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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 26:

Show Filial Piety

Old Madam's advice to Young Master Qing Ge'er was genuine, however, she showed reluctance to scold or punish him.

Lin Yunwan didn't feel like staying any longer. In an invisible way, everyone seemed to accept that Lu Chang Gong would be taken care of by Lin Yunwan while Young Master Qing Ge'er's affairs were managed by Old Madam.

"Madam, you shouldn't have pleaded for Young Master Qing Ge'er in front of Teacher Zhang. You should let Teacher Zhang refuse to teach him. Let's see if he dares to deceive you in the future," commented Ping Ye, expressing her indignation for Lin Yunwan's sake, as always.

Lin Yunwan chuckled lightly, "Teacher Zhang has encountered many mischievous students. It's not like he hasn't seen anything like this before. He didn't really want to refuse. He just used me to help."

"Is that so?" Ping Ye asked.

Lin Yunwan smiled, "Unexpectedly, Teacher Zhang has so many tricks up his sleeve."

Even though she didn't deny the statement, she emphasized that Teacher Zhang, with his irritable temperament, wasn't someone to be underestimated. They better not offend him on Young Master Qing Ge'er's behalf; otherwise, it would be easier said than done to resolve the issue.

Later, as she pondered, she wondered how, within just a day, Zhang Feng'an was already trying to take charge of Lu Chang Gong. Teacher Zhang's eyes were truly sharp!

The master and servants walked along and, at the second gate, spotted a maid who seemed familiar.

"Who is this? Why is she running to the second gate on her own?"

Approaching, Ping Ye recognized her and shouted, "Xiliu, Xiliu!"

It took a moment for Wu'er to react. Upon seeing Lady Lin, she quickly approached, holding a calligraphy brush and paper, and greeted, "Madam." She also exchanged greetings with Ping Ye and Tao Ye.

Ping Ye curiously asked, "Why did it take so long for Miss Xiliu to respond?"

Wu'er, feeling embarrassed, said, "I... I changed my name. Miss now calls me Wuer."

Pingye inquired, "Which 'wu' is that?"

Wu'er replied, "The 'wu' in 'One, Two, Three, Four, Five.'"

Ping Ye frowned. The name seemed too casual, but she refrained from commenting.

Wu'er said, "I'll go back now, Madam."

Lady Lin nodded thoughtfully.

Ping Ye called after her, "Madam, what are you thinking?"

Lin Yunwan came to her senses and said, "It's nothing." She then instructed Ping Ye, "Just keep an eye on this maid regularly."

Ping Ye acknowledged.


Wu'er returned to Yu Shou Tang. Ge Bao'er had just come back from the Old Madam's room, but instead of entering the room, she stayed by the wall, listening with a disgruntled expression.

"Miss, what's wrong?" Wu'er asked.

Suppressing her discomfort, Ge Bao'er said, "It's nothing."

Just hearing that Zhang Feng'an didn't want to teach Qing Ge'er and wanted to teach Lu Chang Gong instead, her Qing'ge couldn't compare to Lu Chang Gong? He was the legitimate heir of the marquis's bloodline!

Wu'er couldn't fathom Ge Bao'er's thoughts. Putting down the paper, she said, "I brought it for you." When Wu'er went to the council hall, the attendants on the gatehouse told her to come and get it.

Ge Bao'er collected the paper, admonishing herself inwardly. She closed the door, concentrating on practicing calligraphy with the copybook.


"In the future, you can't let the servant do your homework for you. Do you understand?" Old Madam Lu's expression was stern, but her tone was not that of reprimanding.

Since childhood, children learn to read facial expressions. Qing Ge'er, being naturally clever, knows that the old madam dotes on him and can't bear to scold him. He nestled into her arms and coquettishly said, "I know, great-grandmother."

The old madam has been lonely for a long time without children around, and when this child behaves like this, she can't resist tightly hugging this piece of her heart.

"I'm asking you, your mother said that you used to be well-behaved and obedient to the teacher in the countryside. Why, after returning home, enjoying good food and clothing, do you no longer listen to the Madam?"

Qing'ge sat beside her, grabbing some pastries from the table and stuffing them into his mouth, saying, "Mother never hits me. Before, if I didn't listen to the teacher, he would hit the back of my hands, and it hurt. Everyone gets spanked; I just got less later on."

Old Madam didn't know what to say. She felt regretful for Lin Yunwan's generous heart, unwilling to treat Qing Ge'er harshly, yet things turned out this way.

Well, even Zhang Feng'an, being a good teacher, would have to start anew after following this teacher. It was all the same.


Having set the return date, Lin Yunwan fell ill, a summer-related ailment exacerbated by a sudden downpour. Trapped in a room permeated with the scent of medicine, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Ping Ye, open the windows," she requested.

Ping Ye replied, "I'm afraid you'll catch a chill. What if your illness worsens?"

Lin Yunwan sighed, "I'm truly uncomfortable." The stifling heat reminded her of her last moments in her previous life.

"Alright, I'll open them for a while."

"Thank you."

As Ping Ye opened the window, rain poured down, and the door of the study room in the wing was wide open. Lu Chang Gong stood on the veranda, reciting his lessons.

Lin Yunwan sat up, and Ping Ye placed a soft cushion behind her. She gazed out the window, reminiscing about her past life. The child back then also planted plum blossoms in the courtyard of that small estate.

"Master is earnestly studying, not even aware that the hem of his clothes is getting wet. I'll go over there."

"Go ahead."

Ping Ye went out with an umbrella. Lin Yunwan didn't know what was said between them, but Lu Chang Gong didn't enter. He bowed, said something, and continued reading on the veranda.

When Ping Ye returned, she reported, "The young master is afraid you'll worry about his studies, so he insisted on staying outside. He said you could see him anytime."

Lin Yunwan smiled.

"I knew he would be like this. Go and tell him that if he falls ill, I'll still worry," Lin Yunwan instructed.

Ping Ye agreed and went to persuade him. Lu Chang Gong glanced in her direction, bowed to Lin Yunwan, and then entered the room. During dinner, Lu Chang Gong came to accompany her, even serving her medicine. He was truly filial.

Lin Yunwan went to bed early, and she didn't know what happened afterward. According to Ping Ye, Lu Chang Gong stayed until she fell asleep before leaving. This continued for several days.

No matter how tough one may seem, Lin Yunwan knew that everyone had a soft side. When she recovered from her illness, she called Lu Chang Gong and asked, "Do you miss your father?"

Lu Chang Gong looked up at her, somewhat nervous, afraid to answer.

Even a fool would understand that adoptive parents wouldn't hope for their adopted child to think too much about their biological parents.

"Just tell the truth," she encouraged.

Lu Chang Gong clutched his clothes and whispered, "Yes, I do."

After speaking, he felt ashamed. The Lu family provided him with food and clothing, and the madam taught him how to read, yet he couldn't forget the kindness of his biological parents.''

Lin Yunwan didn't get angry; instead, she smiled and said, "Legally, you are a child of the Lu family, but it's only natural to miss your blood relatives."

Lu Chang Gong breathed a sigh of relief, smiling with pursed lips.

Lin Yunwan told him to go back and study and practice writing on his own. She needed to organize her things as she would be returning to her family the next day.

Before the sun set, a letter arrived in the front yard. It was from Lady Guo, inquiring about her recent situation. The Lady's letters were scented, carrying the fragrance of old sandalwood.

As soon as Lin Yunwan smelled it, her mood improved. Opening the letter, she read it and then told the maid, "I mentioned the matter of adopting a child to her last time, and she's still concerned about it."

"The Lady truly cares about you," the maid remarked.

Lin Yunwan replied with another letter, expressing her intention to visit Lady Guo soon. Though she didn't specify the date, Lady Guo would surely understand the implied timing.

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