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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 183: 

Red Phoenix Star 

"Madam," Lin Yunwan said as she came to pay respects to Madam Zheng, but she glanced at Lin Yunjiao first.

Lowering her head, Lin Yunwan smiled.

Xiruo looked puzzled, unable to discern anything.

Lin Yunwan thought to herself how her 'cheap little sister' seemed to have changed. Every time, she managed to arrive earlier than her.

"Yunwan, please have a seat," Madam Zheng said, unwilling to torment Lin Yunwan further. With both Wenhai and his mother here, it was a rare opportunity. It was better to let them bond and finalize the marriage as soon as possible.

"Yes, Madam," Lin Yunwan replied as she sat down. Lin Yunjiao glanced at her and let out a soft snort.

"It's been a few days since we last met, and you've become much more beautiful, little sister," Lin Yunwan unusually praised Lin Yunjiao.

Blushing, Lin Yunjiao blinked and asked coquettishly, "Really?"

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly. "Yes."

How come this legitimate sister also knows how to praise people now?

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Lin Yunjiao wondered inwardly, but she felt extremely pleased. Finally, her efforts in dressing up today didn't go unnoticed, even by her legitimate sister. If that was the case, even a blind person should be able to see her beauty!

On the other hand, Madam Zheng's expression changed when she heard the exchange. She scrutinized her daughter, and her gaze seemed off.

"Jiao'er, come here," Madam Zheng beckoned Lin Yunjiao to sit beside her. Normally, her daughter would sit by her side, so why was she lately so fond of sitting with Yunwan?

Lin Yunjiao got up and sat beside Madam Zheng.

Madam Zheng observed her daughter closely, and Lin Yunjiao coquettishly protested, "Mother, what are you staring at? We have guests."

What was she staring at? She was looking at how her daughter's complexion suddenly appeared rosy!

Her daughter was naturally beautiful, but today, with careful grooming, her features seemed even more enchanting than usual.

Had her daughter finally come to terms with something, prompting her to make such an effort in her appearance?

Madam Zheng couldn't discuss this matter in front of relatives, so she chose not to bring it up. Madame Wen, seeing an opportunity to compliment Madam Zheng, chimed in with a smile, "Second Miss resembles you. Even without any adornment, she's still charming."

Lin Yunjiao turned to Madame Wen and said, "Thank you, Auntie, for your praise."

She felt somewhat pleased and deliberately lowered her posture a bit, as if she was implying something by conversing with Madame Wen.

Even Madame Wen was taken aback for a moment. 

Second Miss was unusually agreeable today!

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Lin Yunwan smiled but remained silent, observing what she had noticed. 

Today was indeed fortuitous.

Madam Zheng found it somewhat strange, but the thought passed quickly. 

Her daughter was finally back to her usual self, and that was a good thing!

"Yunwan, your cousin Wenhai's poetry is quite remarkable. You wouldn't want to embarrass me by being unable to compose poetry at the Zhao family's gathering. It's a good idea to seek advice from your cousin Wenhai," Madam Zheng said. 

"Just in case you attend another banquet and find yourself unable to compose poetry, it might make people think that the ladies of our Lin family lack literary talent."

She was already eager to matchmake between Lin Yunwan and Wenhai as soon as she had settled her daughter's affairs.

However, Lin Yunwan wasn't convinced. "Madam, there's a difference between men and women. At my age, learning poetry from my cousin may not be appropriate."

Without waiting for Madam Zheng to say anything, Lin Yunjiao quickly chimed in, "Exactly."

She muttered under her breath, "Mother, if anyone's going to learn, it should be me first. Why should it be her turn?"

Madam Zheng shot Lin Yunjiao a glare.

This foolish girl!

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Didn't she realize that she was trying to expedite Lin Yunwan's departure from the Lin residence?

And what's so great about Wenhai anyway?

To compete over this?

Madam Zheng continued, "The study room already has all the necessary writing materials."

"Since we're all family here, Yunwan, you don't need to be so particular."

Lin Yunjiao bit her lip, displeased. "Mother!"

Madam Zheng gave her daughter a stern look, indicating that she should not meddle at this moment.

Lin Yunwan looked visibly uncomfortable. "Madam, I've already learned a lot from Madam Fan. But my sister hasn't been attending her lessons with her."

“Madam, if you feel there's no need to avoid suspicion, why don't I give up this opportunity to my sister?” Lin Yunwan suggested.

"Who asked you to give it up?" Lin Yunjiao snapped, her temper flaring up instantly.

She couldn't stand hearing the word "give up" now, especially when it came from Lin Yunwan's mouth. It really got her fired up.

Seeing Lin Yunjiao's reaction, Wenhai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly felt uneasy.

He quickly stood up and bowed, "Aunt, Mother, I-I-I'm not skilled in teaching, I can't teach my sisters. I'll take my leave..."

Before Madam Zheng and Madam Wen could say anything, he slipped away like greased lightning.

"Just as I said, men shouldn't meddle in women's affairs..." Wenhai muttered to himself as he left, his heart pounding in his chest. He was most afraid of getting involved in women's matters; dealing with women was like walking on thin ice, and one wrong move could cost him his life!

Madam Zheng watched the trembling curtain door dumbfoundedly.

"What a coward. Like mud that can't support the wall!" Lin Yunjiao stood up, hummed disdainfully, and left with an attitude.

Madam Zheng took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to call her daughter back and scold her.

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Her daughter had just recovered, and if she angered her again, what if she resorted to another hunger strike? How would she persuade her then?

"Don't be angry, don't be angry..."

There was no need for Lin Yunwan to sit any longer. "Farewell, Madam Zheng," she said.

Madam Zheng waved her hand with closed eyes. "Go on then, go on!"

If it weren't for the fear of disrupting the marriage proposal, she would have been less accommodating!

With everyone gone, only Madam Zheng and Madam Wen remained.

They stared at each other, and Madam Zheng vented her anger on Wenmo. "You're really something! How did you raise Wenhai to be like that? He's completely useless. I even pushed Yunwan towards him, what else do you expect me, as his aunt, to do? Should I even have to hand her over to him—" Madam Zheng stopped herself before saying something insane.

Madam Wen awkwardly replied, "Cousin, please don't be angry. This child has always been honest. I'll go back and teach him properly."

Madam Zheng said impatiently, "Indeed, he needs to be properly disciplined! He's been here so many times, yet I fear he hasn't even seen what Yunwan looks like clearly."

Madam Wen didn't dare to retort because Madam Zheng was right. Her son had always been timid. Unless provoked, he would simply hide whenever something happened.

"I'm tired," Madam Zheng rubbed her temples.

Madam Wen promptly stood up and said, "Cousin, you rest well. I won't disturb you anymore."

She hurriedly left to go back and reason with her son, urging him to be more proactive.

"As expected..." Lin Yunwan didn't immediately return home after coming out. Instead, she followed Lin Yunjiao from a distance to see what she was up to.

Xiruo remarked, "Miss, it seems like Second Miss is tailing Young Master."

Lin Yunwan replied, "It's not just seeming, it's certain."

While Lin Yunjiao appeared to be strolling casually, her gaze couldn't leave Wenhai. Her Red Phoenix star was in motion.

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"I wonder what Madam Zheng would think if she found out," Lin Yunwan said curiously.

Xiruo chuckled and said, "Madam Zheng would definitely be fuming."

Thinking of the situation, Lin Yunwan laughed, "Second Miss is still as unpredictable as ever. Let's wait and see."


The next day, Lin Yunwan went to learn the zither from Fan Mama as usual. During the break, she went to serve tea to the Old Madam. Madam Lin came over, greeted the Old Madam, and shared some good news: "It's a boy."

Lin Yunwan learned that the First Master had another legitimate grandson. The Old Madam sighed and recited a Buddhist mantra, saying, "It's been several years since the eldest legitimate grandson in your family passed away. After waiting for so long, we finally have another legitimate grandson."

First Madam Lin was also very pleased. "Yes, without another legitimate heir, even I wouldn't be able to sit still!"

The Old Madam smiled and said, "We need to start preparing for the full moon banquet."

First Madam Lin came for this matter specifically. She asked, "Do you think we should invite Prince Huan?"

Given Madam Lin's high status, it was understandable to invite a prince for a birthday celebration. However, it was optional to invite him for the birth of a child.

After some thought, the Old Madam said, "Let's invite him. Whether the prince comes or not is inconsequential. We should maintain our dignity."

Sitting in front of the zither, Lin Yunwan was lost in thought, pondering the words of the Old Madam and First Madam Lin. She played the zither absentmindedly.

Would he come?

As for the matter of marriage, she had no idea how he was preparing.

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