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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 184: 



"Sir, this is a message sent by the eldest sister-in-law," Madam Zheng handed the invitation to Lin Huabin.

As the second branch of the Lin family had already become independent households, it was customary to send invitations to each other for major celebrations.

Lin Huabin took the invitation and asked, "What's the occasion?"

Madam Zheng smiled and replied, "You have a new legitimate nephew."

Lin Huabin's face lit up with joy, and he casually remarked, "I wonder when I'll be able to invite my elder brother for such a celebration."

Madam Zheng's expression suddenly turned sour.

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Her stomach was unreliable, and she hadn't even given birth to a legitimate son yet, let alone expecting a legitimate grandson!

Madam Zheng sat on the bed, silently staring at the gilded invitation.

Lin Huabin realized he had misspoken and walked over, embracing her shoulders. "Don't take it to heart. I have you and Yunjiao; that's enough for me."

He already had illegitimate sons, so whether it was a legitimate or illegitimate grandson, he would be equally happy if Madam Zheng gave birth to one.

"Hmph," Madam Zheng's eyes were red. When it came to the topic of children, she was still quite sensitive.

Unable to bear a legitimate son, even if she managed the family business well in the future, it would ultimately benefit the son of a concubine!

However, there was also another thorn in her side.

"Husband, I've mentioned Yunwan's marriage to you many times. I think it's time to settle it soon, don't you agree?" 

Judging by her husband's expression, her stepdaughter hadn't reported anything against her recently.

Madam Zheng deceived herself, making it sound as if it were true: "Yunwan has been getting along better with that child, Wenhai, lately. They even want to learn poetry together."

"I think, considering Yunwan's age, we should be more cautious. I didn't agree to them learning poetry together. But I can't keep watching over Yunwan all the time. I think it's better to settle the matter sooner rather than later. In case... something happens in the future, it wouldn't look good on your face either, husband."

Lin Huabin frowned. "Yunwan won't do anything foolish."

On this point, he could still see clearly; she knew her limits very well.

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Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to bring trouble into the household. With three households intertwined, he not only had to worry about his daughter's reputation but also about his nieces, nephews, granddaughters, and daughters-in-law.

Madam Zheng retorted with annoyance, "Every time I bring up Yunwan's marriage, you always hesitate! I really don't know what you're thinking!"

"Then give me a definite answer. When will Yunwan and Wenhai's marriage be settled?"

Lin Huabin pursed his lips. 

If he had the final say in this matter, he would have settled it long ago. 

Wasn't he also waiting for news from Zhao Jingyi? Marrying off his daughter was a big deal. If Zhao Jingyi found out, he would surely inquire about Wenhai's situation. How could it be done so quickly?

"Don't rush, let's wait a little longer," Lin Huabin could only offer a perfunctory response. Before leaving, he reminded her, "Be generous with the gifts for Big Brother's celebration. This is Big Brother's only legitimate grandson; we can't underestimate it."

Madam Zheng had no objection to these arrangements. After calming down, she replied calmly, "I understand."

Lin Huabin nodded and left.

Madam Zheng couldn't hold back and immediately gritted her teeth to complain to Fan Mama, "Why can't the Master bear to let Yunwan get married?"

Fan Mama had been following Madam Zheng for many years and was privy to many things. She approached quietly and whispered, "Could it be because of the dowry from the Su family?"

Madam Zheng shook her head, "The people from the Su family have long since disappeared. Who would come to claim the dowry?"

"Unless that woman surnamed Su miraculously comes back to life. That would be truly absurd."

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Madam Fan waved her hands repeatedly, almost wanting to cover Madam Zheng's mouth.

"Madam! This is not something we should talk about."

"God sees everything!"

Madam Zheng shrugged off the warning, "If there were to be retribution, it would have happened long ago. Would I still be living so comfortably now?"

Comfortable? Don't you see how difficult it is for you to bear a son?

Fan Mama moved her lips but didn't dare to speak her mind.

Madam Zheng picked up the invitation sent by the main branch of the family, looked at the chubby-faced dolls embroidered on it, and felt a pang in her heart. She gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "I think the Master just doesn't trust me, afraid that I'll mistreat his precious eldest daughter."

"Well, I can't wait any longer!"

Fan Mama's eyelids kept twitching, feeling anxious inside. "Madam, what are you planning to do?"

"Make a fait accompli, so the Master won't be able to resist even if he wants to."

Madam Zheng was resolute, "Anyway, Yunwan is already betrothed to Wenhai. There's no point in dragging it out any longer."

Fan Mama wanted to advise her, hesitating before saying, "But..." She bit her lip and boldly continued, "There are already rumors outside that you don't treat Miss Lin well. If Miss Lin gets involved with your nephew... won't that lead to even more misunderstandings? Moreover, if Miss Lin gets into trouble, what good will it do for Miss Yunjiao? Don't dig a pit for yourself!"

Madam Zheng glared at Fan Mama, saying irritably, "You're so foolish! Who would defecate and urinate at their own doorstep?"

She lifted the invitation from the main branch and held it up in front of Fan Mama.

"The main branch is hosting a banquet to celebrate the birth of their grandson. With so many people around, if something unexpected were to happen that day and the old Madam and her daughters-in-law caught Yunwan and Wenhai embracing... wouldn't the marriage be settled then?"

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"The incident would be associated with the main branch, not me. It concerns the reputation of all the female members of the Lin family. I won't need to intervene; the old Madam will handle the matter personally."

"She's formidable, isn't she? She almost scared me out of my wits at the Temple. This kind of thing is trivial for her."

"Anyway, since it's an accident, the blame won't fall on me, the stepmother." Madam Zheng smirked triumphantly, feeling her plan was just too perfect.

Fan Mama felt uncertain and said, "What about Young Master Wenhai? Does he... does he listen to you?"

He was such a coward.

She was worried, "I don't think he would dare to do such a thing."

Madam Zheng chuckled coldly, "If he can't even handle such a small matter, he and his mother can roll out of our mansion!"

"What a nuisance! I hope I haven't really brought such a useless person into our household!"

Fan Mama muttered, knowing that it was hard to say.

Madam Zheng felt anxious inside. "Opportunities wait for no one. I can see my daughter growing more stubborn with each passing day... Even the Prince is considering marriage."

"Yunwan's intentions are becoming clearer and deeper. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid both my husband and I won't be able to control her."

"The sooner we send her away, the better."

She urged Fan Mama, "Go and invite Madam Wen over."

Once Madam Wen arrived, they discussed the matter. First, they tried to entice her.

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Madam Zheng leisurely sipped her tea. "I love my daughter dearly, and so does my husband. Her dowry will definitely be generous."

Then they resorted to threats.

Madam Zheng slammed her teacup onto the table, staring coldly at Madam Wen. "If your son doesn't have this intention, you better make it clear to me now. Don't stubbornly cling on and ruin my daughter's reputation!"

Madam Wen had long been tempted by the idea. It was a substantial sum of money.

Even if her son passed the provincial examination next year, he wouldn't earn as much money!

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry. I've already talked to Wenhai. We settled it last night, and he agreed. He's willing to take the initiative to get closer to Miss Yunwan from now on."

Madam Wen stepped forward and gently tugged at Madam Zheng's sleeve, wearing a pleasing expression.

Madam Zheng raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. "Is it true?"

With a smile, Wen's mother sat down. "It's true. Sister-in-law, tell me, what exactly do you want Wenhai to do? He is determined to marry Miss Yunwan into our family."

Madam Zheng nodded slightly towards Fan Mama, who then went out to stand guard at the door.

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