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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 144: 

The Truth 

"In April, Jiangqian's flower market will open. Both young ladies can accompany the Madam to the flower market and see various flowers. Copying is my forte; I always emphasize vivid and natural representation."

"We have quite a few flowers in the mansion, but with Jiangqian's frequent arrivals, the flower market in April is much more abundant than our mansion's flowers. It's a spectacle of beauty, a sight to behold."

Her implication was that it would be best for them to go out and see for themselves.

"I won't be coming to teach the two young ladies for the next few days."

Lin Yunwan and Lin Yunjiao together said, "We respectfully bid farewell to you, Mama."

Fan Mama left with a few books. The writing tools were arranged by Lin Huabin, brought over by Zhao Mama. They were usually kept in the wing room, and after use, the maids would come to tidy up, wash the tools, and then store them in the wing room.


Lin Yunjiao, accompanied by her maids, quickly headed to Madam Zheng's place to enjoy some snacks.

Lin Yunwan went back and discussed the matter of going to the flower market with Xiruo. 

"I'm not good at going out, but I must personally meet the maid Ling Xiang, who was driven away by Madam. You go and ask the Prince if he can bring her to the flower market, so I can meet Ling Xiang there."

Xiruo confidently replied, "The Prince will surely agree." 

Lin Yunwan smiled, "Go and talk to Zhao Mama yourself. I'll give you a couple of days off to go home."

Xiruo agreed and went to find Zhao Mama. She first mentioned, "Miss's pens are all worn out, and the cinnabar is also used up."

Zhao Mama calculated in her mind and said, "It shouldn't be so soon after the last time you received the cinnabar, right?"

Xiruo replied, "Miss is diligent, so she uses them up quickly." She asked Zhao Mama with a stern face, "Are you trying to shortchange Miss on such a trivial matter?"

Zhao Mama chuckled, "Your words are quite cutting. I manage these things to ensure that everything in the mansion is done according to the rules, not to intentionally mistreat Miss."

"The Master did give instructions. If Miss has indeed used everything up, it should be replenished."

Xiruo didn't buy it and snorted coldly. It's like a dog looking down on people!

"Second Miss' are still here, and you still dare to ask like this?"

Zhao Mama personally brought a box of cinnabar and had a maid note it down in the ledger, saying, "Second Miss never asks for it."

How could Madam be short of cinnabar for Second Miss? This maid serving the Eldest Miss is really hard to please!

She was just asking out of routine.

Xiruo, with a cold expression, added, "Miss granted me two days off. I'm going home to visit my family."

Zhao Mama didn't want to argue with her anymore and said, "Since the Miss allowed the maid to go, it's as she said."

Xiruo left with the cinnabar.

Mocking her retreating figure, Zhao Mama said, "What's the use of getting so much cinnabar? The Miss' handwriting is like a Taoist drawing symbols, she definitely won't be good at calligraphy."

After delivering the cinnabar to Bi Xi Hall, Xiruo took a pair of characters promised by Lin Yunwan to Qi Lingheng. At the mansion's gate, she hailed a carriage and took a detour to Prince Huan's Mansion.

"The Miss wants to personally meet that maid, Ling Xiang."

She presented a scroll of neatly rolled characters with both hands.

Qi Lingheng took the characters, placed them on the table, and asked softly, "Did she say why she wants to meet in person?"

Xiruo thought for a moment and shook her head, "The Miss didn't say."

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Qi Lingheng pondered... What plans does she have now? Why didn't she tell him?

Xiruo continued, "The Miss said to meet at the flower market."

Time, place, method—she had it all figured out.

Qi Lingheng said, "I understand. A'Fu."

"I'm here," A'Fu replied.

Qi Lingheng said, "Find a place for Xiruo to stay comfortably for a couple of days, and deliver this scroll to the embroidery room."

A'Fu took the rolled-up characters and escorted Xiruo outside, finding a quiet spot in one of the gardens to avoid being seen by Wang Mama.

Qi Lingheng sat in the study for a while, feeling restless. He rowed to the small island in the middle of the lake. The surrounding trees had turned green, much lusher than when he had last visited.

He sat in the room, finding the surroundings too quiet and uninteresting, so he rowed back by himself.


Soon, the day of the Jiangqian Flower Market opening arrived.

"Since Fan Mama mentioned taking them to the flower market, you should take them there," Lin Huabin specifically told Madam Zheng.

Madam Zheng, already prepared to go early, agreed with a smile to take Lin Yunwan and Lin Yunjiao with her. Lin Huabin added, "The Zhao family has a private garden over there. If you want to visit, take my letter of introduction with you."

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Being able to visit Zhao Jingyi's garden was a wish come true for Madam Zheng.

Arriving near the flower market, they found it crowded, making it impossible to enter the garden. They settled in a restaurant, occupying a second-floor elegant room. Looking outside, the streets were packed with people.

"Why are there so many people on the first day..." Madam Zheng hesitated to take the girls down into the crowded streets.

Fan Mama pointed to a garden to the east, saying, "That's Zhao family's private garden. They also have many flowers on display. Madam, do you want me to take Old Master Lin's letter and inquire if we can enter?"

Madam Zheng urged, "Go ahead quickly!"

Fan Mama inquired, and upon presenting the invitation from the Lin family, they were granted permission to enter Zhao Jingyi's private garden.

Inside the garden, Madam Zheng asked, "Is the master of the garden here?"

The servant guiding them replied, "Madam, our master and madam are not here. The affairs of this area are managed by the household."

Fan Mama smiled, saying, "In that case, we won't trouble the master and madam with a visit."

The servant smiled and said, "Today, there are many guests. I'll take you to the side room. Madam and young ladies can explore freely. Most of the flowers in the garden can be sold. Just avoid one place. If you go east to the end, it's our master's usual residence, guarded by someone. You won't accidentally enter there."

Fan Mama hurriedly responded, "We understand. We won't trespass."

The servant nodded with a smile. 

As soon as Lin Yunjiao entered the garden, she looked around eagerly. When they arrived at the side room and the servant left, she pestered Madam Zheng to go exploring outside. She left Lin Yunwan behind in the side room.

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Xiruo had already returned to Lin Yunwan's side and whispered, "Miss, I stayed in this garden for two days before. I'm very familiar with it. Come with me, and we can explore together." 

The mistress and servant ventured into the forbidden area that the servant had warned against.

This is a courtyard hidden behind a Taihu rockery, filled with various bamboo plants. Entering through a small gate, there's also a tall evergreen tree inside.

As soon as they entered, Qi Lingheng pushed open the door and came out. He greeted them with a faint smile, saying, "She's in the innermost room. Go in and have a look for yourself."

Lin Yunwan was initially about to express her gratitude, but the familiarity in the way the prince spoke to her made saying "thank you" seem somewhat unnecessary at this moment.

Nodding, Lin Yunwan entered to meet Ling Xiang. As soon as she stepped inside, she was startled. The maid's name sounded elegant, but her current appearance bore no resemblance to her name.

"Are you... Ling Xiang?" Lian Yunweng asked.

Ling Xiang turned her head, looking at Lin Yunwan with a puzzled expression. 

"She doesn't recognize you? This is the eldest young miss of the second branch of Lin family, Lin Yunwan," said Xiruo.

Ling Xiang seemed to be frightened upon hearing the name, and she froze in fear.

"Mi... Miss?" she stammered.

Lin Yunwan asked, "Ling Xiang, were you the one who, along with Madam, pushed me down, right?"

She approached and said, "My head hurts so much... Do you know? There was a lot of blood flowing from the back of my head, and it hurt so much at that time."

Ling Xiang suddenly cried and said, "M-Miss, I'm sorry. It wasn't my idea, it wasn't me... Madam forced me to kick you!"

She knelt down and kept kowtowing.

Lin Yunwan sighed. With a few casual words, she confirmed what she suspected: it was indeed Madam Zheng who deliberately wanted to drive away Miss Lin!

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