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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 165: 


"Xiaoxiang Ting, where is it?" 

Whenever there was an opportunity, Dong Shuangshuang would come over to find Lin Yunwan. The two of them left the flower hall, walking through the Jishan garden. 

Dong Shuangshuang linked arms with Lin Yunwan, heading towards a shady spot. 

She said, "This garden is very large." 

After only a few steps, they saw women strolling around everywhere.

Jiangqian had many private gardens, and the scenery of this garden on Jishan was very famous. Those who came to visit would seize the opportunity to take a look at this garden.

Dong Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Your West Lin Manor has rented half of this garden. The other half of the garden is often being used for discussion by the scholars of Jishan Society, where they talk about poetry and essays. If you walk from here, around the back of the artificial hill, and through a grove of trees, you'll find the Xiaoxiang Ting."

"From the pavilion's tower, you can see the scholars of Jishan Society discussing academic matters in the courtyard." Dong Shuangshuang whispered, "Not many people know about it."

"Today happens to be the day when the scholars of Jishan Society debate about essays. Once we ascend the pavilion later, you'll be able to see them," Dong Shuangshuang said.

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Lin Yunwan smiled faintly.

She really had nothing to worry about!

As they walked along, they exchanged a few casual remarks, discussing trivial matters such as their usual diet and who designed the garden.

"Miss..." Xiruo whispered behind Lin Yunwan.

Following Xiruo's hint, Lin Yunwan looked over and saw A'Fu appearing in the distance. Why was he here? Did it mean that the prince was also here?

"Yunwan, why did you stop walking?"

Lin Yunwan quickly turned around and said to Dong Shuang: "Shuangshuang, can you go back and watch for me?"

"If someone from the mansion asks for me, just let your maid come over."

Dong Shuangshuang thought for a moment, and it was indeed a good idea for her to go back and keep watch. She wasn't a member of the Lin mansion, so if she kept an eye out for Lin Yunwan, they wouldn't suspect anything.

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Once Dong Shuangshuang left, Lin Yunwan took Xiruo to the depths of the garden. They arrived in front of a pavilion, where Afu was waiting.


Lin Yunwan walked over and looked up, only to see the Xiaoxiang Pavilion!

She asked A'Fu, "Is the prince here?"

Qi Lingheng came out of the courtyard gate of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. His face was gentle, but his eyes seemed a bit deeper than before. "I'm here."

Lin Yunwan and Xiruo both took a step back and bowed to Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng nodded. "Please rise."

Lin Yunwan looked around and saw that there was no one else around.

...No need to say, wherever the prince comes, there will certainly be no idle bystanders.

She had already seen the prince twice. Was it not a coincidence? Lin Yunwan asked directly, "Your Highness, why are you here?"

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly. "The Lin Family rented this garden. Don't you know who the owner of this garden is?"

"Is it yours?"

Lin Yunwan was very curious. The prince hadn't been in Jiangqian for long, so this garden shouldn't belong to him, right?

Indeed, it wasn't Qi Lingheng's.

He said, "It belongs to my uncle." Qi Lingheng glanced at her and continued, "My uncle said that once I get married, this garden will be gifted to me."

Lin Yunwan was puzzled. Why did he mention this to her?

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She lowered her gaze slightly, feeling uneasy now that the prince had also come to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to continue her task of secretly observing the scholars of the Jishan Society in front of him.

"You didn't come here for this?" Qi Lingheng pushed open the door of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion and said, "Why hesitate? Come in."

He stood by the door, tall and imposing, his face devoid of a smile but exuding a peculiar warmth, quite unlike how he interacted with the local officials in Jiangqian.

"Your Highness..."  Lin Yunwan wanted to enter the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, but she didn't want to go in with Qi Lingheng.

However, Qi Lingheng didn't mind. "Miss Lin, let's go inside and talk," he said.

After a pause, Lin Yunwan entered with Xiruo, followed by A'Fu. Soon after, several guards surrounded the Xiaoxiang Ting, standing watch.

"No wonder it's called the Xiaoxiang Ting," Lin Yunwan murmured to herself as she entered. 

The pavilion was filled with bamboo, some of which grew as tall as the second floor, indicating that they had been rooted here for many years.

Qi Lingheng led Lin Yunwan inside and remarked, "There's not much to see on the first floor, but you can see a lot of scenery from the second floor."

She had originally intended to go up to the second floor... Lin Yunwan followed him upstairs.

The stairs leading up to the attic were narrow, and the footsteps echoed loudly with each step. Only Qi Lingheng's footsteps sounded particularly steady.

Once they reached the second floor, Xiruo at Qi Lingheng's instruction, pushed open a pair of windows, allowing voices to drift in.

"...So you're saying you've already prepared the article?"

"Quick, let's see it. Stop being so modest, Brother Yan. Don't decline anymore; just let us enjoy it."

Lin Yunwan looked down at the spacious courtyard below, where many tables and chairs were arranged. There were many young scholars, some dressed in straight robes, some in wide-sleeved long robes, and some in variegated attire—clothes reserved for those who had passed the civil examinations.

"It really is..." she murmured.

It was indeed an excellent location, offering a panoramic view of the scholarly activities and discussions within the Jishan Society. However, the bamboo was so lush that those scholars wouldn't be able to see anyone up on the attic.

"Miss Lin, have you been getting close to that Madam Dong recently?" Qi Lingheng suddenly asked.

Lin Yunwan thought about how Qi Lingheng had acted, causing Lu Rong to become paralyzed. She didn't want to avoid the topic with Qi Lingheng, so she looked into his eyes and said, "Your Highness, didn't you see it? She was supposed to bring me to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion today."

Qi Lingheng glanced at her. He straightforwardly asked, "Is there anything particularly attractive to you both in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion?"

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Lin Yunwan smiled and looked towards the scholars of the Jishan Society, then asked back, "Your Highness, haven't you already seen it?"

Qi Lingheng had indeed seen those scholars.

A group of vibrant scholars, perhaps among them were the future pillars of the court.

Lin Yunwan said calmly, "Your Highness once reminded me to plan ahead for myself."

"A woman has limited options, mostly marrying well," Qi Lingheng frowned, "So that's why that Madam Dong brought you here..."

"Yes," Lin Yunwan admitted openly. She was here to choose a husband. The prince had helped her so much, and together they had done many unconventional things. What difference would it make if he knew?

Qi Lingheng, upon realizing this, wore an expression of resignation. So helping Lin Yunwan deal with Lu Rong had led to this?

If he had known...

Lin Yunwan turned to look at Qi Lingheng, only to find his expression less than favorable.

"Your Highness?"

"Hmm," Qi Lingheng replied before asking, "With so many people here, how can you know who is worthy of trust and who isn't?"

Lin Yunwan was prepared for this question.

Seeing the booklet, Qi Lingheng furrowed his brows. She was indeed well-prepared. If he had known any later, would she have even researched others' eight characters[1]?

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[1] Matching Eight Characters: the term "八字" (bāzì) refers to the four components of a person's birth date and time: year, month, day, and hour. When considering marriage, people often look at the compatibility of the "八字" of the couple, which involves analyzing the astrological aspects of their birth dates and times. This practice is known as "八字配对" (bāzì pèiduì), which translates to "matching eight characters."

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  1. Auahahah. Waifu is already looking at the other's birth charts, but didn't ask for mine! Waifu T.T


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