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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 37: 

Encountering a Member of the Royal Family 

Ouyang Jue's speculation was correct; Master Wang, the shopkeeper, was indeed reluctant to sell because the book had been the fruit of his labor for many years, and he was unwilling to part with it easily. 

In the past few days, numerous people who had heard about the book had come to seek it, and he deeply regretted blurting out his words hastily. He could only tell everyone that the book had already been reserved by someone else. 

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However, there were still persistent individuals who continued to pester him, and the young son of the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was one of the most persistent.

"Master Ouyang, I've indeed sold the book to someone else. Please refrain from coming again; even if you do, it will be of no use! When I say I don't have it, I truly don't!" Master Wang, the shopkeeper, insisted, displaying an attitude akin to 'a dead pig not fearing boiling water'[1].

"You're deceiving people again, Master Wang. I genuinely want this book. Name your price, and we can negotiate slowly!" Ouyang Jue persisted. 

Master Wang was about to stubbornly deny it, but then he heard an extremely gentle voice, "Master Wang, there are no fewer than dozens of bookstores in the capital, yet yours is quite unique," Ouyang Nuan spoke slowly. 

Master Wang's eyes widened, "What do you mean by that, Miss?"

Ouyang Nuan pointed to the wooden shelves stacked with layers of books and smiled, "Other bookstores use herbs, cinnamon, fragrant oils, and musk to prevent bookworms, but Tianyi Pavilion has taken a unique approach. If I'm not mistaken—" She gently took out a book, lovingly flipping through its pages, and continued, "This Dunhuang scripture scroll is copied on specially dyed stiff yellow paper. Compared to the usual preservation methods, it can last at least ten more years. However, the process of dyeing paper is too complex, and the price is excessively high. Most merchants are profit-driven, so who would be willing to invest such effort and expense in these books? From this, it can be seen that Master Wang is a true book lover!"

Master Wang raised his eyebrows, astonished as he looked at the seemingly delicate young lady before him. He had been running the bookstore for thirty years, and no one had ever noticed his unique method of preserving books. Yet, this young girl had seen it at a glance! Amid his surprise, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. "Miss, I'll be honest with you. I dare say, among all the bookstores in the capital, mine is the only one that dares to use this method of book preservation! When I first used this technique to copy the first book, I was extremely pleased. Take a look at this one!" Leaving Ouyang Jue behind, he walked briskly to the bookshelf and pulled out another book, Lan Ting Ji[2], saying, "Miss, do you know what method was used for this book?"

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"This is azure paper dyed with indigo ink. I usually don't go out, but I remember seeing it in my grandfather's study when I was young, and he mentioned some details about it," replied Ouyang Nuan with a smile.

"The ignorant person does not know who the young lady's maternal grandfather is—"

"My maternal grandfather was the former Marquis of Zhenguo. You don't even know this!" This time it was Ouyang Jue's turn to widen his bright eyes, showing a very surprised look. Master Wang was taken aback, his face showing a hint of realization, murmuring softly, "So it's the granddaughter of the old marquis. Although I am ignorant, I still know that the old marquis was a renowned calligrapher in his time. No wonder... no wonder..." he muttered to himself.

"The old marquis passed away when I was very young. In my memories, he was a thin and upright old man, almost a bit old-fashioned." A hint of nostalgia appeared in her eyes involuntarily, but it vanished in an instant. She then pulled out another book and asked, "Master Wang, do you know what method was used to make this book?"

"Ah, that's pepper paper, a type of paper infused with the juice of chili peppers to repel insects. It can poison and kill pests, and its effect is even better than that of the azure paper." Master Wang explained excitedly. Afterward, he enthusiastically showed Ouyang Nuan around the entire bookstore, providing detailed explanations of each item and book. From storage methods to ancient books, he talked about how he obtained these ancient texts through great effort. Master Wang spoke incessantly for a full hour, while Ouyang Nuan listened with a smile, showing no sign of impatience in her eyes, appearing genuinely interested.

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Ouyang Nuan spoke with warmth and insight, displaying none of the haughtiness or arrogance commonly seen in noblewomen. As Master Wang spoke, he felt a sense of kinship, as if he had found a kindred spirit. They continued their conversation until nearly dusk, during which Ouyang Jue finished two cups of tea. Finally, he watched as Master Wang happily handed a book to Ouyang Nuan with both hands and said cheerfully, "Miss, you're a kindred spirit. Please accept this book as a gift, and I hope you'll visit here often in the future."

Ouyang Nuan smiled graciously as she accepted the gift from Master Wang. She replied, "Thank you very much for your generosity, Master Wang. It's truly an honor. However, I must humbly decline. I actually have a copy of the Guangling Anthology you mentioned earlier, which I have been unable to find elsewhere. Allow me to have it delivered to you tomorrow as a token of my gratitude."

Master Wang's face beamed with joy as he accompanied Ouyang Nuan to the door before returning inside. Ouyang Jue stared in disbelief at the Guangling Ji in Ouyang Nuan's hands and exclaimed, "He... he... I said so much, put in so much effort, and he didn't budge. Yet, he easily gave you the book? Why?"

Master Wang was the kind of person who couldn't be swayed by power or money. To acquire that book, one would need to find another way. Ouyang Nuan smiled and shook her head, saying, "It's getting late. Let's head back." Just as Hongyu was about to assist Ouyang Nuan onto the carriage, they heard someone loudly say, "Miss ahead, please wait!"

A young man with a refined and scholarly appearance hurried over. Ouyang Jue stood alertly in front of Ouyang Nuan and sternly questioned, "What are you doing?" The man stopped at a distance, bowing respectfully to the two of them and said, "The book in the young lady's hand is what my master has been searching for. Could the young lady please consider giving it up? Regardless of the cost..."

"This book was purchased by my sister first. If your master has the ability, let him go buy another one. Sis, don't bother with him! Let's go!" Ouyang Jue frowned, feeling extremely annoyed by the man's abrupt behavior. While usually indifferent about books, this particular one was something his sister had been wanting to get. Why should they just give it away for nothing?

"Jue'er, don't be rude," Ouyang Nuan whispered. She glanced at the nearby elegant carriage parked in front of Tianyi Pavilion. 

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Besides the splendid horses pulling it, even just the two golden ruby lanterns on the carriage's front were valuable. Yet, what caught Ouyang Nuan's attention was the golden emblem on the carriage's body. Despite the fading light, she could see it clearly. The emblem was circular in shape with two layers of intricately carved patterns. The inner layer consisted of twelve serrated arcs, rotating clockwise, while the outer layer depicted four flying birds with outstretched wings, flying in the opposite direction to the rotation of the inner layer. It was exceptionally unique and unforgettable.

Every time his sister says that, it means there's no room for negotiation. Ouyang Jue pouted and angrily tossed the book to the young man, saying, "Take it!"

Back in the carriage, Ouyang Jue remained angry, sitting sullenly without speaking. Hongyu also looked puzzled and asked, "Miss, we finally got the book, why did you..."

Ouyang Nuan glanced out the window and said calmly, "The carriage just now bore the emblem of the Sun Bird, the royal emblem of the Dali dynasty. Is it worth offending someone from the royal family over a book?"

As soon as those words were spoken, Hongyu's face turned pale, sweating profusely from the scare. Ouyang Jue immediately forgot his anger and leaned out of the carriage to look back. He saw the carriage still parked at the entrance of Tianyi Pavilion, bathed in the dazzling light of the setting sun, emitting a mysterious aura...

Sister couldn't have been wrong. If she said it was the emblem of the Sun Bird, then it must be true. He had been so careless, being rude to that person just now... Ouyang Jue murmured, "Sister, if it weren't for your reminder, I would have caused a big disaster..."

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***Note from the Author!***

Some readers asked if the main character appears here.

Haha~ Don't draw conclusions too early, there are plenty of handsome men in this story! Let the readers explore it themselves! O(∩_∩)O

[1] A Dead Pig not Fearing Boiling Water: a Chinese idiom that figuratively means someone who remains indifferent or unaffected in the face of danger or trouble. Just like how a dead pig wouldn't feel anything if put into boiling water, this phrase describes a person who remains unmoved or unafraid in difficult or perilous situations. 

[2] Lan Ting Ji 兰亭集 : a classical Chinese text attributed to the renowned calligrapher and scholar Wang Xizhi (王羲之), who lived during the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 AD). The title "Lan Ting" refers to the Orchid Pavilion, where a famous gathering took place in the year 353 AD, during the Spring Purification Festival. This gathering is celebrated for its literary significance, as many scholars and poets attended and engaged in a poetry competition. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy on the preface to the collected poems from this event is considered a masterpiece and has been highly revered throughout Chinese history. The "Lan Ting Ji" contains the poems composed during this gathering, as well as Wang Xizhi's preface. It is regarded as a classic work of Chinese literature and calligraphy.

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