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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 215: 

Showing Your Wisdom 

"I'm pregnant? The physician didn't misread the pulse?" Lin Yunwan asked in disbelief.

The physician replied confidently, "Your Highness, rest assured. I've diagnosed countless joyful pulses in my career; there's no mistake."

His assurance was firm, and he was an experienced court physician.

Lin Yunwan lowered her head, gently touching her abdomen, which still appeared flat.

After seeing off the physician, the two maids entered the room cautiously, afraid to disturb Lin Yunwan.

In a hushed tone, Cui Qin asked, "Your Highness, should we send someone to inform the Prince?"

"Not yet," Lin Yunwan replied.

It was her first pregnancy, and the sensation was quite peculiar. She wanted to tell Qi Lingheng but hesitated.

"The physician said, after the first three months, the fetus will stabilize. We'll wait until then," Lin Yunwan instructed them, emphasizing, "Don't mention this to anyone for now."

The maids nodded in understanding. When Qi Lingheng returned later, they refrained from mentioning the news. Qi Lingheng was too preoccupied to notice, only staying for a meal before heading out again.

He didn't notice, assuming Lin Yunwan's reluctance was due to concern for his fatigue.

"Your Highness, since you're back, why not take a good rest for a while?" she insisted, making it seem like she was simply worried about his well-being.

"I heard it's colder in the counties around Yulin. Don't think the weather is warming up; make sure to dress warmly," Lin Yunwan advised, fetching some thick cloaks for him and placing them in the luggage.

Qi Lingheng watched her bustling about and suddenly felt a deep fondness for the palace and their home.

While Lin Yunwan continued to tidy his belongings, she chattered on. Glancing up, she caught Qi Lingheng smiling at her.

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"What's amusing, Your Highness?" she asked, curious.

"Nothing, just... feeling content having you in the palace," he replied with a smile.

Lin Yunwan finished packing his things and personally covered the luggage, instructing servants to carry it out and load it onto Qi Lingheng's carriage.

Qi Lingheng stood up, smiling, and said, "It seems the riverbank repairs in Yulin are quite challenging. You're making me homesick."

Lin Yunwan chuckled softly as she fastened a cloak around him. "Seems like it. Take care, Your Highness."

"I've been missing home all along," Qi Lingheng confessed, suddenly embracing her tightly, reluctant to leave.

"What's that scent?" he inquired.

"No incense, just the fragrance of bergamot," Lin Yunwan replied, gesturing towards the bergamot placed in the room. Because it was positioned far away, the scent wafted intermittently, making it difficult to discern its origin.

Qi Lingheng reluctantly released her.

With a subtle reminder, he said, "Repairing the riverbanks is feasible with good materials and skilled labor, but the challenge lies in dealing with the officials involved."

Lin Yunwan understood the intricacies among the court officials and how funds allocated for river projects often got embezzled, leaving little for actual construction. Qi Lingheng's endeavor to improve things in Jiangqian wouldn't be easy.

She nodded understandingly. "You should go."

"Alright then," Qi Lingheng said, patting her shoulder, signaling her not to accompany him. It was windy outside, and he didn't want her to catch a cold.

"Your Highness?" she called softly as he left.

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Cuiqin came in to change the tea, noticing Lin Yunwan lost in thought. She asked, "Are you worried about His Highness's official duties?"

Thinking about the child in her womb, Lin Yunwan paused before replying, "Let's not add any troubles for His Highness."

She picked up scissors and casually cut out a pattern for children, saying, "Bring me my embroidery frame."

She wanted to focus on making bellybands and tiger-head shoes for the child.

Two weeks later, Qi Lingheng returned, dusty and weary, only to finally notice that Lin Yunwan was different from before.

He served her a portion of meat, noticing she wasn't eating much.

He didn't say anything immediately, waiting until they finished eating before pulling her into his arms, teasingly interrogating, "What's going on with you? No incense, no makeup, and now you're being picky with food."

Lin Yunwan didn't want to sit in his embrace.

Qi Lingheng tightened his arms around her, preventing her from moving, and asked softly, "Do you know what I've experienced during this past half month?"

"Your Highness, please be honest," Lin Yunwan replied, ceasing her struggle and asking with a smile, "So, Your Highness, what do you think is going on?"

Qi Lingheng shook his head. "How would I know?"

After some playful banter between the couple, Lin Yunwan suddenly announced, "I'm pregnant."

Qi Lingheng was momentarily stunned before his joy overflowed. "You're pregnant?"

"Ah," Lin Yunwan said, feeling a mix of joy and concern. "It's been less than three months. I originally planned to wait until after three months to tell you."

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Seeing his keen reaction, she couldn't wait for three months.

Qi Lingheng released her hand and gently placed it on her small abdomen, careful not to exert too much pressure, for fear of harming the child.

"No wonder..." He quickly recalled the last time he returned, she wouldn't let him touch her.

Qi Lingheng held her tighter and whispered, "Yunwan, you should have told me earlier. In the future, I want to know about these things sooner."

Yunwan paused for a moment and softly responded with a gentle "Mm."

That night, she had dreamless sleep. There were no more calls for water.

"Do you still need to go out, Your Highness?"

The next morning, after having breakfast together, the couple took a walk in the garden. Qi Lingheng mentioned that he didn't need to leave for half a month anymore, prompting Yunwan to bring up Xiruo's marriage.

"I've made inquiries, and he seems like a good person, just a bit rigid in character. But his qualities as a husband are commendable."

Hearing that he was the legitimate son of the commander, Qi Lingheng agreed, "He's a suitable match for Xiruo."

He decided, "Xiruo is not young anymore. Let's not delay, and arrange the marriage for her as soon as possible."

Yunwan nodded and delegated the task, but ultimately, she personally oversaw everything. She made sure Xiruo wasn't mistreated, provided her with a decent room, and a generous dowry. In June, Xiruo was married off.

As the couple spent time together at home, Yunwan's belly gradually grew larger.

"Be careful, there's a threshold here," Qi Lingheng couldn't help but lift Yunwan over the threshold.

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Yunwan pushed him away, laughing, "This concubine can still lift her legs." However, with her belly protruding, sometimes she couldn't see the ground beneath her feet.

After walking together in the garden for a while, Cuiqing came over, "Your Highness, Madam Dong is here."

Dong Shuangshuang had recovered from her postpartum period and occasionally brought her children to accompany Yunwan and chat.

Qi Lingheng understood the need for women to talk privately, so he said, "I'll escort you back, and I also need to see a few people." 

Yunwan nodded and returned to the courtyard. Qi Lingheng, avoiding suspicion, didn't visit Dong Shuangshuang directly but went straight to the study.

"Shuangshuang, now that you're out, who's looking after your son?" She had mentioned last time that her mother-in-law couldn't resist the urge to snatch her child.

Dong Shuangshuang replied, "My mother-in-law took the child again, but we agreed that when I'm at home, the child must be under my care."

She asserted, "I told my mother-in-law that the Princess also loves our child very much, so she wouldn't dare to keep the child away from me and not return him."

Yunwan was very pleased. She didn't mind Dong Shuangshuang leveraging her status; she just hoped Dong Shuangshuang wouldn't be too weak and always controlled by her mother-in-law.

"How is your pharmacy doing?" Yunwan inquired.

Dong Shuangshuang explained, "I had them buy as much of those medicines you mentioned as possible. We've acquired almost all the medicinal herbs available in the surrounding areas of Jiangqian's territory."

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Since becoming pregnant, she had started learning how to manage the household and business affairs. Now she held considerable influence in the Lu family. Lu's elderly lady didn't dare to go against her daughter-in-law, considering her grandson's well-being.

Dong Shuangshuang was puzzled, "Princess, those are all medicines for treating epidemic diseases. Why did you suggest buying them?"

Yunwan thought for a moment before replying, "Several counties around Yulin suffer from floods every year... I'm afraid we might need them."

Dong Shuangshuang remarked, "But didn't they finish repairing the river embankments early? There were no major incidents last year, and hopefully, the same this year!"

Yunwan smiled faintly, "Let's hope so."

But just as they finished talking, heavy rain began the next day, continuing for half a month, unsettling the people's minds. It seemed that the signs in the heavens were indeed indicating a calamitous year.

Yunwan sensed Qu Lingheng's agitation. She sent him a cup of calming herbal tea.

Qu Lingheng took it and drank it sip by sip, teasing her, "Why does it always smell so good when you bring it?"

Yunwan's hand rested on his shoulder as she chuckled, "Because you only drink it when I bring it to you."

He rarely shared his worries with her, but she understood everything.

Just as Yunwan was about to comfort him, A'Fu rushed in anxiously, "Your Highness..." He paused upon seeing Yunwan but his face betrayed his urgency.

"You go to the front courtyard first," Qu Lingheng instructed A'Fu.

Yunwan said, "No need. My Lord, I'll go back on my own."

Qu Lingheng called for Cuiqin and solemnly instructed, "Take good care of the Princess."

"Yes," she replied.

Supporting Yunwan, Cuiqin led her away, and as they departed, Yunwan faintly heard intermittent voices from inside, "The riverbank... has breached..."

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