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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 30:


"Alright, now that your mother is here, whatever you want to say to her, just say it!" urged Old Madam Lu.

The boy, who had rushed over right after school, expressing his desire to talk to Madam Yunwan, hesitating to go to the study room alone. He insisted on having her call Young Madam Yunwan over.

She obliged and facilitated the meeting. As Qing Ge'er looked at Young Madam Yunwan, he no longer behaved as carefree and unrestrained as before. There was a sense of awe in his eyes.

However, he still didn't dare to speak up.

He didn't shake his head because Teacher Zhang didn't teach well; in fact, Teacher Zhang was an excellent teacher. Instead, he burst into tears, burying his face in Old Madam Lu's arms, and said, "Great-grandmother, I'm so tired. I don't want Teacher Zhang to teach me anymore. I want to rest; he doesn't let me rest. I don't want to go to school anymore."

Old Madam Lu's face became increasingly grim. "Look at you! Which child doesn't go to school? How can you just give up on studying?" She spoke sternly, hoping to persuade him to continue his education.

Qing Ge'er, however, continued to cry, expressing his reluctance to attend Teacher Zhang's classes. Lady Lu, feeling both distressed and irritated, turned to Lady Yunwan for support.

"Yunwan, what do you think about this?" she asked, looking for a solution to this unexpected situation.

Calmly, Young Madam Yunwan replied, "Old Madam, perhaps we should talk to Teacher Zhang and find a way to balance Qing Ge'er's studies and rest. It's essential for his well-being, and we can ensure he continues his education without feeling burdened."

Lady Lu, frustrated, continued to look for a solution to this unexpected predicament.

Hearing Qingshuang's plea, Lady Yunwan considered the situation. She was aware of the traditional teaching methods employed by Teacher Zhang, which primarily focused on rote memorization and lacked an emphasis on understanding the underlying principles. While this approach might be suitable for some, it appeared to be burdensome for Qingshuang.

Maintaining her composed demeanor, Lady Yunwan suggested, "Old Madam, perhaps it would be beneficial to have a conversation with Teacher Zhang. We can discuss a more balanced approach to his studies, incorporating activities that nurture his curiosity and understanding. Education should be a harmonious process that encourages both memorization and comprehension."

Old Madam Lu looked torn between the concern for Qing Ge'er's well-being and the need for him to continue his education. The decision on how to address this matter rested on finding a compromise that would satisfy both sides.

Lin Yunwan lightly smiled and said, "Old Madam, you shouldn't have asked me first. You should go and talk to Teacher Zhang. However, considering Teacher Zhang's temperament, if we decline his services, he might feel that the invitation from the Lu family was just for show. Scholars may not have many skills, but they excel in rhetoric and writing. Truly offending Teacher Zhang might not be worth the trouble."

After this pragmatic analysis of the situation, Madame Lu had no words. She could only console and advise Young Master Qing Ge'er, "If Lu Chang Gong can endure it, why can't you? It's just a matter of a few months. Endure it, and you'll get used to it."

Children are not always reasonable, and Qing Ge'er just continued crying. Old Madam Lu felt both distressed and annoyed.

"Yunwan, what do you think? Do you have any other ideas to make Qing Ge'er enjoy studying without offending Teacher Zhang?" Madame Lu inquired.

"I have a suggestion," Yunwan replied.

"Oh? Please, share it."

"Qing Ge'er has a lively personality and can't sit still for long. Considering that the Lu family originally had a martial background, Madam, if you speak to Teacher Zhang, suggest that Qing Ge'er doesn't need to follow the traditional curriculum for imperial examinations. He can focus on learning a few key characters. Additionally, propose that he spends some time learning martial arts. I believe Teacher Zhang wouldn't refuse such a request."

"No, that won't do!" Madame Lu objected firmly. "Qing Ge'er must study for the imperial examinations and enter official service!" She straightened Qing Ge'er and spoke sternly, "Your grandfather went through life and death struggles to survive, and your father worked exceptionally hard. If you don't study, your future will only be more difficult."

Qing Ge'er pouted but continued crying. Unmoved by his tears, Yunwan got up and left.

Coming out, Ping Ye sighed, "Young Master Qing Ge'er has only studied under Teacher Zhang for a few days, and he's already feeling like quitting."

"People are different; he's not like Chang Gong, naturally inclined toward scholarly pursuits," Yunwan said, unable to hide her pride in him.

Ping Ye chuckled quietly; the relationship between the lady and the young master seemed to be getting better, just like that of a real mother and son.

After listening for a while, Tao Ye expressed some concern, "If Young Master Qing doesn't like studying, what if he turns into a prodigal son in the future? Madam will still have to worry."

Yunwan didn't see it that way. "Don't worry; there are people who will advise him."

Qing Ge'er would undoubtedly still follow the path of imperial examinations. However, whether it would be as smooth as in the previous life was uncertain.

Curious, Tao Ye asked, "Madam, who will advise Young Master Qing Ge'er?"

"It's the Eldest Young Master, of course. Who else could it be?" Ping Ye replied.

Tao Ye pondered for a while; why did it not sound like the lady was talking about the Eldest Young Master?

Upon hearing Qing Ge'er's crying, Gae Bao'er couldn't resist and went to the main room.

"Old Madam."

She hadn't come over for quite some time, and she had been very well-behaved. Although Old Madam didn't like her, the initial anger had gradually decreased with time, so she didn't drive her away.

Gae Bao'er gauged Old Madam's mood and walked in, whispering, "Let me try to persuade him."

Old Madam thought that the words of a birth mother might have some effect, so she instructed Nanny Yan, "Close the door."


Yan Mama even stationed a maid at the door to prevent anyone from barging in and discovering the secret.

Qing Ge'er was choked up, feeling low, and couldn't absorb any words.

Gae Bao'er took her son into the screen room and gently wiped his face. After he calmed down, she patiently explained things to him.

It was unclear what she said, but Qing Ge'er indeed stopped crying.

Old Madam watched from afar, sighing quietly. After all, blood ties were strong; Qing Ge'er was closer to Ga Bao'er.

Yan Mama tried to walk closer to eavesdrop, but Ga Bao'er spoke softly while hugging Qing Ge'er, and she couldn't hear anything. When she got closer, Ga Bao'er stopped talking. She led Qing Ge'er out and said, "Old Madam, Qing Ge'er understands now."

Qing Ge'er obediently said, "Old Madam, I was wrong. I will study with Teacher Zhang diligently from now on."


Old Madam burst into laughter, hugging Qing Ge'er. "You've come to your senses so quickly?"

Qing Ge'er nodded.

"My sweetheart, it would have been great if you had been this sensible earlier, dropping so many golden beans and making your great-great-grandmother worry," Old Madam said.

Qing Ge'er smiled and said, "I won't let you worry anymore."

"Look at this child, is his mouth sweet or not? It's like touching honey," Old Madam bantered with Yan Mama.

After a while, Old Madam instructed Yan Mama, "It's getting late, send him back first."

"Second Young Master Qing Ge'er, come with this old servant," Yan Mama nodded and led Qing Ge'er away.

Old Madam left Ga Bao'er behind and asked her, "How did you persuade Qing Ge'er?"

Ga Bao'er lowered her head, effectively concealing the flicker in her eyes, and said, "It's nothing, just talked about some principles. But Qing Ge'er is still a child, so I had to be gentle in coaxing him. Once his stubborn temper subsided, he could understand the reasoning."

Old Madam, not familiar with Qing Ge'er's temperament, didn't suspect anything.

"I heard from the maid that you've been practicing calligraphy lately?" Old Madam suddenly brought it up, and Ga Bao'er felt uneasy.

"Yes..." Ga Bao'er answered cautiously.

Old Madam said indifferently, "A woman's virtue lies in her morality, you shouldn't learn such things."

Ga Bao'er's face turned pale. What did she mean? Why couldn't she learn something that Lin Yunwan knows?

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