Chapter 4 TGBW


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The General’s Buddhist Wife

 Chapter 4: 

Meal Deal  ・ Selling Food at the Pier 

"Wages are not low, but not everyone can endure that kind of work," Madam Zhao added, "It involves working for five or six hours from dawn to dusk."

After speaking, Madam Zhao instructed Old Master Chu, "Don't even think about doing it again. Don't forget, your recent illness was caused by overworking. When you calculate everything, the money spent on medicine far exceeds what you earn."

Old Master Chu's expression dimmed at being reminded of his own health issues.

Luo Jian Jia thought, if Oldl Master Chu couldn't do it, she could.

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"Is this work something that everyone can do?" Luo Jian Jia asked.

Chuzi said, "That's true. Before starting the job, they check your health and examine your identity and household registration."

Upon hearing this, the enthusiasm in Luo Jian Jia's eyes instantly dimmed. Isn't it just going to do labor? Why does it have to be so troublesome? With these thoughts, Luo Jian Jia voiced her question.

"Why is that necessary?"

As for this answer, Madam Zhao was quite aware and explained, "There are many merchants coming and going in our area, dealing with valuable goods. The government is afraid that someone might try to take advantage of the situation, posing as a dockworker, and stealing things during deliveries. After all, it's not just about delivering goods; you also have to accompany them to the neighboring county, and anything can happen on the way."

Upon learning all this, Luo Jian Jia immediately dropped the idea.

Even though she had a legitimate identity, being a woman would disqualify her. Even if she managed to deceive her way through, it would be challenging to explain to Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao.

She never considered this idea as her sole hope. Instead, she inquired about other matters, saying, "I see there's a pavilion over there, selling noodles. It seems quite busy, and the business must be good, right?"

Old Master Chu replied, "The iced tea business is good. Merchants passing by like to sit there and rest, and sometimes you can earn quite a bit in tips. Noodles cost three wen a bowl, and buns and steamed buns are either one wen each or two for one wen. It's actually better than the noodle business."

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Later on, Luo Jian Jia asked a few more questions, gaining a general understanding of the situation at the pier.

Although she felt a bit regretful about not being able to do physical labor, she knew there were other things she could try, such as setting up a food stall. Success would be excellent, and if not, she could think of other solutions.

Despite her thoughts, Luo Jianjia didn't say much to Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao.

In the afternoon, after resting in her room for a while, Luo Jian Jia began contemplating what kind of food she should sell.

In the courtyard, Old Master Chu was chatting with Madam Zhao.

"Stop bothering with it. The sun has just set, and you're making a bench again. It's too tiring," Madam Zhao said.

Old Master Chu chuckled and said, "Not tired at all. Today, for some reason, I feel energetic all over."

Madam Zhao originally intended to retort, but when the words reached her lips, she changed her tone, saying, "Indeed, I've been feeling a bit stronger these past couple of days. I figure it might be because of the good mood, feeling light and lively."

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Old Master Chu looked at his wife's expression, understanding what she meant. He whispered, "Harmony at home brings success in everything. Don't pay too much attention to what the neighbors say."

Madam Zhao responded, "I know."

Luo Jian Jia couldn't hear clearly what Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were talking about afterward, but she caught the mention of feeling stronger. Lately, the word "strength" had become quite sensitive for her. After all, in her inexplicable time travel, she found herself transformed into some kind of powerhouse.

However, she didn't connect their words to her own situation. After hearing that, she continued pondering her own matters.

Early the next morning, Luo Jian Jia went to the kitchen to cook again.

Madam Zhao initially declined but, seeing her daughter-in-law's insistence, didn't say much more. After all, she had some expectations after eating the food her daughter-in-law made the day before.

Luo Jian Jia didn't disappoint Madam Zhao either; this time she made vegetable pancakes.

Watching Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao look satisfied, Luo Jian Jia thought that it would taste even better with a bit more oil and some eggs. However, considering the financial situation at home, she refrained from adding too much.

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao went to work in the fields again today, while Luo Jian Jia headed to the pier. She observed for a long time, inquired about the situation, and only returned when she saw the workers taking care of their lunch around noon.

The next day, she went there during mealtime.

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After observing for several days, she had a rough idea. There was a lot of work at the pier, and even during the lunch break, there were many merchant ships. Workers mostly brought their own steamed buns or buns from home, along with water. Some would buy buns or steamed buns nearby, or opt for a bowl of noodles.

In addition to the pier workers, occasional merchants passing by would also stop at the tea pavilion for tea or have a bowl of noodles before continuing their journey.

Currently, there weren't many vendors selling food at the pier, presenting a good opportunity to make money.

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To ensure she could have a decent meal sooner, Luo Jian Jia decided to take action. Early the next day, after finishing her breakfast and tidying up at home, she headed out.

This time, she didn't go to the pier but rather went to the town.

The town was livelier than the quiet village, bustling with activity. Though not large, it had all the essential amenities, and common necessities were readily available.

After wandering around the town, Luo Jian Jia went to a grain store.

The previous occupant of her body might not have done much, but there was still some money on hand, roughly 500 wen.

Rice was priced at three wen[1] per jin[2], and Luo Jianjia initially considered buying twenty jin. However, after assessing the weight of twenty jin, she changed her mind and directly purchased fifty jin.

The shop assistant was about to ask if she needed it delivered, but Luo Jianjia effortlessly lifted the fifty jin of rice, turned around, and left.

The shop assistant was genuinely surprised; this woman with a charming face and seemingly delicate appearance had such immense strength. It took him a while to recover from the shock.

For the first time, Luo Jianjia realized the advantage of having great strength. Carrying fifty jin of rice with one hand felt as light as carrying five jin of cotton.

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This led to others seeing her seemingly effortless demeanor and never suspecting the weight inside the bag was fifty jin of rice. The villagers didn't inquire when they saw her carrying the bag.

If the villagers knew she had so much rice in the bag, they would surely have something to say. After all, everyone was aware of Old Master Chu's situation; his son was likely dead, and they had no money.

Luo Jian Jia returned home in such a leisurely manner.

In the late afternoon, when Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao returned from the fields, Luo Jian Jia announced her decision.

"Father, mother, I plan to make some food and sell it at the pier."

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao had never been involved in business and didn't expect their daughter-in-law to come up with such an idea. For a moment, they were unsure of what to say.

After a brief silence, Madam Zhao spoke, "Running a business is not as easy as you think. I heard that even those selling noodles don't earn much in a month."

"I plan to give it a try. If it makes money, I'll continue; if not, I'll stop," Luo Jian Jia said with a relaxed tone.

At this point, Old Master Chu spoke up, "Have you discussed this with your father?"

Luo Jian Jia initially wanted to say no, but after careful consideration of Old Master Chu's words, she understood his meaning. Although the original owner's father was unreliable, he did have experience in business, having run a grocery store in town in his early years.

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In the eyes of ordinary farmers, those engaged in business were perceived differently, often seen as capable individuals.

With this in mind, Luo Jian Jia replied, "I've asked, and my father said it's feasible."

Old Master Chu nodded and said, "Well, since your father approves, you can give it a try."

Madam Zhao seemed convinced, but she was more concerned about another issue...

~ Part 2 ~

"What do you plan to sell?"

"To sell stir-fried dishes and rice," Luo Jian Jia replied.

"Isn't that similar to running a restaurant? It sounds like a lot of trouble. Where will you cook the dishes?" Madam Zhao asked immediately after.

"I'll cook them at home and bring them over," Luo Jian Jia said.

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Shortly after, Luo Jian Jia explained the plan to Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao. After about fifteen minutes, the two finally understood. However, they found Luo Jianjia's approach too novel, and both of them felt uncertain. They worried that she wouldn't be able to sell her products and would end up losing money.

"Daughter-in-law," Madam Zhao said, "the dishes you cooked indeed smell delicious, but won't this portion be too small? Will anyone buy it?"

To put it plainly, Luo Jian Jia actually intended to sell meals sets: one portion of rice and two dishes.

"The portions of the dishes may be small, but there will be a variety of options. We'll prepare two different dishes each day, and the portion of rice will be sufficient," Luo Jian Jia replied.

Old Master Chu, having worked at the wharf before, asked upon hearing this, "How will you price them?"

"Two wen for each set. Each set includes one portion of rice, two dishes, and complimentary boiled water," Luo Jianjia said.

Luo Jian Jia observed at the wharf and found that the best-selling items were coarse bread rolls, priced at two wens for one, followed by steamed buns priced at one wen each. Noodles were also popular, but due to their higher price, they were mostly consumed by merchants.

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If she wanted to sell to the laborers at the wharf, she couldn't set the prices too high. Therefore, she planned to adopt a strategy of selling at a low profit margin but aiming for high sales volume.

Hearing the price, Madam Zhao felt much relieved and said, "It's not expensive at all."

Luo Jian Jia continued, "Yes, rice costs three wen per jin, and one jin can be divided into three or four portions. Green vegetables cost one wen for two jin, while celery, eggplant, and chives all cost one wen per jin. Adding the cost of firewood, oil, salt, and seasonings, the total cost is around one and a half wen, and we can earn half a wen per portion. If we factor in labor costs, then we won't make any money."

Luo Jian Jia couldn't accomplish this alone; Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao had to help. If the labor costs of all three people were taken into account, they would incur losses if they didn't sell enough.

Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao listened with surprised expressions.

"Labour costs? What's that? Your father and I can both help, so we don't need to hire anyone. Also, we don't need to spend money on vegetables since we can use what we have at home. As for firewood, your father can gather some from the mountains," Madam Zhao said.

Indeed, according to Madam Zhao's calculations, the costs would only be for rice and seasonings, allowing them to earn around one wen per portion.

Luo Jian Jia nodded and said, "Yes, Mother, you're right. However, I calculated based on the costs in town. For example, for three of us, each person can earn about five wen per half day in town, and the costs for vegetables and firewood are also based on the prices in town."

Madam Zhao was about to ask further questions, but Old Master Chu quietly pulled her aside and decisively agreed, "We can give it a try. There isn't much work to be done in the fields, and your mother and I can both help."

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Then, he asked Madam Zhao to give money to Luo Jian Jia to buy rice in town.

Luo Jian Jia said, "Don't worry, Father and Mother, I've already bought it."

"Ah? How could I spend your money? How much did you spend? Mother will give you the money back," Madam Zhao exclaimed.

"In their eyes, once a daughter-in-law is married into the family, she is considered one of their own, and spending her dowry would be looked down upon.

"No need, Mother. I just wanted to give it a try first. If this business works out, you can give me the money later," Luo Jian Jia said.

With Luo Jian Jia's firm tone and confident gaze, it was hard not to believe her. After all, in a household, they wouldn't let their daughter-in-law go hungry. They decided to let go of the idea of giving her money for now.

Later, Luo Jian Jia instructed Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao to prepare some tables and benches for the customers to sit on, as well as plates, spoons, and chopsticks.

During the preparations, Madam Zhao quietly asked Old Master Chu, "Why didn't you let me ask more questions earlier? Wei Leng's wife has never done business before. What if it doesn't work out?"

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Old Master Chu replied, "We don't understand business matters either. Her maternal family has experience in business, and they understand more than we do. Besides, even her father says it's feasible, so it should be fine. Let's just wait and see."

Madam Zhao suddenly realized, "You're right. No wonder I couldn't understand."

Old Master Chu sighed and said, "Now that Wei Leng's life is uncertain, and our family's money is running out, it would be good if we could earn some money."

Thinking of her son, the light in Madam Zhao's eyes dimmed instantly, and her eyes quickly moistened.

"I wonder if he's still alive..." she said.

Old Master Chu remained silent for a long time before speaking in a deep voice, "Wei Leng is lucky, he will still be alive."

Since learning about the plan to sell food, Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao were even more nervous than Luo Jian Jia. They would ask Luo Jian Jia whether the chopsticks were suitable one moment, and whether the spoons were okay the next.

After two days of preparation, on the day they were scheduled to start selling, Madam Zhao woke up early.

Luo Jian Jia remained calm and composed. She prepared breakfast leisurely, and after finishing breakfast, she began to prepare the food they would sell.

Afraid that they wouldn't be able to sell everything, she didn't dare to make too much. She steamed five jin of rice.

The aroma of the freshly steamed rice changed the expressions of Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao. Their eyes were filled with eagerness.

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Not just them, even Luo Jianjia felt the urge to eat, but she resisted.

She wasn't in a hurry for now. Once the business picked up, she would be able to eat her fill.

Master Chu and Madam Zhao helped with tasks such as picking, washing, and cutting vegetables. Luo Jian Jia took charge of the final step - cooking the dishes.

Originally, Madam Zhao wanted to take on this task, fearing that Luo Jian Jia's slender arms and legs wouldn't be able to handle so many vegetables. However, seeing her freely and effortlessly cooking, she didn't say anything further. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but think that her daughter-in-law was quite strong.

Luo Jianjia was unaware of what Mrs. Zhao was thinking, but she was currently very happy.

Nowadays, her strength was indeed too great. When cooking for three people, she had to be extremely careful each time, fearing she might poke a hole in the pot or break the spatula. With more vegetables now, she could handle them with much more ease.

Today she cooked three dishes: one with celery, one with eggplant, and another with pickled vegetables. Madam Zhao's pickled vegetables were too salty, so Luo Jian Jia adjusted them. She added some oil to the pan, then some chili, and stir-fried them. The taste was quite different from before, in a good way.

After finishing these dishes, Luo Jianjia had already smelled enough of the cooking fumes. Seeing that it was almost noon, the three of them brought over a small cart from the corner, set up two tables, and placed on them a pot of rice, two bowls of dishes, a jar of pickled vegetables, a bucket of water, and bowls and chopsticks. Then, they headed towards the wharf.

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[1] Wen 文 : a unit of currency used in ancient China during the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties. It had different forms and values depending on the time period and region. The "wen" could refer to a bronze or copper coin with a square hole in the center, commonly used for transactions in daily life. These coins were typically inscribed with various characters, symbols, or patterns representing the issuing authority.

[2] Jin 斤: a traditional Chinese unit of weight. It is equivalent to approximately 0.5 kilograms or 500 grams. The term is still in use in some contexts in modern China, particularly for measuring food items such as meat, fruits, and vegetables in markets. However, in official settings and daily life, the metric system is predominantly used for measurements.

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