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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 218: 

Disaster Relief


"Smells so good..."

Enduring until midnight, Cuiqin dozed off for a moment but was awakened by the pleasant aroma outside.

Xiruo also went out to take a look and came back to tell Cuiqin, "They're setting up shelters outside and cooking rice porridge."

The aroma of rice was thick in the air.

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Cuiqin walked over to where Lin Yunwan was sitting and asked, "Princess, did you instruct Master Xu to have people cook outside?"

Lin Yunwan couldn't sleep anymore. She pulled the blanket down, covering only her chest, and replied, "The famine victims outside have been waiting for so long. Once they smell the aroma of rice, they'll forget about rushing the city gates."

Cuiqin, who had experienced hunger herself, nodded in understanding. "Then they'll go out and distribute the porridge, which will help calm them down."

Lin Yunwan nodded in agreement. 

Xiruo informed Cuiqin, "There isn't enough time to build sheltered areas now, so the Princess has arranged for people to collect the houses of the residents outside the city and set up shelters for them."

Upon hearing this, Cuiqin's heart finally settled, and she happily remarked, "With a place to shelter from the rain, they won't cause trouble. Prince Huan should be coming back soon..."

Lin Yunwan quietly held a cup of hot tea. If everything went smoothly, when Qi Lingheng returned to take charge of the situation, there would be no major issues in Jiangqian this time. 

Not long after, there was a change in the sound outside. 

Xiruo's eyes brightened. "It's past midnight, and it seems like the rain has lessened a lot."

The students of the Academy breathed a collective sigh of relief.

However, one scholar dashed out and exclaimed, "Why should we trust you! You've kept us locked out here for so long! I don't believe you can take care of our books!"

Xu Tianyou raised his sword. But instead of pointing it at the reckless scholar, he tightly gripped it in his hand, suppressing his anger, and shouted loudly, "Are you the only ones getting wet in the rain? My brothers and I have been out in the rain for days too!"

"If it weren't for orders from above... I wouldn't have bothered coming out here to stand in the rain and deceive you!"

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The students of the Academy began to waver. 

A soaked scholar stepped forward and asked, "May I ask, sir, whose orders?"

"Xia Jin, don't talk to him so much! Who knows if he's trying to deceive us!"

Xia Jin turned to his fellow students and said, "If he really wanted to deceive us, there would be no need for him to go to all this trouble."

"Look over there, the porridge sheds are set up. We are scholars of the sages, and now that we've safeguarded the wisdom of the sages, we should act like them and not waste any more time here," Xia Jin reasoned persuasively, rallying the others.

"Exactly. If we still have strength left, why not lend a hand in serving the porridge?"

"The porridge might be enough, but we're short on manpower. The elderly, children, and women are still hungry!" 

Xu Tianyou looked at Xia Jin, loosening his grip on the sword. 

These scholars weren't all fools after all.

Xia Jin shouted boldly, "Let's leave the books to them! We'll do what we can to help."

"If the books really go missing, we can deal with it later."

Someone recognized Xu Tianyou and said, "I know him! He's the legitimate son of the commander of Jiangqian Guards, Xu Tianyou. If our books are destroyed, we'll find him later!"

"If that's the case... let's go, let's go!" The scholars gradually dispersed, and the few who were still reluctant couldn't hold out much longer.

Xia Jin hadn't left yet. He bowed to Xu Tianyou. "Thank you."

"It should be me thanking you. May I ask which prestigious family you hail from in Jiangqian?" 

"My surname is Xia, I'm from the Yu region. My family is all in the capital now, but I came to Jiangqian alone to pursue my studies."

Xu Tianyou clasped his fists in salute. "Young Master Xia, leave these books to us. You should go and eat something."

Xia Jin nodded, but couldn't resist asking in the end, "May I ask, sir, which noble ordered you to escort the books into the city?"

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The horse snorted loudly; it was too cold.

Xu Tianyou had no intention of revealing it, but he glanced at the city tower and saw his wife accompanying the Princess Consort to observe the situation below the tower.

With a calm expression, he replied, "The Princess Consort of Prince Huan."

Xu Tianyou instructed his brothers, "Let's start moving! Be careful not to get the books wet. They're already damp, so we'll lay down some dry straw once we're in the city."

Xia Jin was deeply shocked. 

"The Princess Consort of Prince Huan?"

Not an official, not a prominent figure from a major clan, but the Princess Consort of Prince Huan!

He also followed Xu Tianyou's gaze towards the city tower, where the firelight illuminated a woman. Even from a distance, he could tell she was extraordinarily beautiful.

"The Princess Consort... She must be a princess who loves books."

Suddenly, Xia Jin thought of the eldest daughter of the Lin family, who had passed away. He also recalled the eldest daughter of the prestigious Jiangqian Lin family. Ever since he had seen her by chance at the Mercy Temple, he hadn't had the chance to see her again. Later, he heard that she had married Prince Huan.

And Prince Huan had been a student of Prime Minister Lin.

"Could it be..."

Xia Jin's throat tightened. It couldn't be this coincidental, could it?

He looked up at the woman and found himself smiling. "If it really is her, and she's not dead... wouldn't that be a good thing?"

Xia Jin walked over to his companions, his stomach growling, and helped with distributing the porridge.

They were all hungry, their mouths watering, but they still wore smiles on their faces.

"Lin family's porridge station, Prince Huan's porridge station, Lu family's porridge station, and also Zhang family, Xu family, Chen family..."

The refugees and the scholars remembered clearly which families were providing the porridge.

The officials in the city were also keeping records.

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These would all contribute to their future achievements and the glory of these families providing the porridge.

There was also a list for Lin Yunwan.

She frowned. "No Su family?"

How could that be? She had already instructed the Su family, and Mr. Su's noble and kind-hearted nature wouldn't allow him to sit idly by.

"I'll go inquire," said Xi Ruo.

She went to ask Xu Tianyou. After he finished moving the books, he stationed himself at the city gate, overseeing the entry and exit of the rice porridge carts and people.

He flipped through the records and said, "The Su family's rice porridge carts went out together with the Lin mansion's, only two people in total."

Xi Ruo relayed the message to Lin Yunwan exactly as Xu Tianyou had said it.

Lin Yunwan shook her head. "It must be that the Lin family took the initiative to claim credit for this, counting it under both families' names. But in reality, when distributing the porridge, they only mentioned the Lin family, not the Su family. The Su family only sent two people, what could they do? They must have felt quite aggrieved."

Xi Ruo hit the nail on the head. "Yet the money for this comes from what they owe the Su family."

Lin Yunwan instructed, "First, add the Su family's sign next to Prince Huan's porridge station, then go and invite Master Su and his son over."

Xi Ruo sighed. "Master Su is at the mercy of the Lin family and constantly at a disadvantage."

Lin Yunwan couldn't turn a blind eye, but she also couldn't intervene every time. Mr. Su needed to be vigilant on his own accord.

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