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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 219: 

Disaster Relief Prt 2

"The Su family has arrived, Your Highness," Cuiqin said as she entered the room.

Lin Yunwan opened her eyes, which were already bloodshot. She propped herself up and said, "They've come so quickly?"

"It hasn't been long since you gave the order," Cuiqin replied. "Master Su and Young Master Su were already on their way, and our messengers haven't returned yet. It was Master Su's uncle who heard about your presence here and came over, fearing it might be too late to disturb your rest. He sent me to inform you."

"There's no disturbance. Quickly, let my uncle and cousin in."

As they were technically family, there was no need for too much formality.

Cuiqin turned and ushered Master Su into the room.

Master Su and his son arrived in a hurry, still dressed in raincoats. They had rushed over, not even stopping to catch their breath.

"Your Highness," Master Su greeted with a bow.

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"Your Highness," echoed Young Master Su.

Lin Yunwan wasted no time and got straight to the point with Master Su. "Uncle, the issue is that while you and the Lin family distributed porridge together, only the Lin family is being recognized for it outside. Your family's contribution is going unnoticed. If you wish to reestablish your family's reputation in Jiang Qian in the future, it's essential to have recognition."

Master Su looked ashamed. "I understand..." He sighed, reluctant to strain relations with the Lin family too much. "I've always thought of the Lin family as your paternal relatives, especially since your mother was buried in their ancestral tomb. We're all one family."

Lin Yunwan sighed, expressing her frustration. "But does the Lin family consider you as part of their own?"

Master Su hung his head in contemplation, then resolved, "I know what I must do now."

Concerned, he added, "Your Highness, please don't worry about such trivial matters. Focus on taking care of yourself. Your and the prince's offspring are the most important."

Lin Yunwan nodded in agreement.

Master Su left with his son, accompanied by their household servants. However, most of the servants from the Su family had been lost and could not be retrieved.

"These new servants are all inexperienced in disaster relief. Pick out a few clever ones to serve as stewards and let them manage the rest," Master Su instructed his son on how to manage their personnel and tasks.

The father and son quickly devised a plan. With over ten household servants in tow, they changed into identifiable clothing and exited the city gates with instructions from Xu Tianyou, joining efforts with the Lin family to distribute porridge.

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Lin Huabin also arrived and approached Master Su, pulling him aside. "Brother-in-law, why are you bringing your nephew here to endure such hardships? Let him go back and rest! We can handle things here."

Master Su refused, "My son can endure the same hardships as your children."

Seeing that Master Su had no intention to leave, Lin Huabin grabbed his sleeve and suggested, "In that case, why don't we set up another porridge station separately? Let's not mix together."

Master Su pushed him away and sneered, "Fine. Then return the money your Lin family borrowed from me right now."

When money was mentioned, Lin Huabin had nothing to say.

Master Su limped out into the rain with his son and servants to continue their work.

As dawn approached, Lin Yunwan had been dozing for half an hour when she was abruptly awakened by the sound of the night watchman.

"Your Highness?" Cuiqin hurried over, as she dared not sleep; with her mistress being heavily pregnant, she was more fearful than anyone else.

Lin Yunwan rallied herself and asked, "Has the rain stopped?"

"Not yet, but it's reduced to a fine drizzle," Cuiqin replied.

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"That's good." Lin Yunwan replied.

Cuiqin fetched a warm towel to help Lin Yunwan freshen up. 

She informed, "Six doctors from the Lu family's clinic arrived. Miss Xiruo led them out of the city half an hour ago to tend to the pregnant women, elderly, and children."

"It's not ideal for so many vulnerable people to be crowded together," Lin Yunwan remarked with concern.

Lin Yunwan asked with concern, "Have they prepared clean places for them to stay?" 

Cuiqin didn't know much about it either, and she said, "Miss Xiruo said there are already five houses, whether they can be given to the sickly first, I don't know..." 

But she felt that in this situation, priority would definitely be given to the most seriously ill patients. 

Thinking of Xiruo's and her husband's character, Lin Yunwan wasn't worried anymore. 

"Wangfei, you've also stayed up most of the night, so please eat something first!" 

Cuiqin added, "There's only porridge, so you'll have to make do with it." 

Normally in the palace, the Wangfei would eat delicacies like bird's nest. 

Lin Yunwan didn't mind, ate two bowls of porridge, found it quite tasty, and told Cuiqin, "You should go and rest too."

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She called for Lu Mama and asked her to inquire about the situation outside.

Lu Mama was in charge of household affairs in the palace, and she was much more capable than Cuiqin because of her age and convenience in gathering information.

After only half an hour outside, she returned and told Lin Yunwan a lot.

"People haven't settled down yet, but they've all had some porridge."

"They're all tired too. With the light rain, they just lay down near the porridge stalls and fell asleep."

"The magistrate and several other officials are all standing on the city tower, dressed in their official robes. The common people below can see them clearly. And those who are more tactful have sent their own people to comfort the victims, and incidentally, to promote their own reputation. The news has spread."

Lin Yunwan listened calmly to all this.

Regardless of what they are all doing, the fact that nothing happened last night is a good sign.

"Have they sent someone to inform the prince?" 

Last night, when the city gates were locked, Lin Yunwan's people couldn't go out either. Later, when the gates were opened, only two guards from the prince's mansion went out.

However, the guards from the prince's mansion certainly wouldn't be as familiar with the situation here as the officials from the Jiangqian Yamen.

Lu Mama said, "The magistrate has secretly sent a team of men and horses to fetch the prince. But we don't know where the prince is right now. Even if it's fast, it will take a day or two. If it's slow, it could take four or five days for the prince to return."

Lin Yunwan closed her eyes and went over the situation in her mind. Then she said, "We can hold on here for another three days."

But any longer than that, and it would become difficult. The grain in the hands of the wealthy families of Jiangqian wouldn't all be used to aid the victims.

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She was just a behind-the-scenes strategist after all. Relying solely on the prince's private seal, those people on the city tower wouldn't always listen to her.

"The prince..." 

Lin Yunwan rubbed her temples, hoping that Qi Lingheng would return soon.

After waiting for another two days without any news from Qi Lingheng, Cuiqin started to feel a bit anxious.

"Your Highness, why don't you return to the mansion first and rest?" 

Having endured these days and hearing that some people outside the city were falling ill, Cuiqin was worried about the pregnant Lin Yunwan getting into trouble.

But Lin Yunwan couldn't let go of things now.

She couldn't directly command the officials of Jiangqian, and those people wouldn't directly listen to her either.

The magistrate also understood this well. On the surface, he couldn't take orders from the princess, but if he didn't listen, he would have to take responsibility for some matters.

So, he wrote down all the big and small matters and sent them in.

These past two days, Lin Yunwan's pen hardly stopped. "I know my own body."

Of course, she was tired, but there was no discomfort.

Lin Yunwan thought for a moment. She didn't want the people in the mansion to worry, nor did she want to risk her own health and that of her child. So, she spoke gently to Cuiqin, "In that case, by tomorrow evening, whether the prince returns or not, I'll return to the mansion."

"Now, go and see if Xiruo has returned."

Cuiqin breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and was about to leave when Xiruo hurriedly came in.

"Your Highness, something has happened."

Seeing Xiruo's worried expression, Lin Yunwan knew that this matter was probably related to her.

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