selected any concubines since marrying Empress Zhao, and there are no newcomers in the imperial harem. Prince Huan is the only legitimate son of the empress. If the crown prince were to face any issues... without a doubt, Prince Huan would ascend to the throne."

"Well, the old lord of the Xia family is indeed remarkable. Quietly, he managed to get involved with Assistant Minister Zhang," commented Old Madam Lu. 

With the support of the Zhang family, and possibly even Prince Huan behind them, if the Lu family could also establish a connection with the Zhangs and subsequently with Prince Huan...

Old Madam emphasized solemnly, "While the Xia family is residing in the Lu residence, you must find a way to seek their recommendation to the Zhang family."

"Grandson understands," replied Lu Zhengliu. He was also excited deep down; the Lu family had been distanced from the true circles of power in the capital for a long time.

"You must remember, while seeking the support of the noble lady, you should also be capable of standing on your own. Avoid giving others a chance to criticize you. Not only from the Xia family but also from Assistant Minister Zhang, who values one's official reputation a great deal."

"As for Ge Bao'er's matter, no matter what you plan to do, don't let the Xia family get wind of it."

"Liu Zhengliu nodded.

As the night grew deeper, Liu Zhengliu returned to Yue Xing Ting, which was close by Yu Shou Tang.


Lu Jia, however, had not yet retired.

She took a walk outside, gave some silver to Ruojuan, instructing her to gather information, and only returned to the courtyard after Ruojuan had gathered enough details.

"Ruojuan, can you tell me about the background of my 'cousin'?"

Ruojuan replied, "What background could she have? The servants of the Lu family have already mentioned it. The heir has visited her place a couple of times. The Old Madam probably doesn't want them staying in Yu Shou Tang; maybe she's avoiding any gossip about the two of them."

Liu Jia dismissed it, saying, "So what if they're involved? My brother just wants to take a concubine; it's not a big deal. Why go to such lengths to hide it?"

Ruojuan casually speculated, "Perhaps the heir's wife is not pleased with it."

Liu Jia sneered, "Jealousy, that's a violation of the seven prohibitions. She can't help but be displeased!"

"Madam, what do you plan to do?"

Liu Jia thought she was being considerate and said, "Lovers will eventually become a couple. Since my brother is so fond of my cousin, of course, I have to help them."

Ruojuan's heart skipped a beat, realizing that she couldn't dissuade her any further. She hesitated, wanting to say something but held back.

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  1. Go on, help them! Thank you for the chapter.


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