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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 163: 

 Helping Her

"The prince must have not appeared here by chance." Xiruo also saw Qi Lingheng and whispered to Lin Yunwan. 

Lin Yunwan moved her red lips slightly and whispered, "Go and greet the prince." 

There were also maids from the Lin Mansion nearby, and she couldn't move freely, so she could only let Xiruo go in the chaos. 

Xiruo nodded, stepped back, and said loudly, "Miss, this servant will also go down to see the situation." 

"Go ahead."

Lin Yunwan watched as Xiruo walked away.

With agility on her side, Xiruo easily maneuvered through the chaotic street and ascended the opposite second floor.

Lin Yunwan saw Qi Lingheng disappear soon after.

He went to speak with Xiruo.

Not long after, Xiruo returned to Lin Yunwan's side. She sighed and said, "The mansion guards haven't arrived yet. Miss, please wait a little longer." She deliberately spoke for the maid beside her to hear, then whispered to Lin Yunwan, "The prince said... he wants to help you."


Did the prince know what she wanted to do? How did he plan to help her?

Lin Yunwan looked towards Qi Lingheng.

He smiled faintly and glanced at the street.

"The mansion guards have arrived," Xiruo reminded Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan also lowered her gaze to the street below, where a group of guards clad in armor charged into the crowd. Behind them, mounted guards followed closely, with one of them likely being the leader of the guards.

"All stop!"

"Move aside! Move aside! Anyone dares to lay a hand again—"

"Mansion guards are arresting people! Run!"


The crowded street began to see scattering bodies fleeing every direction, their feet carrying them away swiftly. The leader of the guards shouted, "No one is allowed to run!"

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But at this moment, nobody paid heed to him. If they couldn't escape, they would be brought back to the yamen. They would either face a beating or imprisonment, and their families would have to spend money to get them released. Who wouldn't run? 

Lu Rong certainly didn't want to be the one left behind.

"Oh... oh..."

But his leg was already broken, the pain was unbearable, and he couldn't run any further.

Lu Rong called out the servant's name, but he couldn't find him anywhere.

He struggled to stand up, taking a couple of unsteady steps forward, when suddenly he felt a heavy blow on his back, striking his spine.



He remembered nothing, his eyes closed as he passed out... Perhaps he was dead!

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Ln Yunwan and Xiruo, watching from upstairs, clearly saw a guard, who looked like A'Fu, strike Lu Rong unconscious.

"Miss, it was A'Fu," Xi Ruo whispered.

A'Fu wore a nondescript blue robe. Without revealing his identity, no one would have known he was a eunuch from the prince's entourage.

He stood beside the guard who had struck, and in no time, he vanished.

"Prince..." Lin Yuan murmured, lifting her head to look, but Qi Lingheng was already gone.

He truly knew what she intended to do!

"Miss, there's a disturbance downstairs caused by the gamblers. The guards have intervened, and they'll soon clear a path," the Mama informed after inquiring downstairs.

Lin Yunwan donned her veil and spoke gently, "Thank you for your hard work, Mama. It's still chaotic outside, so let's wait a bit longer before going down."

The Mama, still trembling, replied, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

She walked up to Lin Yunwan's side, her eyes fixed on the commotion below, and added, "Today has been truly unfortunate. Old Madam Lin and the Madam have never encountered such a situation before."

Lin Yunwan softly reassured her, "With the guards present, everything will be fine."

The Mama smiled and nodded in response.

After waiting for a while, Xiruo poured a cup of tea for Lin Yunwan. Lin Yunwan, still wearing her veil, took a sip from the cup. The coachman approached and stood by the stairs, too intimidated to come near the young lady. He lowered his head and said, "The young miss can be brought down now."

Lin Yunwan then descended the stairs together with the housekeeper. With the Mama's support, she boarded the carriage, and they departed.

"Can you guess what she really wants to do?" Qi Lingheng asked with a faint smile as he watched the carriage of the Lin Family depart from the second floor of the tavern.

A'Fu paused for a moment and replied, "Perhaps the young lady feels sympathy for Madam Dong?"

Qi Lingheng shook his head.

"A'Fu," Qi Lingheng said in a serious tone, "There's no 'perhaps.' She may have compassion, but it's not the only thing she harbors."

Relying solely on compassion, she wouldn't easily intervene for others.

Back at the palace, Qi Lingheng rubbed his temples, thinking of the time Xiruo had reminded him that "the young lady is very clever." This only exacerbated his irritation.

What was he so bothered about?


"Miss, Master requests your presence."

As soon as Lin Yunwan arrived home, Zhao Mama came to deliver the message.


Lin Yunwan already guessed that Lin Huabin wanted to see her, so she changed her clothes and went over.

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Lin Yunwan greeted Lin Huabin.

Madam Zheng is not in the house. With all the chaos in the mansion today, Lin Yunjiao is probably in a state of distress. Where would Madam Zheng find the time to come and trouble her?

Lin Huabin still managed a smile, albeit a forced one. "Yunwan, please have a seat. Let's chat casually."

There were many servants around, so he referred to himself as "father," being very cautious.

Lin Yunwan courteously took a seat and said, "Thank you."

Lin Huabin waved his hand, dismissing the servants. 

Xiruo glanced at Lin Yunwan, nodded, and then stepped back, standing at the doorway.

She couldn't hear the conversation inside clearly, but she could see how the master was treating the young lady.

"Did you go out to pay respects again today?" Lin Huabin asked with a knowing smile he added, "Honoring the gods is a good deed, but as an unmarried girl, you should still venture outside less."

Lin Yunwan spoke softly, "Master, you may not be aware, but I went out today to accompany the old madam."

"Oh, I see," Lin Huabin chuckled. "If it's to accompany the old madam... it's only right."

What exactly was unclear in his mind?

Lin Yunwan feigned ignorance before him, saying, "If Master dislikes my accompanying the Old Madam, then..."

Lin Huabin's smile faltered slightly. "Where did you get that idea? If you're willing to show filial piety to the old madam on behalf of your parents, we would all be very pleased."

Quickly steering the conversation to the point, he continued, "Relatives have arrived at home. Madam originally intended for you to meet them today, but unfortunately, you went to pay respects to the ancestors with the old madam. You missed the opportunity, and your sister met them first."

Lin Yunwan remained silent, patiently waiting for him to reveal more.

Unable to contain himself, Lin Huabin's tone took on a slightly interrogative edge. "I heard that you specifically went to see Yunjiao yesterday? Why would you go to your sister?"

Lin Yunwan smiled and replied, "Relatives have arrived at home, and I went to meet them alone. My sister didn't go—Master, isn't that inappropriate?"

After all, they were not her relatives, but Lin Yunjiao's own flesh and blood!

If it weren't for Zheng Shi's bad influence, inviting those unsavory relatives, would it have come to this?

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"This... Isn't Jiao'er sick?" Lin Huabin didn't beat around the bush anymore. He first tactfully said, "You know Jiao'er's temperament, I've spoiled her a bit, she's somewhat arrogant. You, on the other hand, are stable and sensible."

He went straight to the point: "Yunwan, did you say something provocative to Jiao'er yesterday? It caused her to lose her sense of propriety in front of the relatives today."

Linyun Wan continued to feign ignorance. "Provocative words?"

She thought for a moment and said, "I didn't say anything... " Lin Yunwan repeated what she had said."

In fact, she hadn't said anything significant. It was just the initial remark at the door that made Lin Yunjiao misinterpret things. The subsequent conversation was just ordinary talk. Lin Yunjiao had taken offense on her own, so who could be blamed?

"You only said these things?" Lin Huabin listened for a while and didn't find anything objectionable.

"Literally just said those." She added, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Second Miss."

"No need for that." Lin Huabin seemed to trust Lin Yunwan a lot.

Since it wasn't Lin Yunwan inciting trouble, he let it go. He instructed her, "Yunjiao is ill, so refrain from visiting her. Let her rest."


Lin Huabin continued, "It's rare for relatives to visit. Yunwan, as the eldest daughter, you should meet with our own family."

Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "Alright."

After leaving Lin Huabin's place, Xiruo expressed her dissatisfaction with the fake master, "Miss, why did you agree to meet with Madam's relatives? We don't even know who they are!"

Lin Yunwan replied with a gentle smile, "If I don't agree to meet them, how can I see my beloved husband-to-be? Shuangshuang has already picked someone for me. If I wait any longer, he'll be marrying someone else!"

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  1. Omg. Is he stupid? Old Madam really nailed it when she said he was ambitious, but thought too superficially. First he (rightfully) suspects her... But then when he wrongfully drop his suspicions and immediately goes back to trying to scheme her.... He really is deserving what is coming to him. 🙄
    (Thanks for the chapters!! ❤)

    1. Not to mention the fact that she's not even his daughter, hehe how foolish of him to try and arrange her marriage


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