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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 307: 

Vegetable Seeds

Mrs. Chen saw that Murong Lingran had returned so she quickly picked up candies, holding them in front of her with a smile, "A'Ran, these candies are specially bought for you. Try them and see if you like them. If you don't, it's okay. Just tell your aunt what you like, and I'll prepare it for you."

Murong Lingran walked up to her father and stood still. She didn't even give a glance to the candies in her aunt's hands. With a faint smile, she said, "Aunt, don't rush. I haven't asked Uncle a question yet."

Mrs. Chen stammered, "Alright, you... you can ask."

Murong Lingran looked at Murong Qi with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "Uncle, suppose your conspiracy wasn't exposed that day, and a month later, you got our family's land and house. I want to know how you would arrange our family?"

Murong Qi was stunned for a moment, forced a smile, and said, "A'Ran, that matter is already in the past. Uncle also knows that he was wrong. Let's not talk about those unhappy things now, okay?"

"No, suppose I slapped Murong Xue, then said I had already slapped her, I knew I was wrong, and asked her to forgive me. Do you think she would forgive me?"

Murong Xue was taken aback, suddenly stood up, her face twisted, "Murong Lingran, what are you saying?"

Murong Lingran laughed, "Don't be angry. It's just a metaphor."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"What kind of metaphor is that? Why did you use me as a metaphor? You did it on purpose. You give me..."


Seeing her father staring at her, Murong Xue had to reluctantly swallow the words in her mouth and returned to her seat.

Murong Qi, with a pleasing expression, said, "A'Ran, Uncle is after all your uncle, your father's own brother, and you are also my relative. Even if the bones are broken, there are still tendons attached. I just wanted to take your house and land. I didn't want to harm you in any way."


“Of course it's true. After all, you are my blood relatives. Moreover, your grandfather won't agree to kick you out a second time.”

Murong Lingran raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I see."

Murong Qi felt a glimmer of joy, excitedly asking, "A'Ran, have you forgiven us?"

"Forgive? I didn't say that. I just said I would consider it based on your answer. I haven't made up my mind yet. After all, Uncle once drove me out when I was seriously injured. If it weren't for my good luck, I would have been dead long ago. There's still a hurdle in my heart that I can't get over."

Having lost their house and land, and he claimed he didn't intend to harm their family? Did he think she was an ignorant child?

"A'Ran, Uncle really knows he was wrong. Please forgive Uncle."

A grown man was using a tone resembling coaxing towards a young girl, causing Murong Lingran to shudder.

Murong Zhe, seeing his daughter uncomfortable, quickly interjected, "Alright, Murong Qi, just state your purpose. I know you're not just here to apologize."

Murong Qi hesitated for a moment. He knew they wouldn't agree if they didn't forgive him for his past actions. But since he was already here, there was no harm in trying. With gritted teeth, he spoke, "Big brother, I won't beat around the bush. You should know that I bought six acres of uncultivated land, right?"

"Yes, I know. Work hard on farming and stay away from the gambling den. With six acres, you can live a good life."

"Big brother, I also want to live a good life. So, I want to ask you if you can sell me some of the vegetable seeds you are planting. I want to join you in growing vegetables to sell."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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