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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 302: 

It's late

  "But we really wanted to discuss business with Murong Zhe. However, when we arrived at their house, only Murong Kuan was at home, so we waited for a while."

  "As for the two children going to their backyard kitchen, my husband and I really didn't know beforehand. They just found the meat too tempting and couldn't resist going in to steal a bite."

  "Look, I could give you fifty taels of silver all at once, and when we arrived yesterday, we also brought many special products from Donghai Prefecture for you. You can see that we are not short of money. We usually eat meat quite often, and the children really didn't intentionally steal anything."

  "We are parents. Seeing our children being beaten by them, we were definitely angry. We were temporarily blinded by anger, and our words were not well-chosen. Please forgive us, and we promise not to make the same mistake again in the future."

  Mourong Liang thought carefully. Their behavior since coming here didn't seem like that of someone in financial trouble. It shouldn't be necessary for them to sneak into the eldest son's yard to steal things.

  Seeing Mourong Liang's expression soften, Mrs. Wu took out another tael of silver for Old Madam Liu, "Madam, we now know we were wrong. The children are still young and are bound to make mistakes. Please ask the old man not to drive us away."

  Seeing the silver, Madam Liu felt pleased and quickly took it, also joining in, "Old Master, we're all relatives. Otherwise, it'll be hard for A'Qi to live here."

  Unexpectedly, Mourong Liang's tone was resolute, "No, they must leave!"

This kind of person who harms his grandchildren staying at home is a disaster.

Just arrived yesterday, and trouble arises today. Who knows what big trouble will happen in the future, affecting the relationship between him and his eldest son's family.

Just as he was about to personally drive them away, the front door was knocked on.

Muyong Liang had to go out to see. As soon as he opened the door, Zhuang Qinghe, accompanied by many strong young men, stood outside, staring grimly at the house. "What's going on here..."

"Uncle Liang, you probably know what happened at your eldest son's house today, right?"

"Yeah, they just came back and explained everything."

Zhuang Qinghe said solemnly, "I won't explain much. Li Zhuang said that people who come to the village and steal from others' houses can't stay. So..."

Chen Deye, who came out to check the situation, suddenly became anxious and looked at his sister for help.

Mrs. Chen hurriedly pleaded, "Dad, don't let Li Zhuang drive away my brother. They just arrived yesterday. If you drive them out of the village now, how can they live?"

Zhuang Qinghe sneered, "How can they live? They're adults. Can't they find another place to live? Dare to come to Lihua Village and steal. You should have thought about the consequences. Now you're in a hurry? It's too late."

Chen Deye hurriedly took out a silver ingot from his pocket and handed it to him, "Brother Qinghe, we really didn't know the children would do such things. I promise you, we will discipline them strictly in the future. Let us stay temporarily."

Zhuang Qinghe glanced at the silver ingot in his hand, raised an eyebrow and said, "You are quite generous. Since money is not a problem, why insist on staying in Lihua Village? 



"No need to explain. I don't want to hear it." Zhuang Qinghe interrupted him, returned the silver to him, and said, "I will give you fifteen minutes to pack up, get out of Lihua Village immediately. If you haven't left by that time, I don't mind letting my brothers throw you out."

Chen Deye anxiously looked at Muyong Liang, "Uncle, I am A'Cai's uncle. Please help me intercede."

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