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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 36: 

 Attractive and Unmatched

Ouyang Nuan reclined on the warm kang, the sunlight from outside casting a gentle glow on her slightly lowered brows, exuding a serene and captivating aura. Even Hongyu couldn't help but sigh inwardly at her family's young mistress – her demeanor and appearance were so charming that she couldn't help but attract countless admirers when she grew older.

Ouyang Jue strode into the Nuan Ting Pavilion, his eyes sparkling with excitement, his brows raised with enthusiasm, and his steps light and brisk, causing even his crow-blue cloak to flutter. Baohe chased after him, calling out, "Young Master, please don't run, be careful not to fall!"

Ouyang Jue rushed into the room, looking extremely excited. He ran all the way to Ouyang Nuan's side before stopping, panting heavily, and said, "Sister, I found the Guangling Ji[1] you wanted!" Before Ouyang Nuan could react, he grabbed her sleeve forcefully. "Sister, hurry up, I'll take you there!"

“Master, don't fret. Why not just buy some good books to bring back? Miss rarely goes out, haven't you forgotten?" Fang Mama reminded from the side.

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For young ladies from ordinary families, going out to pay respects, attend banquets, or buy cosmetics was not uncommon. However, everyone knew that Miss Ouyang Nuan didn't enjoy going out. Yet this time, Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly, stood up straight, and said, "Mama, if he could have bought the books back earlier, he would have done so already. These precious ancient texts are not easily sold by others. Hongyu, please help me change my clothes."

The Ouyang family's carriage wasn't luxurious, but it was quite spacious and comfortable inside. Thick cotton pads cushioned the seats, and Ouyang Nuan leaned against a soft pillow, reading a book. Meanwhile, Hongyu lowered her head, tending to a small charcoal brazier in the middle of the carriage, making sure the fire burned brightly. 

Ouyang Jue was very pleased. He deliberately propped up the thick cotton curtain at the window, revealing a corner of gauze, and looked at the scenery outside. Then he turned back to Ouyang Nuan and said, "Sister, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Oh? How did you figure that out?" Ouyang Nuan smiled, setting down her book and looking at him.

Ouyang Jue lifted his spirited eyebrows, his dark eyes shining brightly: "Of course, I'm your brother. Whether you're truly happy or pretending to be happy, you can't hide it from me."

Ouyang Nuan reached out and ruffled his hair, saying, "You're quite clever! Tell me about your time in the study." If necessary, she didn't want him to get involved in the conflicts within the household. Those matters were dirty and troublesome, and she preferred her brother to remain happy and clean. She was more than capable of handling those matters herself.

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"You wouldn't believe it. The owner of Tianyi Pavilion refuses to sell it no matter what. He insists that the books have already been reserved by someone else. Even when I offered a hefty sum for him to sell it to me, he still refused! I didn't give up and went there every day. The shop assistants took my money but told me there were no reservations. I suspect he's just unwilling to part with this rare ancient text and deliberately won't sell it to me!"

"Is that so?" Ouyang Nuan nodded. While it wouldn't matter if it were an ordinary book, this particular one was crucial to her. Since that was the case, there was no harm in taking a look.

Just then, the carriage stopped at a street corner. Ouyang Jue leaned out and asked, "What's going on? Why did we stop?"

The coachman quickly replied, "Young Master, it seems like someone has collapsed ahead..."

Ouyang Jue looked in the direction the coachman pointed and indeed saw a dirty beggar lying unconscious in the middle of the road, right in the path of their carriage. Ouyang Jue frowned, and one of the guards following them hurried forward, saying, "Young Master, rest assured, I'll have him removed immediately!"

The guard took three or four steps forward and reached the collapsed beggar. With little effort, he lifted the person by the neck. Observing this scene, the onlookers nearby glanced over, recognizing the opulent nature of the carriage and realizing the beggar was likely in for trouble. Some felt inclined to intervene, but seeing the lotus emblem on the carriage, none dared to approach, knowing only carriages of high-ranking officials bore such insignias...

"Stop!" There was movement from within the carriage, and a hand emerged.

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It was a slender, fair hand, without meticulously manicured nails, without the vivid red of cosmetics, devoid of rings adorned with gold, silver, and gems, and without precious jade bracelets or pearl necklaces. Instead, a glimpse of sky-blue fabric draped over the hand, lacking the intricate patterns typical of noblewomen's attire. Yet, for some reason, the simplicity of the sleeve covering that hand only added to its allure, sparking curiosity.

The collective imaginations of the onlookers conjured up fleeting images of enchanting beauties, but the appearance lasted only for a moment. The hand that had parted the curtain withdrew, and a gentle voice spoke, saying, "Release him."

At this moment, the young beggar, roused by the forceful handling of the guard, began to struggle. Upon hearing the command, the guard immediately released him, bowing his head as he replied, "Yes, Miss."

The young beggar, still trembling, scrambled away to the side. He had merely fainted from hunger, and hadn't expected to inadvertently obstruct the carriage of a noble. He had feared the usual beating that followed such incidents. Just as he let out a sigh of relief, he saw the young man from the carriage, whom he had thought returned inside, jumping down again. The beggar hurriedly tried to retreat. 

Approaching the beggar, the young man began scolding him loudly, feigning a threat of punishment. But discreetly, when nobody was looking, he slipped a silver ingot into the beggar's hand, saying, "This is from my sister. Don't let anyone see it and snatch it away!"

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The young beggar stared in disbelief at the handsome noble youth before him, who then loudly declared with a smile, "Forget it, I'll let you off this time! But if I catch sight of you again, I'll make sure to beat you to death!" With that, he turned and got back into the carriage.

The young beggar stood by the roadside, clutching the silver coin tightly in his hand, watching the carriage disappear into the distance. 


Meanwhile, every detail of this scene was observed by an elegant young man in a teahouse loft on the second.

"Your Highness..." A man standing beside him respectfully whispered, "What are you looking at?"

The man turned his head, revealing a pair of slender and long phoenix eyes, noble and magnificent, with deep black pupils that seemed to contain endless starry skies and the most dignified depths. The man who had been gazing up at him instinctively bowed, feeling that when this young Commandery Prince Ming turned cold, hardly anyone could meet his gaze. Not even his own father, Prince Yan, whom the courtiers revered extremely, had such an imposing aura.

It was commonly believed that Prince Ming had an unparalleled elegance, and there were often stories of noble ladies from prominent families swooning or stumbling in his presence. However, only those close to him knew that he was a prince whom ordinary people found difficult to approach. The man dared not dwell on this thought and spoke softly, "Your Highness, the books that I sought for you last time have been found..."

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[1] Guangling Ji 广陵集 : an anthology of Chinese poetry compiled during the Tang Dynasty. It is also known as the "Anthology of Guangling." The collection is attributed to Liu Zongyuan, a prominent Tang Dynasty poet, writer, and government official. The "Guangling Ji" includes a wide range of poems by various authors, covering themes such as nature, friendship, love, and philosophical reflections. It is considered an important literary work in Chinese poetry and provides valuable insights into the cultural and literary landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

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