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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 18:

Targeting Him!

"Your scolding was too harsh; they had to tie you up."

The news reached the ears of the Old Madam, who remained indifferent.

Yan Mama was a bit worried. "Old Madam, should we intervene?"

Old Madam Lu replied confidently, "Yunwan can handle it."

She twirled a string of newly acquired Buddhist beads and proceeded to the small Buddha hall for prayers.

When Qing Ge'er arrived, he didn't see her but encountered Ge Bao'er. She discreetly hugged him, then inquired softly behind the jade curtain cabinet, "Did you eat the breakfast the servants sent you this morning?"

"I ate it, Mom, and I could tell it was made by you."

Ge Bao'er pinched his cheek and asked how he was doing in the front courtyard. Qing Ge'er was enjoying his time; being the only boy in the front courtyard, he was like a little king, and nobody dared to go against his wishes.

"How's your learning? Can you compare to your previous teacher?"

This was the most crucial question for Ge Bao'er. Qing Ge'er suddenly lowered his eyebrows, struggling to find the right words.

What happened? Is Lady Yunwan not teaching Qing Ge'er properly?

Ge Bao'er tightly grabbed her son's shoulders, urgently inquiring, "Did Lady Yunwan not teach you anything?"

Qing Ge'er shook his head, expressing confusion. "Lady Yunwan is teaching us in a strange way."

"In what way?"

Qing Ge'er mumbled, "She makes us write 'heng' every day; it's so annoying, and I don't like it." 

Every day writing 'heng'?

Ge Bao'er couldn't understand, but after wrongly accusing Lin Yunwan a few days ago, she couldn't afford to misunderstand again. She had to clarify things this time.

"Qing Ge'er, bring some of the things you write every day for Mom."


Suddenly, Yan Mama, who had been eavesdropping outside, appeared.

Ge Bao'er was startled and hurriedly called out, "Yan Mama."

Yan Mama stared at her for a while and asked with a smile, "What were Miss and Second Young Master talking about?"

Her smile was unsettling and far from genuine.

Ge Bao'er said, "I-I asked the young master if he liked the food I made this morning."

"Ah, the young master must like Miss' cooking; she's skilled." Yan Mama walked in, taking hold of Qing Ge'er's hand, and said, "Madam has lost track of time in the Buddha hall. Second Young Master Qing Ge'er, go and call her out."

"Madam loves Young Master Qing Ge'er the most. Throughout the mansion, only Young Master Qing Ge'er can make Madam come out of her shell."

Indeed, Madam Lu cared a lot for Qing Ge'er.

Qing Ge'er happily went to fetch her.

Ge Bao'er felt a mix of emotions. Why couldn't she express concern for her own son with a few words? Well, she decided to be more open-minded. If Madam Lu could treat her son kindly, it might not be a bad thing.


Qing Ge'er remembered Ge Bao'er's request and brought several sheets of paper the next day.

"Mom, these are the things Madam teaches every day, the assignments she gives."

Ge Bao'er was baffled, looking at pages filled with just a single horizontal line.

"W-what is she teaching? Is this what you learn every day from Young Madam?"

Qing Ge'er nodded.

"Does the eldest young master also learn only this?" Ge Bao'er asked again.

Qing Ge'er nodded once more.

Ge Bao'er, unable to comprehend, questioned Qing Ge'er further, "Did your previous teacher teach this way?"

Qing Ge'er responded, "No, not at all. In the first lesson, the teacher taught me strokes. After learning from Madam for so many days, I almost forgot the characters my old teacher taught me."

What a ridiculous method! Not only failing to teach the student but also erasing what the student had previously learned.

Ge Bao'er discreetly kept the sheets of paper.

After studying drawing horizontal lines for some time, Qing Ge'er became frustrated and started dozing off during class.

"Second young master, wake up."

Second Young Master Qing Ge'er, startled, opened his eyes to find Lin Yunwan standing before him, with Ping Ye beside her.

"Mother, I-I was wrong."

Lin Yunwan calmly set down the teaching manual and said, "It's alright. Have some sweet treats and rest for a moment."

Ping Ye and Tao Ye, two maids, brought two bowls of sugar-steamed curd for the two.

The incredibly sweet dessert awakened the glutton in Qing Ge'er. However, Lu Chang Gong, smelling the fragrance, merely pursed his lips.

"Thank you, Tao Ye sister."

Qing Ge'er couldn't wait, "Thank you, Ping Ye sister."

Lu Chang Gong's voice was not loud, and his movements were slow and steady; completely the opposite of Qing Ge'er

Once the two finished eating and their emotions relaxed, Lin Yunwan began to speak gently, "On your first day of class, I explained this 'Bamboo Branch Copybook' to you."

Both of them looked up, gazing at her with admiration.

"Among the various copybooks, I chose this one because, in addition to the common five styles of calligraphy, the compiler of this copybook also provided many annotations on unique practice techniques."

"Fundamentally, it all comes down to having a solid foundation; to achieve that, diligent learning and hard practice are indispensable."

"I know you might feel impatient writing the same things repeatedly, but calligraphy is like this, and so is the arduous study behind it. There's no room for deceit. Today's self-satisfaction may lead to impatience tomorrow. Watching daily progress may seem like constructing a tall building, adorned with flowers and bright lights, but if there's no solid foundation, it will collapse one day."

Outside the window, green bamboo swayed, making a rustling sound.

The study room remained tranquil for a while.

The two bewildered children finally came to their senses. Lu Chang Gong stood up and bowed, "Mother, your son is grateful for the guidance."

Qing Ge'er also stood up, "Your son is grateful for the guidance."

Lin Yunwan nodded.

“Mother, do we have to keep writing like this for a long time?” Qinge'er, just receiving the guidance of patience, couldn't wait to ask for a timeframe.

Ping Ye, irritated, turned and left.

What a difficult student! The effort the Young Madam put in seems to be in vain.

Lin Yunwan remained calm and said, "Another half a month should be sufficient."

Another half a month... Qing Ge'er's hands were sore now, and as he sat down with a weary face, the initial enthusiasm he had faded, replaced by drowsiness.

So, he decided to "fall ill."

He took three days of sick leave, much to the distress of the staff at Yu Shou Tang.

 Old Madam Lu personally inquired, "What's going on? Why is Qing Ge'er not attending class?"

After sending someone to check, Yan Mama came back and reported, "He's been lying in bed, complaining of headaches, stomachaches, and can't even open his eyes."

"Why not call a doctor then!"

“Yes, I'll send someone right away.”

“The more doctors, the better!”

“I understand.”

How could her great grandson fall ill, he's so young!

Ge Bao'er felt the pain in her heart, tears streaming down as she cried, "Old Madam, Qinge'er has hardly ever been sick under my care. Can I go..."


Old Madam Lu frowned, "You're not a doctor. What trouble would you bring by going there?"

Ge Bao'er sobbed quietly.

Old Madam Lu wanted to bring the child over, but worried about causing harm by moving him around, she decided to wait for the doctor. She instructed a maid to call Qing Ge'er's personal servant, and from behind a folding screen, she personally questioned, "How did the boy, who was perfectly fine, fall ill? Did he eat something bad? How are you taking care of him?"

The servant, trembling, knelt behind the screen, saying, "Old Madam, spare us. It's not that we didn't take good care. Young Master is... he is..."

“He's... he's exhausted.”

“What? Exhaustion made him sick?”

Old Madam Lu couldn't believe it. Could Qing Ge'er be so worn out under Lin Yunwan's care?

Ge Bao'er suddenly stopped crying, gritting her teeth, she said in a low voice, “Old Madam, I have something to report.”

Old Madam Lu glanced at her.

Ge Bao'er took out the sheets of paper from her sleeve.

Lin Yunwan not only made Qing Ge'er write useless things, but also caused him to fall ill.

Lin Yunwan never liked Qing Ge'er from the start. She deliberately targeted him!

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