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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 31: 

 The Yiniang who Accused the Madam

Old Madam Li's expression softened a bit as she said, "You are such a kind-hearted child, easily manipulated without even realizing it. She sought you out because she saw your young age as an opportunity to deceive."

"Grandmother, you're right. I was indeed reckless," Ouyang Nuan replied, her eyes immediately welling up with tears, displaying a palpable sense of guilt.

In truth, Old Madam Li wasn't angry with Ouyang Nuan. Now that she had entrusted the affairs of the rear court to Li Yiniang, if Ouyang Nuan were to take matters into her own hands, it would be overstepping her bounds. However, bringing someone to Shou'an Hall was different—it was a serious matter, and Li Yiniang couldn't make decisions independently. Everything was under Old Madam Li's control. Thus, Ouyang Nuan's actions were understandable. Seeing her distress, Old Madam Li's heart softened, and she consoled her, "Nuan'er, I'm just reminding you to be more cautious in the future. This matter concerns the bloodline of our Ouyang family, and you haven't done anything wrong." With that, she instructed Yu Rong, "Go and fetch Aunt Zhou."

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In no time, Aunt Zhou followed Yu Rong and walked in, bowing respectfully as she entered. Upon seeing Old Madam Li, she immediately knelt down to pay her respects, then proceeded to bow to Ouyang Nuan. Old Madam Li spoke lightly, "Rise."

Aunt Zhou, trembling, finally managed to stand up, feeling awkward and unsure as she stood in the room. She looked up at Ouyang Nuan, seemingly hoping for her to speak up. However, Ouyang Nuan casually lowered her head, avoiding her gaze. Old Madam Li gave her a cold stare and said, "Nuan said you stopped her in the garden and refused to leave. What grievance do you have that even Madam Li couldn't resolve, and you had to come to me?"

Although Old Madam Li was inclined to give Zhou Yiniang a piece of her mind to remind her of her status and prevent her from making a fool of herself, her eyes couldn't help but subtly glance at Aunt Zhou's abdomen. Ouyang Nuan, observing from the side with cold eyes, understood Old Madam Li's mindset very clearly. 

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In the Ouyang residence now, there were only Ouyang Nuan and her younger brother, and the only remaining heir was the child born of Lady Lin. For Old Madam Li, who valued carrying on the family line above all else, nothing was more important than having an heir. That's why Ouyang Nuan dared to bring Aunt Zhou directly to Shou'an Hall. She was confident that, no matter how ruthless Old Madam Li might be, she wouldn't stand by and watch her own grandson perish.

Aunt Zhou trembled at the words, her voice slightly shaking as she said, "Old Madam, I had no choice. This matter is related to Madam Lin. Aunt Li couldn't make decisions, so I had to come to you for help!"

Old Madam Li was taken aback by this statement. She initially thought Aunt Zhou merely sought attention by announcing her pregnancy to the world, but she didn't expect it to be related to Madam Lin. Her expression turned serious. "Oh, is that so? Then, let's hear what you have to say."

Aunt Zhou knelt down again, bowing deeply to the ground with a determined expression on her face. "Old Madam, I am fully aware of my humble status. I have always respected Madam Lin and served Master dutifully in the backyard, being cautious and meticulous in my words and deeds. I have never dared to ask for more, considering it fortunate enough to have Master's favor. But then, by some twist of fate, I became pregnant... Since that day, my courtyard has become unsafe. My daily rations have been withheld, and the servants have been bullying me. People have been spying at my door, and there have been safflower hidden in my meals and musk in my sachets. Someone even secretly placed ice blocks at my door..."

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The more Old Madam Li listened, the darker her expression became. Throughout history, there have been numerous methods for mistresses to deal with concubines, and she had neither the intention nor the inclination to meddle in such affairs. However, with so few heirs in the Ouyang Manor, she had been relentless in her efforts to urge Madam Lin to find ways to expand the family lineage. How dare she engage in such behavior under her nose? Old Madam Li stared sternly at the kneeling figure before her and demanded, "Are you telling the truth? Are you absolutely sure it wasn't a mistake? How can you be so sure it was done by your Madam?"

"Old Madam, I would never make such a mistake! Since I've arrived at this manor, there are some matters I won't conceal. I was sent here by Master Ouyang himself. He even hired an old matron from the brothel to train me in singing and dancing. That matron once mentioned the numerous methods the mistress uses to deal with concubines in large households, advising me to be cautious. It was she who taught me to recognize saffron and musk. All the items sent to me, I haven't touched any of them and have kept them intact. Huan'er, one of the maids, can testify to this. She's a servant of the Ouyang family, and her parents are both here in the manor. I didn't bring her in from the outside. I would never risk slandering the Madam or deceiving you, Old Madam. Feel free to summon her if you wish."


Old Madam Li's teacup shattered into pieces on the floor. Ouyang Nuan's expression appeared astonished, yet her voice remained remarkably calm: "Miss Zhou, you must think carefully. Wrongly accusing the Madam is a charge you'll have to bear! Even if you are truly pregnant, Old Madam won't easily forgive you!"

Zhou Yiniang lifted her chin defiantly and said firmly, "Miss Ouyang, your kind heart naturally wouldn't conceive the idea that Madam Lin is a treacherous and malicious woman! Her schemes aren't limited to me alone but extend to the flesh and blood of the Master in my womb! Over these years, I've been persecuted by her at every turn, and it's not just me—half a year ago, gentle Aunt Ruo died suddenly from illness, last year, Aunt Wang hanged herself, the year before, the favored maid Yu Hong jumped into the well after the Master's favor shifted, and three years ago, Aunt Wang accidentally fell into the lake—all of them were related to her! Regarding what I just said, Old Madam can send someone to investigate my courtyard, and I'm willing to swear an oath. Every word I spoke is true. If there's any falsehood, I'm willing to accept any punishment without complaint!"

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As soon as these words were spoken, not only Old Madam Li but even all the maidservants and servants in the room were shocked, so much so that you could hear a pin drop! Before Old Madam Li could inquire further, Yu Rong, one of the maidservants, exclaimed, "Zhou Yiniang has fainted!"

Quick to react, Zhang Mama hurried to assist her, attempting acupuncture pressure points, but to no avail. She looked back at Old Madam Li, concerned, and asked, "What should we do?"

Old Madam Li furrowed her brows tightly, unable to suppress her concern for the future of the family line. She finally said, "Go and fetch Doctor Wang to treat her. I want to see if she is truly pregnant!"

With Zhou Yiniang being escorted to the adjacent room to rest, Old Madam Li's expression remained unsettled. 

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but silently applaud Zhou Yiniang's tactics. She had indeed shown remarkable resilience to have survived under Madam Lin's watchful eyes for so long. By speaking out and then fainting, followed by the arrival of the doctor to confirm her pregnancy, Zhou Yiniang had likely softened Old Madam Li's heart. 

Even if Old Madam Li didn't take severe action against Madam Lin, she would still have to intervene on Madam Zhou's behalf. 

After all, accusing the Madam of the house was not an easy feat. If they had rushed to confront Madam Lin, she would have likely destroyed all evidence, leaving Zhou Yiniang defenseless. Now, with Zhou Yiniang fainting, everything could be left to Old Madam Li to investigate.

"Zhang Mama, bring Cui Mama and the maidservant from Zhou Yiniang's courtyard here, along with the evidence she mentioned. Nothing must be left behind!" 

Old Madam Li commanded coldly, her gaze icy.

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