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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 25: 

Turning the Tables is Very Important 

Xiao Tao's face was tear-streaked, appearing deeply aggrieved, and she turned to kowtow to Ouyang Zhi: "Master, I didn't know why Miss chose me! It was just Miss's orders, and I didn't dare disobey... I beg Master to make the decision."

Old Madam Li, accustomed to the intrigues of the inner courtyard, quickly surmised that this matter was likely connected to her daughter-in-law. Seeing how Madam Lin subtly included Li Yiniang in her remarks, Old Madam Li discerned her intentions. 

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On one hand, she aimed to eliminate the obstacles posed by her son's eldest daughter, paving the way for future manipulations against her grandson. On the other hand, she sought to dispose of Li Yiniang under the pretext of mismanagement. Such ruthless schemes! Madam Lin dared to sacrifice the reputation of the Ouyang family for the sake of power struggles. 

This infuriated Old Madam Li, who grabbed the teacup in front of her and hurled it across the room, shouting, "Nonsense!" The teacup struck Xiao Tao's right cheek, causing her to cry out, "Old Madam, what I said is true!"

"Grandmother, Father, Mother, Xiao Tao is indeed a maid from my courtyard, but she has made a grave mistake. I disciplined her with a beating recently, so she resents me deeply. This is known to all the maids and mamas. How could I possibly have entrusted such a secretive task to a servant I dislike? Moreover, I have never seen this Zhang Wendin, let alone fostered any affection for him. It's clear that he attempted theft and now seeks to besmirch your daughter's reputation!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wendin stiffened his neck and declared, "It's absolutely true! I have physical evidence!"

Madam Lin looked on with increasing satisfaction. As long as Zhang Wendin produced something belonging to Eldest Miss Ouyang, today's matter would be settled once and for all. Who would steal and then choose to pick items belonging to a young girl instead of valuables? As long as he insisted on an illicit relationship with Eldest Miss Ouyang, whether others believed it or not, Eldest Miss Ouyang's reputation would be ruined for life! She smirked inwardly but displayed an expression of great indignation on her face. "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense!"

Ouyang Ke glanced at the situation in the hall and inwardly acknowledged her mother's cunning tactics. Looking at Ouyang Nuan with a sense of satisfaction, she thought, "You reap what you sow. You used to look down on me so much. Now it's your turn! Enjoy marrying this bankrupt family!"

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Madam Lin, with tears in her eyes, anxiously advised Ouyang Zhi, "Master, we can't continue questioning him. If he really presents something or says something even more inappropriate, it will bring immense shame to our family. He isn't truly evil; he used to be an old friend's son. It's just that his family was poor, so he came to seek refuge with us as a guest. Otherwise, otherwise, we..." She sighed heavily. "My poor Nuan..."

Ouyang Zhi clenched his fists in anger, his face turning purple with rage. Even as he glared at Ouyang Nuan with gritted teeth, he realized there was little he could do about the situation. Madam Lin was right. They could only close their eyes and marry their daughter off to someone they... couldn't even look up to.

Ouyang Nuan watched coldly, then suddenly spoke, her voice slow but resolute: "Search him."

Madam Lin hesitated, surprised by Ouyang Nuan's defiance at this critical moment. Since she was so shameless, might as well let everyone see the evidence! She sneered inwardly. It would only make Ouyang Nuan look more disgraceful!

Seeing Ouyang Nuan so determined, Ouyang Zhi couldn't help but feel reassured. His daughter had always been obedient and sensible. How could she commit such an act at such a young age? Perhaps this man was just spouting nonsense. After all, Xiao Tao was just a maid who had made a mistake. Her words were not to be trusted. As long as Zhang Wendin couldn't produce substantial evidence, he could be convicted of theft! 

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This way, the reputation of the Ouyang family would be preserved. Nuan was the legitimate granddaughter of the Marquis. If she were to marry such a ruffian without reason, the Marquis would surely be furious! With this in mind, he coldly ordered, "If you can hear Miss' words, then search him!"

The steward immediately went up and searched Zhang Wendin thoroughly, eventually finding a golden hairpin hidden at his waist. Madam Lin, without even looking, burst into tears, lamenting, "What are we going to do now? My poor Nuan!"

Ouyang Zhi's face turned ashen, his breathing erratic, his chest heaving violently. He felt a surge of anger rushing to his head upon finding what seemed to be the so-called token of affection. He raised his eyes abruptly, glaring fiercely at Ouyang Nuan! If not for the crowd present, he would have slapped her right then and there!

"Ah, this is Second Miss's hairpin!" Suddenly, Hongyu exclaimed, then realizing her mistake, she was frightened and fell to her knees, not daring to say another word.

Madam Lin was stunned at the revelation. She looked closely and nearly fainted. This hairpin was indeed Ke'er's favorite item. How could it be in his possession? She had clearly instructed Xiao Tao to steal something personal from Ouyang Nuan. Could it be that Xiao Tao had made a mistake?! She turned her head sharply, glaring fiercely at Xiao Tao, as if she wanted to tear her apart alive!

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Xiao Tao was completely dumbfounded. She had indeed stolen a jade hairpin from Miss's room and handed it to Zhang Wendin. How could Second Miss's golden hairpin be inexplicably found during the search? Oh heavens!

"Ke'er, what's the meaning of this with the hairpin?" Old Madam Li spoke up, her voice seething with anger.

Ouyang Ke'er, who had been watching the spectacle, was now completely stunned. She instinctively touched the hairpin on her head, only to find that what used to be a pair was now missing one, and the other one was exactly the one found on Zhang Wendin's body!

In the midst of everyone's shock, Ouyang Nuan suddenly knelt down in front of Old Madam Li, tears welling up in her eyes, her delicate face full of grievance, evoking sympathy from onlookers. "Grandmother, sister may have been confused for a moment... No! It's impossible for her to have invited him... I'm sure he stole my sister's hairpin... If I had known earlier, I would have willingly borne the blame alone!"

Zhang Wendin was left speechless, trying to defend himself, "It's clearly..."

"How dare you try to bite back!" Fang Mama, who had been standing by Ouyang Nuan's side, swiftly stepped forward and delivered a fierce slap, knocking his words askew. Then, she knelt down and pleaded, "Old Madam, Master, Madam! Our Miss is kind-hearted. She's taking the blame for someone else!"

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Everyone turned their gaze towards Zhang Wendin. He claimed that a Miss had invited him, expressing deep affection for him and insisting she would only marry him. However, upon seeing Xiao Tao, he naturally assumed that the "Miss" he referred to was the Eldest Young Miss. Yet, he was caught and beaten when it was discovered. Moreover, the hairpin belonging to the Second Miss was found on him. Isn't it clear now? The Second Miss knowingly made an arrangement with him, he mistook her for the Eldest Young Miss, wandered around outside her courtyard, got caught, and confusedly thought the one who invited him was the Eldest Young Miss! It's all explained now, isn't it? Many faces showed signs of sudden understanding.

Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly, wearing a sorrowful expression on her face. "My sister is so young, how could she understand anything about love between men and women? She might have been influenced by those romantic dramas she enjoys reading, just playing around. She never thought it could lead to such trouble! But the most despicable is Zhang Wendin. He came to the appointment unclear about the situation, while Xiao Tao, knowing that the Second Miss is naive, didn't advise her but joined in the mischief. When things went wrong and she feared punishment, she shamelessly shifted the blame onto me... Oh, my poor sister!"

Upon seeing the situation taking a wrong turn, Ouyang Ke hurriedly knelt down, repeatedly apologizing, "Grandmother, granddaughter knows nothing! I've done nothing wrong! She's framing me!" Tears welled up in her eyes as she glanced at Madam Lin, pleading, "My hairpin was clearly lost during the day. How could he have found it...? I can't understand it at all! Losing the hairpin was just an accident. How could I have known it would..." Ou Yang Ke saw the mocking look on the Old Madam's face and couldn't continue speaking.

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