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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 216: 


“Tonight? Isn't it too rushed?" Yunwan wanted to say that they hadn't finished packing their things. But what worried her the most wasn't the incomplete packing; it was the urgency of the situation. 

Qu Lingheng placed his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her, "Are you worried that people outside will think I've wronged them?"

Yunwan reminded him, "You shouldn't go to the riverbank personally. If the breach is serious, the villagers will act recklessly. At that time, there won't be any regard for etiquette. Please don't put yourself in danger."

"I understand," Qu Lingheng replied gently. "I anticipated that no matter how well things were arranged, there would always be unexpected events. I have my own plans."

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He sighed, gently touching her swollen belly, "I should have been accompanying you and our child..."

But he was the prince of Da Zhou. He couldn't ignore matters in his fiefdom. His father didn't grant him this territory for mere leisure.

"Go, Your Highness. I and the child will be waiting for you at home."

Qu Lingheng nodded. After meeting with several officials and aides during the day, he left under the cover of night.

Yunwan had just started experiencing morning sickness, vomiting whatever she ate. Cuiqin felt sorry for her. Lu Mama, the stewardess of the inner courtyard, called a doctor, but there was little that could be done.

“Your Highness, try to avoid using medication as much as possible for now. If your stomach feels uncomfortable, eat mild foods, but avoid eating indiscriminately," advised the doctor.

Yunwan's face was pale, and she didn't have much strength to speak to the doctor. She thanked him and felt like vomiting again.

It had only been three days, but her complexion had already deteriorated significantly.

When Dong Shuangshuang came to see her, she was taken aback. 

Yunwan smiled faintly, "I'm fine. Why did you come?" 

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Dong Shuangshuang usually brought her children when she visited, but this time she didn't. When she entered, she seemed a bit rushed, but now she appeared hesitant to speak.

Dong Shuangshuang's eyes flickered as she said, "It's nothing... My child has developed a rash, so I went to the pharmacy to get some medicine. I thought I'd drop by to see you on the way."

"You're trying to hide something from me?" Yunwan looked into her eyes and said, "I can tell something's wrong. If you don't tell me now, I can send someone to find out later."

Ever since the incident involving Lu Rong, the Lu family's pharmacy had been thriving. Dong Shuangshuang's sudden visit couldn't be just about family matters. It had to be about official business.

Unable to hide it any longer, Dong Shuangshuang confessed, "There are refugees from another province who have arrived in Jiangqian. It's said that none of the other prefectures are accepting them, and the magistrates are keeping them outside the city gates."

"His Highness is the prince of Jiangqian. If the refugees are all gathered outside the city gates of Jiangqian..." Yunwan was somewhat surprised. "Refugees from another province?"

"Yes, Your Highness, the flooding has been going on for some time, but refugees coming from another province wouldn't be traveling by horse-drawn carriage. They would have to rely on their own legs to make the journey, which could be quite far!" 

Leaving their homes and traveling all the way to Jiangqian, the natural disaster must have reached a terrifying level to force such a desperate migration!

"Has the magistrate opened the city gates?" Yunwan was now concerned about this above all else.

Dong Shuangshuang could sense Yunwan's anxiety and reassured her, "Your Highness, please don't worry. You're still carrying a child!"

"The magistrate hasn't allowed anyone in yet, as the people of Jiangqian are also afraid. However, they have set up porridge stations outside the city gates for relief, and the Lin family and other prominent clans have also set up their own stations."

Yunwan quickly regained her composure. "His Highness is no longer in Jiangqian. It's not acceptable for the refugees to perish on his fiefdom, but the prominent families of Jiangqian won't continue providing relief indefinitely. After the natural disaster comes the man-made disaster..."

She had to consider all these factors on behalf of Qi Lingheng. If the refugees all perished in Jiangqian, not only would it be a loss of popular support, but it would also reflect poorly on Prince Huan when news reached the capital.

"Shuangshuang, I need your help," Yunwan said firmly.

"I will do whatever I can, Your Highness," Shuangshuang replied resolutely.

Yunwan personally visited the Zhao and Su families, transferring all the cash from her dowry and any useful items to the Su family.

"Uncle, I'm counting on you for disaster relief. Saving lives is paramount, so please don't refuse these items," she urged.

Master Su, seeing Yunwan's pregnant state, didn't want her to worry too much, so he took charge of the situation.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. There's enough grain in the store to sustain us," he assured her. "With these additional supplies, I can't guarantee that all the refugees will be well-fed, but I can guarantee that no refugee coming to Jiang Qian will starve."

Yunwan then visited the Lin residence. She wasn't there to ask for help but to delegate some responsibilities.

"Since the Su family has a grain store, I've entrusted some matters to them... I've heard that the Lin and Su families have business dealings, so I'd like to trouble your husband to pay attention to this matter," she explained.

Old Madam Lin was somewhat reluctant. Their Lin family had also set up porridge stations for disaster relief, but Yunwan's request meant more than just providing some funds for the relief efforts.

However, given the circumstances, she couldn't refuse. Old Madam Lin could only promise, "Your Highness, rest assured. The Lin family will not decline."

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The money was spent, but their reputation couldn't only benefit the Su family. Old Madam Lin called her three sons and instructed them, "When settling accounts with the Su family this time, make sure each transaction is clear. But when distributing supplies to the refugees, make sure it's done under the joint names of the Lin and Su families. The Lin family takes the lead, and the Su family follows."

When spending money, it must be spent wisely. Lin Huabin readily agreed, as he was skilled in such matters.

Old Madam Lin stopped him, "Second son, I heard you still have a distillery under your name?"

It was a gift from Zhao Jingyi.

Lin Huabin's face turned slightly embarrassed, "Mother, this... it's only half a distillery."

Old Madam Lin nodded, calculating something in her mind, "Half a distillery is still half. Whatever money you have from there, bring it out. Tell the workers at the distillery to stop making liquor and instead help with something more useful."

Lin Huabin reluctantly agreed, "Yes."

He agreed reluctantly, wondering how his mother knew about the distillery in his possession.

'I have never mentioned it,' he thought, not even Madam Zheng.

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