Chapter 5 TGBW


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 Chapter 5: 

On the Way to Sell ・Beginning to Sell Food 

As they stepped out, they ran into someone at the door—it was none other than Madam Li, the daughter-in-law of the village chief.

"What are you all up to?" Madam Li asked.

This was Madam Zhao's first time going into business, and she felt a bit embarrassed being asked like this. Plus, she wasn't sure if they could make money from selling food. So, she hesitantly replied, "We made some food to try selling it outside."

"Oh? You're going into business?" Madam Li asked, surprised.

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Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were both honest people, a fact well-known throughout Chujia Village. Seeing such honest people going into business made everyone wonder: could they really make money? And what kind of business were they getting into?

With these thoughts in mind, Madam Li glanced at the cart and, without waiting for Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao's consent, lifted the lid.

Seeing the fragrant rice inside, Madam Li's eyes widened instantly.

"Uncle and Auntie, you've got money now, huh? You even bought such good rice to eat," Madam Li exclaimed, reaching out to touch the wooden spoon inside.

This wooden spoon was specially made for Luo Jian Jia by Master Chu, specifically for scooping rice.

Madam Zhao felt a bit anxious and wanted to stop her, but she also felt a bit embarrassed to do so. With their son not at home and their group being so small, they were in a weak position. They definitely didn't want to offend the village chief's family.

Luo Jian Jia, on the other hand, had fewer reservations. With a glance, she could see Madam Li's intentions.

As Madam Li's hand was about to touch the spoon, Luo Jian Jia immediately grabbed her wrist.

"Older Sister, we're going to sell this white rice," Luo Jian Jia said firmly. She gently removed Madam Li's hand and then took the lid that Madam Li had put aside and covered the jar with it.

"Rice should be eaten while it's hot. Once it cools down, it won't sell well. I hope you understand, sister-in-law," Luo Jian Jia added.

Madam Li, relying on her father-in-law's position as the village chief was accustomed to asserting her authority, she also liked to take advantage of situations. Now being rejected by Luo Jian Jia, she suddenly felt embarrassed and a bit aggrieved.

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"Is this Sister-in-law from Wei Leng's family? It's been so long since you got married, but this is the first time I've seen you. I was just curious about what's inside. You're so nervous, as if I wanted to eat it," Madam Li remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

Luo Jian Jia remained silent, simply observing Madam Li quietly. She thought to herself, 'Isn't that exactly what you were thinking?' But she wouldn't say it out loud.

When Madam Li got into an argument with someone, there were usually two outcomes: the other party argued back, or they apologized with a smiling face. However, encountering someone like Luo Jian Jia was a first for her. Although she hadn't met Luo Jian Jia before, she had heard of her reputation: good-looking, bad-tempered, and arrogant.

Thinking about how Chu Wei Leng's life or death was uncertain, Madam Li had originally thought she could take this opportunity to humiliate Luo Jian Jia. However, to her disappointment, Luo Jian Jia didn't even engage with her words. This completely killed her enthusiasm.

Madam Zhao glanced at her daughter-in-law and then at Madam Li, hurriedly smiling and saying, "What nonsense, Madam Li. Everyone knows your family is well-off. Why would you be interested in our things?" With that, she took a nearby cloth and securely covered the lid, afraid the heat would escape.

Madam Li, observing Madam Zhao's subtle actions, grew increasingly angry. Some words popped into her mind without filtering.

"You don't have to go to such lengths to make money, Auntie. I heard that the deceased will receive compensation from the court. If you save a little, it will be enough for your next life."

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With that said, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao's expressions turned extremely unpleasant.

"Dear Madam, you're being too pessimistic. Our Wei Leng is living just fine," Madam Zhao retorted.

"Auntie, it's been two months already. If he's really doing well, why haven't we received any news?" Madam Li countered.

After the altercation involving the village elders, everyone tacitly assumed that Chu Wei Leng had already passed away. However, no one explicitly stated it to them. Madam Li's remarks shattered their illusions, as they were still holding onto hope.

Luo Jian Jia saw that Old Master Chu was about to speak. She knew Old Master Chu couldn't get angry; getting worked up could easily make him ill. She immediately interjected, saying, "Older Sister, you're aware it's been two months without any word. If my husband had truly passed away, the government's relief funds would have been disbursed long ago. Since they haven't been, it indicates he's doing well. Sister-in-law, please refrain from saying such things in the future."

Upon hearing this statement from Luo Jian Jia, Madam Li felt frustrated. After holding back for a moment, she said, "Wasn't this information obtained by your family members from the royal palace? You were even causing a scene with them in the village that day. How come you're saying this now?"

Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu turned their gaze over towards Lou Jian Jia.

The incident was not initiated by Luo Jian Jia, but by the previous owner. Therefore, even when someone confronts her about past events, Luo Jian Jia doesn't show any embarrassment. She calmly responds, "Things were different then. At that time, I heard that my husband was gone and was deeply distressed, losing my composure. But upon reflection in recent days, I've realized something was amiss. I believe my husband is still alive."

At this point, Madam Wang, intervened, saying, "Alright, let's stop talking about it. Since there's been no news from the court, who knows, Chu Wei Leng might still be alive. Let's not discuss these things anymore. Elder brother and sister-in-law, hurry up and do your business. Once the food cools down, the customers will leave."

Upon hearing this, Lou Jian Jia glanced at Madam Wang, then lowered her head and began pushing the cart. She called out to Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu, saying, "Let's go, mom and dad."

After Lou Jian Jia and the other two left, Madam Li still harbored anger in her heart. Among the crowd, she muttered, "How did this become my fault? Clearly, it was the Lou family who came over and said it. Can the royal court still deceive people? If someone's dead, they're dead. Refusing to admit it, what's the point? It's just self-deception."

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From the sidelines came sporadic murmurs of agreement.

"Yeah, the royal court wouldn't lie, right?"

"That's right."

"But, you know, Old Master Chu's health isn't good. We shouldn't bring this up in front of him anymore. If he gets too upset, it could be trouble."

Madam Li shrugged and fell silent.

As they neared the dock, the usually silent Old Master Chu asked, "Jian Jia, what you said earlier, is it true?"

Though Old Master Chu believed deep down that his son was still alive, his rational mind told him that his son might be gone. He simply didn't want to accept that fact, choosing instead to live in his own imagination.

Luo Jian Jia turned her head to look at Old Master Chu, about to speak, but then she noticed the earnest gaze of Madam Zhao.

That gaze, though brief, would remain etched in Luo Jian Jia's memory for the rest of her life.

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That gaze, somewhat moist, brimmed with hope yet tinged with a hint of cautiousness, as if teetering on the edge of collapse.

She initially thought that Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao truly believed their son was still alive. But now, observing their weathered faces and the strands of white hair sprouting from their heads, she realized she had misunderstood.

Chu Wei Leng was their only son, their only hope. If Chu Wei Leng truly was gone, they feared that both of them would also sink into despair, unable to lift their heads in the village for the rest of their lives.

"He's definitely still alive," Luo Jianjia's tone was very assured.

Madam Zhao's tears suddenly flowed down, as if she feared others seeing them. She quickly wiped them away with her sleeve.

Old Master Chu, somewhat composed, asked, "But what about the information your family received from the Prince's Mansion that day?"

Madam Zhao paused in her motion to wipe her tears, looking towards Luo Jian Jia.

Luo Jian Jia pondered for a moment and said, "Mother, father, think about it. The masters in the Prince Mansion are all of high status. Your son, after all, was just a guard there, hardly ever seeing the masters themselves. Why would they even remember him? Perhaps it's just some servant trying to swindle money from my mother, making up stories."

Luo Jian Jia wasn't sure if the people in the Prince Mansion were fabricating stories, but she was certain that she was. However, the fact remained that Chu Wei Leng was not dead. What she needed to do now was to stabilize Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao, ensuring that they lived well and lived until Chu Wei Leng returned.

If anything unexpected were to happen to these two before Chu Wei Leng returned, it was possible that he would hold her accountable for it. Luo Jian Jia's words made perfect sense, and Old Master Chu gradually came to believe them.

"Parents, we don't need to care about what others say. As long as there's no official confirmation from the court, we don't have to believe these rumors. I believe in Chu Wei Leng's good fortune, and I'm sure he'll be fine."

After all, Chu Wei Leng is the male lead in the novel. If the male lead dies, the novel loses its meaning.

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"Yes, there was a fortune teller who said that Weileng has a good fortune and will be wealthy and prosperous in the future," Madam Zhao said, feeling somewhat excited.

Old Master Chu's expression also gradually relaxed.

~ Part 2 ~

"Alright, let's go to the dock quickly. If we don't hurry, the food will get cold. Let's earn more money now, so that Wei Leng won't worry," Madam Zhao urged.

"Jian Jia is right, let's go quickly," Old Master Chu agreed.

Seeing Luo Jianjia pushing the cart, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao suddenly realized that she had been the one pushing it all along.

Old Master Chu was about to take over, but Luo Jian Jia refused.

"Dad, it's not heavy. I'm actually quite strong and can handle it. Let's go quickly," she insisted.

Old Master Chu watched as Luo Jian Jia pushed the cart with surprising speed, and exchanged a glance with Madam Zhao before hurrying to catch up.

When they arrived, they found a spacious spot and unloaded the tables, chairs, and food from the cart.

After everything was set up, the three of them looked at each other.

Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu were not very outgoing, and Luo Jian Jia was not one to speak much either.

After a few glances exchanged between them, Luo Jian Jia lowered her head and opened the container of food in front of her.

In an instant, the aroma from the food filled the air.

Seeing someone looking over, Luo Jian Jia pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then began to call out.

"Selling food while it's hot! Don't delay, or it'll cool down and lose its flavor!" Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu have never done business before, so they seem quite nervous. Can't rely on them.

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Might as well do it herself.

"Freshly cooked rice with two dishes, only two coins! Free hot water for drinking."

Not much of a talker, but that didn't mean she couldn't call out.

This simple and concise sentence conveyed the message clearly, highlighting the key points and expressing everything she wanted to say.

As they approached, several people nearby began to take notice. Upon hearing her clear voice and seeing Luo Jian Jia's appearance, their curiosity grew even more. People were starting to walk over in their direction.

Facing the gaze of the crowd, Luo Jian Jia remained composed and repeated the same message once again.

At this point, Madam Zhao also loosened up a bit and started calling out like Luo Jian Jia.

The first person to approach had already arrived at their stall. Smelling the food in the basin, they couldn't help but comment, "It smells so good. Is it really two cents for two dishes and a portion of rice?"

Luo Jian Jia earnestly replied, "Three ladles of rice, half a ladle of each dish, all for two cents. Hot water for drinking is free."

The person was a bachelor who ate out every day, sometimes having buns or noodles at the dock and other times eating in the neighboring county when delivering goods there. Smelling the aroma of the food and finding the price reasonable, they immediately ordered a portion.

Madam Zhao didn't expect to sell a portion so quickly. She hurriedly went to serve it.

There were quite a few spectators nearby, observing the generous portions of rice and ample servings of vegetables. They nodded in approval, but there weren't many buyers.

As agreed earlier, Madam Zhao served the rice, Lou Jian Jia served the vegetables, and Old Master Chu collected the money.

"Hmm, this celery is cooked really well. How did you make it so tender and crispy?" one person asked.

Then someone chimed in, "Indeed, it's delicious, and the color is so vibrant. It doesn't seem like a variety grown locally."

Lou Jian Jia tugged at Madam Zhao's sleeve, and according to their prior agreement, she replied, "Indeed, it's local celery, but it's cooked using our ancestral secret recipe."

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As soon as they heard it was a secret recipe, everyone stopped asking questions and started eating quietly.

"This eggplant is delicious too, so soft and fragrant, packed with flavor."

As more and more people gathered around, even those who hadn't brought lunch came over when they saw the reasonable prices and generous portions. Soon, several more people joined the queue.

With the increase in customers, they ate quickly and left once they finished.

Old Master Chu immediately tidied up the tables and silently began washing the dishes.

As the first wave of customers left, those who had returned from delivering goods in the county began to eat their lunch. Seeing the crowd here, they also came over to take a look.

During this time, merchants who were waiting for their workers to tie goods onto the boats also came over to take a look.

One of them, seeing the tables, chairs, and plates, didn't eat here but brought his own food container and ordered a few portions to take back to the boat.

However, most people in this area came from humble backgrounds and had brought buns from home. Those who bought meals were the minority.

After about half an hour, Luo Jian Jia and her group had sold all five kilograms of rice, although there was still plenty of boiled water left. It wasn't hot anymore, but it was still warm.

Luo Jian Jia leaned in and whispered a few words into Madam Zhao's ear.

After hearing this, Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu shouted together and gave the boiled water for free to the workers resting nearby, regardless of whether they had bought anything from them. This gesture immediately earned them goodwill.

As they were leaving, someone asked if they would come again tomorrow.

After packing up, Luo Jian Jia and her group returned home. Unlike their low spirits on the way there, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were quite happy on the way back.

Upon returning home, instead of tidying up, they counted the copper coins.

Thirty-six coins in total, they had sold eighteen portions. Among them, five portions were taken by a wealthy merchant, so only thirteen workers had come to eat.

Luo Jianjia pursed her lips.

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao, however, seemed very excited.

Although Chu Wei Leng usually provided them with their monthly expenses, the money they held in their hands was different from that. This was money they had earned through their own efforts.

They hadn't expected to earn so much money from such a simple venture.

After deducting the cost of buying rice and seasoning, they had earned over ten coins.

"That's quite a lot. We've earned almost fifteen coins, which is almost like working a day at the docks," Madam Zhao said with a smile.

Luo Jian Jia glanced at her and replied, "If we subtract the cost of vegetables and firewood, we actually earned about five coins."

Three of them earned five coins... Luo Jian Jia began to doubt whether her idea was good or not.

Unexpectedly, Madam Zhao remained cheerful. "That's still not bad. It's much better than when we didn't earn a single coin."

"Indeed, it may not seem like much for a day, but it adds up over the month," Old Master Chu added.

Luo Jian Jia looked at the happiness evident in Madam Zhao's smiling face, full of creases, and then at the unsettled expression on Old Master Chu's face. Suddenly, she understood what these coins meant to them.

Perhaps this was their hope, the hope to live on, the hope to survive in this world.

Luo Jian Jia didn't pour cold water on the situation anymore, but instead, expressed a touch of sentimentality. "Indeed, it's not insignificant. After all, we have plenty of vegetables from our own garden, and there's no cost for the wood from the mountain. Today was just the first day, perhaps many people weren't aware of it, but in the future, we'll surely sell even more."

Madam Zhao's smile widened even more, and she grabbed Lou Jian Jia's hand, saying, "Exactly, that's what I think."

Seeing Madam Zhao's smile, Lou Jian Jia smiled too.

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