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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 308: 

Help Uncle

Recently, Mrs. Chen overheard conversations among the village women, who mentioned that their vegetables grew so well not because of the quality of the land but because the seeds were purchased by Murong Lingran from the city.

As for which person she bought them from, not even Mrs. Xia knew.

Murong Zhe sneered, "Murong Qi, you really are incorrigible!"

"Big brother, what do you mean? Either agree or disagree, why use such harsh words?" 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Murong Lingran explained lightly, "Uncle, I don't know if you've heard this saying: 'Cutting off someone's source of income is akin to killing their parents.' You should know the financial situation of our family now without me mentioning it."

"There are so many ways to earn money in this world. You choose to plant the same things as us, and even want to buy seeds from us. You want to compete with our business. If your vegetables turn out the same as ours, do you think you can easily sell them as before?"

It's not that she doesn't want give people a chance to change, but if Murong Qi is intentionally trying to disturb them and create competition, their business will definitely be affected next year. She's not that foolish to create a competitor herself.

Mrs. Chen frowned, "A'Ran, you're being too serious. I heard that you bought another fifty acres of land and a small barren hill. Your family now has a total of seventy-five acres. How can our six acres affect your business?"

“Yeah,” Murong Qi hurriedly said, “We just want to follow behind Big Brother and have a share of the meat soup. Big Brother, you know I'm not as smart as you. I really can't find a way to make money. Please help me. If my situation improves, our parents' life can also be better.”

Murong Zhe remained unmoved by his words. He's not a fool. The severe harm they caused to his family in the past can't be easily forgiven with a few words and insincere gifts.

Murong Lingran mocked, “You're quite knowledgeable about our land. If I agree, and both families' vegetables hit the market simultaneously, with limited demand in the city, do you think it won't affect the sales?”

“Lingran, just help Uncle a bit. Uncle knows he was reckless before, and he will treat you better in the future, gradually compensating you. Can you agree?”

Murong Lingran had never seen Murong Qi speak with such a humble attitude, but her heart remained unmoved. She sighed, “Uncle, don't make things difficult for us. Why plant the same thing? Can't you just buy other seeds from the seed store?”

Mrs. Chen secretly rolled her eyes. The few plots they planted in their yard were using seeds bought from the seed store. The appearance was pitiful, and it would never sell for twenty cents a jin. Both required the same effort to cultivate, so why not plant something more profitable?

Unable to convince Murong Lingran, Murong Qi took a step back, “A'Ran, can you at least tell Uncle where you bought the seeds? Uncle can directly go to that person. Is that okay?”

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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