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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 24: 

 Xiao Tao is so Annoying!

This scheme wasn't particularly complex; it was just remarkably malicious to target a twelve-year-old girl like this. Madam Lin really went to great lengths to try to ruin her. At first, Zhang Wendong grunted and cursed vehemently, but eventually fell silent, nearly passing out from the pain.

"Leave him with a breath," Ouyang Nuan said coldly, her expression calm from start to finish.

Zhang Wendong struggled to open his eyes and met Ouyang Nuan's icy gaze. There was a terrifying gleam in her eyes, like a hunter spotting prey in a trap, exuding a strange and inexplicable satisfaction. He suddenly felt a bone-chilling coldness. No! It couldn't be. She was supposed to be his prey!

Just then, there was suddenly a commotion outside, and Madam Lin arrived with a group of maids and servants. They stormed into the courtyard, with Wang Mama leading the way. As soon as she saw the scene, she froze in shock.

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Madam Lin was the first to react, her expression filled with astonishment. "Nuan'er... What... What is happening here?"

"Mother, this person was peeking into the courtyard from outside, luckily the night patrol mamas caught him. It frightened me so much!" Ouyang Nuan quickly ran down the steps and threw herself into Madam Lin's arms, looking genuinely terrified. Her movement was swift and forceful, almost causing pain to Madam Lin's chest! 

Unable to avoid it in front of everyone, Madam Lin took the impact, her expression stiffening for a moment. She straightened up, cast a glance at Zhang Wendin, and angrily scolded, "Where did this audacious rascal come from? This is my daughter's private chamber. How dare you trespass!"

'Hmph,' thought Ouyang Nuan, 'I mentioned he was outside the courtyard, but in her mouth, it turned into my private chamber. It's clear she's determined to pour this basin of filth on me. However, when it comes to being thoroughly drenched and humiliated, who knows, it might not be me in the end!' Ouyang Nuan secretly smirked.

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"Everyone, stop!" Madam Wang intervened, fearing they might accidentally kill Zhang Wendong, which would ruin their scheme. Zhang Wendong, upon seeing Madam Lin, calmed down slightly before spitting out angrily, "Damn it..."

While everyone else halted their actions, Changpu, still holding the broom, saw this man dare to curse at the usually gentle young lady. Without hesitation, she dropped the broom, lifted her skirt, and delivered a swift and forceful kick!

After being kicked by Changpu and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zhang Wendong stared at her with a frightened expression, no longer daring to utter any more vile words.

Ouyang Nuan felt a sense of satisfaction within her as she admired Changpu's strength and resolve. She made sure to remember to reward her later. Meanwhile, she pretended to be frightened, saying, "Mother, I'm so scared."

Madam Lin immediately comforted her like a caring mother, patting her back. "Don't be afraid, I'm here! Someone, go and fetch the Old Madam and Master. Tell them that there's a thief in the young lady's courtyard."

What she's doing is to make sure that the Old Madam and Ouyang Zhi personally see that there's a man hidden in their daughter's courtyard! Even though she's framing it as a thief, who would believe it if it got out!

In the main hall, not only the Old Madam, but even Ouyang Zhi, who was still cuddling with Li Yiniang in bed, was shocked by this bombshell news. Li Yiniang stood by, also wearing a very surprised expression. Ouyang Jue received the news and rushed over immediately. At this moment, his face, as white as jade, carried an expression of annoyance as he stared daggers at Zhang Wendin, as if he wanted to bite him to death.

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Zhang Wendin was already sprawled on the ground, crying bitterly.

Ouyang Nuan had no intention of silencing Zhang Wendin. Since Madam Lin was determined to tarnish her reputation, she would allow her to proceed. However, who would ultimately bear the brunt of this scandal remained uncertain.

Zhang Wendin sobbed as he lamented, "Today was the day of the master's banquet, and I had a couple of extra drinks. I intended to go back and rest, but who would have thought that one of the young lady's maids would hand me a letter, inviting me to her courtyard..."

Old Madam Li gasped in shock. This man's claim that Ouyang Nuan had invited him to her courtyard implied a pre-existing relationship between him and Ouyang Nuan?!

Ouyang Jue's anger surged upon hearing this accusation. He swiftly kicked Zhang Wendin to the ground, exclaiming, "Spouting nonsense! How dare you slander my sister!"

Ouyang Ke listened quietly from the sidelines, while all the household staff and servants present pricked up their ears to catch every word. Ouyang Nuan immediately stood up from her seat and hurried to Old Madam Li's side, pleading, "Grandmother, I am innocent!"

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Old Madam Li comforted Ouyang Nuan, patting her hand gently. Who would believe that a sheltered young lady like her would engage in secret rendezvous with a man? It was a colossal misunderstanding!

Madam Lin's face twisted in anger as she added, "You are too disrespectful! Where in the world would a young lady like her invite a stranger like you? Without evidence, refrain from making baseless accusations!"

Zhang Wendin shouted loudly, "I have evidence! I have witnesses! The maid by Miss's side can testify for me!" He pointed accusingly, revealing the maid who had been secretly following behind everyone all along—Xiao Tao. Xiao Tao dropped to her knees with a thud, pleading, "Master, have mercy! Madam, have mercy! Miss asked me to go... I... I... I didn't know anything!"

The room erupted in uproar. In an instant, all the suspicion, disdain, and disbelief were directed squarely at Ouyang Nuan. Even Old Madam Li's gaze turned icy.

Ouyang Jue was so furious that he wanted to kick Zhang Wendin again, but he was firmly restrained by the maids and servants by his side.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Ouyang Jue, signaling him not to get agitated. She knew that for Zhang Wendin to reach the inner courtyard, someone must have guided him, and for him to enter the yard, there must have been someone cooperating from within. She didn't need to think twice to know who that person was.

"I was initially hesitant, but that maid insisted that Miss admired me greatly and even... she said that Miss had mentioned marrying me after she came of age! Emboldened by her words, I dared to enter. But as soon as I was discovered, Miss immediately turned hostile and denied knowing me, accusing me of being a thief! Oh, a woman's heart is truly the most venomous thing! If it weren't for Madam's timely arrival, I would have been beaten to death by now..."

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Madam Lin immediately stood up and walked over to Ouyang Zhe's side. "My Lord, this situation... this situation is truly unexpected. I've been ill for a few days, and the mansion has descended into chaos!" After saying this, she discreetly glanced at Old Madam Li, which caught Li Yiniang off guard. Madam Lin then whispered softly, "Given the circumstances, My Lord, it's best to have everyone leave and discuss this matter privately. If there's anything to be said, let's say it behind closed doors. We must not tarnish Nuan'er's reputation!"

Ouyang Zhe had initially wanted to have Zhang Wendin killed immediately, but upon hearing Madam Lin's words, he reconsidered. He thought to himself, 'Yes, he keeps insisting he has evidence. Could it be... could it be that Nuan'er, at such a young age, actually harbored such twisted intentions? It would be a disgrace to our family's reputation! Regardless, we must find a way to suppress this matter!' 

Just as he was about to speak, Ouyang Nuan suddenly stood up and exclaimed sharply, "Let him speak! I want to hear what else he has to say to slander me in front of everyone!"

Madam Lin smirked inwardly, putting on a facade of great concern on her face as she reached out and grabbed Ouyang Nuan's sleeve. "Silly girl, how could you let such a scandal be known to others?"

"A scandal?" Ouyang Nuan chuckled coldly, her face betraying hints of anger as she spoke ambiguously, "Indeed, it is a scandal, but we have yet to determine whose scandal it truly is!"

She casually shook off Madam Lin's hand, continuing in a cold tone, "Xiao Tao, you were expelled from the inner chambers long ago and reduced to nothing more than a third-rate maid. If I were truly having secret meetings with a lover, why would I choose someone like you instead of my trusted confidants? What exactly do you think you are?"

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