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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 165: 



"The niece-in-law of the master of West Lin Mansion is celebrating her birthday. Since she has already separated from the main family, she rented the garden on Jishan to celebrate her birthday."

"I heard that the young ladies from West Lin Mansion will all be there. Don't restrain Yunwan and Yunjiao. Let Madam Zheng take them along."

Lin Huabin bowed and said, "Understood, Mother."

Old Madam Lin glanced at the time and said, "It's not early... actually it's perfect timing. You can take Yunwan back with you."


Lin Yunwan rose and took her leave with Lin Huabin.

Back in the second mansion, Lin Huabin remarked to Lin Yunwan, "Grandmother is very kind to you."

He usually only visits once a month, and Grandmother rarely engages in small talk with him. This time, she actually spoke to him about Yunwan's matters. It shows that she likes him as her "daughter."

Lin Yunwan didn't know if there was any meaning behind Lin Huabin's words, so she just replied, "Grandmother is compassionate..."

Lin Huabin smiled faintly.

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Grandmother wasn't a kind-hearted person; when she got tough, even his elder brother was afraid of her.

However, it wasn't a bad thing that Mother was a bit nicer to Yunwan.

"I'll go to see Madam Zheng; you don't need to follow. Did you hear what Grandmother said? Go back and prepare your attire for the guest visit."


Lin Yunwan returned to Bi Xi Hall, while Lin Huabin went to find Madam Zheng.

The relationship between the couple was now extremely delicate. Although Lin Huabin was very unhappy with some of the things Madam Zheng had done, he still hoped that Madam Zheng could be like she used to be, occasionally doing something... just like they were when they were younger.

But Madam Zheng was no longer daring.

"Husband, you're back?"

Madam Zheng looked at her husband's expression, which seemed gentle, indicating he probably wouldn't get angry again. She smiled and said, "It's so hot today. You should hurry and freshen up, change your clothes."

Lin Huabin was already taking off his clothes. Madam Zheng reached out to help him and heard him say, "There are relatives celebrating a birthday at the West Lin Manor, the old master's niece-in-law. Our old madam said to take you and the two daughters over."

The relationship was too complicated. Zheng Shi paused for a moment before understanding. She replied, "Alright. But Jiao'er is still unwell. Ah, half sick and half temperamental. Dear, why don't you go and persuade her yourself?"

Lin Huabin agreed.

He also said to Madam Zheng, "By the way, could you write an article for me?"

He still didn't know the name of Madam Zheng's relatives from her maiden family.

Madam Zheng felt hopeful and asked, "What do you need Wenhai's article for?"

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Lin Huabin thought for a moment before responding, "There's a scholarly society at Jishan, where many students who have achieved good success in the examinations, including Jiang Qian, are members."

"Wen...Wenhai, he's new here, and nobody knows him, nor does he have any reputation. How do you expect me to introduce him to Zhao Jingyi?"

How could he introduce this prospective son-in-law to Zhao Jingyi?

Lin Huabin continued, "I'll read his article first. If it's well-written, I'll find someone to invite him in."

A scholar who joins the Jishan Society and shows some talent will surely impress Zhao Jingyi. If he becomes their son-in-law, it will be prestigious to speak of it in the future.


Madam Zheng was even happier than Lin Huabin; after all, it was her maternal relative!

Previously, the Lin family looked down on the Zheng family for their lack of background. Having an outstanding scholar associated with them would add to their reputation, which would benefit Madam Zheng's standing.

As soon as Lin Huabin left, Madam Zheng immediately instructed Fan Mama, "Ask Wenhai to write an excellent article. Tell him I have a great use for it." 

Fan Mama was about to go.

Madam Zheng suddenly remembered something and called her back, adding, "It's best to have it by tomorrow!"

Fan Mama replied, "Madam, can one write a good eight-legged essay overnight?"

Madam Zheng scolded, "Use your brain! Can't you ask him to submit an old one?"

Fan Mama relented, "Yes."

Fan Mama didn't know what Madam was thinking but felt the request was too urgent.

Isn't it said that good articles are polished over time?

Unable to hold back, Madam Zheng shared her plan with her, "If his article impresses Master, when the West Lin Mansion holds its celebratory feast, I'll bring him along and let him shine in front of our relatives."

Nanny thought the idea was good.

Perhaps Miss will have taken a liking to Master Wenhai, and then the mistress won't have any worries.

"I'll go right away."

When Fan Mama returned, she brought back an article.

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Madam Zheng handed the article to Mr. Lin and said, "Master, please take a look."

"So fast?"

Lin Huabin smelled of fish sauce. He picked up the article and read it carefully, pacing around the room.

"It's well-written."

Setting down the article, he wrote a letter himself to a junior, asking that junior to introduce Wenhai into the Jishan Society.

Madam Zheng, seeing that everything was settled, curiously asked, "Master, why don't you join the Jishan Society?"

Lin Huabin straightened his back, maintaining his dignity. "...They're all juniors, what would I do there?"

He already held an official position, and although he was eager to make connections with the younger generation, he couldn't simply mingle among them.

"You're right," Madam Zheng said sheepishly.


On the day of the banquet at the Jishan Garden, the young wives and daughters of the Eastern Lin Manor all went out together. 

The senior madam and Madam Zheng also went together, while the third madam, feeling unwell, stayed home to look after the house.

"Miss, Second Miss Lin is also willing to go out."

Xiruo helped Lin Yunwan onto the carriage, and as she turned her head, she saw Lin Yunjiao also getting into the carriage.

She stood by the carriage and lifted the curtain.

Lin Yunwan glanced over, seeing Lin Yunjiao still wearing a sour expression. When a maid accidentally failed to hold steady, she gave her a glare... If it weren't for the crowd, the maid would have been slapped.

"Not only Miss Lin, but also the madam's relatives are going."

Lin Yunwan noticed another carriage.

Madam Zheng's elder sister-in-law had already returned home, but Wenhai and his mother stayed behind.

Madam Zheng instructed the household staff, "They'll stay behind to keep me and the master company and be properly entertained. Master Wenhai is a young man; the maids in the backyard are not allowed to approach him casually."

The mother and son settled comfortably in the Lin Mansion.

Xiruo also saw Young Master Wenhai. She stared for a while until Lin Yunwan told her to get into the carriage.

"Stop staring," Lin Yunwan said.

Xiruo nodded and got into the carriage, saying, "Miss, did you notice just now? Young Master Wenhai's chest seemed bulging. I wonder what he's hiding in there."

What could it be? Perhaps a stack of papers.

Lin Yunwan said calmly, "When unfamiliar scholars meet, they recognize each other through their writings. He brought many excellent works over, so it seems he's well-prepared and aiming to stand out."

Xiruo frowned and said, "It must be Madam's idea."

Lin Yunwan didn't pay much attention to it.

This time, when she returned to the garden in Jishan, she wanted to see the other scholars in Jishan Society. Among them, there were a few whose impressions were quite good, and she wondered what they looked like in person.

"What a charming garden!"

Upon arriving at Jishan, as they ascended the mountain and entered the garden, the maids and servants were all captivated by the scenery in the garden.

Servants from West Lin Manor had come to greet them early on.

"The main hall is this way, Madams and Mistresses."

After the servants from East Lin Manor entered the main hall, Lin Yunwan paid her respects to the elders of West Lin Manor and then spotted Dong Shuangshuang.

Dong Shuangshuang smiled at her and handed over a piece of paper.

On it were three words.

— Xiaoxiang Ting[1].

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[1] Xiaoxiang Ting: Peace/Tranquility Pavilion

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