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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 25:

Won't Teach

After Yan Mama left, Wu'er came in and called out in a low voice, "Young lady? Young lady?"

Ge Bao'er snapped out of her thoughts and muttered, "Madam is truly formidable... Lin Yunwan seems to have done nothing, yet everyone is siding with her. Even Lu Zhengliu hasn't come to scold her."

"That's for sure! Young Madam comes from a distinguished family, well-educated since childhood. Managing the household is a piece of cake for her," Wu'er said with admiration, animatedly sharing her thoughts. However, she must have said something wrong, as she noticed Ge Bao'er shooting her a cold look and promptly stopped.

Lowering her head, pursing her lips, Wu'er looked cautious.

Ge Bao'er didn't seem angry. She held Wu'er's hand, appearing very close.

"Wu'er, you're right. Madam is indeed formidable and talented. There are many areas where I fall short compared to her. I need to learn from Madam in terms of conduct and dealing with people, for my own good."

Wu'er looked puzzled.

Young Madam is the mistress of the house. What could a cousin learn from her? Being a good guest, filial to the Old Madam, and respecting the head of the household would be enough, wouldn't it?

However, she didn't dare to voice her thoughts.

Ge Bao'er's monthly allowance was also distributed today.

"Wu'er, how much is your allowance?" Ge Bao'er asked.

Wu'er looked at Ge Bao'er's silver but didn't dare to speak. Her monthly allowance was only two taels less than Ge Bao'er's.

Ge Bao'er had a sense of it. She gave the money to Wuer and said, "Go buy some writing materials for me."

"You want to learn to write, young lady?" Wuer asked, changing the subject.

Ge Bao'er nodded, smiling sincerely. "Since the old lady believes in Buddhism, if I learn to write, I can transcribe Buddhist scriptures for her."

Wu'er thought it was a good idea and hurried to the outer gate to ask for help from the steward.

Ge Bao'er sat by the window with a determined look in her clear eyes.

After entering the Lu family, she realized her own ignorance and became the subject of many jokes. Now, with a distinguished teacher like Zhang Feng'an teaching Qing Ge'er, she didn't have to worry anymore.

Feeling assured, Ge Bao'er could now focus on learning the things Lin Yunwan knew, understanding the principles she grasped, and acquiring the skills she possessed, paving the way for Qing Ge'er's future.


The next morning, Lin Yunwan went to pay her respects at Yu Shou Tang. There was an eerie calmness in the courtyard.

"Old Madam, Young Master Zhengliu," she greeted.

Ge Bao'er was not present. Since yesterday, she had been practicing calligraphy in her quarters and rarely came out.

Old Madam Lu was content to play the blind old woman act. As long as Ge Bao'er didn't cause trouble, she was not inclined to bother with her.

The Old Madam asked Lu Zhengliu, "Has your official position been confirmed?" After receiving the imperial decree to return to the capital and submitting the report, there had been no news. Lu Zhengliu had been lingering at home, which was unbecoming.

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Lu Zhengliu replied, "Grandmother, I've inquired. It seems they have arranged the position of Commander of the Dragon and Tiger Guard for your grandson in the capital."

As a fifth-ranked military officer, the position wasn't particularly high, but it was in the capital and provided a significant standing. Moreover, it came with the title of the Marquis's heir, a much better situation than the precarious one the Lu family faced seven years ago.

Old Madam Lu said with satisfaction, "You are still young, take it slow. In the future, both of you should take care of each other in every aspect, working hand in hand."

Lu Zhengliu nodded in response.

Lin Yunwan's expression remained subdued. Old Madam Lu was aware that she had been upset in the past few days. However, as the mistress of the house, who wouldn't face some difficulties? After marrying into the Lu family, she became a part of their family, and among family, grievances didn't last long.

"Yunwan, Zhengliu securing his position is a joyous occasion. Let him accompany you back to your family with the good news. It's also a way of giving an explanation to your family. Get ready, and tomorrow, go back to the Lin family and visit your younger brother."

Mother, younger brother...

Thinking of her family, Lin Yunwan's eyes welled up with emotion. The only comforting thing from her past life was that her younger brother had succeeded. Despite the hardships he faced, he eventually brought glory to the Lin family and added luster to their father. Her only regret was that her mother's eyes never improved after losing her sight.

She wondered about the current state of her mother and brother. It was a mix of nostalgia and apprehension. She almost hesitated to see them again.


Lin Yunwan snapped back to reality and said to Old Madam Lu, "Certainly."

Lu Zhengliu also glanced at her, his expression heavy. She missed her family.

As they were about to disperse, Yan Mama rushed in, looking anxious. She said, "Old Madam, Master Zhengliu, Young Madam, Teacher Zhang has sent someone to relay a message. He said... he said he doesn't want to teach Second Young Master Qing Ge'er anymore."


Old Madam Lu hurriedly stood up, asking Yan Mama, "What happened?"

Lu Zhengliu frowned and said, "It's only the first day. What foolish thing has that boy done now?"

"Teacher Zhang didn't specify," Yan Mama replied.

Lu Zhengliu pursed his lips, his expression icy. "I'll go see for myself."

Old Lady Lu stayed in the Yu Shou Tang waiting for updates, and Lin Yunwan found it awkward to leave. 

In the meantime, Ge Bao'er, hearing the commotion in her quarters, sent Wu'er to inquire.

Wu'er whispered, "It's about Second Young Master Qing Ge'er. Teacher Zhang doesn't want to teach him anymore."

"Why?" Ge Bao'er, gripping her brush, became overly agitated.

Wu'er said, "This servant doesn't know. If the young lady wants to find out, wait a moment. The young master went there personally. He'll surely return later. I'll go over and listen."

Ge Bao'er nodded, sitting down uneasily. Afraid that Wu'er might notice her agitation, she forced herself to calm down. However, she didn't know how to write, so she simply held the brush and doodled aimlessly.

Lu Zhengliu quickly returned, his face darkened. Old Madam Lu asked, "What's going on?"

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Lu Zhengliu sighed, "Teacher Zhang met Chang Gong first..."

"Meeting him is one thing, but what does that have to do with teaching Qing Ge'er?"

"Teacher Zhang thinks Chang Gong has good potential and wants to teach him instead of Qing Ge'er."

Old Madam Lu was stunned. How could this be acceptable!

Lu Zhengliu added, "I tried to persuade him several times, but Teacher Zhang insisted on teaching Chang Gong."

After saying this, he glanced at Lin Yunwan. Her indifferent demeanor irritated him. Lin Yunwan, on the other hand, didn't seem surprised.

Lin Yunwan indeed didn't find it surprising. As a teacher herself, she knew that students like Chang Gong were indeed delightful. However, Teacher Zhang shouldn't be unreasonable. The Lu family invited him specifically to teach Qing Ge'er, and that was agreed upon from the beginning. Why the sudden change?

It seemed peculiar.

Old Madam Lu turned to Lin Yunwan and said, "Go and persuade him. You, as someone well-versed in scholarly matters, may have a better chance."

Lin Yunwan, curious about the situation, agreed to give it a try.

They escorted Teacher Zhang to the meeting hall where they could discuss behind a screen. As described by Chang Gong, Teacher Zhang had a thin face and a petite, vigorous stature.

"Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Feng'an bowed, "Madam."

Lin Yunwan politely inquired, "May I ask why Teacher Zhang suddenly decided not to teach young Master Qing?"

Zhang Feng'an did not answer.


At first, he misunderstood that Lu Chang Gong was his student, and he was overjoyed. However, to his surprise, his actual student turned out to be Lu Chang Zong.

He spoke with a touch of sarcasm, "Madam, when presented with a feast of delicacies, one should not force me to choose a plate of coarse grains. It's hard to swallow, you see."

Lin Yunwan couldn't help but suppress a smile, trying not to burst into laughter.

Zhang Feng'an continued discontentedly, "It's not that I'm being harsh. Second Young Master Chang Zong has average aptitude, yet he lacks diligence. Yesterday, I asked the young master to show me his previous assignments, but he hesitated. Even the Old Madam sends people to check on him frequently."

"I tried to be a bit more serious, and the young master burst into tears. Every servant in this mansion coddles him. It's only the first day, and he already treats me like an enemy, without me even using the ruler."

"How can I teach under such circumstances?"

Lin Yunwan could empathize with his frustration.

In the previous life, she had faced a similar situation, forcibly straightening out Young Master Qing, who ended up harboring a lifelong resentment against her.

"Teacher Zhang really wants to resign? Since you are here, there's no reason to resign so easily. If there are any conditions, Teacher Zhang can go ahead and propose them," Lin Yunwan said, touching upon Zhang Feng'an's underlying concerns.

"There are conditions."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Linyun Wan and Zhang Feng'an reached an agreement. Before leaving, Zhang Feng'an bowed again, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you, Madam, for your assistance." Even though Lu Chang Gong wasn't her biological son, her concern for him demonstrated her kindness.

After agreeing, Lin Yunwan met with Old Madam and Lu Zhengliu.

She looked at their expectant eyes and calmly stated, "Teacher Zhang said that unless Second Young Master Qing Ge'er can be as diligent and rule-abiding as Chang Gong, he won't teach him. Moreover, after teaching, the Lu family is not allowed to publicly declare that Second Young Master Qing is his student."

Old Madam and Lu Zhengliu were left speechless. Was Zhang Feng'an looking down on Young Master Qing like this?

Old Madam said, "Tell him that the Lu family agrees."

Compared to the disdain of a renowned teacher, she was more afraid that Young Master Qing wouldn't have a good teacher. She instructed Lu Zhengliu with a furrowed brow, "Go and bring Young Master Qing Ge'er here. I'll personally give him some instructions."


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