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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 159: 

 Marriage Proposal

"Your family members came, and yet you brought another relative?" 

Lin Huabin was very displeased.

Back when his marriage proposal to Madam Zheng didn't materialize, it was because of the involvement of her family members.

Madam Zheng's parents looked down on him the most among his three brothers, especially when he was younger. Madam Zheng's mother didn't hesitate to say some harsh words. When he went to propose later on, Madam Zheng's mother embarrassed him thoroughly.

He had always been magnanimous, but he was quite sensitive about this matter.

“Master, the visitor is a relative who is a scholar. Don't you always sympathize with those poor but ambitious scholars the most?" 

Madam Zheng's tone was becoming gentler now, no longer daring to throw tantrums or act spoiled in front of her husband as she did before. 

It wasn't out of guilt. 

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That stepdaughter was originally superfluous in the family, and it was her own fault she was driven away back then. 

But Yunwan seemed to be increasingly important in her husband's heart... Even though she was just a daughter to be married off, she couldn't hold onto her forever. 

Yunjiao was still going to marry someone. 

Lin Huabin took the news about the scholar quite seriously.

“Where is he studying? And what level has he reached?” 

Madam Zheng smiled and replied, "He's studying in our hometown, not at any famous county school, but he's already passed the county-level examination. The family is saying it's rare to have a scholar among our relatives, especially one so young. If he performs well in the provincial examination next year, he might even become a juren." 

Lin Huabin, being a scholar himself, spoke gently, "It's not easy to become a juren." 

...He himself was just a juren till now.

Madam Zheng, sensing that her husband might not like to hear such words, chuckled and agreed with him, "You're right. I'm just saying there's a possibility."

Lin Huabin nodded and after a moment's thought, curiously asked, "Can you be more specific? How old is he? What does he look like and how tall is he?"

Being a scholar isn't just about studying; he must also be respectable in appearance, wearing official robes with dignity, appearing presentable at gatherings.

Madam Zheng, as if talking about her own son, spoke endlessly about her nephew. "My husband, I'm not exaggerating when I say this about my nephew—"

Lin Huabin, not particularly interested in hearing the same old praises about the Zheng family, interrupted, "How old is he exactly?"

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Madam Zheng, sensing her husband's lack of interest, succinctly replied, "He's eighteen. He's about the same height as you, sir."

Lin Huabin, pondering in his mind, found the information satisfactory. "Has he married yet?"

Madam Zheng continued, "No, he hasn't. My sister-in-law is quite worried about this matter. Sir, what do you think? A fine scholar like him, entirely focused on his studies at such a mature age, yet he hasn't found a wife."

She observed Lin Huabin's expression as she spoke.

She didn't mention that the scholar had achieved his status six years ago, and in the five years since, there had been no further advancement. Youthful brilliance often fades with age.

Lin Huabin didn't dwell on the matter. Sipping his tea, he calmly remarked, "It's indeed time for him to take a wife."

Being a man, he had his own considerations: "An eighteen-year-old scholar isn't considered old. Unlike women, men can afford to marry later in life."

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Madam Zheng followed Lin Huabin's lead and expressed her distress, saying, "My sister-in-law does want to act as a matchmaker for my nephew, but she can't find a suitable girl. She thought of our family because it's rare to have someone with such potential among the Zheng relatives, so she entrusted me with this matter."

She hesitated for a moment, then continued, seeing no change in Lin Huabin's expression, "I... I'm reluctant to agree. Sir, you've always been kind to your peers and affectionate towards the younger generation. I believe even if I refuse, you would still agree."

Lin Huabin caught her implication.

If it was a matter concerning a scholar, there was no harm in offering guidance. There were quite a few scholars among the Lin family's acquaintances, and now, where in Jiangqian was there not a person from their Lin family?

However, with the eldest brother traditionally making decisions in the family, having more of his own people around wouldn't hurt either.

"Which family has your sister-in-law set her sights on for him?" 

Madam Zheng sat beside Lin Huabin, leaning in intimately.

Lin Huabin became wary. 

His wife always caused trouble whenever she acted cute or spoiled. 

"Master, I think he would be a good match for Yunwan..."

"No way!" 

Lin Huabin stood up angrily, while Madam Zheng slumped onto the table, her hairpins scattering and her hair in disarray. 

She straightened her hairpins and stood up with an angry expression. "I'm not trying to harm Yunwan!"

Lin Huabin's expression darkened. "I've told you before, Yunwan's marriage is none of your concern. Have you completely ignored what I said?"

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Madam Zheng was frightened. 

No matter how angry her husband got with her, it was always about specific issues. 

How come whenever they talked about her stepdaughter's affairs, his demeanor changed so drastically?

The couple had rarely argued to this extent in their over a decade of marriage.

She suppressed her displeasure and patiently said, "…He's just a scholar for now, and Yunwan is indeed suitable for him. But as a stepmother, of course, I want Yunwan to marry up."

"My nephew will undoubtedly pass the provincial examination next year. If you don't believe me, you can personally test his knowledge."

"In Jiangqian, there aren't many successful candidates, so why don't you settle Yunwan's marriage first? Once he becomes a successful candidate next year, it won't be someone else's turn anymore."

Madam Zheng sighed, "At that time, outsiders will understand my intentions."

She even magnanimously added, "I'll prepare a generous dowry for Yunwan."

"A successful candidate as a husband, with a generous dowry. Sending off the child with such grandeur, isn't that enough, husband?"

Madam Zheng sighed inwardly. She had done so much as a stepmother, but it was all for the sake of getting rid of that jinx.

Lin Huabin didn't argue with her further. He didn't want Madam Zheng to meddle in Yunwan's marriage; Zhao Jingyi was the one who would decide Yunwan's marriage. However, Madam Zheng had a point - successful candidates weren't easy to find.

Zhao Jingyi's illegitimate daughter was just that - illegitimate. Marrying a successful candidate would be more than enough.

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Zhao Jingyi hadn't made up his mind about his daughter's marriage yet. But if Lin Huabin took care of it for him, how would Zhao Jingyi thank him?


Madam Zheng was a bit puzzled by her husband's thoughts. She had made such a big concession, so what was there left to think about? Why did he need so much time to consider?

Lin Huabin raised his hand, signaling for her to stop talking.

...Zhao Jingyi's attitude towards his daughter was indeed strange. He claimed to care for her, yet he didn't seem to prioritize her marriage. On the other hand, he seemed concerned about her well-being in the Lin family.

His mother had warned him not to offend someone whose identity they didn't even know. Ling Xiang didn't seem like a gift from Zhao Jingyi. But Yunwan's marriage could test Zhao Jingyi's attitude, couldn't it?

Who was he offending? Did it have anything to do with this supposed daughter?

Perhaps he could find out by testing both scenarios.

Lin Huabin said, "If he really manages to become a successful candidate, that would be quite beneficial."

If this marriage were to happen, having a successful candidate as a son-in-law would certainly bring him some prestige.

Madam Zheng asked excitedly, "You agree?"

However, Lin Huabin replied, "Let's first ask Yunwan's opinion."

If Yunwan strongly objected, it would be difficult to persuade Zhao Jingyi. 

Madam Zheng's expression stiffened. To consult the stepdaughter for such matters, wasn't that giving her too much authority? But she had her ways. "Master, rest assured, if Yunwan disagrees, I won't pressure her."


Lin Huabin had official matters to attend to, so he went to the study.

Fan Mama approached with a worried expression and asked, "Madam, can you really persuade Miss Yunwan?"

She didn't believe Miss Yunwan would listen to Madam. 

Madam Zheng, infuriated, sneered, "Whether she agrees or not, she has to agree!"

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she felt. "I carefully chose such a good husband for her, why doesn't she agree? Does she really think it's easy to become a juren? If she lacks even this self-awareness, she's truly ungrateful!"

She genuinely cared for her stepdaughter... she just hoped to marry her off as soon as possible!

"Prepare a feast. Tell Miss to dress up nicely and attend. It's crucial not to neglect our relatives."

Fan Mama felt uneasy hearing this. "Yes."

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