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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 293: 

Cousin? Cousin?

Murong Kuan had wanted to send them away long ago, but just now, it was his grandmother who brought them over. At that time, there were many people passing by the door, so he couldn't bring himself to drive his grandmother away.

He had not expected that his grandmother would hurriedly leave them after bringing them in. He was in the midst of persuading them to leave when Murong Lingran returned.

Chen Deyeh had earned some money from business in recent years and was considered one of the wealthier families in their hometown. Over the years, many people had tried to please him wherever he went. It had been a long time since anyone dared to disrespect him like this.

Just as he was about to reprimand her for not understanding etiquette and teach her what it meant to respect elders, Mrs. Wu pulled him back.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Only then did Chen Deyeh remember that this was not his own home. He gave Murong Lingran a cold stare and left angrily.


"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Suddenly, a scream from an unfamiliar woman echoed from the backyard, followed by Hei Mao's vigorous barking. Murong Lingran's face darkened, and she quickly stood up and headed towards the backyard.

The footsteps of Chen Deyeh's couple stopped for a moment. They felt a pang of anxiety and quickly followed behind the siblings, each pulling one of their children.

Murong Lingran arrived at the kitchen in the backyard and saw a man and a woman sitting paralyzed at the kitchen door. Hei Mao was standing not far from them, growling menacingly.

The woman, upon seeing her parents arriving, looked terrified. "Dad, Mom, save me! The dogs from the capital are so big and frightening!"

The man also exclaimed, "Dad, Mom, this big dog appeared out of nowhere. It's so scary, like it's going to eat us!"

Seeing the couple rush over, Murong Lingran's face turned cold. She swiftly went into the kitchen and immediately noticed that the meat stewing on the stove had been eaten completely.

She then checked where she kept vegetables and meat. Luckily, they seemed untouched. Murong Kuan returned quickly, shaking his head. Murong Lingran breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the kitchen, looking at the two individuals with a chilling glare.

"Who are you two? How dare you come to my kitchen to steal food! I think you're tired of living!" Murong Lingran's voice was colder than ever.

The woman, facing a child questioning her, ignored her words. She was about to stand up when the huge black dog suddenly approached her, growling loudly.

Afraid that the dog might harm the girl, Mrs. Wu hurriedly explained, "Lingran, she is your cousin, my eldest daughter, Chen Lianlian."

Chen Deyeh, who had never seen such a large dog, couldn't help but swallow nervously. With a fearful expression, he said, "The one next to her is your cousin, Chen Yongfu. Please don't let your family's dog hurt them!"

"Cousin? Cousin? Chen Lianlian? Chen Yongfu?" Murong Lingran sneered, "I haven't had relatives who come to visit and act like thieves on their first visit in a few years. I just checked, and the large pot of ribs I was stewing was fine when I left. Now, only the bones are left. If you two don't give me an explanation today, you won't leave this doorstep!"

Chen Lianlian, treated like a thief, immediately forgot about the big black dog. She stood up abruptly, pointed at Murong Lingran, and shouted, "You little brat, who are you calling a thief? Clarify your words! Do you have evidence to prove that I stole your food? If you can't produce evidence today, I'll make you pay!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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