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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 17:

Tricky Servant

"Madam, Yan Mama is here."

"Invite her in," replied Yunwan.

Yan Mama entered with a booklet in her hand, smiling, "Madam, why are you still working so late?"

Yunwan put down her brush, saying, "I'm preparing lessons for the two young masters."

Yan Mama glanced over and saw on the table by the window a book titled 'Zhu Zhi Tie' and another empty sheet of paper covered in small characters.

Madam sincerely cares for Master Qing. Holding the booklet, Yan Mama said, "Madam, take care of your eyes and, more importantly, your health."

Yunwan nodded and instructed Ping Ye, "Bring a bowl of Clear Wind and Jade Dew tea."

Initially reluctant, Yan Mama sat down upon hearing the elegant name. Ping Ye served the Clear Wind and Jade Dew tea.

Upon smelling the fragrance, Yan Mama took a sip and praised, "So fragrant!" Reluctant to drink more at this late hour, she said, "If it were morning, I would surely finish a bowl of tea from Madam."

Tao Ye explained softly on the side, "It's fine for Nanny to have a sip. This is Pu-erh tea, good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, and won't affect your sleep at night."

"Is it really that wonderful?" Nanny Yan finished the entire cup.

Peach Leaf, seizing the opportunity, continued, "Pu-erh tea needs three to four infusions to bring out its best flavor. You arrived at the perfect time; either earlier or later, you wouldn't have had a chance to taste it."

Feeling fortunate, Yan Mama left after enjoying the tea. When she handed over the booklet with the decisions made by the Old Madam to Yunwan, there was no significant reaction. Treating it as an ordinary household matter, Yunwan accepted it without much ado.

After Yan Mama left, Yunwan opened the booklet, finding things just as expected. Ping Ye chuckled, "Old Madam indeed removed Qiao Da from the job of trimming bamboo branches! Now Qiao Da is sure to make a fuss about it."

Tao Ye expressed some concerns, "I'm afraid Qiao Da, if he causes a disturbance, won't have a sense of propriety and might implicate Young Madam."

However, Yunwan was unperturbed and calmly said, "Although Qiao Da has a temper, he's not an unreasonable person."

The remaining Clear Breeze Jade Dew tea was consumed by Ping Ye.


In Yu Shou Tang,

Yan Mama, having enjoyed such fancy tea in the Chui Si Tang, felt obligated to speak a few words in favor of Yunwan. She told her master, "Reducing others' responsibilities might not be a problem, but that Qiao Da is a bit tricky."

How could the Old Madam not know? However, she had her limitations. "If I don't cut Qiao Da's duties, then whose should I cut? Those who presented themselves are all people from my side. If I can't even take care of those in my courtyard, and as I'm not managing the household now, when I'm older, I'll truly become a deaf and dumb old lady."

"You're right. I just worry that Qiao Da might cause trouble for the Young Madam, and it won't look good if things get messy."

The Old Madam was unconcerned, saying, "Yunwan is more capable than you think. She can handle these small matters. Moreover, marrying her into the family is for the purpose of managing the household well. If she can't handle such trivial matters, she's not fit to be the mistress of our house."

The Old Madam, having been a hands-off manager for years, had become accustomed to a comfortable life and had forgotten the difficulties of running a household. Yan Mama had nothing more to say.

"Go to the side building and inform that rural woman. When the Young Madam's side finishes the roster, someone will go to serve her. From now on, she should behave herself. Let her use Xiliu for now."


Nanny Yan also went to inform Ge Bao'er.

"Xiliu is a second-tier maid close to the Old Madam. She understands the rules of the house. If there's anything you do not understand, you should ask her first. Don't rush to instigate things with the Old Madam. The top priority for Miss in the future at the Lu residence is to serve the Old Madam well. Other matters are for the Young Madam to handle, and Miss should refrain from getting involved in other matters."

Ge Bao'er nodded her head that she understood and turned to look at the young maid beside Yan Mama.

"Miss, I'm Xiliu."

A young maid entered, barely reaching marriageable age, her appearance matching her name – like the delicate willows by a clear stream. She had a slender figure and a refined face. The name was assigned according to the hierarchy of the maids when they entered the household, and "Xiliu" was chosen by the Young Madam, sounding exceptionally pleasant.

Pleased with her name, Xiliu introduced herself, "Miss, I'm Xiliu."

Curious, Ge Boa'er observed her and then said, "You're younger than me. From now on, consider me your older sister."

Xiliu was taken aback, "Miss, I dare not! You're the mistress, and I'm just a maid."

Ge Boa'er smiled and took Xiliu's hand, inviting her to sit together. She said, "Don't call yourself just a maid. In this household, we're like sisters. Spend time with me, and I'll treat you like a younger sister."

Xiliu, sensing Ge Boa'er's sincerity, hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed, feeling a warmth in their newfound connection.

Ge Bao'er, eager to learn about the rules and customs of the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion, asked Xiliu to explain. Xiliu briefly described some important points and simple etiquette. During the conversation, Ge Boa'er discovered something interesting.

"Xiliu, you just mentioned that the master can change a servant's name, right?" Ge Bao'er asked.

Xiliu nodded and said, "Yes."

Ge Bao'er grinned and suggested, "I haven't read many books, and your name is a bit hard for me to pronounce. How about I change it for you? Let's go with Wuer, what do you think?"

Xiliu looked surprised but then quickly nodded, assuring Boa'er that it was indeed possible.

Excitedly, Ge Boa'er declared, "From now on, I'll call you Wu'er!"

Xiliu could only agree with a smile, accepting her new name.

Wu'er, understanding Ge Boa'er's excitement, began to list the privileges that come with being a young miss in the mansion.

"Firstly, the room will be redecorated. When Eldest Young Miss, Young Master Lu Zhengliu's older sister, was here, her living quarters were much more luxurious than this," Wu'er explained. Eldest Sister, who was only the half-sister of Lu Zhengliu, had been married for many years.

Wu'er continued describing the lavish items, "Mother-of-pearl inlaid folding screens, intricately carved dressing mirrors, sandalwood clothes hangers, even the embroidery cushions are wrapped in silk."

Ge Boa'er listened with wide-eyed fascination, captivated by the prospect of such opulence.

The next day, after a rest, Ge Boa'er found herself murmuring while looking around her makeshift living quarters. It was a simple setup with only a bed and a trunk, lacking even the basics compared to the servants' rooms.

"It's not a big deal," she reassured herself, knowing that improvements would come in due time.

The following morning, Ge Bao'er woke up early to cook. Instead of preparing just a single portion for the Old Madam, she worked diligently and made five servings. Each master's courtyard received one. 

The news reached Old Madam Lu, who seemed to know everything. Observing Ge Bao'er's diligent behavior, she coldly asked, "Why are you sending food to Yunwan's courtyard? What do you want?"

Even if misunderstood, Ge Bao'er didn't feel aggrieved. She sincerely explained, "Since she is genuinely raising Young Master Qing Ge'er, I have nothing to worry about. As a newcomer to the Lu family and now your grand-niece, the miss of the Lu family, I naturally need to treat everyone with equal care."

Old Madam Lu scrutinized her, not entirely convinced. Unconcerned about how she was perceived, Ge Bao'er focused on arranging the dishes. "Have your meal; otherwise, it will get cold," she said, handing over a porcelain bowl to Old Madam Lu.

Old Madam Lu couldn't believe that Ge Bao'er could endure for decades, all for the chance to outlive Lin Yanwan. She hoped that if a real problem arose, Lin Yunwan would consider Ge Bao'er's relatively docile behavior.


With the decree to reduce tasks issued, Qiao Da indeed caused a scene.

"What kind of thing are you! How dare you touch Qiao Da's tasks! When I was earning merits, you didn't even know where you were playing with mud!"

"Call your father! Call your ancestors! See if your father and ancestors dare to act high and mighty in front of me!"

"Today, if I don't teach you all a lesson, I really don't know the prestige of Qiao Da back then!"

The steward, unable to handle the situation, invoked Lin Yunwan's authority, saying, "Stop making trouble. We're just following the orders of the Young Madam."

"Nonsense! Anyone could have cut my tasks, but Young Madam would never!"

"My merits in the Marquis's residence, Young Madam understands better than anyone! Young Madam is more considerate than anyone!"

"I want to see Young Madam! I want to see Young Madam!"

The steward scolded him, "Keep causing trouble, and I'll tie you up! Do you think you can barge into the inner courtyard where the female family members live?"

When Qiao Da continued to resist, he quietly revealed some information, "It's not about Young Madam, she is also constrained. Isn't it Old Madam trying to accommodate the newly arrived niece..."

"Do you know how well Young Madam treats you? Can't you understand Young Madam's difficulties?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Da became even more furious.

"Cause trouble for this niece! A nobody like her dares to meddle in the affairs of Qiao Da, I'll skin her alive!"

The steward was exasperated. "He's gone mad! Someone, come and tie him up! Gag him!"

"Try tying up your Grandpa! Ahh—ahh—"

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