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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 162: 

The Icing on the Cake


"Momma's girl, go to sleep nicely," Dong Shuangshuang said, holding her daughter in her arms, her face calm and almost numb.

Her husband, Lu Rong, entered the room, casting a guilty glance at his wife and daughter. Soon, he grew impatient. "I'm thirsty. Get me some water," he demanded.

Dong Shuangshuang continued to comfort their child, holding her tightly. The daughter clung to her mother's neck, too scared to let go or even look at her father.

Ignoring his wife's efforts, Lu Rong scolded her, "Are you deaf?"

A maid entered, carrying a tray of water. Dong Shuangshuang stopped the maid and said gently, "Take my daughter out."

"Alright," the maid replied, carrying the child out. Dong Shuangshuang poured her husband a glass of water, then retrieved something from the bottom of the box—a pure gold necklace.

"What do you have there? Let me see!" Lu Rong exclaimed eagerly, his eyes gleaming at the sight of the gold.

Dong Shuangshuang hid the necklace behind her back, shaking her head. "This is the dowry my mother left me! My daughter... my daughter has already been promised to someone by you. Her birthday is coming soon, and this is the dowry I've saved for her. You can forget about touching it!"

Lu Rong chuckled, "Why are you speaking like that? It's just our daughter's thing. Let me take a look."

He approached, trying to snatch it away, while insisting, "I just want to take a look, what's the harm? Can't I have something your mother left for you?"

Dong Shuangshuang refused to let go, but her husband began prying her fingers apart one by one.

Lu Rong held the gold necklace, delighted. "This necklace is made of such pure gold!"

Not only was the gold heavy, but there was also a piece of Hetian jade embedded in the middle, intricately carved with Dong Shuangshuang's zodiac sign, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship.

Dong Shuangshuang explained, "My mother had it made for me right after I was born. With the jade included, it cost over two thousand taels."

Lu Rong clicked his tongue in admiration. "It's worth much more now."

With plenty of items pawned, he had gained experience in estimating their value. He could easily get four thousand taels for it at the pawnshop.

"Why didn't I see you wearing it before?" he asked with a sly grin.

Dong Shuangshuang reached out to snatch it back. "It's too precious. I couldn't bear to wear it casually. Give it back to me!"

Lu Rong dodged, hiding the gold necklace, and said, "Shuang'er, let's discuss something. Our daughter is still young, you can save her dowry for later. Let me borrow this for now."

"You... What are you trying to do?" Dong Shuangshuang trembled with anger. She was not one to quarrel or curse; she was a gentle person. When she got upset, she would only grab her husband's arm, crying, "This was left to me by my mother!"

Lu Rong's expression changed. "You disobedient woman! You won't listen no matter what I say, huh?"

He casually slapped her, feeling no remorse.

This was his woman, and he could do as he pleased. Her belongings were his to take, and no one could say otherwise.

Dong Shuangshuang refused to let go this time.

After struggling for a while, knowing she couldn't retrieve the item, she said, "Fine, I'll give it to you. But you're not allowed to gamble it away!"

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Her arm was bleeding from this crazy woman's scratches!

Lu Rong had no choice but to say, "Alright, alright. I won't gamble anymore."

Dong Shuangshuang negotiated with him, "Li Laosan has come again to demand repayment. The old lady has already said to let him go to the magistrate. If you don't want to embarrass yourself at the yamen, pawn this necklace and repay that debt!"

If the necklace was used like this, it would still be used for his own benefit.

Lu Rong agreed, "I'll go pawn it right away."

Dong Shuangshuang glared at him, "I don't trust you! I'll go find someone to pawn it... I've pawned more silver than you, so you come back for it this afternoon. If you dare leave the house today... I-I'll take you down with me!"

She grabbed a pair of scissors.

Lu Rong was frightened, clutching the gold necklace, "What are you doing!"

He knew his wife well. If she said she would give him the silver, she would definitely give it to him. After some thought, he relented, "Fine, fine! I'll give it to you! I'll be back before sunset. If I don't see the silver, I won't let you off."

Dong Shuangshuang took back the gold necklace, feeling drained. 

She sat on the bed, biting the gold necklace, leaving a black mark.  "This isn't real gold..." It was fake. But it didn't matter as long as Lu Rong believed it. 

Dong Shuangshuang put away the necklace, sent someone out to pretend to pawn it, and then returned with a bag of silver. She had a maid ask one of Lu Rong's servants, "Where has the master gone?" 

Knowing that the mistress was lenient and didn't punish them, the servant told the truth, "He's at the gambling den."

Dong Shuangshuang whispered, "Take this to the master and tell him it's for paying off debts. Ask him not to gamble anymore."

The servant, holding the silver, nodded quietly. "Yes."

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In his heart, he thought about the silver—once it left, it wouldn't come back.


Lu Rong was deep in gambling at the den. When the servant found him, he had just lost a round and was extremely angry.

"You blind dog, can't you see I'm betting here?"

The servant grimaced and said, "...Take a look at this."

He opened the bag of silver, revealing a corner gleaming with silver light.

Lu Rong's eyes lit up, and he grinned, "Where did this come from?"

The servant replied, "It's from Madam." He also felt sorry for Madam following Master's miserable situation and added, "Master, Madam asked you to use this to pay off your gambling debts. Please don't gamble anymore."

"Are you going to lecture me too? You little brat."

Lu Rong kicked the servant's bottom and walked back into the gambling den, with the tavern in front and the hidden gambling area behind.

"Today, I'll play a few rounds of Pai Gow," he said gleefully as he returned to the gambling table. With plenty of silver in hand, he suddenly didn't know which table to choose.

Furrowing his brow, he looked at several tables and muttered, "No, these won't do. The positions are bad. They'll affect my luck."

After pondering for a while, he suddenly remembered his wife's instructions... Maybe he should use some of the silver to pay off part of his gambling debt first?

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Lu Rong called over the servant and said, "Take this five hundred taels and return it to Li Lao San. Tell him that I will repay the rest immediately if I win today." 

"Okay," the servant replied and took the silver away. 

In less than half an hour, there was a commotion in the gambling den. 

"Close the door today! Everyone, get out!" 

"Go to the front and have a drink. The house treats everyone!" 

Amidst the chaos, the gamblers, blinded by their losses, refused to leave. 

Outside, people were unaware of what was happening inside, only hearing a commotion and the agonized cry of a man: "Ah—how dare you hit me! Do you know who I am? I didn't use fake silver! How could my silver be fake! Ah!" 


"Mama, I'm done resting. Let's go back."

In the teahouse opposite the gambling den, Lin Yunwan was about to put on her veil and was chatting with the stewardess of the Lin family's main house.

The stewardess heard the commotion downstairs and glanced outside, furrowing her brow. She said, "Miss, something's happening downstairs. You shouldn't go down now. It could be troublesome if you get caught up in it."

"What's happening?"

The Mama of the Lin family's main house shook her head and said, "I'm not entirely sure what is happening over there, but it sounds like there's a dispute happening in the gambling den, and someone might have been injured. Miss, it's better to wait a while before going out. Safety comes first."

Lin Yunwan also glanced outside. The street was bustling with people, but the number of pedestrians had more than tripled since they arrived.

The Mama said, "I really don't know what's happening either. Miss, stay here and wait. We'll go down and take a look."

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Accompanied by two maids, they went downstairs.

Lin Yunwan watched the chaotic scene below with a faint smile.

Will Lu Rong be able to escape this time?

Just as she withdrew her gaze, she noticed a man on the second floor of the tavern opposite, looking at her. They exchanged glances across the street.

... If it wasn't Qi Lingheng, who else could it be!

"Your Highness?" 

Lin Yunwan was extremely surprised, silently calling out his name. 

Qi Lingheng nodded slightly in response, then whispered to his attendant, "The mansion guards are coming soon. Go take care of it." 

To add the finishing touch of icing for her cake.

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  1. awww, the perfect couple! punish evil, reward good. with schemes.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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