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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 49:


Speaking of studying, Old Madam Xia couldn't help but talk more. She rarely discussed such matters in front of Madam Lu Jia but seemed quite happy to share them with Lin Yunwan. "When I was young, I also played the zither. Later, I had to manage the household, and that's when I set aside my zither skills."

However, reminiscing about the joyful times of her youth brought a tinge of sadness to her expression. Old Madam Xia looked a bit melancholic.

Lin Yunwan flicked her fingers and smiled, saying, "It's not a bad thing to stop playing. At least, you have fewer calluses on your fingertips."

Lu Jia, curious, asked, "Do you have calluses on your hands?"

Certainly, for someone who played the zither, calluses on the fingertips were inevitable.

Lin Yunwan spread her hands for her to see, but her hands, no longer accustomed to playing the zither, looked fair, tender, and irresistibly attractive. The skin was smooth and delicate, drawing the attention of those who beheld them.

Lü Jia couldn't help but stare at them. Her own hands, having inherited from her father, had more robust joints and less elegant fingers. She initially wanted to compliment Lin Yunwan but found herself unable to express it.

"Sister's hands show no signs of calluses at all," she remarked while twisting her handkerchief.

Lu Zhengliu took the opportunity to examine Lin Yunwan's fingers, then couldn't resist glancing at her face. Both were as fair and delicate as the finest Ru porcelain. Yet, Ru porcelain was cold, while her hands and face exuded warmth.

In this room, there aren't many people truly interested in discussing music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

Mrs. Xia found the conversation uninteresting and shifted the topic towards something more relatable for the women: "Besides managing the household, women should excel in needlework. How about your embroidery skills, Yunwan?"

She looked at her with anticipation.

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly and replied, "Just so-so. I can only manage some basic embroidery."

Old Madam Xia thought she was being modest and didn't believe her.

Fortunately, the topic of needlework was something everyone could contribute to, and Madam Wei chimed in, "Engaging in needlework is a great way to pass the time. But even more time-consuming than needlework is playing cards."

"I often play cards with the maids, but unfortunately, they are more skilled than me. Sometimes, losing too much makes me upset."

Old Madam Xia smiled coldly and said, "Why bother getting upset with maids? It's beneath your status."

Madam Wei commented, "Oh, what's the big deal? They are all maids who have served for many years."

Lu Jia secretly glared at Madam Wei.

Her stepmother really didn't know how to choose her words. Why bring up playing cards at all? And with maids, no less! Even if she mentioned playing cards with the wives of some noble families, it would have been more respectable.

She was already embarrassed in front of her mother-in-law, and now her stepmother was trying to make things even worse.

Feeling angrier the more she thought about it, Lu Jia took a sip of tea. The tea in her cup had turned cold, and there was no sign of her stepmother's maids coming to replace it.

Glancing around, Lu Jia ordered, "Get me a fresh cup of tea."

She didn't explicitly command anyone, but fortunately, the maids in Madam Wei's service were quite clever. Upon hearing the request, one of them promptly came over, apologizing, "Madam, Mistress, it's my negligence. I'll fetch you both fresh hot tea right away."

Lu Jia's expression improved a bit. However, when she turned around, she saw her mother-in-law admiringly looking at Lin Yunwan, showing more affection than she ever displayed towards her, her own daughter-in-law.

Clearly, she was the daughter-in-law of the Xia family!

Madam Wei's room had a four-fold screen adorned with an embroidered masterpiece—a depiction of "Crossing the River with a Thousand Soldiers." The finishing touch of the dragon's eye was a figure on horseback. This screen was the only item of taste in Madam Wei's quarters.

Giving it a quick appraisal, Old Madam Xia praised the figures on the screen, saying, "The needlework is well done; it's truly a rare gem."

With a smile, Madam Wei replied, "This was embroidered by Yunwan. When she first entered the family, she spent a whole year working on it and presented it to me as a birthday gift. I liked it very much and have been using it ever since, reluctant to put it away."

"Oh? So Yunwan did the embroidery?" Old Madam Xia laughed as she jokingly scolded, "You claim your needlework is just passable, but this certainly doesn't look sloppy!"

Upon inspecting the screen, Lu Jia couldn't help but comment, "This part should have used the void stitch. At first glance, it does look good, but unfortunately... there's a mistake in one stitch." Her gaze landed on the face of the figure.

"She used a combination of solid and void stitches to meet the requirements. The transitions between solid and void in this entire piece are very well done," Old Madam Xia explained, she continued and looked coldly at Lu Jia and said, "If you're not skilled in the craft, keep your mouth shut."

Lu Jia bit her lip. Her lack of skill was a result of the fact that the Lu family did not pay much attention to her needlework.

Feeling that the reprimand wasn't enough, Old Madam Xia even went on to say, "As a daughter-in-law, you're far inferior to Yunwan. Learn more from your younger sister."

Lu Jia's face turned pale, and with a stiff expression, she replied, "Of course, my younger sister excels in everything. There's so much I can learn from her!"

Lin Yunwan sensed that the situation was turning unfavorable.

Old Madam Xia's strong favoritism towards Lin Yunwan and her blunt words had hurt Lu Jia deeply. Considering Lu Jia's narrow-minded personality, this could escalate into hatred.

It would be best for Lan Yunwan to remain silent for now. No matter what she said, it would only add fuel to the fire. Old Madam Xia was not one to be argued with, and Lu Jia was not skilled at winning debates within the Xia family.

Unable to counter Old Madam Xia, Madam Wei wisely chose not to argue. As for Lu Zhengliu, being a man, he couldn't openly intervene in the affairs of the inner courtyard. Instead, he changed the topic, asking about the elderly patriarch's health, "Is the old master's health still good? I heard your brother is a doctor?"

Old Madam Xia casually replied, "Thank you, Eldest Heir, for your kind thoughts. Everything is fine. You'll know more tomorrow. As for my younger brother, he is indeed skilled in medicine. He takes care of our family's health, preventing minor illnesses. We rarely have health issues at home."

Upon mentioning her brother's profession, Lu Zhengliu inquired further, "Having a family member in the medical field is indeed fortunate. Is your brother, the doctor, also in capitol this time?"

Old Madam Xia hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, he is here, but... he has important matters to attend to. Once he finishes his business, he will leave."

Lu Zhengliu nodded and extended an invitation, "Since he's already here, don't hesitate to let him stay at our residence. It won't be troublesome at all."

Old Madam Xia, however, declined with a vague explanation, "He is particularly skilled in treating eye ailments. This time, he came to capitol to attend to a noble person's eye condition. Someone else will be hosting him, so there's no need for further trouble."

"Eye ailments?"

Surprised, Lin Yunwan asked, "Eye ailments?"

Old Madam Xia looked at her and asked with concern, "Yunwan, do you have any discomfort in your eyes?"

Lu Zhengliu quickly spoke on her behalf, "My mother-in-law has had eye problems and has been blind for several years. I wonder if my uncle could spare some time to examine her eyes?"

"Of course, that's possible. I'll send someone to inform him at his accommodation," Old Madam Xia replied.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lin Yunwan added, "Also, I would appreciate it if my uncle could check on my son, Chang Gong. I'm concerned that his eyes might be weak, and I worry it could affect his future career in officialdom."

Old Madam Xia hesitated for a moment before responding, "That should be fine. However, time might be tight, and it may not be convenient for the doctor to examine Chang Gong promptly. You should have the child ready to go at any time."

Lin Yunwan smiled, "Of course. It's only fair not to make the doctor wait for his patients."

Old Madam Xia then instructed her attendants to convey the message to her brother and left to fetch him.

Lu Zhengliu glanced at Lin Yunwan. Is she so concerned about just one adopted son?

Lin Yunwan, however, didn't look at him.

Lately, Lu Zhengliu hasn't intervened in her affairs. She wondered what he was up to this time. Perhaps he wanted to gain a good husband's reputation in front of relatives? That would be difficult for him.

Lin Yunwan didn't want to think too much about it.

"Why are you all so concerned about Changgong? Where's Qing Ge'er? My younger nephew, as I've heard, are both legitimate sons of the Marquis Mansion. How can you favor one over the other?" Lu Jia suddenly spoke up, adding, "I heard you only teach Chang Gong and don't personally tutor Qing Ge'er. Your obvious favoritism is quite apparent." She deliberately glanced at Lu Zhengliu, reminding him not to forget who his biological son was!

It was only at this moment that Lu Zhengliu remembered to ask Lin Yunwan, "Why didn't you bring Qing Ge'er?"

This kind of family gathering should not have left out Qing Ge'er alone.

It was an oversight on Lin Yunwan's part.

Mrs. Xia didn't know the inside story and looked at Lin Yunwan with suspicion.

Without waiting for Lin Yunwan to say anything, Ping Ye stepped forward, "Replying to Young Master and Madam Lu Jia, this morning only Young Master Chang Gong came over to pay respects to Madam. Madam brought him along on the way. If Young Master Qing Ge'er had come to pay respects, Madam would have brought him over as well."

It dawned on Lu Zhengliu that when he went to escort Lin Yunwan, Qing Ge'er hadn't come to pay respects to his stepmother. 

However, Lu Jia wasn't convinced.

Qing Ge'er was her nephew after all.

"I heard that Young Master Qing Geer is studying with the tutor in the front courtyard. It's quite demanding for someone so young. Occasionally overlooking such matters is understandable. As the stepmother, don't be too harsh on a child."

Lin Yunwan calmly remarked, "Sister-in-law is right, I didn't handle it well. Ping Ye, go tell Teacher Zhang that Young Master Qing Ge'er will be receiving guests today, and he should take a break for the next two days."

Lin Yunwan's servant turned and left.

She quickly returned, her expression peculiar, and said, "Teacher Zhang knew about the important guest at home and has already granted Young Master Qing Ge'er a break."

Lu Jia asked, "Since he's on break, where is he?"

Ping Ye couldn't understand the reason either, and wondered, "The servant by his side said he went to Miss', Old Madam Lu's grand-niece, courtyard. I've already sent someone to call him."

Lu Zhengliu's heart tightened. Didn't he tell her not to see Young Master Qing Ge'er at this time? Why didn't she listen!

"A cousin? Since when do we have a cousin?" 

Lu Jia found it amusing and burst into laughter.

Lin Yunwan casually replied, "Sister-in-law doesn't know. She's a distant niece of the old lady's, and has been back at the mansion for quite some time now, staying in the side courtyard."

Lu Jia said, "Since we're all relatives, why don't you bring your cousin over? Let's chat together."

Unable to sit still, Lu Zhengliu suddenly remembered that he had other matters to attend to and couldn't linger. He was also afraid that Lu Jia would overstep boundaries in her comments. He looked at her and said, "I heard from grandmother that our cousin is unwell and can't leave the courtyard. Eldest sister, please don't bother about her."

Lu Jia felt inexplicable.

Why did her brother suddenly turn against her?

Lu Zhengliu left Lady Wei's courtyard and went straight to the side courtyard where Ge Bao'er lived.

His face was cold and icy, quite intimidating.

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  1. Hahaha, my popcorn is ready! Thank you for the chapter.


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